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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Logi Pilots, please read

Dunk Dinkle
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#1 - 2014-05-08 13:42:38 UTC
Logi pilots are critical to almost all Eve playstyles.

High sec mission running corps, incursion fleets, wormholers, faction warfare, null sec fleets, etc. all rely on logi pilots as key components of their success and/or failure.

In all the recent changes announced in Dev Blogs, only a tiny amount is there is to improve the game for logi pilots. And by 'tiny', I'm being generous.

I'm trying to put together a "would be nice" list of practical changes that would benefit logi pilots, without unbalancing the game. A good example are the recent UI changes that allow you to drag names from fleet into the watchlist directly. Great change with no balance implications.

To do this, I need YOUR help. Our ideas as a group are much better than any individual's ideas, aligned to their specific playstyle. My needs in large fleet combat are likely different than your needs in incursions or wormholes. We are looking to find ideas that help the majority of logi pilots and make their daily gameplay just a little easier and/or fun.

First, let's talk about "logi on killmails". It's the first thing that non-logi pilots bring up, but from conversations with many other logi piltos, there is far from a uniform opinion on this. Some are desperate for them, to the point of bring drones to whore, others find them contrary to the role of logi itself. In the end, I think it will come done to the complexity of developing a solution. If it's too tough, it's probably not worth the dev time. Only CCP know how complex or simple this is. So let's leave it on the list, but not digress deeply into it. Hopefully we can look other, less complicated changes that will help in addition.

Second, ship skins for logi. The damn mining ships have cool new skins, but not a single logi ship does. What the heck? [takemymoney.gif]

Here are some ideas I came up with a bit ago:

Overview settings - There is an option for selecting ‘Logistics’ ships in the overview, but it only includes T2 logi ships, not the T1 versions. The ‘Logistics’ ships in the overview settings should include the T1 logi ships as well, or some way to separate the logi cruisers from the others.

Fleet button to clear broadcasts - When a fleet member broadcasts for reps, they icon above their bracket turns on. There is no button to turn them off. Typically, the ‘In Position’ button is used in small fleets (WH, Incursions, etc.) to signal someone is no longer primary. But in larger fleets, this is impractical. We need a button to clear broadcasts and remove the icons from the brackets.

Broadcast icons on locked targets - Knowing what ships need reps is a constant struggle for logi pilots. Looking multiple places on the screen for the information. Ideally, the broadcast icon that appears over the icon would appear on the locked target icon, much like a projected effect does.

Drag names from Overview into Watchlist - When fleets form, logi pilots often set up their watchlists. Improvements to the UI have made this easier, but the simplest system would be being able to sort the overview by ship type and drag the pilots directly to the watch list. When fleets are forming up, the simplest way to do this look at a blue-only overview tab and sort by ship. Dragging from here would make the task much simpler.

100% should mean 100% - Currently some structures can show 100% when you mouse over them, when they actually still have some damage. This leads to confusion and frustration when bringing certain modules/structures online. An object should report 99% until they are truly 100% and have no damage.

What are the ideas that YOU have? Let's hear them!

Once we have a good list, we can start a "Logi Love" campaign with the CSM and Dev Team to ask them to consider adding some of our requests into the development roadmap. Look, we got Hull Repair drones by asking nicely. I'm sure we can get a few more things if we work together on proposing good, achievable ideas.
Ecrir Twy'Lar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-05-08 14:42:44 UTC
I would like to see a revamp of the fleet ui and/or watch list. I see no reason why we have to have a cap on the watch list. It would be cool if our fleet ui was more like a Raid ui in other MMO's. Sort of a combined fleet/watch list. That way we could see information on all fleet members. It would be nice if we could even see their cap as well. I don't think this would be game breaking.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-05-08 14:46:27 UTC
Dunk Dinkle wrote:
In all the recent changes announced in Dev Blogs, only a tiny amount is there is to improve the game for logi pilots. And by 'tiny', I'm being generous.

Just letting you know that the dev blogs are about the upcoming release which is focused on industry. You can't expect them to touch every possible subject, can you?

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#4 - 2014-05-08 14:55:59 UTC
logi needs a nerf. its way to strong.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#5 - 2014-05-08 15:31:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessica Danikov
Ability to see cap of fleet members would be awesome. Another handy feature would be the ability to see how many fleet members are locked onto a given target- gives visibility of people not following primaries, but also helps logi spread reps better.

Icons should have a delay (configurable, perhaps- people may have difference preferences/ways of doing things and may wish to have the icon persist). Clear broadcasts should definitely clear icons as well.

Personally, I'd like a modifier for clicking on names (either in the chat-room member list or a character link in the motd/chat message) to add to watch list... I don't think ctrl is doing anything for these, so you could just ctrl-click through a good MoTD and have a WL in no time. Obviously from Overview you'll still need dragging.

I think a good solution to the broadcast woes would be a 'clear broadcast on lock' option- when enabled, if you ctrl-click a broadcast and the lock succeeds, or the target is already locked, clear the clicked broadcast. One more reason to rage at those who spam broadcast.

As mentioned in some of the RTs:
- Pods need to be distinguishable from ships on WL.
- Cap chains need a way to 'mark' members in chat (mixed logi IV/V for example), although this is a more generally useful feature too
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#6 - 2014-05-08 15:53:53 UTC
The big thing about logi on killmails for me is that I want them to get into the battle report. I don't enormously care about kills proper (although, I'll concede, I do care about it, so I often keep a flight of whorriors), but I am interested in getting into battle reports. If getting on the killmails of people we repped isn't doable (and it does seem pretty silly), can we at least get on the killmails of people we repaired on some sort of "top reps" list sort of like the top damage list?

I'm agreed on wanting the clear broadcasts button clearing the symbols in space as well as clearing out the broadcast history.

... and yeah, showing cap on watchlist would be cool, since nobody ever knows their allies' cap: apparently it requires a ship scanner to find out.

Oh, one more thing: can we get the T1 logi "bonus all logi drones" ability for T2 logi whenever they get rebalanced? I like armor drones in my shield logi and hull drones in my armor logi to put on targets I've already saved.
Dunk Dinkle
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#7 - 2014-05-08 16:52:05 UTC
NiGhTTraX wrote:

Just letting you know that the dev blogs are about the upcoming release which is focused on industry. You can't expect them to touch every possible subject, can you?

Good point, I agree.

I am not trying to get in the way of the Industry revamp.

Personally, I don't expect anything immediately. These kind of changes take months/years to get into the cycle. But by gathering a wide swath of opinions and ideas, and presenting them to the CSM and Dev Team in a good way, we, as a group, can help the situation a bit more than individuals alone.

With the new release schedule, CCP seems poised to handle small requests more easily. Putting together a 'would be nice' list from logi pilots would give the Dev Team a good way to pluck one off the stack, run past the CSM, and possibly implement IN ADDITION to the major work being done on industry.

My impetus comes from communicating with the past & new CSM members and seeing that many only are aware of 'logi on killmails' and aren't well informed on the kind of day-to-day practical concerns reflected in posts in this thread.
Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#8 - 2014-05-08 20:17:52 UTC
Broadcast for hull/structure needs to be a thing too. Just came up in fleet, we had hull drones but no way to broadcast.
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#9 - 2014-05-08 21:25:52 UTC

Would also like to see capacitor of fleet mates even if it meant equipping another module.
Cassini Valentine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-05-08 22:36:04 UTC
The OP's thread on reddit (has loads of awesome tweak ideas in comments)

Would also like to see some Logistic ship skins Lol
Lelira Cirim
#11 - 2014-05-09 08:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lelira Cirim
Wonderful post, thank you. :logifist:

Dunk Dinkle wrote:
An object should report 99% until they are truly 100% and have no damage.

I think "fixing rounding in EVE" might take the resources of an entire summer update. Ugh

Do not actively tank my patience.

Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#12 - 2014-05-18 03:32:21 UTC
"Also, I'd love to have a logi ship that lets me use gang links. All my command skills go to waste when I lead the logi wings..."

I want Logistic variants of Command Ships now...
Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#13 - 2014-05-18 17:43:19 UTC
I would love it if I could drag an Overviewtab and drop it somewhere else, so i can have 2 Overviews at once. One for Logi, one for Hostiles. That way i don't expierience my harsh FPS drops whenever i switch tabs.

Also, towards Logi on Killmail: I would love to see logi on LOSS-Mails of my fleet rather than on Kills my fleet lands.
When the shooting folks got some 'metric' to bolsten their e-peen (lasthit, max dmg), i want that one for logi aswell!

Tooltip on broadcasts, whether or not someone broadcasting for reps is in locking range or not. Maybe it's just practice, but i often end up being totally confused when people broadcast for reps and i can't lock them.
Maybe darken the appearence of those players Broadcasts so i can easily distinguish between targets i should aim for repping, and those i can happily ignore?

Konrad Kane
#14 - 2014-05-19 06:05:53 UTC
Nice thread, kudos.

I would like to be able to save broadcast filters as a profile. It would save me having to reconfigure them every time I changed fleet roles.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-05-19 10:13:45 UTC
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
logi needs a nerf. its way to strong.
I concur.

I believe logi should be around to reduce downtime between skirmishes and provide some aid during a skirmish to make up for the damage they aren't doing, as opposed to what they do now which is keep ships alive indefinitely under heavy firepower. I believe logi repair speed should be cut by around 50-65%, and they should tend to gradually run out of capacitor when repairing at full speed, so more focus on a large capacitor as opposed to fast capacitor regeneration.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Ecrir Twy'Lar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-05-19 16:08:14 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
logi needs a nerf. its way to strong.
I concur.

I believe logi should be around to reduce downtime between skirmishes and provide some aid during a skirmish to make up for the damage they aren't doing, as opposed to what they do now which is keep ships alive indefinitely under heavy firepower. I believe logi repair speed should be cut by around 50-65%, and they should tend to gradually run out of capacitor when repairing at full speed, so more focus on a large capacitor as opposed to fast capacitor regeneration.

I disagree. I think logistics should be an important part of a fleet makeup. Along with ewar. I think Eve is and should be more than just a dps race. Logistics should be what separates a prepared fleet from one that is just tossed together for a quick roam and easy kills.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2014-05-19 17:43:52 UTC
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
logi needs a nerf. its way to strong.

Not true. Have you not lost a ship in an incursion due to logi confusion yet? They are not over-powered. Plus, there was just a nerf last expansion to repper boosting. A good PVP fleet must include some kind of logi counter measures or you deserve to lose.

I like the ideas listed here as opposed to some of the ideas in the other thread (I really didn't like the idea of automatic cap reading for logi)... The few improvements listed here would be welcome.. as long as the complexity of logi as a discipline is not reduced.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2014-05-19 18:02:57 UTC
+1 for logi on KM's

Was promised long ago in a galaxy far far away.

Never happened

Case & Point

If logi get an aggression timer logi should get on KM its that simple.