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Little things - Personal Savings Accounts Division

Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#21 - 2014-05-02 18:01:53 UTC
Titan Andronicus wrote:
Tara Tyrael wrote:
Titan Andronicus wrote:
I think it's a sensible idea with no drawbacks.

Personally I use option 2) and use the corporate wallet for all trading activities.

You could also have a 'character specific' wallet, and a reserve wallet common to the account and useable by any character on that account, to also save messy transfers or the corp wallet exploit.

Yea, was thinking of something like that, as in you can pay that NPC bank corp in eve to open account for your toons, then the 2nd division would be shared among all your toons. Not everybody here has access to corp wallets anyways

That's subtlety different.

I was thinking simply of a CCP feature 'behind the scenes' of a 'wallet' which is linked to the subscription account, which can be used by all the characters on that account.

A NPC 'bank' account in-game, which is usable by all of your ALTs is a very different mechanic. How might this work?

Hypothetically I could offer you and your ALTs a banking service with my corp by giving you a wallet exclusively for your use (which I can also access because of the way the corporation mechanisms work), but could be a free service as a player-owned bank that you trusted would not need office space and wouldn't need to charge. The entry costs for incorporation are piddling low. But there is a restriction of only 7 wallet divisions, so a maximum of 7 customers. You wouldn't trust a PC banking service with all of your ISK; you might with a small amount for sharing with all of your ALTs, but the amounts would be too low to really make it work. Also the corp owner would have to know your identity and the identity of all of your ALTs disclosed and using the service. And they'd have to be members of the corp or it wouldn't work.

From what I've read there have been discussions about player-owned banking services to provide loans in exchange for interest, and I like the idea in theory, but trust in EVE being what it is...

Nah, its the same thing, there is NPC corp called Gorun Bank or something like that. Would be the same as yours, just added ISK sink for enabling this option for your toons. So would be the background behind the scenes, but would need payment like for example when you update your clone in medical station, its not much, but still its added cost
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#22 - 2014-05-04 13:55:57 UTC
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#23 - 2014-05-04 14:27:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Titan Andronicus
No consensus yet to present to CCP.

So the two proposals are either:

1) out of game wallet linked to your account which is accessible by all characters on that account.
2) an in-game NPC bank where you create an account and nominate which characters can access it.

This second idea I think was not what was originally suggested by you and I think needs a lot of further idea development specifying exactly how it should be created and how it should function.

1) is more intuitive and should be much easier to implement.
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#24 - 2014-05-04 14:46:46 UTC
Titan Andronicus wrote:
No consensus yet to present to CCP.

So the two proposals are either:

1) out of game wallet linked to your account which is accessible by all characters on that account.
2) an in-game NPC bank where you create an account and nominate which characters can access it.

This second idea I think was not what was originally suggested by you and I think needs a lot of further idea development specifying exactly how it should be created and how it should function.

1) is more intuitive and should be much easier to implement.

Well, 2nd idea is possible extend of original idea

Original idea is each toon just 2 personal divisions, even though would be nice to have extend to link multiple characters 2nd division into same
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#25 - 2014-05-10 12:14:29 UTC
Bump to the top
The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#26 - 2014-05-10 13:14:38 UTC
Would love to have this, make it so you can 'tax' yourself so a certain % of your income goes directly into the second wallet division.
Nolen Cadmar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-05-10 15:32:14 UTC
+1. I'd like to see personal wallet divisions so that it's easier to keep track of money you've set aside for thing. I'd be perfectly happy with 2 divisions, but would prefer 4.

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Nick Kumamoto
#28 - 2014-05-10 20:07:28 UTC

So much +1 as I can muster.

Most of what I write in terms of posts and/or comments is meant as "tongue-in-cheek", i.e. part irony, part sarcasm but meant in good fun.

On a more serious note. I want to marry CCP karkur. Is there a EVE dating service I can call?

Jasmine Assasin
The Holy Rollers
#29 - 2014-05-10 20:20:27 UTC
+1, I wouldn't need this character if this was a thing. This would also remove another reason to create 1 man corp havens and that surely can't be a bad thing can it?
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#30 - 2014-05-10 22:48:36 UTC
^ Quite right, there was somebody today posting about ghost corporations...
Arthur Aihaken
#31 - 2014-05-10 23:05:58 UTC
Tara Tyrael wrote:
2 Wallet divisions for players.

+1 An excellent idea.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#32 - 2014-05-13 09:18:32 UTC
There can't be enough win for this idea! One way or another, more granularity and organisation in the personal wallet is a good thing.

The true key awesomeness would be account numbers, also tied into the market. So, I put up a buy order for 1000 slaves, then I'd like to be able to select a personal wallet division I'd like to use as well as an account number related to that order. These should be searchable ofcourse, and I should be able to make a balance report per account number to see how much I spent on a particular project.
#33 - 2014-05-13 13:39:58 UTC
Tbf, even an 'out of game bank' for all your toons could still work
Would need more voodoo as such, but remember, on the account page we can now link our accounts together... depending how this was put together, part of the framework could already exist
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2014-05-13 13:59:08 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Another little thing would be....different currency for each race. Isn't it kind if odd and conspiratorial that only one type of currency would be present in New Eden even though there are four distinct races? Think of each race as a different continent on Earth. America uses the dollar, the Brits the Pound, the French the franc and so forth.

Each has its own value when compared to the other with the home countries money being of the highest value.

Each race would have its own currency allowing trading to take place with money based on stocks and bonds for the money transfer markets.

For example you have 1000 Gallente Talents. In Minmatar space they would have a value of actually being 850 talents, in Amarr space the value would be 750 talents and in Caldari space the value would be 550 talents.

Each race would have a floating value system that would constanty change so that a money transfer system would take place along with keeping the environment exciting as pilots rushed from system to system with cargo containers full of monies looking to transfer it.

Greece stopped using drachma, France stopped using franc, Germany the deutsche mark - they all use Euro now. Because they're in the EU. Britain is one of the handful left with their own currency.

New Eden individual planets still use their respective planetary currencies, but ISK is the Euro of New Eden. Makes trade easier, just as it does in real life.
Michael Ignis Archangel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#35 - 2014-05-13 19:03:33 UTC
As an accountant in the meat world, I support this wholeheartedly. Maybe tie the number of wallet divisions to levels 1, 3, and 5 of the Accounting skill?

And -1 to NPC corp wallets. Corporations are the in game mechanism for combined financial cooperation. They have disadvantages , true, but risk/rewards is a big theme lately.
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#36 - 2014-05-13 20:09:58 UTC
Boo! Referencing the EU, with their silly idea of a financial transaction tax.

At least CCP are ignoring the obvious possibility of adding this in-game on ISK transfers as another ISK sink.
Sentenced 1989
#37 - 2014-05-24 01:11:15 UTC
In any case, original idea bumped, rest is over complicating simple proposal
Domanique Altares
#38 - 2014-05-24 07:38:57 UTC
Tara Tyrael wrote:

Because I don't want to overpay a kill right (you know the ones where it is 10 mill and next one is 1 bill), mistype a market order, etc.

Then don't.
Trains Awesomeness
#39 - 2014-05-27 15:12:54 UTC
The idea is great and really simple to implemant. It would make life easier for a lot of player (And foremost, it doesnt break Malcanis Law!!!)

Richer player could always get their ISK in saving accounts too, but new player would be able to have an account in which they can start saving for their own ship buying,

Making it trade skill related is only logical for that part. I think the CSM should have a look at this here, no negative comment so far as it would not be abused.

Yes It does nerf Scam a little bit, but I'm sure they'll still make more than enough money that way.
Nico Aristaeus
The Vendunari
End of Life
#40 - 2014-05-28 15:31:54 UTC
I want this. +1

There are two types of people: People that can extrapolate from incomplete data.