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Rent in Khanid/Kor-Azor, Surely You're Joking (We're not)

First post
Hera Bathana
Colonial Industries
#81 - 2014-04-25 19:31:32 UTC
who exactly are u guys blue to in the region? important info we would need to consider something like this. and are u willing to defend your "renters" control tower assets?
Amely Miles
Second Exile
#82 - 2014-04-26 00:35:53 UTC
what happens when a renter goes bad and decides to just hot drop everyone?

As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole, I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter.

I took my finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new boat," I thought to myself.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#83 - 2014-04-26 04:58:14 UTC
Amely Miles wrote:
what happens when a renter goes bad and decides to just hot drop everyone?

That question was answered on page three.
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#84 - 2014-04-26 07:25:01 UTC
Marr21608 wrote:
After a bit of research I support this idea....

Do me a favor..
Don't call it rent. Makes me cringe.
And that is probably the reason for the massive amount of outbursts from older players on this thread. If you consider each contributing member you recruit to be actually that... A member... Meaning a member of an elitist group with a purpose. You lose the demeaning feel pressed on all renters within the CFC, PL and N3.

On top of that strive to incorporate some other forms of payment for your renters.
Leave isk as an option but SRP management, Moon management, Numbers in Cap fleets, All kinds of Logistics and support should be considered and make sure your pvp guys are not running the low sec complexes and gas/data sites, as leaders in the groups you recruit will need those sites to keep their general population happy.

It is a very strange idea all together but with the lack of content (Fun content.. Stop kicking the dead horse let it be dead.) in Null sec I think some of the older players in the game may take you up on this. And if so this will become more popular. That is your target customer here. Bitter vets that don't have the time required for Null sec and are looking for a fun environment in an area where the skills they already have can be put to use.

There is no more risk than there is in Null sec only different risk. Vet players with more experience would benefit from such arrangements in the same way they do with wormholes and development in these parts of eve will only bring advancements by CCP to help those players in development of their game play.

I for one can in-vision several smaller more effective coalitions taking regions all over eve in this manner pulling people to their own brand of game play. The unique difficulties may require a different skill set and different game play but would provide more fun than the current renting situation under the **** lords.

I use the term "rent" simply because it is the common familiar term. But yes I agree it is fairly different than what most people would consider renting, in a good way, as you suggested. Faster to say rent than "long term protection and security service." Whichever people prefer to call it is fine with me.

Hera Bathana wrote:
who exactly are u guys blue to in the region? important info we would need to consider something like this. and are u willing to defend your "renters" control tower assets?

I'm not sure SYJ's diplomatic resume is of such concern. If you're asking if a pvp alliance is going to shoot targets that are hitting your towers, the answer is obviously yes.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2014-04-26 07:35:36 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
I'm not sure SYJ's diplomatic resume is of such concern. If you're asking if a pvp alliance is going to shoot targets that are hitting your towers, the answer is obviously yes.

SYJ has a diplomatic resume?!?! Since when?!?!

More seriously, Hera, that would probably be a better question to ask in serious negotiations, not on a public forum thread.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Jack Lennox
Grove Street Families
#86 - 2014-04-26 16:11:28 UTC
I really hope this works out for you, I like the idea

Been ganked? Robbed? Space feelings hurt?  Now there's something you can do! Fill out a Customer Service Comment Card!  EIther that or contact everyone's favorite Space Detective for an instant ban!

Qmamoto Kansuke
Killing with pink power
Penguins with lasorz
#87 - 2014-04-26 17:01:10 UTC
You know while this offer sounds juicy in theory you've not given any solid proof that you're in control of the said region and there has been plenty of posts in the topic from neutral entities saying they roam khanid frequently.

In the end if carebears lose their ice mining fleet few times for example it will not be worth moving out.So my theory is this: prove that you're the masters and no one can get in or out without your permission then you might get your project going.So far i've not seen such proof just empty words without backing.
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#88 - 2014-04-27 17:37:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Seraph IX Basarab
Qmamoto Kansuke wrote:
You know while this offer sounds juicy in theory you've not given any solid proof that you're in control of the said region and there has been plenty of posts in the topic from neutral entities saying they roam khanid frequently.

In the end if carebears lose their ice mining fleet few times for example it will not be worth moving out.So my theory is this: prove that you're the masters and no one can get in or out without your permission then you might get your project going.So far i've not seen such proof just empty words without backing.

Then if the offer is enticing to live in Khanid/Kor but you doubt our presence, by all means come live here at your own accord. You said after all the prospects are "juicy." My primary goal isn't even to make money off of this but to populate the area more. Your contribution would be welcome. If you feel our services are unnecessary for you, more power to you. However, if you find yourself in need, please feel free to contact me.

The proverbial ball is in your court now.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#89 - 2014-04-27 18:39:37 UTC
Pay for blue this happens in low sec all the time, this just happens to be the first time on the forums,
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#90 - 2014-04-27 19:34:33 UTC
Amely Miles wrote:
what happens when a renter goes bad and decides to just hot drop everyone?

Hey you!!!

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

#91 - 2014-05-01 22:44:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Marr21608
Qmamoto Kansuke wrote:
You know while this offer sounds juicy in theory you've not given any solid proof that you're in control of the said region and there has been plenty of posts in the topic from neutral entities saying they roam khanid frequently.

In the end if carebears lose their ice mining fleet few times for example it will not be worth moving out.So my theory is this: prove that you're the masters and no one can get in or out without your permission then you might get your project going.So far i've not seen such proof just empty words without backing.

Just wanted to add on this as I did a bit of investigating on my own over the weekend.

Over this last week our wormhole which opens to Low sec opened in Neda twice. I thought this was amazing and I know its extremely rare but you can ask anyone in our alliance we got two statics to the same system in a week. Neda is a system in Khanid right in the middle of the area we are talking about here. I found this interesting and decided to check out the area. Just to inform everyone interested I found all entrances to or from this area of low sec to have several members of SYJ actively attempting to engage me.

We also found the systems to be rich with combat , Relic, Data sites, A gas site that dropped a skill book worth 200 million and a couple 6/10 complexes.
After a short while we decided to cycle the wormhole and not only did we lose the wormhole closing Megathron we were using in the process but also a bomber.

In short the SYJ guys are doing a far better job protecting the area they call their own (Or protecting the members of their protection agreement) than I ever saw from the N3 or PL in my years experience renting from them (And if you think the CFC can do better than N3/PL.... Surely you're joking).

Had my alliance joined with SYJ in this type of arrangement instead of joining up with the lords of Null sec I am sure we would have had alot more fun and likely would still be there.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2014-05-01 23:48:27 UTC
Marr21608 wrote:
We also found the systems to be rich with combat , Relic, Data sites, A gas site that dropped a skill book worth 200 million and a couple 6/10 complexes.
After a short while we decided to cycle the wormhole and not only did we lose the wormhole closing Megathron we were using in the process but also a bomber.

This is actually a good point, SYJ does remember that wormholes exist, and will chase people back into them. (My corp rolled into Khanid once, and was very lucky that we didn't lose anything).

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Bradford Clear
Stain Train
Good Sax
#93 - 2014-05-02 09:51:06 UTC
Kimsemus wrote:
Since you started off with it -- I really don't care about your standings. The moons are back in N3, so I got what I wanted. Your insistence on trying to contact our diplos is just amusing, along with your comment about talking to vince (lol). Your conversations might be getting ignored because we simply don't care.

I'll refute your first point again:

1) The reason a legitimate rental alliance (Such as Northern Associates, or our CFC counterpart) doesn't run off with your isk is because there are 800b/month of renters already living in space (which we own) and if we started robbing people that would pretty quickly dry up. You guys, on the other hand, have no enforceable claim, nor any collateral (other than a dubious reputation as a lowsec pirate alliance). Think of squatters walking into an abandoned building and then charging rent to other squatters. No one owns it, and the other "tenants" have as much right to be there as you do.

2) Even if you try to engage reds on a station, they can just dock and play the same station games you do. Again -- you can't lock anyone out of stations because you don't own them. They can use all the industry slots, clone bays, market, and undock and dock freely because you really can't do anything to stop them, and you only have dominance in ONE of the three major timezones.

3) You are correct that lowsec has it's own set of benefits, and all of them in general are vastly inferior to nullsec. If people are going to pay you to live somewhere, they aren't doing it in the "spirit of exploration". They're doing it to make money.

4) You can attempt to attack orbital assets, but again -- the level of control you exercise is minimal. But this is kind of a moot point because you can do 90% of activites from the numerous NPC stations in the area. It's not as if you need intensive refining arrays, and there are plenty of industry slots. And since there is no sov, it's not as though people will be anchoring CSAAs.

Ouch. Talk about bitter. Sorry we didn't want to be your friend. I'm not sure how you can claim a lower price when you don't know what the charges are. I guess you're missing the point though. This isn't for your 0.0 indy types. Lowsec is for corps/alliances that want to do more than that.

My post really wasn't a personal attack, your ad hominem is really presented only because you can't truly refute my points.

The bottom line is that lowsec is not really controllable in any true sense. You can offer people the illusion of safety -- but that's really all it is. It's the same reason that alliances "live" in NPC null, but don't really "own" it. Faction Warfare space and the milita that take part in it are the only thing that comes close to sov null. And even then -- FW provides money far in excess compared to what lowsec can provide otherwise.

Bottom line -- if you're going to rent space, rent it from a legitimate entity that actually holds it.

PS -- I'm sorry we couldn't be friends as well. If you're interested in working together in the future though we have most of Impass that needs renting and I'm sure we could work something out for you and yours.

Im sorry not everyone likes sov.
Please continue talking about how we are dishonorable. We have a known history standing from wormhole space as being honest mercs. Ask anyone in the Merc Contracts channel if SYJ has every fallen out of a contract.
We have not, and never will.

Continue on your ragey rants it just shows to everyone how you really are.

RENT FROM US! Contact a diplo in game today if any of you guys want quotes or anything Pirate

Join : Bradford's 3rd Party Channel For all third party Services, and check out my thread.

Forum Link

Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#94 - 2014-05-02 21:02:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Karl Jerr
Bradford Clear wrote:

Im sorry not everyone likes sov.
Please continue talking about how we are dishonorable. We have a known history standing from wormhole space as being honest mercs. Ask anyone in the Merc Contracts channel if SYJ has every fallen out of a contract.
We have not, and never will.

Continue on your ragey rants it just shows to everyone how you really are.

RENT FROM US! Contact a diplo in game today if any of you guys want quotes or anything Pirate

Done. Tiny contribution to some nullies frustration.
The SYJ offer sounds definitely fun Bear
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#95 - 2014-05-02 22:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Seraph IX Basarab
If you haven't read this:

The especially interesting part is

"At the same time that the Prospect is released, we will also be making a series of changes to some ores and mining sites designed to increase the viability of mining in dangerous space—especially low security space.

First, we will be expanding anomalies full of Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet into low security space. These sites are currently only available as very rare spawns in high security space, and with Kronos they will also appear in low security space. The current price of Nocxium means that at this time these are the most valuable mining sites in the entire game in ISK/hr.

With the Kronos release we are also expanding some of the formerly nullsec-only sites, namely the small Arkonor and Bistot sites, into low security space. The Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet will be on the more common end of the lowsec spectrum, while the Arkonor and Bistot sites will be on the rarer side.

We are also making some adjustments to the composition of three key high end ores. Arkonor, Bistot and Crokite (known as ABC ores) are three of the rarer ores in New Eden, and will be enjoying increased yields this summer."

Mail me or contact me in game and secure your place in Khanid/Kor-Azor Lowsec!

So a very nice lowsec buff for mining all around. Also thank you to BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie and Marr21608 as well as others for the endorsements!
Lord Salty
The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#96 - 2014-05-03 16:50:28 UTC
so i havent read all the replies yet. not too sure if serious about renting low sec.
but if SYJ are serious about renting out lowsec, there is only one thing to be linked....
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#97 - 2014-05-03 21:50:41 UTC
I used to live in Khanid... It was literally space Kansas and every time you heard banjo's you'd have to dock up or relive a scene out of Deliverance... Why anyone would want to rent in that S&%thole is beyond me... Oh does Elite Stealth still live down there? Please extract tears from him.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#98 - 2014-05-05 23:38:55 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
I used to live in Khanid... It was literally space Kansas and every time you heard banjo's you'd have to dock up or relive a scene out of Deliverance... Why anyone would want to rent in that S&%thole is beyond me... Oh does Elite Stealth still live down there? Please extract tears from him.

Space Kansas.....Oh man I love it.
Samantha Calderon
Heavenly Forge
#99 - 2014-05-06 02:09:59 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
I used to live in Khanid... It was literally space Kansas and every time you heard banjo's you'd have to dock up or relive a scene out of Deliverance... Why anyone would want to rent in that S&%thole is beyond me... Oh does Elite Stealth still live down there? Please extract tears from him.

Tara, that deserved a like. You make me laugh real hard.

Wherever I May Roam: Blog sobre EVE Online en castellano!

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#100 - 2014-05-06 02:47:28 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
I used to live in Khanid... It was literally space Kansas and every time you heard banjo's you'd have to dock up or relive a scene out of Deliverance... Why anyone would want to rent in that S&%thole is beyond me... Oh does Elite Stealth still live down there? Please extract tears from him.

You sure got a pretty mouth...