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wspace mapper tool kill stats

First post
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#41 - 2014-05-07 06:42:02 UTC
Hyperbole, compared to this? :D

Kalel Nimrott wrote:
I love how the bears hide in the free intel speech to improve their isk heaven even further.
We are going to go from hunter paradise to squishy mushy brar paradise. So sad that there are no grays here.

Anyway, my honest opinion is that the bloobloo reaction is a real indicator of an undesirable situation, which is lack of PVP activity in wormhole space. People feel they need to resort to logoffski and 3rd party tools based on unintended access to data to get pew. Note that the reason for this fix is not pampering cuddlybears, but fixing an oversight in game design, a bug- just like wh jump data, it's simply against the nature or wormhole space which has no gates or CONCORD presence.

Maybe better to discuss other changes, than crying after this clutch, gimmick?

I personally don't give a flying **** whether this bug fix makes farming safer or farmer ganking harder, I'm more concerned of not seeing many, or as it often is these days, any active pilots in our chain. I'd love to meet more gangs, and especially I'd love to have something to fight over. Some new structure in the upcoming new POSes? More varied geography? More interesting PVE to make people more active?

How to get more guys living in w-space?
Honestly We didnt know
#42 - 2014-05-07 07:25:40 UTC
No surely the tinfoil principles dictate that this change was initiated by goons since they were butthurt over loosing a wh. They complained to Mittani who then in turn told CCP how to change the game. The amount of goon post relating to this subject surely confirm this. Next month all entities will be contacted by a goon rep with instructions on how to pay our long overdue system rent.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#43 - 2014-05-07 09:10:29 UTC
Triksterism wrote:
Copy pasted my post from this topic here:

"I am dumbfounded by this whole topic. It seems to me that the majority of posters here are neglecting the primary reason people pvp in WH space. Its not because its made easy by 3rd party tools utilizing api data that is not available in game. It's the pure joy of the hunt. That moment when two WH entities just happen to come across each other, mount up their forces and meet in glorious battle on the field.

Personally this data will have no effect on the way I live and explore in WH space. And with what I see being posted here, I hope it does go away to make 'carebears' more comfortable coming into WH space giving rage rollers a higher chance at more targets.

It's a game. Adapt or quit, it's really that simple."

Keep telling you that, Bear.

Oh, and I already adapted to a lot of bearsparadisebull type of shitz, I don't want another.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2014-05-07 10:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
It makes scene to remove the API kills but at the same time, this doesn't improve gameplay.
Abbie Rova
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2014-05-07 11:14:04 UTC
I and a good few people ive spoken to in corp and out of corp agree with the removal of NPC/Player kills from the API info for several reasons.

1. CCP says they didnt intend it to be in the api info and they just never removed it for the last few years.

2. This is wormholes, the great unknown, the black void, from some sort of lore point o view, if concord cant see what happens in here, why do we get to see npc/player kills.

3. This will require people to actively have a scout in a wormhole to hunt for targets, which i think is the issue ccp want to address. And thats the way it should be IMO, to see whats happening, wfos running sites, whos online, how many, what ship types, you should be in the wormhole with eyes on pos or dscanning.

Please dont look at this as carebear wants his isk, in fact i dont care about the effects this will have on my isk earning. or the ability to gank people running sites. It just means you are gonna have to work a bit harder to get those kills, and you know what im all for that, the harder the effort to get a gank, the more rewarding itll be when its successful.
And people running sites should have all eyes on all connected whs, and if they dont, well there own fault for getting ganked. But if they do have eyes on all the connecting wormholes, i dont see how this changes anything, because they still get a bit of warning to try run as they hear the gatefire.

Im not gonna comment on the delayed k162 idea, as these are two sepperate issues and well, in everyones opinion i think the delayed k162 idea sucks. But what elite wh pvpers will have to work a bit harder and have someone actively in a system to tell if someones ratting, ya i support it.

The only change this will make to whs, ya some ganks wont happen cos you wont be able to check the wh chain for a rising npc kills, well if you werent in that wormhole you wouldnt of seen it anyway and wouldnt of got the kill so thats a null point.
Some PVE ops will be a bit safer, some PVP ops will have to work a bit harder. but come on guys, its not that hard to find some pew these days is it?

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2014-05-07 11:42:25 UTC  |  Edited by: corbexx
Rek Seven wrote:
It makes scene to remove the API kills but at them same time, this doesn't improve gameplay.

This is pretty much it. Wormhole space is the unknown.

But this change combined with instant sigs makes farming really safe.

Ok so farmers will be happy. Non farmers aren't.

The next problem is the follow on effect, more farming will properly lead to nano's dropping in price. This will then hit the smaller groups in c1 to c4 space hard making there income less (which to me is already to low anyway).

It's the follow on effect I'm pretty worried about as this could potentially effect the whole of wh space in a bad way,. It's also something I think people are forgetting about.

I really need to get more info.
Jessica Duranin
#47 - 2014-05-07 16:58:32 UTC
corbexx wrote:

But this change combined with instant sigs makes farming really safe.

It doesn't.
I've seen plenty of cap escalation fleets getting ganked because someone rolled into the hole while the caps where in siege.

Hell, you can still even do your logoffski crap if you really want to. You just need competent scouts who can judge if a system is active or not.
On the other hand... from the amount of whining going on I get the impression that a lot of the bigger PvP Corps don't have those, so your statement might be at least partially true until they htfu and learn2scout.
Galen Darksmith
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#48 - 2014-05-07 17:54:13 UTC
corbexx wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
It makes scene to remove the API kills but at them same time, this doesn't improve gameplay.

This is pretty much it. Wormhole space is the unknown.

But this change combined with instant sigs makes farming really safe.

Ok so farmers will be happy. Non farmers aren't.

The next problem is the follow on effect, more farming will properly lead to nano's dropping in price. This will then hit the smaller groups in c1 to c4 space hard making there income less (which to me is already to low anyway).

It's the follow on effect I'm pretty worried about as this could potentially effect the whole of wh space in a bad way,. It's also something I think people are forgetting about.

I really need to get more info.

While you're at it, can you push for getting that signature refresh issue addressed as well? At the very least, you could use this (fairly minor imo) buff to farming as justification for less afk intel for the farmers.

"EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for." -CCP Wrangler

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#49 - 2014-05-07 22:07:38 UTC
what ever happened to delaying the K16s spawns from the automatic refresh? Fozzie said it was done, and could be implemented in Kronos...havent heard of it since.

To clarify im referring to on the k162 not showing up on discovery, forcing you to probe for new sigs. ( as it should be)

Event Organizer of EVE North East

Rolled Out
#50 - 2014-05-07 22:26:13 UTC
ExookiZ wrote:
what ever happened to delaying the K16s spawns from the automatic refresh? Fozzie said it was done, and could be implemented in Kronos...havent heard of it since.

To clarify im referring to on the k162 not showing up on discovery, forcing you to probe for new sigs. ( as it should be)

Who knows? vOv buried in the forum forever because the community was overwhelmingly against fozzies idea as proposed?

I'm right behind you

Jez Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2014-05-08 08:41:35 UTC

Haven't had the sadistic urge to re-read threadnought on K162 delay, but I'm pretty sure Fozzie said it wasn't on the cards for summer if at all. Also happens to be stickied - so not sure how this one could be lost.

+1 on remove kills, not going to change anything for me apart from more scouts to gank.
Jezza McWaffle
#52 - 2014-05-08 10:17:21 UTC
I do hate this change, especially for the C5 wormholes. Currently there are over 500 C5 wormhole with only a small percent actually occupied. The idea of leaving scouts in system for days maybe even weeks on end for less than a 1% chance per wormhole of finding any activity is frankly stupid.

Wormholes worst badass | Checkout my Wormhole blog

Jessica Duranin
#53 - 2014-05-08 14:42:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessica Duranin
Jezza McWaffle wrote:
The idea of leaving scouts in system for days maybe even weeks on end for less than a 1% chance per wormhole of finding any activity is frankly stupid.

You don't have to.
There is so much information out there that helps you judge if a system is active or not.

Just as an example: Look at the Corp that lives in the system... how many members, what sort of members, how does the killboard look like, what time zone are they in? Do they have a website, what do they post on the forums? (Yes, main-posting can screw you pretty hard as a small corp)
Look at the system... what does the killboard say about the system itself, how many POS are in the system and more importantly how are they set up? How many anomalies/signatures are in the system and of which type.

There is so much information out there - you just have to piece it all together and suddenly you can get a pretty clear picture of what people are doing or not doing in a system without the need for that 100% accurate zero effort API intel.
Sure, you might miss some farmers who are super sneaky and try to not leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind them, but that's part of the game.

It's kind of sad to see that so many of the big wh PvP corps seem to have lost (or never had) a sense for that part of the game in favor of just getting more and more expensive killmails without having to put in any real effort.

Hopefully this change will finally purge the unworthy from Bob's praised lands.
Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#54 - 2014-05-08 16:29:09 UTC
King Fu Hostile wrote:
Hyperbole, compared to this? :D

Kalel Nimrott wrote:
I love how the bears hide in the free intel speech to improve their isk heaven even further.
We are going to go from hunter paradise to squishy mushy brar paradise. So sad that there are no grays here.

Anyway, my honest opinion is that the bloobloo reaction is a real indicator of an undesirable situation, which is lack of PVP activity in wormhole space. People feel they need to resort to logoffski and 3rd party tools based on unintended access to data to get pew. Note that the reason for this fix is not pampering cuddlybears, but fixing an oversight in game design, a bug- just like wh jump data, it's simply against the nature or wormhole space which has no gates or CONCORD presence.

Maybe better to discuss other changes, than crying after this clutch, gimmick?

I personally don't give a flying **** whether this bug fix makes farming safer or farmer ganking harder, I'm more concerned of not seeing many, or as it often is these days, any active pilots in our chain. I'd love to meet more gangs, and especially I'd love to have something to fight over. Some new structure in the upcoming new POSes? More varied geography? More interesting PVE to make people more active?

How to get more guys living in w-space?

You are right, and this is the reason why I don't want kill api data removed. CCP will never get around to fixing WH space with regard to player interaction in any meaningful way, and even if they do, chances are they will just break it completely considering the lack of forethought they have about any changes to w-space (see this change and the delayed sig change).

Maybe it's not realistic, but right now kill api data is nessecary for wspace.
Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#55 - 2014-05-08 16:38:33 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
King Fu Hostile wrote:
Hyperbole, compared to this? :D

Kalel Nimrott wrote:
I love how the bears hide in the free intel speech to improve their isk heaven even further.
We are going to go from hunter paradise to squishy mushy brar paradise. So sad that there are no grays here.

Anyway, my honest opinion is that the bloobloo reaction is a real indicator of an undesirable situation, which is lack of PVP activity in wormhole space. People feel they need to resort to logoffski and 3rd party tools based on unintended access to data to get pew. Note that the reason for this fix is not pampering cuddlybears, but fixing an oversight in game design, a bug- just like wh jump data, it's simply against the nature or wormhole space which has no gates or CONCORD presence.

Maybe better to discuss other changes, than crying after this clutch, gimmick?

I personally don't give a flying **** whether this bug fix makes farming safer or farmer ganking harder, I'm more concerned of not seeing many, or as it often is these days, any active pilots in our chain. I'd love to meet more gangs, and especially I'd love to have something to fight over. Some new structure in the upcoming new POSes? More varied geography? More interesting PVE to make people more active?

How to get more guys living in w-space?

You are right, and this is the reason why I don't want kill api data removed. CCP will never get around to fixing WH space with regard to player interaction in any meaningful way, and even if they do, chances are they will just break it completely considering the lack of forethought they have about any changes to w-space (see this change and the delayed sig change).

Maybe it's not realistic, but right now kill api data is nessecary for wspace.

I'm not entirely sure about that. If CCP had no plans to "fix" or "improve" wormholes, we wouldn't get these random "fixes" or "improvements". I have the small feeling that CCP is preparing something, and they are paving the way for it.

I, for one, welcome the removal of kill info on API. There is no way to obtain said info in game, and it makes sense. It's unknown space.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#56 - 2014-05-08 16:59:04 UTC
Why do you continue with this "it doesn't make sense" crap.

Regardless of whether or not it makes sense within the sense of the game, it will harm w-space, thus don't remove it until there is already a fix in place for the issue that it's solving right now.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2014-05-08 17:27:24 UTC
I am for this change 100%, but not for the farming aspect rather the hunter aspect. Most of you guys don't like this because how easy it makes to farm cap escalation sites correct? Just wondering would you bigger pvp groups / wh entities be happy with this change if there was a significant change to farming/being safe inside a wormhole?

I disagree

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#58 - 2014-05-08 17:34:10 UTC
I ask again, where do you think wspace i heading towards?

More anchorable structures.
Changes in production.
Ghost sites.
Player Owned Stargates.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#59 - 2014-05-09 01:54:30 UTC
SKINE DMZ wrote:
I am for this change 100%, but not for the farming aspect rather the hunter aspect. Most of you guys don't like this because how easy it makes to farm cap escalation sites correct? Just wondering would you bigger pvp groups / wh entities be happy with this change if there was a significant change to farming/being safe inside a wormhole?

Yes as long as more player interaction (read: PVP) is the result of changes, I am for those changes. The fact is that the removal of the npc kill data is going to do the opposite.

People claim that you should have to scout for your intel, but let me tell you about how sitting in a wormhole for 48 hours, and then scanning a way out (since your static has collapsed) and then flying 50 jumps across the universe is a colossal waste of time and nobody wants to do this. This is not PVP. It's not even PVE. It's a waste of time.

This is why I oppose the change. It simply makes players waste more of there time for other player interaction.
Abbie Rova
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2014-05-09 02:29:54 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:

People claim that you should have to scout for your intel, but let me tell you about how sitting in a wormhole for 48 hours, and then scanning a way out (since your static has collapsed) and then flying 50 jumps across the universe is a colossal waste of time and nobody wants to do this. This is not PVP. It's not even PVE. It's a waste of time.

This is why I oppose the change. It simply makes players waste more of there time for other player interaction.

wait, so you want me to take my scout, run through as many wormholes as i can adding them to my mapper tool of choice, then sit back and wait and hour, probably go make coffee talk BS on TS, and wait till i see the npc counter rise.
All while having a fleet on standby just waiting to see someone make a move so that we can get in there and kill.
Thats my attitude, and the problem with people who are opposed to these changes imo.

IMO it should work like this.

Scan and scout wormholes adding them to my mapper, and if i roll into a hole and i see no activity move on, if i see sites being run or holes being rolled or whatever, then i call my backup in. perhaps ill scout the wh and the corp and decide to log off in that hole for another day, who knows.

Now im sure for ye c5/c6 pro pvp corps who only wanna pvp all the time (and im not talking about your corp, just the leet pvp corps in general), itll mean ye have to work harder for your ganks, or not being able to tell when a corp is running sites, have to have more scouts active, have to have more people willing to go scout and find content that will create a lot more downtime between fights.

But i think what ccp is getting at here, is that ye should have to go actively find your content and hunt for your targets, blitzing through whs, then posing up waiting for someone else to run sites so you can see it, and bring your targets in is not finding content. come on its just lazy.

whatever happened to a good old bait ship, or just patience..