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Time to extend the skill queue

First post
Soban Heavy Industries
#21 - 2014-05-03 18:38:46 UTC
Time to extend the skill queue

Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#22 - 2014-05-03 18:42:27 UTC
There was a discussion about this yesterday (they slip down fast!):

And I found this one in the commonly proposed ideas, from 2009:

from which my favourite quote was:
I feel 24 hours is enough. You say 48 now, soon you'll come back saying 96 hours because i dont want to log in once every 2 days and soon you'll be saying just gimme a 720 hours queue and i wont login for a month.

So far I haven't found one genuine counter-argument against extending this.

Disclosure: I've only been playing EVE for two months, so obviously never had to suffer waking up in the middle of the night to train the next skill. Sorry you guys had to go through that, but even if you wouldn't personally benefit from a extension please try to look on this sympathetically to players new to EVE who would benefit from this, especially when there is a planned absence from home.

I'd like a 30 day skill queue to match my 30-day subscriptions.
Arthur Aihaken
#23 - 2014-05-03 18:43:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Yun Kuai wrote:
People logging on make content.

People logging on to simply update their skill queue and logoff generate nothing except the brief perception that there is one more "active" player. Updating your skill queue is not generating content.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ceawlin Cobon-Han
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-05-03 19:02:56 UTC
This training queue thing has been spoken about several times. Unfortunately the obsessives in the game have a masochistic attachment to the way it dictates a portion of their lives. These obsessives are more likely to counter any suggestion to extending the queue than normal people would support it. CCP don't want the hassle these unusual people would cause and so the queue will remain as it is.

It may be sad but it's a fact.
Sad Najwyzszy
#25 - 2014-05-03 19:30:59 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Yun Kuai wrote:
People logging on make content.

People logging on to simply update their skill queue and logoff generate nothing except the brief perception that there is one more "active" player. Updating your skill queue is not generating content.


longer queue will only help.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2014-05-03 21:55:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
No. The queue is fine as is.

Mr. I play eve, eve doesn't play me, if you are finding it impossible to some how find a way within a twenty four hour time span to login and set another skill perhaps some time management is in order. My statement is a little inflammatory I know but seriously I work around 66 hours a week and I can manage to keep 4 accounts training at all times. Do you have a smartphone or access to a computer? Install a remote desktop service.

A skill to add queue time is just impractical. Just because you suggest to make the feature you'd like implemented a training time sink doesn't make it anymore attractive. Would I take advantage of a longer queue time, HELL YES! Am I going to support such a change, no.

TL;DR No, working as intendedâ„¢
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2014-05-03 22:01:51 UTC
I don't really understand the skill queue limit either. Logging in for five minutes does not constitute playing the game. I shouldn't have to queue up some Level 5 skill that I don't want now, versus some 3/4 skills that I do want, just because I'm going on vacation.

Sure, the times may be few and far between that you can't access your computer once a day to adjust your queue. But that's no good reason why it should be limited.
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#28 - 2014-05-03 22:05:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Titan Andronicus
@Habris, No offense, but that's a purely reactionary response and not a rational counter-argument.

So something works*. It could be better. The fact that you more experienced players have noted that this suggestion has been made before should be recognition that there is a valid demand for an longer queue. If there was no desire for continuous improvement, imagine where mankind would be.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-05-03 22:06:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Jur Tissant wrote:
I don't really understand the skill queue limit either. Logging in for five minutes does not constitute playing the game. I shouldn't have to queue up some Level 5 skill that I don't want now, versus some 3/4 skills that I do want, just because I'm going on vacation.

Sure, the times may be few and far between that you can't access your computer once a day to adjust your queue. But that's no good reason why it should be limited.

The skill queue was only added as a feature to help mitigate SP loss when your main skill had finished. It wasn't added as a benefit to skill plan management. Want that feature, it exists.... it's called EvEmon.

Titan Andronicus wrote:
@Habris, No offense, but that's a purely reactionary response and not a rational counter-argument.

So something works*. It could be better. The fact that you more experienced players have noted that this suggestion has been made before should be recognition that there is a valid demand for an longer queue. If there was no desire for continuous improvement, imagine where mankind would be.

I wouldn't say more experienced.... ok I guess I will. As a vetted pilot of this game I was playing when this feature came out, when patch days were exactly that patch DAYS. After a patch stability was ****, and CCP implemented the queue as a way for players to have a backup skill(s) so they didn't HAVE to wake up at O'dark thirty to set a damn skill. Newer pilots who've always had this feature are flat out spoiled in this regard. Just login.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-05-03 22:17:28 UTC
Habris wrote:

I wouldn't say more experienced.... ok I guess I will. As a vetted pilot of this game I was playing when this feature came out, when patch days were exactly that patch DAYS. After a patch stability was ****, and CCP implemented the queue as a way for players to have a backup skill(s) so they didn't HAVE to wake up at O'dark thirty to set a damn skill. Newer pilots who've always had this feature are flat out spoiled in this regard. Just login.

Sure, it isn't usually a big task to log in every day (usually, but sometimes it is). But the question is, why shouldn't CCP do away with the skill limit? What purpose does a 24h queue limit serve? What harm would be done if we were allowed to just queue up skills months in advance?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2014-05-03 22:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Jur Tissant wrote:

Sure, it isn't usually a big task to log in every day (usually, but sometimes it is). But the question is, why shouldn't CCP do away with the skill limit? What purpose does a 24h queue limit serve? What harm would be done if we were allowed to just queue up skills months in advance?

The fact is it's NEVER a big task to login, if you're resourceful enough you'll find a way or you stop training for a period of time OH NOOEEEESSS! You keep missing the point which is that the queue isn't for setting a chain of skills because of either apathy or poor time management. It was put in place to keep players from losing SP, which before even if you were staring at your skill tree when something finished you'd still lose a nominal amount. To answer why it's a bad idea to have a larger queue? It would be harmful to the character trading economy as well as promote further apathy among the already disillusioned and would probably lead to a decrease in player activity by some percentage.


No, working as intendedâ„¢
Weasel Leblanc
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2014-05-03 22:36:29 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jezza McWaffle wrote:
Every player generates money for EVE.

No - some players generate content, which is not the same. You can try to equate that with revenue, but at the end of the day while content may attract players - it ultimately doesn't pay for the game.

Players who back their accounts with plex instead of real money are still helping fund EVE, actually. Those plex (with very few exceptions) came from someone pumping their dollars into CCP's coffers with the intent of selling.

The primary demand factor for plex (outside of speculation) is people who want to use their EVE earnings instead of their real earnings to fund their play time. They are, essentially, handing plex buyers their isk in exchange for having the plex buyers back their accounts. With the plex buyers' real money.

People who use a chain of trial accounts really aren't helping, though.
Chambers of Shaolin
#33 - 2014-05-03 23:06:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Daenika
Ya'll don't seem to realize, extending the skill queue doesn't (generally) mean you can log in any less. If you're, for example, chain-training 4-16 day level V's (like me), having a 3 day skill queue still only lets me queue one extra at a time. I still have to log in once per skill, at a minimum, to add it to the queue.

What it does is opens a larger window for me to do that during. If I'm out of town for the weekend, I don't have to worry about screwing with my training schedule because my current skill ends 29 hours from when my flight takes off.

The only ones that wouldn't have to log in as often are the lower-SP players that are chain-training II's and III's that only take a few hours each. They could set a few days worth at once (though keep in mind, they'd still have to log on to inject any new skills once the pre-reqs had been complete), and those aren't generally the type of players likely to randomly go gank someone because they logged in to update their queue.

Extended skill queues don't make the game any easier, any more than adding the skill queue in the first place did. It doesn't even mean logging in less often (in most cases), just like with the original skill queue. It just means less hassle and less having to plan your life around EVE. It's a quality of life issue, not an ease of gameplay issue.

I also tend to concur that adding an API for updating your skills would be awesome. Frankly, if the only thing that gets someone to log in is their skill queue anyway, why are the paying for the game? If that's their only reason for logging in, they aren't going to be generating content while online anyway (any more than I generated any content logging in every day or two while doing the 6-month train for my HS L4 Tengu alt). If they are generating content, they are probably going to be logging in anyway, because they actually enjoy playing.

And CCP makes their money either way.
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#34 - 2014-05-03 23:28:43 UTC
Habris wrote:
I wouldn't say more experienced.... ok I guess I will. As a vetted pilot of this game I was playing when this feature came out, when patch days were exactly that patch DAYS. After a patch stability was ****, and CCP implemented the queue as a way for players to have a backup skill(s) so they didn't HAVE to wake up at O'dark thirty to set a damn skill. Newer pilots who've always had this feature are flat out spoiled in this regard. Just login.

As a two month old player I'd say nearly everyone is more experienced than I am! :)

Until I posted in the other thread I had thought that the 24-hr queue was just set arbitrarily and not as a later addition feature to save players from an interrupted night's sleep. So there was a process of improvement designed to ameliorate an inconvenient flaw in player progression, which no doubt affected players new to EVE the hardest.

Was this CCP's own idea, or was it following requests from the community? I was wondering if there was one person back then who responded thusly: "not needed, just plan your short and long skills better to match your login times. /thread."

Daenika wrote:
The only ones that wouldn't have to log in as often are the lower-SP players that are chain-training II's and III's that only take a few hours each. They could set a few days worth at once (though keep in mind, they'd still have to log on to inject any new skills once the pre-reqs had been complete), and those aren't generally the type of players likely to randomly go gank someone because they logged in to update their queue.

Thank you for the added recognition that there is a problem which could be improved to the benefit of players new to EVE, so that there is an equality of access between a new player who is constantly at home, and a new player who has to be away from home for a period longer than his longest available skill training time, therefore losing potential skill points, and therefore not getting full value for money.

30-day queue to match my 30-day subscription, many thanks.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#35 - 2014-05-03 23:46:00 UTC
Titan Andronicus wrote:

Was this CCP's own idea, or was it following requests from the community? I was wondering if there was one person back then who responded thusly: "not needed, just plan your short and long skills better to match your login times. /thread."

Well sorta, basically people kept bitching when extended down times cost players SP because they didn't set a long skill pre-patch. It took years of moaning and groaning and finally they gave the twenty four hour queue. For new characters just joining eve it was a routine when you logged after being away IRL. You'd login swap from a long skill to the shorter running skills while you were playing and when you went to log off you set a skill that would hold you over till next login. That sorta thing was highly annoying for 1-2 week old toons, but once you get to skills taking 17+ hours or more its just skill management from that point forward.

But CCP graced us with a queue that allotted players a 24 hour grace before the previous skill ended to set another one. It's a slippery slope, so 24->48->72->96->120 etc etc. How long of a queue would it take to please all the masses? There is always going to be some chud not happy that they have to login just because their skill is coming to an end. The player base has created so many tools tied to a characters API that there really isn't an excuse for any SP loss these days other than apathy or negligence. Going on a trip? Set a longer skill. Players are more than capable of keeping their accounts training, stop being lazy and/or stubborn.
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#36 - 2014-05-04 00:06:07 UTC
Habris wrote:
Titan Andronicus wrote:

Was this CCP's own idea, or was it following requests from the community? I was wondering if there was one person back then who responded thusly: "not needed, just plan your short and long skills better to match your login times. /thread."

Well sorta, basically people kept bitching when extended down times cost players SP because they didn't set a long skill pre-patch. It took years of moaning and groaning and finally they gave the twenty four hour queue. For new characters just joining eve it was a routine when you logged after being away IRL. You'd login swap from a long skill to the shorter running skills while you were playing and when you went to log off you set a skill that would hold you over till next login. That sorta thing was highly annoying for 1-2 week old toons, but once you get to skills taking 17+ hours or more its just skill management from that point forward.

But CCP graced us with a queue that allotted players a 24 hour grace before the previous skill ended to set another one. It's a slippery slope, so 24->48->72->96->120 etc etc. How long of a queue would it take to please all the masses? There is always going to be some chud not happy that they have to login just because their skill is coming to an end. The player base has created so many tools tied to a characters API that there really isn't an excuse for any SP loss these days other than apathy or negligence. Going on a trip? Set a longer skill. Players are more than capable of keeping their accounts training, stop being lazy and/or stubborn.

I really don't like the sound of 'extended' downtime; again you wouldn't get full value for your sub money. I suppose we new players do seem spoiled, comparatively. But the generational comparison makes me smile: "you kids today", and "when I was a n00b", and most famously "you've never had it so good!"

Unfortunately the problem remains that you can have a planned absence exceeding your longest skill training time, and I don't fancy leaving my PC on for over two weeks while I'm away, thank you very much :)

Stubborn? Was that for me? Not that I mind. Regrettably I am very stubborn when I think I am right and have the winning argument.

30-day queue for a 30-day sub... That could become my first signature here!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#37 - 2014-05-04 00:17:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Titan Andronicus wrote:
Stubborn? Was that for me? Not that I mind. Regrettably I am very stubborn when I think I am right and have the winning argument.

No it wasn't at you, but if it makes you feel better why not. I really hate to do the "damned kids! get off my lawn!" routine but you seriously can't tell me that in the time it takes to train one of the longer skills you couldn't some how manage to get to a computer or ask someone to do it for you. I definitely understand how things can happen and pull you away from logging in, but I took steps to keep my training going. There are thousands of players that seem to pull this off seamlessly, I'm not sure why you're having such a difficult time with it. Even being two months old you can't tell me that right now you can't set a skill that would hold you over for atleast a week or two.

I also see there is a lot of mention in this thread of things that happen outside this game, and to be blunt how is this CCP's problem? They've made available a way to queue skills and frankly with this character I could manage training only 20+ day skills for months and only logging in to queue the next.

30-day queue for a 30 da..... no no no no no no NO NO NO.

The current iteration is more than fair.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#38 - 2014-05-04 01:32:37 UTC  |  Edited by: FT Diomedes
As someone who has had to rely on family to keep my skills updated for an extended period of time while I went to Afghanistan, I'm all in favor of being able to set a skill queue for as long as your subscription. None of us can play 23/7, so most of the time, all we are getting for our money is the opportunity to earn more SP.

Yes, the 24-hour skill queue is way better than the system we had before. Yes, we have PLAYER-CREATED tools like Evemon to help us plan and track it (why isn't this part of the ******* game already?). It seems absurd that I can immerse myself in Evemon and plan my character for the next 3 years, but I cannot do this in-game.

Bottom-line: Eve should have an in-game Evemon-type capability where you can set your skill queue for as long as the subscription.

PS - while you are at it, add an EFT-type functionality to the game as well. Make it so that I can see, in game, what effect training Advanced Weapon Upgrades will have on my latest fit. If you want to get people hooked on Eve and keep them logged in, add EFT and Evemon functionality to the game.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-05-04 01:39:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
FT Diomedes wrote:
As someone who has had to rely on family to keep my skills updated for an extended period of time while I went to Afghanistan, I'm all in favor of being able to set a skill queue for as long as your subscription. None of us can play 23/7, so most of the time, all we are getting for our money is the opportunity to earn more SP.

Yes, the 24-hour skill queue is way better than the system we had before. Yes, we have PLAYER-CREATED tools like Evemon to help us plan and track it (why isn't this part of the ******* game already?). It seems absurd that I can immerse myself in Evemon and plan my character for the next 3 years, but I cannot do this in-game.

Bottom-line: Eve should have an in-game Evemon-type capability where you can set your skill queue for as long as the subscription.

Just examples for the "subscription based queue" argument, but I still disagree. At face value its sounds very fair, but they want people to play this game not create a bunch of characters drop the cash/plex on a years worth of subscription and then not login till it was time to sell/play the character. While it most certainly aides situations like yours, it could hurt the game on multiple fronts.
Stellar Production
#40 - 2014-05-04 02:39:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Octoven
Well, you have to remember that in the near future CREST will be implemented allowing you to set your queue from your mobile without the need to log in. The ONLY improvement I can see to the skill queue is that if you have a skill that is the pre-resiquite of another skill, it should allow both to be queued up. For example:

Target Management 5 can be queued up, but at the moment you have to wait until you have fully finished the skill before you can add Advanced Target Management to the queue, there are some who this isnt really an issue, others cant stand losing skill time, so they slap another temp skill in behind it, and then when they can get around to put Advanced Target Management in its place. This of course means partially trained skills, which for some may trigger OCD issues lol sooo the logical way to handle this would be, as long as the skills required to train another skill are in the queue, it should allow said skill to be added to the end of them. In this sense, if you have Target Management 5 queued and have 4 hours left on it, you can then add Advanced Target Management into the queue.

The only issue I can see with this is that Advanced Target Management requires Target Management to be 5 before it lets you inject it into your head, the work around to this is, if the skill is in your cargo bay of your active ship OR in the station hanger of the station you are docked at the moment that the skill needs to be trained in the queue, it will auto inject and train. This of course means you would need to know where you placed the skill in the event you log out before the 4 hours are up.