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List of solar systems with distances to the trade hubs

Marcus Iunius Brutus
Hoborg Labs
#1 - 2014-05-15 11:37:53 UTC
Hi S&I,

Few months ago when I was establishing my base of operations for industry, I couldn't find a list of solar systems that would be "trade hub centric".
With the anticipated changes to industry around the corner I though I might share my spreadsheet.
Crius release will open 2072 moons in 57 high sec systems up to 5 jumps from Jita for POS anchoring and job install cost will scale based on system activity and number of facilities - so this spreadsheet might be useful.
Just let me know if I some data is incorrect - I'll fix my SQL queries and update the document.

When CCP releases info how different stations reduce job install cost, I'll add this info to the spreadsheet (per system cost reduction). Now we only know it will be 0.95-0.98 per station with factory/laboratory facilities.

I hope one day, we'll be able to import "fraction of global job hours" for each system using CREST API.

Fly safe in your haulers, fly dangerous in everything else,
Mama Anneto
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-05-15 13:15:25 UTC
great tool. Thanks!