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What is the best Use for an Orca?

Liam Inkuras
#21 - 2014-01-02 02:34:25 UTC
Dual XL-ASB with a Cyno

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Ace Echo
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#22 - 2014-01-02 02:56:00 UTC
I mainly use mine for hauling 10+ rigged and fitted frig hulls at a time if we change roam locations on the fly. Can't fit as many cruiser hulls but useful for that too.

If you can milk it, it's an udder.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#23 - 2014-01-02 03:28:29 UTC
Hauler - Make sure to have 50k m3 with rigs only.
(( You want to be able to hold a BS even if low slots are full hull tank ))

Mining booster for groups over 4. (( Of course! ))

Mission runner support ship. (( My favorite by far. ))
Holds a Gila/Worm/Noctis all rigged. (( Gurrista ships are small on the M3 when rigged ))
Perfect for moving from agent to agent with the entire support fleet.

Incursion runners like to use them as haulers too to keep ammo/drones supplied for entire fleets.

I consider the Orca the single best ship in Eve.
Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-01-02 03:40:21 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
Hauler - Make sure to have 50k m3 with rigs only.
(( You want to be able to hold a BS even if low slots are full hull tank ))

Mining booster for groups over 4. (( Of course! ))

Mission runner support ship. (( My favorite by far. ))
Holds a Gila/Worm/Noctis all rigged. (( Gurrista ships are small on the M3 when rigged ))
Perfect for moving from agent to agent with the entire support fleet.

Incursion runners like to use them as haulers too to keep ammo/drones supplied for entire fleets.

I consider the Orca the single best ship in Eve.

Well worth the try and well worth protecting.
I figured my Mining Boosting skills have to be worth something if it takes 2 months or more to perfect them, and the implants.

btw, my new Character Bazaar thread is coming along well.
Kethas Protagonist
Protagonist Ventures
#25 - 2014-01-02 05:54:38 UTC
Maula Jat wrote:
the orca ... has the non-scannable corp hanger (this may not be true any more).

Not true any more.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#26 - 2014-01-02 07:13:08 UTC
Kethas Protagonist wrote:
Maula Jat wrote:
the orca ... has the non-scannable corp hanger (this may not be true any more).

Not true any more.

Also, when that undocumented/unintentional feature was removed from Orcas it was added to Blockade Runners.

Depending on if/how you use them that can be a good or bad thing... at best a mixed blessing and in many cases a redundant or even undesirable feature.

For me (and for most people, even if they don't realise it) the best part of the old undocumented/unintentional feature set was the fact that nothing ever dropped from the "stealth hangar", so even if people knew you were carrying valuable loot they could only hope to destroy it, not loot it. While the "BR gank lottery" never really emerged to the extent that many thought it would, it's still a lot more dangerous to AP a BR through hi-sec now than it was before, even when empty. BRs are fairly dedicated flimsy haulers wheras Orcas are swiss army bricks, so when you see a BR APing you can expect it to be either hauling or dead-heading, making speculative ganks a very viable proposition, whereas the old Orcas were almost always ignored.

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). As a person who works with high value shipments very frequently, that has resulted in a significant drop in quality of life for me. Still, the old mechanics were poor and I come from the HTFU, adapt & overcome, all change is good school of thought so now the days of the old Orca are no more a thing to me than they days of fitting two MWDs to one hauler.

Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-01-02 15:50:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Oiras Isimazu
Bad Bobby wrote:
Kethas Protagonist wrote:
Maula Jat wrote:
the orca ... has the non-scannable corp hanger (this may not be true any more).

Not true any more.

Also, when that undocumented/unintentional feature was removed from Orcas it was added to Blockade Runners.

Depending on if/how you use them that can be a good or bad thing... at best a mixed blessing and in many cases a redundant or even undesirable feature.

Yes, BRs are now immune to cargo scanning as part of their bottom line description Note:.

It can be tough although I often repackage my cargo just so eyes lined among the space lanes can't scan it.
Of course if you carry nothing of value you may be better off to let them scan nothing or worthless content.

Bad Bobby wrote:

For me (and for most people, even if they don't realise it) the best part of the old undocumented/unintentional feature set was the fact that nothing ever dropped from the "stealth hangar", so even if people knew you were carrying valuable loot they could only hope to destroy it, not loot it.

Does that mean that the Orca previously "stealth hangar" will not drop, even if now seen or scanned.?.
I really wonder, as, even if scanned, and can carry ships in it, it may be a useful advantage.

I mean, can the Orca Ship Hangar now be looted if destroyed?

Bad Bobby wrote:

While the "BR gank lottery" never really emerged to the extent that many thought it would, it's still a lot more dangerous to AP a BR through hi-sec now than it was before, even when empty. BRs are fairly dedicated flimsy haulers wheras Orcas are swiss army bricks, so when you see a BR APing you can expect it to be either hauling or dead-heading, making speculative ganks a very viable proposition, whereas the old Orcas were almost always ignored.

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). ...

Question 2:
What do you mean by AP?
... more dangerous to AP a BR through hi-sec
... when you see a BR APing you can expect
... from an AFK AP in an Orca
Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-01-15 16:58:59 UTC
Oiras Isimazu wrote:

Question 2:
What do you mean by AP?
... more dangerous to AP a BR through hi-sec
... when you see a BR APing you can expect
... from an AFK AP in an Orca

AP = Auto Pilot (A)
Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-03-18 14:48:57 UTC
I never bought my Orca yet, and so never risked loosing it.
The Mining Foreman Mindlink implants is expensive though, and not worth losing.
It requires Jump Clones to be able to save it in risky conditions.
I couldn't acquire one yet, but only buy one.

I may try to auction that pod pilot to raise some capital to invest in other venture.

I may try to start another Orca pilot to compare with the cost of purchasing a new one from the Bazaar.
#30 - 2014-03-18 15:54:12 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). As a person who works with high value shipments very frequently, that has resulted in a significant drop in quality of life for me.


Any colour you like.

Volar Kang
Kang Industrial
#31 - 2014-03-18 16:36:34 UTC
On boring days when I am station trading or doing research, I undock in a good mining system and offer to boost people for a few million isk each. I keep the Orca right next to the station and I can dock in the drop of a hat if I am attacked. Its not much but it does add a bit of income. Ice miners really love this and I have rented myself out to starting indy corps and provided boosts for their fleets in the past.

The boost alone covered my cost of the Orca since I mined a lot in the past. I also like to use it for transport runs. It is not as slow as a freighter and you can fit a really strong tank to it if you sacrifice the cargo rigs. I just keep less than a billion in it and I'm all set.

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#32 - 2014-03-18 20:45:01 UTC
Never lost an Orca. Been around 5 years, and the first 2.75 years of that was in w-space.

My Orca pilot has probed himself through w-space (early collapse) with level 4 skills, which isn't a lot of fun to do.

The Orca is a great general-purpose hauler.
Long Jump.
#33 - 2014-03-18 21:00:41 UTC
Mobile mission runner platform.
Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-05-13 16:09:40 UTC
Still haven't bought my first Orca but have a pilot that can fly one.

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#35 - 2014-05-15 02:12:47 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). As a person who works with high value shipments very frequently, that has resulted in a significant drop in quality of life for me. Still, the old mechanics were poor and I come from the HTFU, adapt & overcome, all change is good school of thought so now the days of the old Orca are no more a thing to me than they days of fitting two MWDs to one hauler.

I'm interested to hear that you use a BR to move high value blueprints. As someone that pisses people off too much to maintain a highsec POS, I move BPOs around lowsec quite a bit, and I've always used an interceptor (travel fit) for medium value ones and would use the same ship but with proper scouting if I were to be moving high value ones. Or alternately a brick-tanked Proteus if I had backup.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2014-05-15 02:19:46 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). As a person who works with high value shipments very frequently, that has resulted in a significant drop in quality of life for me. Still, the old mechanics were poor and I come from the HTFU, adapt & overcome, all change is good school of thought so now the days of the old Orca are no more a thing to me than they days of fitting two MWDs to one hauler.

I'm interested to hear that you use a BR to move high value blueprints. As someone that pisses people off too much to maintain a highsec POS, I move BPOs around lowsec quite a bit, and I've always used an interceptor (travel fit) for medium value ones and would use the same ship but with proper scouting if I were to be moving high value ones. Or alternately a brick-tanked Proteus if I had backup.

TY, being a BR, soon Blop pilot, fleet, I may find this info of the highest value (to me).

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

Walton Street
#37 - 2014-05-15 17:07:52 UTC
The great thing about Orcas is that there is no one best use for them. They're very versatile. I'd argue that they're the most versatile ship in the game, and probably the best single ship for a small corp to have.

1. Mining support (especially with the upcoming barge changes)
2. Hauling medium volumes (not quite a freighter, but much faster)
3. Hauling rigged ships (my main combat pilot flies mostly frigates, so this is very handy)
4. Mission support (fit like a mini-carrier with a cap transfer or remote rep, let drones loose, tractor in wrecks)
5. Bait (hero tank anyone?)

As a member of a very small corp, I wouldn't use one outside of hisec simply because I don't have enough support to offset the risk. But an Orca sitting at a losec POS offering mining bonuses to miners pulling in higher-end minerals? Yeah, I could see that being profitable.
Gabriel Z
#38 - 2014-05-15 18:16:44 UTC
they make great coffee tables
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#39 - 2014-05-15 19:12:30 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I use one of mine to scoop the other Orca wreckages, contents and salvage after a suicide gank TwistedPirate


why would you block out the system name when you can see it in the overview?
Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-05-15 19:17:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Lar Tadaruwa
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I use one of mine to scoop the other Orca wreckages, contents and salvage after a suicide gank TwistedPirate


why would you block out the system name when you can see it in the overview?

I do this too.
And the reason is:
for all the marbles, he forgot.

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

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