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Solo Battleships

First post
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-05-11 21:05:06 UTC
Im not sure on state of game as iv been away for a whille but befoe i left solo BS flying was dying as people started frigating alot more for FW hunting.

so as im back and i like my big block of metal is solo BS flying in low-sec dead or is it still alive or will you just get blobed by load of frigs that you carnt do much against and die in a slow boring way :/

just wanted to hear what state of game is from the low-sec pvpers :D
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#2 - 2014-05-11 22:27:40 UTC
Actually, battleships are one of the strongest solo platforms! Have at it!
Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2014-05-12 00:00:32 UTC
All I will say is this; insure your battleship.
Voyager Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-05-12 00:06:56 UTC
The first set of problems is the obvious ones; you're big, you're slow, and you have terrible scan resolution. You won't be able to catch anything that doesn't want to fight you, you will be very hard-pressed to avoid fights you can't win, and after being punched in the **** by the warp speed changes roaming will be an exercise in tedium. That said, there are some cool things at your disposal.

The Armageddon can make a pretty nice killdozer. Most of the ships you will encounter on a roam will have no answer to 40km heavy neuts, which combined with an MJD can make it very difficult for a gang to hold you down. Drones are also an excellent weapon system for the kind of fights you'll be getting in, since they give you the flexibility to take on opponents of all sizes instead of getting sig-tanked to death.

The only issue, of course, is that an Armageddon is a pretty obvious killdozen and smart people won't go near it.
Mr Duffo
#5 - 2014-05-12 07:56:53 UTC
I have been solo bs'ing last 4 weeks and well lets just say Ive had best funs in long time :D.

But with great price. Ive got alot better fights generally than with frigates. Yes I have been blobbed many times but hey that happens even when you undock t1 cruiser.

Just make sure your wallet is fat before you go roaming and have funs!

and oh yes MJD has helped alot. saved my ass quite many times indeed

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Durbon Groth
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-05-12 18:36:49 UTC
I enjoy the occasional solo BS roam, I like to have nuet/smartbomb/drone set-ups with an MJD for a bit of survivability. My personal problem is that I find it impossible to actually take down enough targets to make it anywhere near isk efficient. Helluva lot of fun tho and the set-up I use means I can nuke small frig gangs that try to engage me and (sometimes) get out of there before the back-up shows up.
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-05-12 18:40:01 UTC
Durbon Groth wrote:
I enjoy the occasional solo BS roam, I like to have nuet/smartbomb/drone set-ups with an MJD for a bit of survivability. My personal problem is that I find it impossible to actually take down enough targets to make it anywhere near isk efficient. Helluva lot of fun tho and the set-up I use means I can nuke small frig gangs that try to engage me and (sometimes) get out of there before the back-up shows up.

Solo PVP above destroyers is a luxury good. Big smile

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DJ FunkyBacon
Rabid Ninja Space Monkey Inc.
Monkeys with Guns.
#8 - 2014-05-13 04:05:46 UTC
If you don't care about isk efficiency, solo BS in lowsec is a great way to get fights. Make sure you've got a ship/fit that can engage stuff in the frigate/destroyer spectrum, pack a MJD, and have at it. At least the insurance payout covers a good chunk of the loss.

Given your warp speeds, and general slowness, you will get engaged by smaller ships and probably decent numbers of them. The geddon is probably your best bet.

As others have said, you'll need to kill a lot of frigs and dessies to make up for when you eventually lose your ship, but if you're looking for a good time... :)

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Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-05-13 07:57:45 UTC
hmm sounds like fun will give it a shot in future :D

thanks for great inf everybody much <3 to soloers of eve :D
big miker
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#10 - 2014-05-13 10:52:54 UTC
Gotta love BS's! Should check out my signature, flying something unexpected there Cool
Artificial Memories
#11 - 2014-05-13 11:00:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Nnezu
I'd guess solo Battleship works best if you fly one with a tracking bonus or absurd tank (gallente, typhoon, raven).

The Geddon will mostly end up being bufferfit and along with that, nothing but a neutbox with heavy drones. It works against cruisers and BCs in very small numbers, but it dies to a few frigs, sadly.

Edit: You can fit nanos and Auxiliary thrusters to pretty much any attack BS or the navy version and it goes hilariously fast.
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#12 - 2014-05-14 21:08:23 UTC
Nnezu wrote:
I'd guess solo Battleship works best if you fly one with a tracking bonus or absurd tank (gallente, typhoon, raven).

The Geddon will mostly end up being bufferfit and along with that, nothing but a neutbox with heavy drones. It works against cruisers and BCs in very small numbers, but it dies to a few frigs, sadly.

Edit: You can fit nanos and Auxiliary thrusters to pretty much any attack BS or the navy version and it goes hilariously fast.

If you loose to a few frigs in a geddon you're doing it wrong...
Giuseppe R Raimondo
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-05-14 21:48:04 UTC
a great solo pvp BS is the hyperion. Can tank alot, do alot of damage and have a nice selection of drones. Only problem you could have are neuts.