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New Ship Class (light carrier or "Gecko" carrier)

First post
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2014-05-11 16:23:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Aalysia Valkeiper
Before you say this idea idea should be posted in the Science and Ideas forum (or whatever it is called), this is my sixth attempt to post this idea. I tried to post it in that other section five times and I kept getting a blank when I tried to post.Ugh

So, I am posting here.Straight

When CCP provided the Gecko 'super-heavy' drone for their 11th anniversary birthday bash, I looked at the Gecko's stats. I was immediately stuck by how the Gecko's stats were about doubled the stats for the other 'heavy assault' drones, but nowhere close to the stats for the massive fighters. I noted this 'doubling' matched the separations between the Light Scouts, Medium Scouts, and Heavy Assaults. I knew CCP had announced they would rebalance drones this summer, but their devblogs did not mention doubling any of the drones' stats (other than the fighter-bombers).

My conclusion: the gecko was the prototype for a new, unannounced line of 'super-heavy' drones (which I'll call "Supers" for this article).

I realized the Super was too massive for a standard combat vessel to make full use (a squad of 5) of the drone. The Carrier and Super-carrier would use the drone only if the fighter and fighter-bomber were not available.

A new class of carrier (the "Light Carrier") was needed. This ship would start with the ability to deploy a squad of Supers and would eventually work up to deploying two squads, but would lack on-board weapons (due to optimizing for the function).

I have known for some time none of the main factions have 'Tech 2' or 'Navy' variants for their 'attack battlecruisers' ( Amarr Oracle, Caldari Naga, Gallente Talos, and Minmatar Tornado). I figured this was an excellent chance to provide that variant.

Changes of the battlecruiser to the light carrier:

High power slots reduced to "3" (no hardpoints for Gun turrets or Missile launchers)
Medium power slots unchanged
Low power slots unchanged
Rig slots reduced to "2" (medium sized)

Gallente Talos drone bay enlarged to 550 m3
Amarr Oracle, Caldari Naga, and Minmatar Tornado have 525 m3 drone bays installed
ALL FOUR vessels have 250 Mbit/sec bandwidth

ALL four ships will use the model, mobility, and shields/armor/structure of the battlecruiser they are derived from (with maybe a new paint scheme).

Role Bonus... the light carrier may use warfare links

Skill Bonus... ehancement of an aspect of drone performance (e.g. damage, speed, Hit points, control range, ect) per skill level in *faction* Light Carrier

This is my idea.

Thank You
Jim Era
#2 - 2014-05-11 16:25:37 UTC



Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#3 - 2014-05-11 16:30:52 UTC

▬▬► Features & Ideas Discussion
FuryBot™ 0.86

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2014-05-11 16:34:57 UTC
3 words. Rattlesnake Hero Drones

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-05-11 16:45:04 UTC
Well, first off, this idea sucks.
Second, it's in the wrong forum.
Third, Geckos are a limited item that will eventually deplete as they are destroyed. It makes absolutely no sense to introduce a special ship class just to facilitate their use.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-05-11 16:45:22 UTC
I applaud the effort, but a ship with 10 drones (think recent changes because of highsec server load) that does more dps than a carrier is very optimistic.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#7 - 2014-05-11 16:55:20 UTC
Moving this from General Discussion to Features and Ideas.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-05-11 17:20:40 UTC
Barton Breau wrote:
I applaud the effort, but a ship with 10 drones (think recent changes because of highsec server load) that does more dps than a carrier is very optimistic.

There already is one.
It's called a Guardian Vexor.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-05-11 17:56:33 UTC
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
Well, first off, this idea sucks.
Second, it's in the wrong forum.
Third, Geckos are a limited item that will eventually deplete as they are destroyed. It makes absolutely no sense to introduce a special ship class just to facilitate their use.

Just a thought, have you seen the new Mordus Legion battleship model?
Though we have no stats on this yet, does that look like a fighter carrier to you? I suspect though the "geckos" may get killed off, that something strong is going to take their place maybe a gecko variation - smaller than a fighter, larger then a heavy drone.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Cpt Swagg
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-05-11 18:24:53 UTC
this idea idea should be posted in the Science and Ideas forum (or whatever it is called)
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-05-11 18:33:56 UTC
So, you looked at a celebration event item, that didn't even get its own unique model, instead borrowing from a fighter, of which there are no other drones in its class, and assumed that there is going to be a new ganglinking mini carrier that completely goes against CCP's crusade to lower the number of drones on the field?

As for changing the current attack battlecruisers into a new ship class, when they are incredibly enjoyable as is, and fill a useful role, I'm not sure I can put into words what a stupid idea that is.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2014-05-11 20:54:22 UTC
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode wrote:
Moving this from General Discussion to Features and Ideas.

Thank you. I tried to post there 5 times.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2014-05-11 20:58:15 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
So, you looked at a celebration event item, that didn't even get its own unique model, instead borrowing from a fighter, of which there are no other drones in its class, and assumed that there is going to be a new ganglinking mini carrier that completely goes against CCP's crusade to lower the number of drones on the field?

As for changing the current attack battlecruisers into a new ship class, when they are incredibly enjoyable as is, and fill a useful role, I'm not sure I can put into words what a stupid idea that is.

Hey, I knew the idea would be flamed, basted, and char-broiled, so your words mean nothing to me.

Other posters have said WHY it's a bad idea and THEIR input is greatly appreciated.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-05-11 21:08:23 UTC
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
Barton Breau wrote:
I applaud the effort, but a ship with 10 drones (think recent changes because of highsec server load) that does more dps than a carrier is very optimistic.

There already is one.
It's called a Guardian Vexor.

Its like 50 of them total, noone flies them becaus ethey are rare.
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2014-05-11 22:42:26 UTC
Aalysia Valkeiper wrote:

When CCP provided the Gecko 'super-heavy' drone for their 11th anniversary birthday bash, I looked at the Gecko's stats. I was immediately stuck by how the Gecko's stats were about doubled the stats for the other 'heavy assault' drones, but nowhere close to the stats for the massive fighters. I noted this 'doubling' matched the separations between the Light Scouts, Medium Scouts, and Heavy Assaults. I knew CCP had announced they would rebalance drones this summer, but their devblogs did not mention doubling any of the drones' stats (other than the fighter-bombers).

My conclusion: the gecko was the prototype for a new, unannounced line of 'super-heavy' drones (which I'll call "Supers" for this article).

Sorry but your conclusion is off. In the drone updates coming in Kronos drone interfacing is changing. The reason Geckos have considerably higher stats then other heavy drones currently do is because Geckos follow the summer model of having half of drone interfacings bonus baked into the drone (i.e. +50% to damage). This means that with drone interfacing maxed Geckos presently have 50% more damage then they should, and when the skill changes come you'll see the damage on Geckos be closer to the other heavies in comparison. That's my understanding regarding their damage at least. Any other stat discrepancies can probably be accounted for simply due to Geckos being a limited edition drone (I haven't heard about any process that will allow for more Geckos to be acquired or built being implemented sans the current milestones).

As for the idea, I see no reason to create a line of T2 attack battlecruisers solely for the purpose of a new size of drone and/or Gecko use. I feel that this would either be pointless or undermine the capabilities of drone battleships. Current division of drone-to-ship size is fine IMO.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2014-05-12 00:08:17 UTC
Barton Breau wrote:
I applaud the effort, but a ship with 10 drones (think recent changes because of highsec server load) that does more dps than a carrier is very optimistic.

After your post, I thought about this some more.

The bandwidth could be reduced to half (250 Mbits/sec) and the skill bonus could alter some aspect of drone performance.

In fact, the different factions could have the skill enhance differing aspeects of drone performance.

Eagle's Talon's
#17 - 2014-05-12 01:58:48 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
I like the idea as it would allow for a light carrier like you said to be introduced into High Sector. I was messing around with a Vexor and was able to create a flight of 1 Gecko, 2 TII Hammerheads and 1 TII Hobgoblin that was able to reduce a BS at the Comet in Deltole to shreds in around two minutes.

I was using t2 drone damage modules in the lows as well as velocity modules so the possibility of creating a light carrier is feasible.

Light Carriers in High Sector would be interesting to say the least and would bring a new flavor to high sector pvp. So yes I am for the idea.

Your light carrier would have two drone bays one for normal drones of 100 m/3 drone volume and one for the Gecko Hybrid of 200 m/3

max bandwidth would be enough to manage the four Gecko's but would still be limited to only five normal drones when normal drones are used instead of the Gecko's.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2014-05-12 02:13:07 UTC
I editted the original post thanks to constructive replies from posters.

I reduced the drone bays (Gallente Talos to 550, others to 525), and the bandwidth (250, enough for one squad of Geckos).

I changed the skill bonus to enhance some aspect of drone performance (could vary according to faction).

Thanks for the thoughtful replies.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2014-05-12 05:10:06 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
I like the idea as it would allow for a light carrier like you said to be introduced into High Sector. I was messing around with a Vexor and was able to create a flight of 1 Gecko, 2 TII Hammerheads and 1 TII Hobgoblin that was able to reduce a BS at the Comet in Deltole to shreds in around two minutes.

I was using t2 drone damage modules in the lows as well as velocity modules so the possibility of creating a light carrier is feasible.

Light Carriers in High Sector would be interesting to say the least and would bring a new flavor to high sector pvp. So yes I am for the idea.

Your light carrier would have two drone bays one for normal drones of 100 m/3 drone volume and one for the Gecko Hybrid of 200 m/3

max bandwidth would be enough to manage the four Gecko's but would still be limited to only five normal drones when normal drones are used instead of the Gecko's.

As you can see, I altered the original post.

I think the doubled drone bays is a wonderful idea, but I have not seen any ships with such a setup for drones.

I have not encountered any capitol ships other than orcas and freighters, so if the carriers or super-carries have that setup, I haven't seen it.

I tried to come up with a reasonable compromise, though. I hope leaving the drones bays enough space for a backup gecko squad (5 per squad) and a squad of light drones does the job.

Note I maintained the Gallente Talos' 25 m3 advantage in the drone bays, tho it's not quite so much an advantage when the bays hold this much.

Even when I posted the original post, I was trying to avoid making an overpowered ship type. If I had wanted 'OP', I would have derived the Light Carriers from battleships. Of course, such ships would have immediately been nixxed by CCP and anybody else with a brain.
Aalysia Valkeiper
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2014-05-14 22:59:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Aalysia Valkeiper
Well, this idea has run its course and it's time to put it to rest.

Here are my last thoughts on the stats of the 'Light Carriers' based on the main factions' attack battlecruisers. Any stats not mentioned are the same as those of the ship they are based on.

Amarr Prophet (based on the Amarr Oracle)

Drone Bay...... 275 m3
Bandwidth...... 250 Mbits/sec
Role Bonus... can use Warfare Links
Skill Bonus.... +5% Drone Hit Points per Level of Amarr Light Carrier

High Slots......... 3 (No Gun Turrets or Missile Launchers)
Medium slots... 3
Low Slots.......... 6
Rigs Slot........... 2 (Medium size)

Caldari Hydra (Based on Caldari Naga)

Drone Bay...... 275 m3
Bandwidth..... 250 Mbits/sec
Role Bonus... can use Warfare Links
Skill Bonus.... +10% Drone Control range per Level of Caldari Light Carrier

High Slots......... 3 (No Gun Turrets ot Missiles Launchers)
Medium Slots... 6
Low Slots.......... 3
Rig Slots........... 2 (Medium Size)

Gallente Tartarus (Based on Gallente Talos)

Drone Bay...... 300 m3
Bandwidth...... 250 Mbits/sec
Role Bonus... can use Warfare Links
Skill Bonus.... +5% Drone Damage per level of Gallente Light Carrier

High Slots......... 3 (No Gun Turrets or Missile Launchers)
Medium Slots... 4
Low Slots.......... 5
Rig Slots........... 2 (Medium Size)

Minmatar Monsoon (Based Minmatar Tornado)

Drone Bay...... 275 m3
Bandwidth..... 250 Mbits/sec
Role Bonus... can use Warfare Links
Skill Bonus.... +5% Drone Speed peer level of Minmatar Light Carrier

High Slots......... 3 (No Gun Turrets or Missile Launchers)
Medium Slots... 5
Low Slots.......... 4
Rig Slots.......... 2 (Medium Size)

Well, I expect this is the last post i'll make for this subject. It's now ready to be put in the grave.
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