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Stealth Winmatar Buff

Ruah Piskonit
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#141 - 2011-12-01 16:57:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruah Piskonit
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Ruah Piskonit wrote:
Love watching the damage control crew - same faces, same arguments, and same deflection instantly to Amarr.

Of course. Lasers are tangibly better in actually killing than projectiles. You've never even pretended otherwise other than to complain about how falloff sometimes matches your optimal. They also obsolete blasters by doing nearly as much DPS, at approximately four times the range, but sure let's nerf the one viable turret alternative because PIE Inc. is a bunch of crybaby RPers.

1) Fly amarr, then talk. You are living in EFT land with all your posts.
2) PIE pilots fly Amarr hulls, there is no restriction to using projectiles or any other weapon system.

seriously, if you are going to try to burn me with the RP stuff, at least know what you are talking about first. And if you really are going to quote me, then you should at least read my posts. I have a few 'wall of text' explanations of what I think on the matter - which has absolutely nothing to do with you you say is my position. So you trolling right?

Cambarus wrote:
I think you'll find the reverse is also true, just how many times have you posted in these nerf minmatar threads?

Not that many actually - maybe 10 or so in half a dozen threads on the issue. My last before the post that elicited this response was warning you folks that there is a clear distinction between pilots who actually fly amarr and minmatar and those who fly eft - and that those who actually fly the ships in combat know that you guys are full of hot air.

And so I was just chiming in to say that these kinds of posts will continue. . .and the dc crew will keep deflecting to Amarr - which is what I find so funny. Its fantastic strategy really. Any criticism of mini op-ness becomes a discussion on Amarr which is not what was intended by the OP, but that is what you make it.

The Baros Syndicate
#142 - 2011-12-01 17:04:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Cambarus
Alara IonStorm wrote:

So the answer to the Cane is Drake...

The problem in general is Teir 2 Battlecruisers as whole. They completely obsolete the Cruiser Class and are just too good for there price.

A Targeted nerf to the top 2 would help with the issue as well a change to Cruiser Roles through fitting, bonuses and slot layout.

Bottom Line even with the missing Neut and Bonus Change the Hurricane will still be more then worth the price you pay for it.

Well, losing the ROF bonus would make the cane useless IMO, however:

I'm actually inclined to agree to the idea of nerfing the cane and the drake. As it stands, looking at tier 2 BCs only, that isn't really the answer, because you have 2 good BCs (cane and drake) one niche one that at least does its role well (myrm) and one that just seems...lacking. At first glance it would seem the obvious answer here is to fix the broken one (the harb), but then, it's no secret that the drake is horribly overpowered for what it takes to field one (both in terms of isk and SP), so any solution that brings it down a few pegs (as well as its matari counterpart, which sees almost as much use) seems like a fairly good idea.

Ruah Piskonit wrote:

Cambarus wrote:
I think you'll find the reverse is also true, just how many times have you posted in these nerf minmatar threads?

Not that many actually - maybe 10 or so in half a dozen threads on the issue. My last before the post that elicited this response was warning you folks that there is a clear distinction between pilots who actually fly amarr and minmatar and those who fly eft - and that those who actually fly the ships in combat know that you guys are full of hot air.

And so I was just chiming in to say that these kinds of posts will continue. . .and the dc crew will keep deflecting to Amarr - which is what I find so funny. Its fantastic strategy really. Any criticism of mini op-ness becomes a discussion on Amarr which is not what was intended by the OP, but that is what you make it.


The reason people deflect to amarr is quite simple really:
Do you remember who everyone screamed about nerfing before minmatar got their buffs?
Who do you think would emerge as top dog if minmatar got nerfed?
With hybrids (the gun used by EVERY race aside from matar and amarr) just having been buffed, do you think it would be reasonable to compare turrets whose strengths and weaknesses have been well tested for years to them?

There is also the issue of straight up balance. Most of the people who don't want to see minmatar nerfed are against it not because they fly mostly minmatar themselves (many of us don't), but because we're of the opinion that minmatar is fairly well balanced with amarr, and that it's caldari and gallente that need to be brought in line to be competitive. If you nerf minmatar, you make amarr OP, just like they were before minmatar were buffed, when everyone was saying that CCP either needed to nerf lasers, or buff ACs and hybrids.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2011-12-01 19:05:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Ruah Piskonit wrote:
1) Fly amarr, then talk. You are living in EFT land with all your posts.
2) PIE pilots fly Amarr hulls, there is no restriction to using projectiles or any other weapon system.

I do fly Amarr. Mfume has all cruiser Vs, maxed Guardian and near max Curse skills. My Amarr char flies HAC V Zealots and BS V Geddons and Baddons. You don't see them lighting up my KB because, in a complete non-shocker, the 200 man alliance I'm a part of is usually outnumbered by the 14K and 8K coalitions we fight and flying armor is a bad idea idea under our specific circumstances.

And yes, this (actual experience flying Amarr) is why I'm saying lasers are tangibly better than every other turret at actually killing stuff.

Actual quotes from you:
lazers should be the best turret platform because Amarr are the gank and tank race. They trade midslots for lowslots, and those lowslots are used to either fit tank or gank or a combination of both. The suffer the most for fitting mwds due to the cap penalty, so mobility is not their strong suit (there are exceptions, but they remain exceptions), and basically thei entire ships is tungsten and lazer.

(I still never got an answer on which race isn't "gank and tank" btw)

Your point seems to be that because Amarr have poor mobility when armor tanked, they have should have the best DPS projection. Except Gallente also have mobility issues when double-plated and trimarked, but...?

TEs don't work the same for everyone. . . they just don't. When you push falloff out on mini ships and raise the base optimal - you are doing a lot more to improve dps for ACs then any other weapon system. Again, when coupled with the wide range of falloff bonused ships (that are also high speed) the benefits of TEs on minmatar ships is evidently greater.

The improved AC DPS gained from TEs is still worse than pulse lasers with no TEs/TCs aiding them. And yes, armor-tankers still have the option of fitting TCs, so I'm throwing them in here.

Now remember, Lazers are supposed to be the best turret system in the game because Amarr ships tend to have only turrets as their main damage source. Minmatar ships often sport multiple weapon systems because they are not specialized, and the blasters, while effective at close range, are not supposed to be the primary weapon system either.

Amarr have drones as a source of backup DPS as much as Minmatar do missiles. Caldari hybridboats are much more pure turret platforms because they either have no dronebay or an undersized one for their shipclass.

Projectiles have too good a combination of range (falloff is pushed out using TEs, making TEs a direct damage mod - minis have 2 damage mods for ACs), damage in th form of damage type selection and the long duration of constant damage that can be applied from way out in falloff down to optimal, and tracking (TEs again) which ACs have the best in game.

You completely ignoring that TCs are in the game. Amarr ships use them. I can't tell if you didn't know or were simply being dishonest when you implied that range and tracking bonus modules were AC/shield tanking only, but it's simply not true and never has been. Also: to get that range you complain about, you give up damage type selection.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#144 - 2011-12-02 13:38:34 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
DarkAegix wrote:
How to fit a brawling Minmatar ship:
1. Fit largest autocannons
2. If applicable, fit correctly sized neuts
3. Fit oversize/extra plates
4. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:gyrostabs you feel like
5. Fit MWD
6. Fit all those mids with whatever you want. Webs, cap boosters, sebos, anything
You now have absurd dps, speed, tank and utility.
7. Winmatar at all PVP

1. 800s.
2. 2x hvy neuts
3. 2x 1600mm plates
4. DC, 2 EANMs, 1 gyro
5. Goddamn, I'm over PG, gotta downgrade something, lets go with the heavy neut.
6. Hvy cap injector, 2x web, point.

Final fit and stats:
[Tempest, Brawl fit as instructed]
Gyrostabilizer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

809 EFT DPS, 119K EHP (146K against IN MF).

How to fit armour anything else:
1. Fit largest guns
2. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
3. Realise you can't fit a tank with your guns
4. Move the guns down a size
5. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
6. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:damage mods you feel like
7. Fit MWD
8. Realise that MWD gets you over the powergrid
9. Move a gun down another size or reduce the size of a plate
10. Fit warp disruptor
11. Realise you're over CPU. Make warp disruptor meta
12. Fit cap booster.
13. Realise you're over powergrid. Downsize the cap booster.
14. Realise you were over CPU as well. Make the DCU meta and replace an EANM with adaptive nano plating
You now have an extremely tight fit, with less dps, tank, speed and utility than a Minmatar counterpart
15. Die terribly for not flying Winmatar.

1. MPLs
2. 1x 1600mm plate
3-5. Fits fine for me!
6. 1 DC2 + 2x EANM + passive exp hard.
7-14. Fits fine!
15. lol

Final stats and fit:
[Abaddon, Brawl fit as instructed]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Reactive Plating II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Warp Disruptor II

Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

1025 DPS (including drones ofc), 141K EHP omni, 134K EHP against PP (lowest Minmatar relevant tank).

It's almost as if we should be looking at balancing ships instead of races?!

Someone with sense has posted at last.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2011-12-02 20:42:53 UTC
m0cking bird wrote:
Lol! Another one. Honestly! Fock it! Nerf Minmatar so we can be done with these constant stream of threads. Why I even look on the forums still is beyond me.

I would like a boost to Caldari ships. Make them all Missile ships. Also, i'd like scorch to be boosted to. Amarr weapons use to much capacitor. Something needs to be done about cruise and siege missiles. The other good caldari battleships are the Scorpion and Rokh. One of which is a turret ship.

Why do 2 races that h8 each other still use the same weapon system? You know! I want more ships to. Maybe we should get rid of super caps and just use regular capitals.

I would like to expand the t1 destroyer class and have more cruisers. What happened to t3 frigates?

That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard, In all my fights I can beat Minmater ships, The cane is one of the best Min ship, as for getting ride of super caps that is stupid, they have already been nerfed so quite crying and play the game, missiles SUCK for pvp, the only viable real pvp ships for caldari are Hybrid platforms, the Naga is best sniper in game now and you want to make ALL caldari ships missiles, Like seriosly, If anything the only change that should be made is lower cap use on lasers and hybrids. NO ONE uses t1 destroyers, My Mega can derp a T1 destroyer, there only there for New people to use, there are 5 cruisers in game now, what needs to be done is to redo them and specialize one for a certain role. but your ideas are dumb and pointless, The only viable pvp missle ship is drake, missiles take to long to fire and to reach target meaning lowest dps. The caldari do need to be buffed up but not by making all ships missile ships. BESIDES Min have WORST cap ships in game, minus titan and the hel for pos ops, there dred is horrible for dps and there supercarrier has worst ehp of all carriers.
Ruah Piskonit
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#146 - 2011-12-04 02:11:30 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:

lazers should be the best turret platform because Amarr are the gank and tank race. They trade midslots for lowslots, and those lowslots are used to either fit tank or gank or a combination of both. The suffer the most for fitting mwds due to the cap penalty, so mobility is not their strong suit (there are exceptions, but they remain exceptions), and basically thei entire ships is tungsten and lazer.

(I still never got an answer on which race isn't "gank and tank" btw)

Your point seems to be that because Amarr have poor mobility when armor tanked, they have should have the best DPS projection. Except Gallente also have mobility issues when double-plated and trimarked, but...?

Well, how about Minmatar - they are not a 'gank and tank' race. they are skirmishers, the fact that any Mini ship can even come close to matching Amarr or Caldari tank is already crazy considering. And Gallente, they are gank and gank (glass cannon) race) - its a bit broken right now, but thats what they are supposed to be. Caldari are the mushroom race, always have been - but still not gank and tank. They sometimes have tank, but rarely gank. And Shields are generally considered better tankers then armor - although that debate has been raging for 9 years.

My quote was what CCP said to the community when turrets were rebalanced a few years back. According to them, Amarr lazors, with their high fitting requirement, huge cap use, poor tracking, and limited damage type married to a platform that was usually a pure gunship should have the best guns - thats what they envision for Amarr: low utility, high dps (at medium range) and good tank - Amarr balance has always been about finding the right tradeoff for gank to tank - but a pure Amarr ganker (ala gankadon or the Abaddon) should be medium tank, massive dps. Minmatar ships have a completly different set of choises - the option for Mini is high tracking low damage ACs or massive alpha artis. The ships are inherently the same - they both require high speed and both have low tanks (although speed is tank but thats another point). See thats flavor, so when ACs are balanced to Lazers - then it breaks that. And thats why I find the comparison funny - because lazers never competed with blasters, ACs always did. The range to damage kiting game was always based on a dps curb for ACs vs. dps cliff for blasters. If the mini makes one mistake and get caught - they die. Its a nickle and dime combat style - so yah - of course projectiles should do less damage. If they don't then there is no competition - which is why I am saying that there is no reason to choice a blaster boat over an AC boat because ACs have been 'balanced' to lazers. . .

Tachs are a grade higher then 1400s or 425s - the point is that the disadvantages are large. Projectiles were always designed to be one of 4 supplementary weapon systems on a fast and mobile platform. So I am all for balancing the turrets to be on par - but then we also need to take all the positives and negatives as well as the ships into account. But thats basically taking all the 'flavor' out of the game. I am simply saying that on paper lazers are top - the reality and the KBs do not reflect this. And even when Amarr were supposedly top dog - people still flew the Curse.

Mfume Apocal wrote:

TEs don't work the same for everyone. . . they just don't. When you push falloff out on mini ships and raise the base optimal - you are doing a lot more to improve dps for ACs then any other weapon system. Again, when coupled with the wide range of falloff bonused ships (that are also high speed) the benefits of TEs on minmatar ships is evidently greater.

The improved AC DPS gained from TEs is still worse than pulse lasers with no TEs/TCs aiding them. And yes, armor-tankers still have the option of fitting TCs, so I'm throwing them in here.

TE dps gain for minmatar ships is substantial when considering the range benifit and dps curb. There is simply no way to argue that TEs are not a direct dps mod for ACs. To add insult to injuy here - by pushing the range out, you are actually giving a short range wepon system that was designed to have some long range utility for kiting purposes real bite at longer ranges. Whats more, the TE bonus was changed not as a direct AC buff, but because it would counter the TD changes (which were changed to affect optimal and falloff) - the buff was mostly overlooked because this was before the second round of projectile buffs - which have brought that small change into clear focus. For Amarr, the change has minimal effect, but its a major reason blaster ships can't compete.

Mfume Apocal wrote:

You completely ignoring that TCs are in the game. Amarr ships use them. I can't tell if you didn't know or were simply being dishonest when you implied that range and tracking bonus modules were AC/shield tanking only, but it's simply not true and never has been. Also: to get that range you complain about, you give up damage type selection.

Other then a very specilized set of sniper setups for the Zelot and the BBs - I have never actually seen a good setup that uses TEs or TCs. TCs because mids are well. . .a rare thing. And TEs because a Heatsink is almost always a better option. This being eve of course, there are people who will fit anything to anything - but the gain from a TE on an Amarr ship is minimal - much better to use that slot for a hardener/plate (tank) or more HS (gank). A mini ship without a TE is petty much gimping themselves imo.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#147 - 2011-12-04 05:59:39 UTC
Matar..... haters..... getting ..........old ........pathetic......... whiners.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#148 - 2011-12-04 06:37:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Ruah Piskonit wrote:
Your point seems to be that because Amarr have poor mobility when armor tanked, they have should have the best DPS projection. Except Gallente also have mobility issues when double-plated and trimarked, but...?

Well, how about Minmatar - they are not a 'gank and tank' race. they are skirmishers, the fact that any Mini ship can even come close to matching Amarr or Caldari tank is already crazy considering. And Gallente, they are gank and gank (glass cannon) race) - its a bit broken right now, but thats what they are supposed to be. Caldari are the mushroom race, always have been - but still not gank and tank. They sometimes have tank, but rarely gank. And Shields are generally considered better tankers then armor - although that debate has been raging for 9 years.[/quote]

Counterpoints: Maelstrom, Cyclone, Sleipnir.

The Maelstrom is outright slow, the Cyclone and Sleipnir aren't particularly fast, but they can all (active) tank like bosses, the Muninn does about the same speed as every other shield HACs (less the Vaga which gives up one of it's bonuses for speed). Meanwhile snipe HACs were traditionally Zealot heavy but hey, Amarr can't skirmish, right? Triple rep Myrms and dual-rep Hypes, but Gallente can't tank, right?

And I'd only say shields are better tankers when you talk active. Armor gives more EHP, hands down.

My quote was what CCP said to the community when turrets were rebalanced a few years back. According to them, Amarr lazors, with their high fitting requirement, huge cap use, poor tracking, and limited damage type married to a platform that was usually a pure gunship should have the best guns - thats what they envision for Amarr: low utility, high dps (at medium range) and good tank - Amarr balance has always been about finding the right tradeoff for gank to tank - but a pure Amarr ganker (ala gankadon or the Abaddon) should be medium tank, massive dps. Minmatar ships have a completly different set of choises - the option for Mini is high tracking low damage ACs or massive alpha artis. The ships are inherently the same - they both require high speed and both have low tanks (although speed is tank but thats another point). See thats flavor, so when ACs are balanced to Lazers - then it breaks that. And thats why I find the comparison funny - because lazers never competed with blasters, ACs always did. The range to damage kiting game was always based on a dps curb for ACs vs. dps cliff for blasters. If the mini makes one mistake and get caught - they die. Its a nickle and dime combat style - so yah - of course projectiles should do less damage. If they don't then there is no competition - which is why I am saying that there is no reason to choice a blaster boat over an AC boat because ACs have been 'balanced' to lazers. . .

Whatever intent CCP had years ago has long been lost in today's EVE. Also, this narrative of Amarr ships being pure gunships is just untrue: a Geddon that gets roughly a quarter of it's max DPS from drones is no more a pure gunship than a Tempest that gets roughly 75% of it's max DPS from turrets. A Harbinger much the same story, it's 50m3 dronebay accounting for roughly the same ratio of total DPS as a Hurricane fitted with missiles and damage drones. If one wanted to be absurd, I could point that Abaddon has a launcher slot. The only Amarr gunship with a smaller dronebay than it's Minmatar equivalent I can think of off the top of my head is the Zealot.

And I don't see how pulse lasers aren't competing with blasters if autos are: both do damage, frequently to each other. An Amarr ship does about the same DPS as Minmatar at hullbump ranges, with the additional advantage of (generally) having more tank... how does this not also place them in competition with blasters?

TE dps gain for minmatar ships is substantial when considering the range benifit and dps curb. There is simply no way to argue that TEs are not a direct dps mod for ACs. To add insult to injuy here - by pushing the range out, you are actually giving a short range wepon system that was designed to have some long range utility for kiting purposes real bite at longer ranges. Whats more, the TE bonus was changed not as a direct AC buff, but because it would counter the TD changes (which were changed to affect optimal and falloff) - the buff was mostly overlooked because this was before the second round of projectile buffs - which have brought that small change into clear focus. For Amarr, the change has minimal effect, but its a major reason blaster ships can't compete.

I've never argued that TE/TCs weren't a direct DPS mod. I have argued that lasers benefit just as much: see hellcats frying Drakes and Maelstroms at 70km. I would say blasters too, but don't have much experience with blaster boats (huge shocker, I know).

Other then a very specilized set of sniper setups for the Zelot and the BBs - I have never actually seen a good setup that uses TEs or TCs. TCs because mids are well. . .a rare thing. And TEs because a Heatsink is almost always a better option. This being eve of course, there are people who will fit anything to anything - but the gain from a TE on an Amarr ship is minimal - much better to use that slot for a hardener/plate (tank) or more HS (gank). A mini ship without a TE is petty much gimping themselves imo.

The most common Amarr BS setup uses 2x TCs. I'm not sure how you missed Hellcats, given the specific fit and fleet comp is well over a year old now, but they are pretty much FOTM for seriousface fights because they can effectively reach well into medium ranges with around 600-800 DPS, good tracking (relative to their size) and sport around 180-300K EHP tank.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2011-12-04 06:39:25 UTC
Emily Poast wrote:

That being said - I dont want them nerfed if it can be helped. I think they are pretty close to Amarr as far as balance. Gallente, and to some extent Caldari (excluding Draek) need to be brought up to a comparable level.

Just my opinion.

You aren't alone on that one.

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#150 - 2011-12-04 07:32:02 UTC
Ruah Piskonit yep, matar should have lost his speed advantage when ac-s were buffed.
Just look at the tornado wtf is that 1660mps , that is faster than my nano cruisers... clearly unbalanced.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2011-12-04 07:36:27 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Ruah Piskonit yep, matar should have lost his speed advantage when ac-s were buffed.
Just look at the tornado wtf is that 1660mps , that is faster than my nano cruisers... clearly unbalanced.

Learn to Stabber....preferably Fleet Stabber, I can keep up with a Tornado with a 1600mm plate.
Ruah Piskonit
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#152 - 2011-12-05 03:17:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruah Piskonit
Mfume Apocal wrote:

Whatever intent CCP had years ago has long been lost in today's EVE. Also, this narrative of Amarr ships being pure gunships is just untrue: a Geddon that gets roughly a quarter of it's max DPS from drones is no more a pure gunship than a Tempest that gets roughly 75% of it's max DPS from turrets. A Harbinger much the same story, it's 50m3 dronebay accounting for roughly the same ratio of total DPS as a Hurricane fitted with missiles and damage drones. If one wanted to be absurd, I could point that Abaddon has a launcher slot. The only Amarr gunship with a smaller dronebay than it's Minmatar equivalent I can think of off the top of my head is the Zealot.

And I don't see how pulse lasers aren't competing with blasters if autos are: both do damage, frequently to each other. An Amarr ship does about the same DPS as Minmatar at hullbump ranges, with the additional advantage of (generally) having more tank... how does this not also place them in competition with blasters?

Then that is what you should be arguing for in terms of balance imo. But my point still stands - if turrets are balanced - then the ships need to be too. The key to the reason for lazors not competing with blasters is tracking. Getting 'under' the guns is to beat the tracking of pulse lazors. The medium range dps projection is only good at medium range because of tracking too - the two go hand and hand. With Autos, there is no 'under7 the guns because if you are tracking, he is tracking better. For Gallente then, it is the massive DPS that overcomes tracking, for Mini, its out tracking the blasters and lazors and the low sig to tank missles better. I really cannot stress how important tracking is when you calculate dps. Pulse tracking was buffed so many years ago because it was just too easy to get under the guns and negate a large part of lazor dps. No cap, best tracking, ease of fitting, damage projection, damage types. Only the first three were traditionally AC, damage projection is a lazor trate, damage types were always a missle/drone trait. The no cap, ease of fitting and tracking were all there as positives to the crap dps that projectiles do.

And the no cap thing was added early - it used to be 1 cap per shot - but considering the poor dps, CCP decided that mataar ships should keep all their cap for mobility (AB/MWD).

Mfume Apocal wrote:

The most common Amarr BS setup uses 2x TCs. I'm not sure how you missed Hellcats, given the specific fit and fleet comp is well over a year old now, but they are pretty much FOTM for seriousface fights because they can effectively reach well into medium ranges with around 600-800 DPS, good tracking (relative to their size) and sport around 180-300K EHP tank.

These setups fall under 'specilized' or 'spacific'. Amarr BBs have always been popular in fleet - high range, decent alpha, fantastic dps, good tank, and lag immuine (no reload). . .

So I take it you feel that Amarr are the best race in eve, but can you at least see where I (and others) am/are coming from?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#153 - 2011-12-05 05:03:00 UTC  |  Edited by: ElCholo
Eve Forums Blow Balls
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#154 - 2011-12-05 05:04:43 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:
Being fast = dictating engagement range = Win

Plus their weapon systems track better with base stats, and have ammo that can give tracking boosts, and many of their ships have tracking bonuses.

Plus they just plain take less damage due to small sigs. If you do more damage, but then miss or lose a lot of it due to firing at a small sig radius target, then your actual DPS isn't nearly as good as the paper DPS.

Winmatar win because they can hit you when you can't hit back.

Either you can't track them, or you can't get within range while they continue to do damage to you (even if they are not doing all that much due to falloff).
And of course, you can't neut them to stop them from firing like ships using hybrids and lasers, so they often have more cap to spare even if they do have weak caps.

Then figure that they are going to select their damage type, and go against your weakest resist. Your laser/hybrid may have started with more DPS, but does that still hold true when resistances are taken into account?
Likely not. Then when tracking/range and sig are taken into account, your poor hit chance/quality just hands the win to the Winmatar.

The only race that can compete against those strengths is the Caldari missile boats. They also don't need cap to fire.
Their primary weapons systems have ridiculously long range (Heavy missiles are just way too long ranged, wtf is up with missile skills granting a 2.25x range increase, while gunnery skils only grant a 1.25x range increase), and transversal has no effect on them, so closing the distance has no effect on applied damage.
-Though pure speed does severely limit damage, as does small sig radii.

And of course, once you get into larger groups at moderate ranges, where ships get alphad, slow missiles fall out of favor, leaving Winmatar Winning Eve.

Eve ate my post. Needless to say, you are an idiot and your post is full of idiotic words that are wrong. Please stop now.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#155 - 2011-12-05 05:12:32 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:

I'm so stupid!

Finally, something we can all agree on!
The Baros Syndicate
#156 - 2011-12-05 06:58:31 UTC
Ruah Piskonit wrote:

Then that is what you should be arguing for in terms of balance imo. But my point still stands - if turrets are balanced - then the ships need to be too.

Your point never stood. A zealot has twice the EHP of a vaga, an abso nearly twice that of a sleip, you want to compare what a pest brings to the field with an abaddon? Please.

Minmatar trade tank for speed. Nothing wrong with that. (note that there are a couple of exceptions, the cane being the most notable because it actually IS somewhat in need of a nerf)
Ruah Piskonit wrote:

The key to the reason for lazors not competing with blasters is tracking. Getting 'under' the guns is to beat the tracking of pulse lazors. The medium range dps projection is only good at medium range because of tracking too - the two go hand and hand.
Lasers track a lot better than you seem to think they do, or did you forget when CCP gave them an extra 25% tracking? It's also worth noting that if you're unable to track a same-size target in an amarr ship that you are doing a very, VERY poor job at flying.

Ruah Piskonit wrote:

These setups fall under 'specilized' or 'spacific'. Amarr BBs have always been popular in fleet - high range, decent alpha, fantastic dps, good tank, and lag immuine (no reload). . .

So I take it you feel that Amarr are the best race in eve, but can you at least see where I (and others) am/are coming from?

Minmatar have always been popular in smaller skirmishes and for pirating. They are, for the most part, well balanced with amarr. You nerf minmatar, amarr become OP. THAT is why many of us are against the idea.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#157 - 2011-12-05 07:40:16 UTC
Cambarus wrote:
You nerf minmatar, amarr become OP. THAT is why many of us are against the idea.

I think you nailed it on the head. Some people just want their Amarr to be top dog again. Personally, I would love to see Gallente or even Caldari as top dog for a bit. Anything but Amarr. They had it before Minmatar, they don't need it again this soon. This is Eve, FOTM cycles with expansions. :P
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#158 - 2011-12-05 10:27:24 UTC
ElCholo wrote:
Cambarus wrote:
You nerf minmatar, amarr become OP. THAT is why many of us are against the idea.

I think you nailed it on the head. Some people just want their Amarr to be top dog again. Personally, I would love to see Gallente or even Caldari as top dog for a bit. Anything but Amarr. They had it before Minmatar, they don't need it again this soon. This is Eve, FOTM cycles with expansions. :P

at least amarr is catcheable:P
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#159 - 2011-12-05 10:54:13 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
ElCholo wrote:
Cambarus wrote:
You nerf minmatar, amarr become OP. THAT is why many of us are against the idea.

I think you nailed it on the head. Some people just want their Amarr to be top dog again. Personally, I would love to see Gallente or even Caldari as top dog for a bit. Anything but Amarr. They had it before Minmatar, they don't need it again this soon. This is Eve, FOTM cycles with expansions. :P

at least amarr is catcheable:P

I haven't been having much trouble catching Minnies lately. Gal cruisers are ~5-10% faster and 10% more agile. It really really helps.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#160 - 2011-12-05 14:52:32 UTC
I never really understood the "nerf" mentality. Would it not make more sense to bring the surrounding systems in line with the so called OP ones, rather then removing parts of said system?

In the formers case, you can balance the other systems around the "OP" one. This has the advantage of allowing you to have a base to draw from in regards to balance. You can use the base as a guideline to move the other systems in line until they are about equal, without butchering the other system.

The latter, the nerf option, has the function of gutting parts of the system said to be overpowered... which would create a cascade of unbalances in the other system. You no longer have that base to work from, and the unbalances in the other systems will be much harder to fix. Not only will you now have to balance the system you just gutted, but you also have to balance every other systems with that one. Example being you bring Minny "in line" with the others. But now Amarr is overpowered. You now have to bring both minmatar and amarr back in line, while readjusting the other two to deal with the new values.

Seems to be it would take much more time and effort.

I never did understand the need for nerfs. I'm a pro-buff man myself.