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Motivation for HS war decs

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#121 - 2014-05-01 16:02:16 UTC
motie one wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
Again, under current mechanics and motivations I fully agree with you, and I actually lol'd at the chess club analogy.

What I'm trying to look at, is ways of encouraging a change in the way carebears see this game. I would like to provide them with incentive to come out of their PVE shells and experience the excitement of PVP. Eve allows you to be competitive at both Chess and football on the same character, you just have to make people want to do that.

No, no you want victims,
And you want CCP to force them to jump in front of your guns.
You do not want PvP you want low cost, low effort ganking.
There is a great difference between Pvp and ganking. So you want carebears to experience the excitement of being ganked?Lol

What makes you "special"?
Why Should CCP force paying customers to exist for your pleasure.
See above post for a more detailed explanation.

And you are right, your original post was as you described it a random thought, carebears do not wish to be elite, highly respected HISec warriors. Because those words do not belong in the same sentence without bullshit being included.

Lazy ganker wants more free kills works much better. Just drop the pretence of being anything else, it is much less stress.

You're actually missing the whole point. I'm in no way looking for CCP to 'force people in front of my guns.' Trust me they do that well enough without any help from CCP. No, what I'm looking for is giving industrialist players positive reinforcement for engaging in pvp during a war. If they still choose not to do so, then I have no problem with them staying docked and avoiding a fight.

However with sufficient motivation some of them would choose to undock and engage in pvp. What I'm looking for is very different from what you say I'm looking for.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#122 - 2014-05-01 16:06:53 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
motie one wrote:
stuff about carebears = "victims"

You're not a "victim" if you don't want to be. I'm a pretty solid carebear (seriously, have had 5's across the board in mining since like 2009 [edit -- and **** you CCP for taking away my public display of such]), and never feel that I'm a "victim" if I'm dec'd.

Last time I was in a corp that had people, we gave them this breakdown (paraphrased a bit):

1. We've gotten dec'd by mercs ... it means stuff. Best guess is they're working for [other mining corp] that we've been cnstantly out-mining.
2. within the next 12 hours, give me or [other dirs] your top three frigates to fly
3. Here are 5 of each of them (fitted). We expect you to lose them with us.
4. oh, and I'll personally pay 10m ISK per corpse.
5. We've found the mining corp's POS 1 jump over. We'll plan to retaliate shortly. POS bash is sucky, and even more so because we're in hisec ... but they started this, we're gonna finish it.

War goes by, we lose a handful of frigates (lol T1 trash fits) ... but end up coming out (barely) on top in the ISK war (and one guy gets two pods).

Few weeks later, we dec that mining corp, and remove their POS. Unfortunately while it was a loot pinata setup, there wasn't anything overly special in the labs.

Now how many more people would do something like that if there were actual rewards for doing so? btw, you sir are a hero of high sec. Why does a war have to be 'dock up and hide' time when it can be 'explode in cheap ships and see if we can take some of them with us' time. I wouldn't be surprised if that week of war was the most fun you guys had had in months. Good work on the retaliation too. Always a bonus.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#123 - 2014-05-01 16:08:55 UTC
motie one wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
PlatinumMercSEAL wrote:
I did some thinking on how to penalize for staying docked with war targets outside of station, decrease their efficiency in industry and trade.
-remote skills
-time on blueprint usage/research

Nerf the station based skills for corporations and its members that are at war when there is a war target within 150 km from the station they are currently in, whether they are online or offline. I originally thought system, but we don't want safe spots to become an issue. I do think the combat corp should earn that affect on the other corp, not just sit in a safespot. This wont cost them a lot in fees, but will give an incentive to fight. It should also follow them when they leave corp until the war is over for that corp.

As most wars in the real world go, when the enemy controls the area, it usually does it best to jam enemy communications, which would be remote industry and trade for high sec industrialists. This sounds realistic and fair to me.

yeah, absolutely not. Keeping them docked prevents their activity enough.


didnt read the thread then?

The idea is not to force them anywhere. merely give incentive to fight back. The defenders can still chose not to undock should they decide for themselves that the incentive is not worth it.

My post clearly explains why the idea has absolutely no possibility of working.

I agree those ideas are just bad and go against everything I stand for. Believe it or not.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#124 - 2014-05-01 16:23:54 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
I floated this idea for corp owned deadspace a little while ago to address similar issues.

The problem you continue to have is that a certain portion of the game population does not want to play mole in your game of whack-a-mole.

It has nothing to do with neutral RR, or any other factor than they just dont want to.

I agree, and I enjoyed your thread. As far as I'm concerned the neutral RR issue is completely unrelated. If you have war targets using neutral RR against you there are plenty of people who would be more than happy to blap suspects if you can provide them with a location and maybe a warpin. I would be on that list unless it belongs to someone I know or like.

I'm still trying to brainstorm about an effective means or rewarding PVE pilots who engage in pvp rather than punishing them for not doing so.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#125 - 2014-05-01 16:37:26 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
RR is a bigger deal than i think u realise.

Its why 100man corps still feel fairly powerless against 3 man decs. Because there is such a good chance that RR will be involved and they wont be able to break the 3 legions with command link support even if they used 100 cruisers. Ppl have even told me the reason they wont undock even when they outnumber the aggressors is because they are likely to have RR and they just cant get the DPS together.

I know its not going to happen, but if neut RR was impossible the dynamics of decs would transform considerably, and i know several corps/alliances that would be far more prepared to undock and fight when they are decced by corps significantly smaller than themselves.

I actually disagree, the logi pilots will just move into the corp instead of going suspect. Sure now you can see them coming, but you still won't be able to break them without sufficient dps.

I don't disagree that neutral RR is problematic for smaller groups, hell if I saw logi on field I'd have to bug out myself. I'm just not %100 sure that fixing the neutral RR part will prevent the same "we won't bother undocking because they have logi" situation, which is unfortunate.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#126 - 2014-05-01 16:38:55 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
Why does a war have to be 'dock up and hide' time when it can be 'explode in cheap ships and see if we can take some of them with us' time.

I'm pretty sure it's because many people have no idea what they are doing and expect to just end up losing ships after ships. If that is not what you are looking for, fighting a war has a direct negative result for you. Give player negative results or just make them expect negative results and they won't play that way. Some people could litterally get farmed for hours on end ships after ships untill they drained their wallet dry. How many wardec corps would actually drop the dec when they see that instead of just racking more and more kills? I'm not saying racking the kills is bad but for the other guy, it's a super bad move to fight if all he does is lose.

Attach that to the fact many people have no idea how fights works which lead them to believe they will lose anyway and you get the current results. People would rather not fight because they expect to lose less that way.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#127 - 2014-05-01 16:46:50 UTC
afkalt wrote:
The overwhelming vibe I get from these type of threads is they want indys and barges to shoot at at and gosh why isn't there a giant "force undock" button they can press whilst dressing it up as "but we want good fights, it's not about free kills" whilst giving a host of reasons about why they don't go into low and null.

I still think you're really not getting the point of this thread.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#128 - 2014-05-01 16:55:27 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
Why does a war have to be 'dock up and hide' time when it can be 'explode in cheap ships and see if we can take some of them with us' time.

I'm pretty sure it's because many people have no idea what they are doing and expect to just end up losing ships after ships. If that is not what you are looking for, fighting a war has a direct negative result for you. Give player negative results or just make them expect negative results and they won't play that way. Some people could litterally get farmed for hours on end ships after ships untill they drained their wallet dry. How many wardec corps would actually drop the dec when they see that instead of just racking more and more kills? I'm not saying racking the kills is bad but for the other guy, it's a super bad move to fight if all he does is lose.

Attach that to the fact many people have no idea how fights works which lead them to believe they will lose anyway and you get the current results. People would rather not fight because they expect to lose less that way.

yeah there will always be ppl like that and what someone is saying is right, there is likely nothing that can be done to encourage them ppl to fight.

but there are some ppl who would be more inclined to fight with more incentive. There are some players who have their main, non-pure isk making chars, decced and would like a way to hit back in a way that isnt completely controlled by the aggressors. Some way to grab the initiative and put the aggressors on the back foot.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#129 - 2014-05-01 17:00:34 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
Why does a war have to be 'dock up and hide' time when it can be 'explode in cheap ships and see if we can take some of them with us' time.

I'm pretty sure it's because many people have no idea what they are doing and expect to just end up losing ships after ships. If that is not what you are looking for, fighting a war has a direct negative result for you. Give player negative results or just make them expect negative results and they won't play that way. Some people could litterally get farmed for hours on end ships after ships untill they drained their wallet dry. How many wardec corps would actually drop the dec when they see that instead of just racking more and more kills? I'm not saying racking the kills is bad but for the other guy, it's a super bad move to fight if all he does is lose.

Attach that to the fact many people have no idea how fights works which lead them to believe they will lose anyway and you get the current results. People would rather not fight because they expect to lose less that way.

I would hope that if there was positive incentive to fight that many of those people would seek to learn at least rudimentary basics. A long time ago with a different character my corp was dec'd, we had a new member who had been playing eve for one week. We handed him as many condors as he needed and kept handing him more as he lost them. I think he ended up loosing 12-15 during the war. He had a blast doing it and the whole thing cost us a couple of million. He also learned valuable lessons about tackle, transversal, turret tracking and speed tanking. Did we feed kills to the enemy? Sure, did we care? Nope. BTW, that was an indy corp going up against a merc corp.

I think one of the biggest barriers to pvp is that people think that they have to win to enjoy it, and that they have to fly expensive ships in order to win. A swarm of cheap ships would be a nightmare to fight for smaller pvp corps. Specially if the hostiles keep undocking new reinforcements.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

El Geo
#130 - 2014-05-01 17:06:12 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
Motivation for actual wardecs could come in the form of better use of shares (i.e contractable) with dividends as well as public labs on POS (we already have POCO's). Static assets tend to keep corporations/alliances anchored to the partcular area in question and the upcoming changes to industry should enable that type of gameplay.

Where there are wardecs there are defensive contracts, feeding both of these will promote a healthy system.

P.S I totally agree, you dont have to win fights to enjoy them, for me personally easy kills arent enjoyable and I let a lot of players (especially newbies) go, it depends on circumstance, location and mood. Similarly I do not enjoy running into insta blap camps.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#131 - 2014-05-01 18:20:47 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:

I think one of the biggest barriers to pvp is that people think that they have to win to enjoy it, and that they have to fly expensive ships in order to win. A swarm of cheap ships would be a nightmare to fight for smaller pvp corps. Specially if the hostiles keep undocking new reinforcements.

It's fun when you feel you are improving or at least present a challenge to the enemy. If you get your ass handed to you every single time and can't even percieve you are improving, then fighting the war will not be fun at all. If the target predict he will always end up like that, where does his motivation to fight come from? He can't even expect fun, much less success. In that case, his logical choice is to not fight and cut his own loses. He might be wrong on his actual aptitute at dealing with PvP but from his point of veiw, he is still right because he is indeed cutting his own loses.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#132 - 2014-05-01 18:34:35 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:

I think one of the biggest barriers to pvp is that people think that they have to win to enjoy it, and that they have to fly expensive ships in order to win. A swarm of cheap ships would be a nightmare to fight for smaller pvp corps. Specially if the hostiles keep undocking new reinforcements.

It's fun when you feel you are improving or at least present a challenge to the enemy. If you get your ass handed to you every single time and can't even percieve you are improving, then fighting the war will not be fun at all. If the target predict he will always end up like that, where does his motivation to fight come from? He can't even expect fun, much less success. In that case, his logical choice is to not fight and cut his own loses. He might be wrong on his actual aptitute at dealing with PvP but from his point of veiw, he is still right because he is indeed cutting his own loses.

Again, What I was trying to get at in the earlier part of this thread was providing incentive for fighting defensive wars, some form of reward for even trying would be ideal to me, not just a reward for success. The idea would be to provide incentive BEYOND any incentive that could come from enjoying the fight itself. This would encourage people to try, and if against that particular opponent they don't really see any success, then fine, don't fight those guys. I agree, undocking and instapopping again and again isn't fun for anyone. Even as the attacker, I'd rather get more than a lock-blap out of my targets. But if there were incentive to attempt pvp against your war targets, then some people might do what they can regardless of how little that ends up being.

Earlier I was talking about some from of tangible reward for fighting war targets, ideally to me, more rewards for the defender than for the attacker, if the attacker would even get any. Something along the lines of LP which you get for fighting for NPC corps could work, would need a lot of careful balance but something along those lines would be good.

I was thinking that the attacker would get less of a reward than the defender, or no reward at all (they likely have their own motivations for attacking, and don't require more incentive). This would mean that mutual wars would be producing little to no reward for pvp. This would prevent 'farming' if balanced correctly.

Though to be honest, I'm not sure 'farming' in this kind of situation would really be a bad thing, you can make money by killing each other? cool, have fun. (as long as it's not hugely profitable) Ideally for me, these rewards would render pvp losses for the defender relatively meaningless, or at least take the edge off.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#133 - 2014-05-01 19:01:30 UTC
Read few pages.. got the general idea.

At any rate what I'm thinking about current wardec system is that it's flawed from the ground.
Think about it... low and null and WH are ffa pvp wise no one cares...

HS supposed to be empire controlled space with "middle finger" concord policing everyone to play nice inside.
So then comes WarDec system and allows for any corp to pay X isks to make concord disapear and freely shoot without retaliation on other corp for Y amount of time.

In theory the REASONS for such an act are as said earlier mix of mercs hired for the job, competition, grudge to beinged attacked by gankers corps and such.
In practice who will declare wardec? failed pvp'ers which are so failed they have to attack indy players with no combat skills at all. Don't give me the crap they can train for 3 days to be in t1 tackle ship cause fleet of 20 miners in tackle frigs won't survive vs fleet of skilled trained pvp'ers.
When I wanted to PVP I grabbed my stuff joined FW corp based in lowsec and went pewpew as much as I could. While at it I've found even matched competition from corps dedicated to pvp as well! I didn't went to attack indy players without any combat ships.
So what war deccer's are actually are in practice is failed gankers which don't have the balls to suicide gank properly and instead the declare wardec so they can bring their bigger ship without concord popping them out.

INSTEAD I think war dec should be a serious thing with some kind of grief\retaliation mechanichs which allow to dec only if some reason has come up...
Let's say your X% of corp members are mining in Y system then with them same amount of miners from Corp Z mine as well. Due to the competition each corp can declare war dec on each other. Under Reason for dec tab they will state "mining competition".. then when the war dec is over if X amount of miners from the aggressive corp would not be mining in that contested system for at least same time as the wardec was they will be declared griefers falsely declaring wardec and as punishment they will lose concord protection for week.
This is small example of reason, options and punishment in the most basic way... I can give you many more in dept specific examples.
Zatar Sharisa
New Eden Heavy Industries Incorporated
#134 - 2014-05-01 19:09:09 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
It's fun when you feel you are improving or at least present a challenge to the enemy. If you get your ass handed to you every single time and can't even percieve you are improving, then fighting the war will not be fun at all. If the target predict he will always end up like that, where does his motivation to fight come from? He can't even expect fun, much less success. In that case, his logical choice is to not fight and cut his own loses. He might be wrong on his actual aptitute at dealing with PvP but from his point of veiw, he is still right because he is indeed cutting his own loses.

This pretty well sums it up for me. When my corp mates and I just goof around shooting at each other with newb ships, I'm typically the "Blowed-up, sir!" pinata. No matter how many times we do this. No matter how I try to watch all these things you're supposed to watch, it doesn't get any better.

With corpmates it's fun. We laugh at each other, catcall, and just have a good time. With someone else? It's just me losing ships, and at this point I have zero reason to every believe that will change. I simply don't -care- enough, or have ambition and competitive spirit enough to work at improving as hard as I'd apparently have to.

That said, if there was a reason to fight anyway, I'd load up some Punishers and keep a steady stream of them exploding. Why not? With there being nothing worth defending though? Why bother? I might do the thing of occasionally undocking from somewhere in a newb ship with fit, so that I'm not losing anything, but why would I consider risking resources when I know I'm going to explode? And I -AM- going to explode. It's as simple as that. Too much data to even attempt to argue otherwise. Cool

I understand about indecision, but I don't care if I get behind.  People livin' in competition.  All I want is to have my peace of mind.

"Peace of Mind"  --  Boston

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#135 - 2014-05-01 19:12:08 UTC
Nalelmir Ahashion wrote:

In practice who will declare wardec? failed pvp'ers which are so failed they have to attack indy players with no combat skills at all.

...won't survive vs fleet of skilled trained pvp'ers.

So what war deccer's are actually are in practice is failed gankers which don't have the balls to suicide gank properly and instead the declare wardec so they can bring their bigger ship without concord popping them out.

In one post you managed to call war dec'ers "failed pvp'ers", skilled and trained, and also failed gankers. That seems to me inconsistent.

In reality, I've done FW, with varying levels of success, I've done bloc 0.0 warfare (with moderate success), and I've done high sec ganking. Only failed two ganks so far, and have numerous success'. In addition to those things, I've also done HS war dec'ing. I guess I fall into ALL of those groups?

Either way, your post is hardly relevant to the topic at hand.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#136 - 2014-05-01 19:16:54 UTC
Zatar Sharisa wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
It's fun when you feel you are improving or at least present a challenge to the enemy. If you get your ass handed to you every single time and can't even percieve you are improving, then fighting the war will not be fun at all. If the target predict he will always end up like that, where does his motivation to fight come from? He can't even expect fun, much less success. In that case, his logical choice is to not fight and cut his own loses. He might be wrong on his actual aptitute at dealing with PvP but from his point of veiw, he is still right because he is indeed cutting his own loses.

This pretty well sums it up for me. When my corp mates and I just goof around shooting at each other with newb ships, I'm typically the "Blowed-up, sir!" pinata. No matter how many times we do this. No matter how I try to watch all these things you're supposed to watch, it doesn't get any better.

With corpmates it's fun. We laugh at each other, catcall, and just have a good time. With someone else? It's just me losing ships, and at this point I have zero reason to every believe that will change. I simply don't -care- enough, or have ambition and competitive spirit enough to work at improving as hard as I'd apparently have to.

That said, if there was a reason to fight anyway, I'd load up some Punishers and keep a steady stream of them exploding. Why not? With there being nothing worth defending though? Why bother? I might do the thing of occasionally undocking from somewhere in a newb ship with fit, so that I'm not losing anything, but why would I consider risking resources when I know I'm going to explode? And I -AM- going to explode. It's as simple as that. Too much data to even attempt to argue otherwise. Cool

So if you were receiving rewards that made loosing the ships 'free' or at least close to it, (when paired with insurance) you would continue to fight? That's what I would like to see.

As far as your lack of success, I'm sure there's something going on that you're missing which is causing the losses. I'd have to either fly with you or fight you to have a chance of being able to say what though.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#137 - 2014-05-01 19:21:20 UTC
Nalelmir Ahashion wrote:
Missing the general idea

players can dec for any reason they like, this includes griefing, its a sandbox game.

In my experience, high sec wardecs have more reason behind them than nullsec wars and FW (which are boredom and pew because pew/role-playing). but a lot of the time the attackers in a war dec dont tell their targets why they have been decced.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Zatar Sharisa
New Eden Heavy Industries Incorporated
#138 - 2014-05-01 19:24:56 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:

So if you were receiving rewards that made loosing the ships 'free' or at least close to it, (when paired with insurance) you would continue to fight? That's what I would like to see.

As far as your lack of success, I'm sure there's something going on that you're missing which is causing the losses. I'd have to either fly with you or fight you to have a chance of being able to say what though.

Nah, I wouldn't even have to necessarily get back what I lose. There -are- other reasons, and sometimes being the guy that gets blown-up means your teammates were ignored, and managed to get in a sucker punch. Sometimes, because others know you're the pinata of the team, they ignore you and go after the others....and you get to sucker punch.

More what I'm saying is that I won't necessarily absolutely refuse to fly, I'm just not going to commit significant resources when I have nothing to gain and -everything- to lose.

For instance, why not drop corp if you're wardecced? What do you lose? Nothing other than maybe that name and a period of time where you can set lower corp tax rates.

Now, if there were hard to gain resources that only corps could access. If there were locations worth fighting over because of the resources available. Of course the problem with that is that many of the possible suggestions would quickly be farmed out by the big alliances and now they're even bigger and more in control of everything.

In short, I see what you're trying to do, and agree with it: I'd be more inclined to risk significant resources if there was something I needed to try to hold onto that dropping corp or staying docked up would lose me. How do you do that, though, without making a war pretty much pointless, because you never risk losing anything, or putting resources out there that would end up concentrated into the top alliances yet again? It's a quandary, and one I can't offer a good solution to that wouldn't involve CCP having to gimp and game the system to keep the "bad things" from happening, and exploits being utilized.

I understand about indecision, but I don't care if I get behind.  People livin' in competition.  All I want is to have my peace of mind.

"Peace of Mind"  --  Boston

Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#139 - 2014-05-01 19:37:29 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:

In one post you managed to call war dec'ers "failed pvp'ers", skilled and trained, and also failed gankers. That seems to me inconsistent.

In reality, I've done FW, with varying levels of success, I've done bloc 0.0 warfare (with moderate success), and I've done high sec ganking. Only failed two ganks so far, and have numerous success'. In addition to those things, I've also done HS war dec'ing. I guess I fall into ALL of those groups?

Either way, your post is hardly relevant to the topic at hand.

In "skilled trained" I meant they trained the skill books and ranked them high enough to use proper high end combat ships with all the benefits from Eve skill system not that they are skilled themselves as players.

Why do you wardec people then? you find it fun to shoot people which don't want to fight or can't pilot proper combat ship?
If you failed suicide ganks does that made you pissed off and instead of investing 1 use max gank ships you invest in "shoot permit" from concord?
This is why you think you should **** people in combat pvp?
I find combat pvp in eve pretty dull by itself, without any reason behind it or some metgame background to it it's just dull hence I engage in it only when I'm extremly bored... But you as fan of such gameplay why not go and find prey worth the challenge instead of getting permit to attack people without skills to fly combat ships?

You just proved with your rant my point, you are trained skill wise (eve skill training 1-5 system.. ) to fly combat ships. You like to shoot people but yet you prefer to find easier prey to stroke your imaginary e-peen in order to compensate for something.

otoh shouldn't you reply to my post in its fullest and not just quote few lines? I gave an example of proper way to implement a mechanic of war decs in highsec without this griefing shenanigans. Also it does not make sense to have concord and empire police and all that if anyone can just pay some isks and ignore them completely for no reason! and at that if there was a reason to war dec and get concord out of the picture it should be something which will make the defender want to defend! in such way that if they are not capable to fight themselves skill wise they could hire mercenary group to do that instead.

Daichi Yamato wrote:

players can dec for any reason they like, this includes griefing, its a sandbox game.

In my experience, high sec wardecs have more reason behind them than nullsec wars and FW (which are boredom and pew because pew/role-playing). but a lot of the time the attackers in a war dec dont tell their targets why they have been decced.

With all due respect to sandbox even sandbox should have some kind of rules around it.... if you make area of space which is monitored and policed you shouldn't let anyone to pay the police not to interfere...
It's like in RL I'll pay the police ignoring me for shooting my neighbor just because he **** me off...
Due to the fact this is a sandbox game otoh war dec can be allowed but for a reason and not just pewpew permit.

And regarding your comment about why aggressor aggressor it simple... most of the time it will be corp of 8-20 pvp'ers attacking any corp with "indy\mining\casual" in its description.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#140 - 2014-05-01 19:46:53 UTC
Zatar Sharisa wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:

So if you were receiving rewards that made loosing the ships 'free' or at least close to it, (when paired with insurance) you would continue to fight? That's what I would like to see.

As far as your lack of success, I'm sure there's something going on that you're missing which is causing the losses. I'd have to either fly with you or fight you to have a chance of being able to say what though.

Nah, I wouldn't even have to necessarily get back what I lose. There -are- other reasons, and sometimes being the guy that gets blown-up means your teammates were ignored, and managed to get in a sucker punch. Sometimes, because others know you're the pinata of the team, they ignore you and go after the others....and you get to sucker punch.

More what I'm saying is that I won't necessarily absolutely refuse to fly, I'm just not going to commit significant resources when I have nothing to gain and -everything- to lose.

For instance, why not drop corp if you're wardecced? What do you lose? Nothing other than maybe that name and a period of time where you can set lower corp tax rates.

Now, if there were hard to gain resources that only corps could access. If there were locations worth fighting over because of the resources available. Of course the problem with that is that many of the possible suggestions would quickly be farmed out by the big alliances and now they're even bigger and more in control of everything.

In short, I see what you're trying to do, and agree with it: I'd be more inclined to risk significant resources if there was something I needed to try to hold onto that dropping corp or staying docked up would lose me. How do you do that, though, without making a war pretty much pointless, because you never risk losing anything, or putting resources out there that would end up concentrated into the top alliances yet again? It's a quandary, and one I can't offer a good solution to that wouldn't involve CCP having to gimp and game the system to keep the "bad things" from happening, and exploits being utilized.

Yes you're spot on with what I'd like to see. Ideally I would like to see it done in a way that even small corps would be able to take advantage of the changes and while they wouldn't be able to 'farm' it like larger corps. Basically just something that you can benefit from fairly noticeably by being in, and remaining in a player corp, and would lose access to or lose progress you've made by dissolving your corp.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.