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Band-aid for the "40% just levels his raven": highsec issue supers

First post
Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2014-05-19 20:06:23 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Because what EVE needs is more supercapitals. Honestly, it's getting to the point where supercaps and their losses don't mean anything anymore. They're just bigger ships that are part of bigger gangs.

Personally, I'd like to have endgame content that you could hypothetically do in T2/faction frigates and cruisers. Something tough and challenging that I could run my hypothetical Garmur through, that's dynamic and legitimately interesting. Which took time and effort to unlock. Hence, endgame.

Relegating "endgame" content to being completable only in large ships brings in the idea that small ones are "nooby" and "crap" despite that being far from the case in an alleged sandbox like EVE. That you should be abandoning your Frigates the instant you can fly something bigger, unless you really love flying only tackle. What happens to choice? Frigate specialists would then be forced to train for larger ships in order to support their goals, instead of being able to actually use their specialization more in a wider variety of circumstances.

I'm sorry but this line of inquiry has a very naïve and simplistic view of eve. Any player worth his/her salt will tell you size does not trump tactics and eve will always balance this because it is the backbone of PVP. A big ship doesn't mean better and any player that doesn't figure this out within the first few months of playing is doomed to quit eve anyway.

Adding Industrial progression is not a bad idea but needs to be balanced with the risk / reward / effort model in industry
#62 - 2014-05-19 20:18:53 UTC
Sorana Bonzari wrote:
Aglais wrote:
Because what EVE needs is more supercapitals. Honestly, it's getting to the point where supercaps and their losses don't mean anything anymore. They're just bigger ships that are part of bigger gangs.

Personally, I'd like to have endgame content that you could hypothetically do in T2/faction frigates and cruisers. Something tough and challenging that I could run my hypothetical Garmur through, that's dynamic and legitimately interesting. Which took time and effort to unlock. Hence, endgame.

Relegating "endgame" content to being completable only in large ships brings in the idea that small ones are "nooby" and "crap" despite that being far from the case in an alleged sandbox like EVE. That you should be abandoning your Frigates the instant you can fly something bigger, unless you really love flying only tackle. What happens to choice? Frigate specialists would then be forced to train for larger ships in order to support their goals, instead of being able to actually use their specialization more in a wider variety of circumstances.

I'm sorry but this line of inquiry has a very naïve and simplistic view of eve. Any player worth his/her salt will tell you size does not trump tactics and eve will always balance this because it is the backbone of PVP. A big ship doesn't mean better and any player that doesn't figure this out within the first few months of playing is doomed to quit eve anyway.

Adding Industrial progression is not a bad idea but needs to be balanced with the risk / reward / effort model in industry

Bolded the part which shows you misinterpreted my post. I'm talking about PvE. Which has more than enough of it's own hideous problems besides this, anyways, at the current point in time.

As someone who has in past been active in PvP, I am already quite aware that large and small ships all have their place in both solo and gang combat. That's not the case in PvE, at all. If you want more money in PvE, you usually get a bigger ship.
Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2014-05-19 20:23:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Sorana Bonzari
Ahh I apologize but that's easy enough to restrict in terms of ability to enter missions and how they are loaded out to be fit.

I am still a believer in needing more progression for industrial players. Industrial has been getting boosts on the low SP end and now needs a few boosts to the upper end.
Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#64 - 2014-05-20 15:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Sorana Bonzari
I would like to reiterate because I don't want it to get lost in this idea.

Miners need more ship progression. Bigger mining ships like an orca with a laser beam attached to its head (strip miner) would not be a bad idea.

Well maybe yes it would but you know what I mean.

WH can easy restrict entry "This ship cannot handle the stress of WH travel because we ran out of duct tape" ... solved
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#65 - 2014-05-20 16:38:20 UTC
This is a MMO PVP-centric game. Anyone who thinks this is a solo PVE game is usually rudely awoken when they get ganked or wardec'd.

All this thread really is about is a stealth "nerf hisec ganking" thread. OP knows that SuperCaps in hisec would be ungankable and would make suberb mining ships. If this idea were to come about, all that would happen is miners would train exclusively for a supercap and have them built in .5 systems with good ore and ice fields. This would be even more game breaking AND boring. Who the hell wants to sit in a supercap mining all day long? Chribba being the exception to the rule, and I doubt he does it very often.

You want to encourage players to stay in game longer and logon to play, then they should be finding and joining corps with people who are fun to play with, logon on to the game frequently, and actually do stuff that is fun. Be that running fleet missions, roaming in PvP ships in lowsec, doing exploration as a fleet in nullsec, diving into WHs, etc. Any game that a person plays solo, will eventually become boring to that person.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#66 - 2014-05-20 17:38:30 UTC

Some cosmetic bling is alright. $70 Monocles, Fancy Ship skins, etc, can provide some content for the "leveling up the raven" crowd. Other "group oriented" activities like incursions and wardecs help introduce them to the other sandbox elements of EvE.

Truly though, the best route, IMHO, is to give them something to care about. Give them sandbox tools to build up their area.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#67 - 2014-05-20 18:18:47 UTC
The highsec supers ideas are pretty poor to be honest.

Mining titans and missioning supercarriers are not what this game needs. Especially since they are stuck in a system, where they will be useless unless they get a mission that happens to be there. Furthermore, making a ship "useless for PvP" but viable for PvE is somewhat of an oxymoron whenever combat is part of the utility.

Sparkle Motion.
#68 - 2014-05-22 16:22:03 UTC
There's a funny irony here too - Gevlon claimed that anyone buying a mount is a moron and deserved only contempt and ridicule. Here, he claims a reason this idea will work is because it's like a mount.

Gevlon, most of the people you sneer down your nose at and imagine yourself superior to are a lot smarter than you, they just realise that playing a game is designed to be fun and that seeing it only as an exercise in collecting pretend money and pursuing some fanciful tribalism is a little odd.

You're basically asking CCP to create something and then say "Here, we think you're so stupid that you will think this is a good idea, please pay us for the privilege of sitting around and openly mocking you for buying into it".

How can you possibly not see what an utterly awful idea this is, at it's base level?

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

CETA Elitist
The Prometheus Society
#69 - 2014-05-25 14:39:40 UTC
OP has a great idea; i hope it doesn't get implemented.
Katherine Raven
ALTA Industries
Intergalactic Conservation Movement
#70 - 2014-05-26 23:53:06 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Gigan Amilupar wrote:
So, wait, let's see if I understand this. Instead of focusing their efforts on creating meaningful content and devising gameplay mechanics that encourage players to go out, be social and experience said content, you want CCP to implement a completely arbitrary and pointless piece of "endgame" content for the sole purpose of trying to milk a portion of their customer base out of as much money as possible?

This is called "MMO development".

I think CCP should stop being saints who want to give everyone a deep and meaningful content when every other competitor just gives them a random "boss" to kill after grinding for months. How is killing Garros Hellscream is more meaningful than a mining titan? Actually it's less meaningful, as after the next expansion everyone will level to 100 and can solo him, while the titan will forever will be the biggest ship in EVE.

This doesn't seem to me like an argument for why you idea is good, it's only an argument for why your idea is not any worse than a new Boss. Which I don't even actually agree with.
Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#71 - 2014-05-27 17:04:32 UTC
I am sitting in my Vagur in high-sec and I am running missions and I am having fun. I wouldn't know why I would have an even bigger ship to do even bigger missions, which will in the end only be a higher income while being the same as every other mission.

What Eve really needs instead of giving people meaningless bigger ships just to get them to pay their subs a few more month is content that is fun and entertaining. That content exists, but the main problem is the big gap between them. I can sit in high-sec and make 30-40 million ISK/h in close to absolute safety. Why the hell would I go into 0.0 to make 10m ISK/h more in a totally insecure area? Now most people would say: "Then take away the high-sec money and force people into null!" but how long are people going to stay in a game that forces them to do stuff they do not want to do? That would make the problem only worse.

What Eve really needs is a smoother transition to null and a good incentive to go there. If developing into null comes naturally, because it is obviously more fun, then people will soon all sit in a carrier somewhere in their rented space and have fun and PvP.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#72 - 2014-05-28 20:58:13 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

7. Use of profanity is prohibited.

The use of profanity is prohibited on the EVE Online forums. This includes the partial masking of letters using numbers or alternate symbols, and any attempts at bypassing the profanity filter.

26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued.

Thread reopened.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#73 - 2014-05-29 03:58:35 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:
You're basically asking CCP to create something and then say "Here, we think you're so stupid that you will think this is a good idea, please pay us for the privilege of sitting around and openly mocking you for buying into it".

Short version: yes and they'll like it because they are different from us.
Long version is on my blog.

My blog:

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2014-05-29 04:35:10 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Khanh'rhh wrote:
You're basically asking CCP to create something and then say "Here, we think you're so stupid that you will think this is a good idea, please pay us for the privilege of sitting around and openly mocking you for buying into it".

Short version: yes and they'll like it because they are different from us.
Long version is on my blog.

As it has been explained to you, they won't. The long version was on those 6 removed pages, but to summarize: they won't like the idea to invest a year at least in training and resources for something unusable in their playstyle. This has neither any gameplay-wise positive impact, which you admitted yourself, and doesn't have an appeal like typical mmo fluff. Also it's not something collectible, like a mount in wow, and you can't bring it with you anywhere. It's not an achievement a player can be proud of, but an asset with large maintenance costs. In eve such stuff doesn't work. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Sparkle Motion.
#75 - 2014-05-29 08:17:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Khanh'rhh
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
Khanh'rhh wrote:
You're basically asking CCP to create something and then say "Here, we think you're so stupid that you will think this is a good idea, please pay us for the privilege of sitting around and openly mocking you for buying into it".

Short version: yes and they'll like it because they are different from us.
Long version is on my blog.

Can you give an example of a subscription-based game that has deliberately added in elements that are unfun for the player, that self-admittedly will make players want to quit the game?

No, don't go ahead and do the thing where you confuse match-making or player assist tools as "treating players as dumbies so it's all the same thing URGH FILTHY CASUALS" - actual examples of any game company saying "We know players will hate this, but it will take them so long to get to use it that they'll have paid enough money by then to make it worthwhile".

Or any variation of that.

Just one example.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#76 - 2014-05-30 03:55:56 UTC
This isn't deliberately unfun. It's just something that you don't find fun.

I find mining much more fun than roaming in a frigate. No irony here.

My blog:

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2014-05-30 05:12:11 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:
This isn't deliberately unfun. It's just something that you don't find fun.

I find mining much more fun than roaming in a frigate. No irony here.

Given how many players told you they don't like it, before this thread was cut in half, you can safely assume your idea is not fun for anybody. Literally not a single person liked it. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2014-05-30 05:54:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
So the idea is to allow people to build a useless titan in highsec for...epeen and money?

I think I need to refer you to an episode of the Jimquisition about this years Game Development Conference and panels on things like how to farm the whales and how to reduce backlash. You're talking about trying to farm the whales (people that spend ridiculous amounts of real cash on a single video game). Granted this typically applies to F2P games but in any event trying to farm whales is an appalling practice and the fact that some devs even have a term for it just goes to show how much trouble video games in general are in if devs are going to be so cynical that they'll stoop to any low and release any garbage as long as you open your wallet and then they'll try to reduce the backlash. The last thing EVE needs is the backlash that will be caused by CCP deliberately trying to milk all the money they can out of players who are going to contribute nothing to EVE and then quit.

You don't make people angry on purpose without a good reason to do so. "I want to see who I can trick into paying for another 6 months" is not a good reason. To not paraphrase but rather quote Jim Sterling in that episode: "Here's a quick panel called how to reduce backlash. If you're a game developer and you're going to do something that's going to cause a backlash, DON'T DO IT!!"

This is probably the most cynical idea ever present in the history of F&I. It's not like you even present this as being a way to keep people in the game, you assume they're still going to quit once they realize you haven't really given them anything worthwhile. It's just a trick to make sure they don't quit until you stick your hand in their wallet a couple more times.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#79 - 2014-05-30 13:11:53 UTC
Valleria Darkmoon wrote:
You're talking about trying to farm the whales (people that spend ridiculous amounts of real cash on a single video game). Granted this typically applies to F2P games but in any event trying to farm whales is an appalling practice and the fact that some devs even have a term for it just goes to show how much trouble video games in general are in if devs are going to be so cynical that they'll stoop to any low and release any garbage as long as you open your wallet and then they'll try to reduce the backlash. The last thing EVE needs is the backlash that will be caused by CCP deliberately trying to milk all the money they can out of players who are going to contribute nothing to EVE and then quit.

At first this idea isn't targeted to whales. Real titans are much more likely whale-hook, since it offers the illusion of power and becoming a member of the "elite". And buying a titan pilot + open market titan from PLEX-ed money is such a good idea in EVE! Yet I've seen no backlash from "I've wasted $5000 to buy a pixel ship and pilot and it was destroyed in the first day!" The idea is about openly useless, PvP-incapable, system-locked ships that serve no other purpose than a rare WoW-mount. I can't see how could anyone feel scammed by it.

Yes, I believe - like most real titan owners - the ones who completed this "epic mount quest" will quit. But only do so because in their mind they won the game. They won't be bitter or sad, simply say "OK, I did it, I'll be back when they add a more epic reward".

My blog:

Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2014-05-30 13:27:41 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

Yes, I believe - like most real titan owners - the ones who completed this "epic mount quest" will quit. But only do so because in their mind they won the game. They won't be bitter or sad, simply say "OK, I did it, I'll be back when they add a more epic reward".

Expensive and rare ships already exist. People who have those interests can try to acquire tournament ships. They have the side bonus of actually being effective ships.