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Little things - Personal Savings Accounts Division

Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#1 - 2014-04-17 22:04:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Tyrael
Ok, since lately it would appear CCP is actually making game better, to give it another go since old topic went haywire without any input from any of the devs

So proposal

2 Wallet divisions for players.

Active division and Savings division or call it whatever.
Because I don't want to overpay a kill right (you know the ones where it is 10 mill and next one is 1 bill), mistype a market order, etc. So idea is you keep one sum on your active wallet division and you can move the rest on your other wallet division, so pretty much same as the corp wallets division.

So people have several options
1. Make and alt you rarely use and name him "Wallet Division CCP still didn't make"
Pros - Does the job of keeping your ISK safe
Cons - You need to relog him every time you want to do something with larger sum of ISK and chances are you will have to log out one of the already logged in toon since you aren't going to keep seperate account just for this.

2. Use you corporate wallet
Pros - Does the job of keeping your ISK safe UNLESS you have other people in corp with wallet access

3. Buy plex and keep your money as plex, and when you need liquid cash just sell it right away
Pros - You won't run out of game time soon
Cons - You might lose value in ISK, but doubtful...

Possible extend on this idea would be that 2nd division of wallet could be linkable with your alts 2nd divisions, so by default all toons have 2 divisions, active and secondary, but you can choose to share secondary across some or all of your alts
Carmen Electra
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2014-04-17 22:11:11 UTC
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#3 - 2014-04-20 16:10:18 UTC
Many views, few likes, nobody is saying it's terrible idea, so lets bump it up for trolls to catch up with topic :D

Also, maybe another suggestion, you need to have an skill or standings with example gorun investment bank (the npc corp, what ever its called) and pay like 10 mill per month to maintain account would add story dimension to it?
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#4 - 2014-04-26 16:49:05 UTC
Back to the top
Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#5 - 2014-04-26 18:29:49 UTC
so hard to read how many " , " are in the price?
A Big Enough Lever
#6 - 2014-04-26 21:41:20 UTC
not related to kill rights - but I support this idea - even if we only get a 'current account' and a 'savings account' - would help me save up for stuff.

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Eagle's Talon's
#7 - 2014-04-27 03:39:14 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Another little thing would be....different currency for each race. Isn't it kind if odd and conspiratorial that only one type of currency would be present in New Eden even though there are four distinct races? Think of each race as a different continent on Earth. America uses the dollar, the Brits the Pound, the French the franc and so forth.

Each has its own value when compared to the other with the home countries money being of the highest value.

Each race would have its own currency allowing trading to take place with money based on stocks and bonds for the money transfer markets.

For example you have 1000 Gallente Talents. In Minmatar space they would have a value of actually being 850 talents, in Amarr space the value would be 750 talents and in Caldari space the value would be 550 talents.

Each race would have a floating value system that would constanty change so that a money transfer system would take place along with keeping the environment exciting as pilots rushed from system to system with cargo containers full of monies looking to transfer it.
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#8 - 2014-04-27 09:33:20 UTC
Nalelmir Ahashion wrote:
so hard to read how many " , " are in the price?

you are either trolling or you never undock, what ever floats your boat...
anyways, we both know that some stuff in eve are bugged, you see KR for 1 mill, try to activate it doesn't, you assume its lag since there is 80% tidi in effect, you hurry up to do it again and you see its 1 bill now.
not saying you will fall for that, just saying that I personally transfer 50+ bill from one of my toons wallet into other of my toons wallet because I don't wanna risk it at all.

DrysonBennington wrote:
Another little thing would be....different currency for each race. Isn't it kind if odd and conspiratorial that only one type of currency would be present in New Eden even though there are four distinct races? Think of each race as a different continent on Earth. America uses the dollar, the Brits the Pound, the French the franc and so forth.

Each has its own value when compared to the other with the home countries money being of the highest value.

Each race would have its own currency allowing trading to take place with money based on stocks and bonds for the money transfer markets.

For example you have 1000 Gallente Talents. In Minmatar space they would have a value of actually being 850 talents, in Amarr space the value would be 750 talents and in Caldari space the value would be 550 talents.

Each race would have a floating value system that would constanty change so that a money transfer system would take place along with keeping the environment exciting as pilots rushed from system to system with cargo containers full of monies looking to transfer it.

erhmmm, what? over complicating...
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#9 - 2014-04-30 20:24:33 UTC
Any more opinions?
HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#10 - 2014-04-30 21:02:12 UTC
An opinion, okay...

CCP: Do this.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-04-30 22:32:47 UTC
Sure, sounds good to me. I don't see why "harsh and unforgiving" should translate to "woops you typed an extra zero there goes your last month's savings". It would certainly rile up scammers though.
Thegasp Cupcakes
CareBears Gone Dark
#12 - 2014-04-30 22:36:59 UTC
I'd like the idea of a second personal wallet. Maybe even have "% of isk earned from bounties goes here".. features!

I'd love to see this come soon.. I have a nasty habit of spending everything
HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#13 - 2014-05-01 17:23:36 UTC
0 reasons not to do this
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#14 - 2014-05-02 16:53:10 UTC
Any more comments?
Kate Blaze
True Power Capsuleers
#15 - 2014-05-02 16:55:13 UTC
Why do you want to nerf scamming? Scamming is profession in EvE and it's quite nerfed (and now with MT removal possibility)... If you need it that bad, made 1 man corp?
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#16 - 2014-05-02 17:00:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Tyrael
Kate Blaze wrote:
Why do you want to nerf scamming? Scamming is profession in EvE and it's quite nerfed (and now with MT removal possibility)... If you need it that bad, made 1 man corp?

As already explained, I'm not in worry I'll get scammed by KR price, but thats only because I move my ISK from toon that is in PVP, so I only keep 20-30 mill on him, but lets face it, kill right buying interface is poorly designed. I might want to spend 50 mill on battleship KR, but it will take me time to move ISK from my alt to my PVP toon to activate it. Same thing happens I don't want to pay 50 mill for destroyer, and with KR it's race against time when you want to activate against smaller targets.

Alternative could be to set max price of killright you are willing to pay by pressing Buy killright button, and then all things above that value would give you some sort of confirm/abort menu. Chances are I have time to confirm on bigger targets for larger sum since it will take him longer to warp off and I will be able to spam buy KR on smaller targets which can warp off grid faster.

EDIT: yea, having 2nd division would make it harder for scammers in local/market, but only marginally, since people can still fall for it by pulling their ISK from 2nd division to accept the terms
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#17 - 2014-05-02 17:05:58 UTC
I think it's a sensible idea with no drawbacks.

Personally I use option 2) and use the corporate wallet for all trading activities.

You could also have a 'character specific' wallet, and a reserve wallet common to the account and useable by any character on that account, to also save messy transfers or the corp wallet exploit.
Tara Tyrael
Quantum Anomaly Corporation
#18 - 2014-05-02 17:21:23 UTC
Titan Andronicus wrote:
I think it's a sensible idea with no drawbacks.

Personally I use option 2) and use the corporate wallet for all trading activities.

You could also have a 'character specific' wallet, and a reserve wallet common to the account and useable by any character on that account, to also save messy transfers or the corp wallet exploit.

Yea, was thinking of something like that, as in you can pay that NPC bank corp in eve to open account for your toons, then the 2nd division would be shared among all your toons. Not everybody here has access to corp wallets anyways
Titan Andronicus
Rookie Mission Tax Haven
#19 - 2014-05-02 17:39:23 UTC
Tara Tyrael wrote:
Titan Andronicus wrote:
I think it's a sensible idea with no drawbacks.

Personally I use option 2) and use the corporate wallet for all trading activities.

You could also have a 'character specific' wallet, and a reserve wallet common to the account and useable by any character on that account, to also save messy transfers or the corp wallet exploit.

Yea, was thinking of something like that, as in you can pay that NPC bank corp in eve to open account for your toons, then the 2nd division would be shared among all your toons. Not everybody here has access to corp wallets anyways

That's subtlety different.

I was thinking simply of a CCP feature 'behind the scenes' of a 'wallet' which is linked to the subscription account, which can be used by all the characters on that account.

A NPC 'bank' account in-game, which is usable by all of your ALTs is a very different mechanic. How might this work?

Hypothetically I could offer you and your ALTs a banking service with my corp by giving you a wallet exclusively for your use (which I can also access because of the way the corporation mechanisms work), but could be a free service as a player-owned bank that you trusted would not need office space and wouldn't need to charge. The entry costs for incorporation are piddling low. But there is a restriction of only 7 wallet divisions, so a maximum of 7 customers. You wouldn't trust a PC banking service with all of your ISK; you might with a small amount for sharing with all of your ALTs, but the amounts would be too low to really make it work. Also the corp owner would have to know your identity and the identity of all of your ALTs disclosed and using the service. And they'd have to be members of the corp or it wouldn't work.

From what I've read there have been discussions about player-owned banking services to provide loans in exchange for interest, and I like the idea in theory, but trust in EVE being what it is...
Silent Majority.
#20 - 2014-05-02 17:44:19 UTC
HTC NecoSino wrote:
0 reasons not to do this

Not that I'm going to use it, but I wouldn't mind it being around.
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