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Warfare & Tactics

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Questions about faction warfare

Vrayne Mangeiri
#1 - 2014-04-30 00:04:00 UTC
Hi I am fairly new to eve. I am looking at faction warfare as a possible career. I am looking at joining the minmatar in the fight.
but I have a couple questions.

1. I heard you lose standings and can get locked out of safe space forever, is that true?
2. Is it noob friendly.
3. Can I make enough money to support losing ships.
4. Is it active enough to warrant the costs of being in it.

thank you
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#2 - 2014-04-30 00:18:51 UTC
1) You can get chased out of space, but not forever (just as much will as you have to regrind standings)

2) It's as difficult as you make it

3) Easily

4) How do you value your time?...
Charlie Firpol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-04-30 00:33:27 UTC
Vrayne Mangeiri wrote:
Hi I am fairly new to eve. I am looking at faction warfare as a possible career. I am looking at joining the minmatar in the fight.
but I have a couple questions.

1. I heard you lose standings and can get locked out of safe space forever, is that true?
2. Is it noob friendly.
3. Can I make enough money to support losing ships.
4. Is it active enough to warrant the costs of being in it.

thank you

You will lose standing towards your enemy factional warfare NPC corp, which you can pretty much ignore.

You will lose sec standing only when you shoot neutrals in lowsec. You are in a permanent wardec against the enemy militia so shooting them does not reduce your sec status. Neither does shooting red flashy pirates.

You will get hunted by enemy militia NPCs in your enemies factions highsec as long as you are in factional warfare. They are not even comparable to concord, even though they spawn just like them. You can outrun them in a fast ship.

2. definately noob friendly. The most flown ships in FW are frigates and destroyers. Unfortunately I donĀ“t know a noob friendly corp in minmatar militia but that is just because I know no corp over there at all :)

3. absolutely. Like I said you will lose mostly frigates and destroyers anyway, which are not hard to replace.

4. which cost?

The Butcher of Black Rise -

Douglas Nolm
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-04-30 06:38:16 UTC
Your questions have already been answered above, so I'll just add that I went into FW as a raw noob, all I had done before was the tutorial missions, and the sisters of eve arc. You'll find that FW is another steep learning curve for newbies, but you'll learn very quickly, and people are generally happy to help you out with that. Don't worry that militia chat can sometimes be hostile, it's full of spies, so very little is given away there. You may have to earn some respect and trust before people will tell you anything because you will be suspected of being one of those spy alts.
As for corps, Minmatar Brotherhood is actively recruiting as far as I know, and most corps are fairly newbie friendly if you earn their trust.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#5 - 2014-04-30 11:08:09 UTC
Vrayne Mangeiri wrote:
Hi I am fairly new to eve. I am looking at faction warfare as a possible career. I am looking at joining the minmatar in the fight.
but I have a couple questions.

1. I heard you lose standings and can get locked out of safe space forever, is that true?
2. Is it noob friendly.
3. Can I make enough money to support losing ships.
4. Is it active enough to warrant the costs of being in it.

thank you

1. being in militia does not affect standings, doing stuff does, do right stuff and you do not lose much standings.
2. not really
3. yes, even more if you are active
4. activity is your own thing, if you do nothing nothing happens, if you do lot of things activity is great.
Polska Kielbasa
Minmatar Brotherhood
#6 - 2014-05-04 00:21:02 UTC
Minmatar Brotherhood Forever
Forever Minmatar Brotherhood
Never forget    Never forgive
Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-05-06 00:01:09 UTC
You will gradually lose your sec status as you fight neutral/pirates who warp into your plexes. This can stop you flying freely in hi sec.

The easiest way to combat it, is to farm the clone tag rats which are found in low sec belts and are traded in for sec status gain.

But when you're in the militia you need to avoid the hisec trade hubs anyway because they are camped by war targets, so just roll a low SP NPC corp hauler alt in one of your 2 free character slots, and use them for shopping and any other hi sec business.

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7