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Remove stasis web insta warp exploit for freighter

Sato Page
Auctor Illuminatas Infinitum
#1 - 2014-05-18 03:59:52 UTC
I believe this "feature" should be nerfed in to oblivion. Why? because webbing orca/freighters for insta warp is essentially an exploitation to the align speed formula. By webbing freighters, a player bypasses the low acceleration/high mass problem by unfairly reduce their top speed.

Solution: Introduce a hard coded penalty for alight time (say extra 40s) if an orca/freighter is webbed.

Fixing EvE industry one step at a time. Yes We Can!

Dinsdale Pirannha for [u]CEO [/u]of [u]CCP[/u]

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-05-18 04:16:03 UTC
Nah, it's fine as it is.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Iudicium Vastus
#3 - 2014-05-18 04:30:02 UTC
Awww, did one get away before you could apply point?

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#4 - 2014-05-18 04:35:48 UTC
This thread is an attempt at a small step in a greater plan to nerf gankers.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-05-18 04:52:32 UTC
It's less overpowered when you consider they must have a buddy player/account along to give the help.

One way to thwart them is to pop the webber. You can then chase them down or let em go, either way you've still put a wrench in the works. If they can't get a new webber in a hurry they just might not go very far.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-05-18 05:42:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Gigan Amilupar
The only way I could see this being done is if they changed the warp mechanics to be independent of ship speed and rely solely on align time. That said, I'm not convinced the change needs to be made. Presently I would consider this to be just an interesting use of mechanics....and honestly I don't think Orcas are exactly the most difficult thing to catch in the world. It's fine imo.
Azn Empire
#7 - 2014-05-18 06:53:17 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Nah, it's fine as it is.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Exploration Frontier inc
#8 - 2014-05-18 07:07:48 UTC
Sato Page wrote:
I believe this "feature" should be nerfed in to oblivion. Why? because webbing orca/freighters for insta warp is essentially an exploitation to the align speed formula. By webbing freighters, a player bypasses the low acceleration/high mass problem by unfairly reduce their top speed.

Solution: Introduce a hard coded penalty for alight time (say extra 40s) if an orca/freighter is webbed.

Fixing EvE industry one step at a time. Yes We Can!

We're talking about removing the only cooperation aspect of the hauling role?

Are you like an X3 player or something?

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

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Domanique Altares
#9 - 2014-05-18 08:48:20 UTC
Sato Page wrote:
I believe this "feature" should be nerfed in to oblivion. Why? because webbing orca/freighters for insta warp is essentially an exploitation to the align speed formula. By webbing freighters, a player bypasses the low acceleration/high mass problem by unfairly reduce their top speed.

Solution: Introduce a hard coded penalty for alight time (say extra 40s) if an orca/freighter is webbed.

Fixing EvE industry one step at a time. Yes We Can!

I spy with my little eye someone who caused their own gank target to warp away by webbing before scramming. Good job, OP!
Unknown Nation
#10 - 2014-05-18 09:15:06 UTC
Sato Page wrote:
I believe this "feature" should be nerfed in to oblivion. Why? because webbing orca/freighters for insta warp is essentially an exploitation to the align speed formula. By webbing freighters, a player bypasses the low acceleration/high mass problem by unfairly reduce their top speed.

Solution: Introduce a hard coded penalty for alight time (say extra 40s) if an orca/freighter is webbed.

Fixing EvE industry one step at a time. Yes We Can!

First of all:
You have the same time span to apply point as does the webber.
So the issue is already pretty balanced.

The Webber gets pvp timer and will be easy to kill.

The freighter is agressed, and you can easily chase it down for a kill as is not able to logoff safely.

freighters are nerfed this summer, but will be able to fit agility riggs... :)

- since 2003, bitches

Tragot Gomndor
Three Sword Inc
#11 - 2014-05-18 09:26:13 UTC
I have nothing on topic to say.
Just this:

"taH pagh taHbe'" - General Chang

(PS: nice eyepatch)


A Big Enough Lever
#12 - 2014-05-18 10:00:54 UTC
not this again? if the freighter pilot is smart - that webber probably also has a couple of RR on it - just to further ruin the ganker's day - kill it or let it go

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#13 - 2014-05-18 10:52:58 UTC
I personally love using a Rapier or Huggin to web a freighter. Gets it going nice and fast. Perfect to move through Uedama and Sivala if gankers are shooting everying large and slow.

I had also taken the time to ask CCP via their petition system if it was an exploit, it is not.

Now, considering the size of a freighter: if you are webbing it as a ganker: bad idea. You are better off ramming it to knock it out of alignment (with the added bonus of avoiding GCC) or simply hit it with a warp scrambler. If you are close enough to web it, you are more than close enough to prevent it warping with a scram.

Freighters are big, so if you have a fast locker, you should have been able to lock it and point it before their buddy can lock and web it.

So... why didn't you scram it? That is the real question.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#14 - 2014-05-18 10:59:44 UTC
i will in future link this thread when ppl say there is nothing u can do to avoid gankers. thanks muchly.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#15 - 2014-05-18 12:11:05 UTC  |  Edited by: admiral root
Competent gankers don't need this changed and it would hurt orca / freighter pilots who pay attention and employ their brains (ie: the ones who don't autopilot with billions in their loot table).

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-05-18 15:32:48 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Nah, it's fine as it is.

Angry Mustellid
#17 - 2014-05-18 15:38:40 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Nah, it's fine as it is.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Sipphakta en Gravonere
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-05-18 15:54:38 UTC
Get a sensor boosted, brick tanked maller and apply point.
#19 - 2014-05-18 20:05:13 UTC
Ok, so let's just assume for the sake of it, that this mechanic was fixed.

Now what would happen if someone was trying to warp out after a cycle of their MWD/AB just ended?

Sato Page wrote:

Solution: Introduce a hard coded penalty for alight time (say extra 40s) if an orca/freighter is webbed.

So wouldn't this mean that a web essentially becomes a +40 second point as well since it prevents someone from warping off for an additional 40s? At which point who would need to fit points anymore since you can not only stop someone from moving fast, but also prevent them from warping for 40 seconds on top of their align time as it is.

Good job, you just broke points.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

Kasife Vynneve
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-05-19 12:45:08 UTC
The one that got away? How much was it worth?
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