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Lens Flare Adjustments

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CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-05-14 11:52:34 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Antiquarian
An overhaul of the way in which different star types (and the effects generated by the light of those stars) are represented has generated significant changes to the starscape of New Eden. The modifications, which have been made available to all capsuleers on Singularity, filter and present different wavelengths of local solar light in entirely new ways. As such the appearance of the sun in your current system may have been drastically altered in your display.

Please be aware of these changes and be on the lookout for any recommendations you might have to adjust or further advance the representation of visible solar radiation by technology used across New Eden.

Comments and feedback on the new effects are welcome here!

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

MuraSaki Siki
#2 - 2014-05-14 12:04:09 UTC  |  Edited by: MuraSaki Siki
deleted, answered in following post Lol
Melana Emmagan
Holloway Heavy Industries
#3 - 2014-05-14 12:12:47 UTC
I just undocked on Sisi... holy **** this looks awesome O_o
Erin Crawford
#4 - 2014-05-14 12:23:15 UTC
Melana Emmagan wrote:
I just undocked on Sisi... holy **** this looks awesome O_o

pics for proof phuuuleeezzz!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Melana Emmagan
Holloway Heavy Industries
#5 - 2014-05-14 12:34:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Melana Emmagan
Erin Crawford wrote:
Melana Emmagan wrote:
I just undocked on Sisi... holy **** this looks awesome O_o

pics for proof phuuuleeezzz!

K3 V (Orange Bright) - TQ: - Sisi:
K5 IV (Red Giant) - TQ: - Sisi:

Edit: made more pics!

F3 IV (White) - Sisi: <- Weird vertical effect on that one. I call it the Minmatar sun.
K5 V (Red Giant) - Sisi:
K9 V (Orange) - Sisi:
F4 V (White Dwarf) - Sisi:
G3 V (Pink) - Sisi: <- I call this one the Punkturis Sun :D
Vesan Terakol
Trollgrin Sadface
Dark Taboo
#6 - 2014-05-14 12:36:25 UTC
Awesome indeed!
Erin Crawford
#7 - 2014-05-14 13:16:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
Melana Emmagan wrote:

F3 IV (White) - Sisi: <- Weird vertical effect on that one. I call it the Minmatar sun.
F4 V (White Dwarf) - Sisi:
G3 V (Pink) - Sisi: <- I call this one the Punkturis Sun :D

Wow! these look really nice! I really like the vertical version and am glad that CCP is experimenting a little with star effects. I hope this vertical one stays - and yes they can make more of those too!!! Big smile
The White Dwarf also looks awesome! It has that deep-space feel to it.

Can't wait to see these in game!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Grarr Dexx
Accept Your Fate
#8 - 2014-05-14 13:31:50 UTC
has anybody in New Eden's lore ever witnessed or documented a nova of some variety?
Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#9 - 2014-05-14 14:08:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
I love them, only effect that seem to be missing is the occlusion of the light where it shadows the object and the light goes where there is a free space.
They are overall really awesome, makes the mood and feel of the environment cool and totally different depending on the flare, I especially like the illumination of the dust on camera when turned along the light. It all makes the screenshots very cool.
And the vertical ones are especially great when I saw them. Yea please keep them and add more of them :D.
Also I might have said it few times already, can't wait for the dynamic environment.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#10 - 2014-05-14 14:30:51 UTC
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#11 - 2014-05-14 15:07:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
i really like the secondary lense effect when you turn the camera away from the sun. Really well done!

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Noriko Mai
#12 - 2014-05-14 15:49:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Noriko Mai
Awesome. The stations look really really nice in the new light. Would it be possible to adjust the brightness in the preview windows too? It is very bright from one side and very dark from the other.

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Exploration Frontier inc
#13 - 2014-05-14 16:10:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
The M0 White stars, like the one in Osis, makes a flare way too vertical. I know it gives it an unique flavor but its just too odd :D

Also there is an issue with most stars. When you look at them the whole game scene partially takes the color of the star. Thats fine, but the effect should decrease faster as the star isn't in the center of your field of view anymore. As it stands now, the colored effect lasts for a too wide angle and it really negates the awesomeness of these new Lens Flare :)

This effect also increases in intensity as the star is almost visible at the border of the screen... Then once its visible, the whole effect decreases. Thats very strange, too.

Side question, are there any plans to make divine rays like the ones in incursion systems, be applied for all systems? I like the solar flares, but I think divine rays would be even more awesome.

If the answer is yes, let me suggest that a good way for you to be able to visually render the distance from the sun would be to increase the length of the ray the closer you are from it.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

Oberine Noriepa
#14 - 2014-05-14 16:28:41 UTC
At last, more lighting updates! Big smile

I'm a big fan of the attention to detail on a lot of these. The K class (Orange) lens flare is my favorite. It has a hyperbola with branches that expand and contract as you pan the camera left-to-right. Wicked! Cool

I like the off-camera optical phenomena. They're small details that can be useful in checking your position relative to the center of the system you're in.

Are there any plans to update the models for the stars themselves? What about crepuscular rays? Any plans on adding those to every system as opposed to those affected by incursions exclusively?

Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#15 - 2014-05-14 16:31:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
I wouldn't change a thing about them :) adding maybe an occlusion or overshadow as it was shown in art panel would be cool but looks it s still going to be added later. Also, the effects are caused by the camera lens, so the vertical effects are very possible, it creates kind of alien feel to it, and that is cool as there might be differently manufactured camera drones.
Aquila Sagitta
#16 - 2014-05-14 17:07:40 UTC
When you look directly(or very close to directly) at the star its almost like its being occluded by something. Is this deliberate?
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#17 - 2014-05-14 17:31:04 UTC
The flare effects are different for different types of stars, so it's difficult for me to answer any specific inquiry without information about which star/lens flare is being observed. I'll try to address some more general points here:

The team which worked on this feature had tremendous fun playing with the possibilities and some of the options which were left on the cutting room floor so to speak may be revisited at some point in the future.

The current effects are meant to be dynamic according to the position of the sun on the screen. So at different positions you will have different levels of color or illumination of the surface of the camera drone lens.

We are aware of at least one issue at the Medium Texture setting that displays regular horizontal striping.

The vertical white sun is admittedly a pet favorite of certain team members, but I am willing to respond to public debate on the matter, should there be cause to do so.

The occlusive crepuscular effect in Incursion systems will remain limited to those environments for now, but we are constantly looking for new ways to improve the appearance and experience for every capsuleer. I'll be sure to put a word in with the superiors about player interest in seeing similar effects elsewhere.

Thanks for all the feedback, and please continue to comment.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#18 - 2014-05-14 18:58:45 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

The occlusive crepuscular effect in Incursion systems will remain limited to those environments for now, but we are constantly looking for new ways to improve the appearance and experience for every capsuleer. I'll be sure to put a word in with the superiors about player interest in seeing similar effects elsewhere.

Thanks for all the feedback, and please continue to comment.

Actually, re: occlusive crepuscular effect. If it's possible to have this affect localized to grids instead of system-wide, it'd be an excellent effect to employ in various environments such as belts, ice belts, near polluted stations if there's a push for dynamic landscapes, and so on. I'm sure you've already got this on your list, of course. ;)

/states obvious.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Exploration Frontier inc
#19 - 2014-05-14 19:00:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

The occlusive crepuscular effect in Incursion systems will remain limited to those environments for now, but we are constantly looking for new ways to improve the appearance and experience for every capsuleer. I'll be sure to put a word in with the superiors about player interest in seeing similar effects elsewhere.

Oh yes please :D Thank you!
I'd give you virtual cookies in exchange!

CCP Antiquarian wrote:

The vertical white sun is admittedly a pet favorite of certain team members, but I am willing to respond to public debate on the matter, should there be cause to do so.

Hey I'm sure you can find a sweet middle-ground that makes everyone happy. ;)

As a general comment, you seem all (rightfully) very enthusiastic with this awesome feature, but I'd say that an "issue" with the flare of all the stars is that they might be too dominant for a too wide camera angle in space. My opinion. :p

I can easily imagine these flares being rendered in CCP HQ, and ponctually finding them cool, but I'm worried about them becoming "boring" because too dominant, on the long run.
I picture myself playing Eve for countless hours and having a distinct colorset change everytime I look at a sun (flares, camera lenses, screen-wide color filter...). Suns are already quite bright -thus dominant- right now, with new effects its going to be intrusive if these new effects aren't carefully balanced.

There is a good parallel with the sweeping effect of the discovery scanner that was initially very very dominant because it never ceased to sweep.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

Erin Crawford
#20 - 2014-05-14 22:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
CCP Antiquarian wrote:
The flare effects are different for different types of stars, so it's difficult for me to answer any specific inquiry without information about which star/lens flare is being observed. I'll try to address some more general points here:

The team which worked on this feature had tremendous fun playing with the possibilities and some of the options which were left on the cutting room floor so to speak may be revisited at some point in the future.

The vertical white sun is admittedly a pet favorite of certain team members, but I am willing to respond to public debate on the matter, should there be cause to do so.

Thanks for all the feedback, and please continue to comment.

Hah! I just hopped onto sisi to see these optical flares for myself and they are absolutely beautiful! Please don't change a thing and if you must ADD MORE!

You mention that the team working on this had several other options... please let them know we'd like to see them in game; even if there are say 3, 4 or even 5 slightly different optical flares for each star class.

The vertical one is especially awesome - almost gives me a giddy sensation because i'm so used to seeing them horizontal.

*edit* forgot to mention that the 'light-bleed'(whatever it's called) at the edges of the screen is just as magical - in fact it's almost cinematic!
Also, it seems that the overall size of the suns/stars have gotten much smaller; i think this is good as is gives a greater sense of distance traveling within each system.

Again, beautiful stuff! Am looking forward to seeing in TQ.

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

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