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[Kronos] Mining Barges and Exhumers

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Eclipse Industrials
Quantum Forge
#341 - 2014-04-10 21:00:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Atum
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Atum wrote:
So again, tell me why the hulk should be forced to rely on outside assistance to keep its yield up.?

Based on the logic used to dismiss the points being compared to other ships, there is no current or proposed reason for it not to be used solo.

Sure, it cannot carry ore as well as a mack, but that is not everything.
Perhaps it fights less capably than the proposed skiff too, but if you intend to be evasive and cautious, that is not an overwhelming detail either.

In short, if we are to be consistent with the thinking pattern here, the hulk has no issue, and should be used / enjoyed fully.

Except that in order to get max yield, you have to rely on someone to bring you crystals. You're ignoring my central argument that the other mining ships (and other ships in general) can get along with their core functions just fine solo, but the cov/hulk can't.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#342 - 2014-04-10 21:03:55 UTC
Atum wrote:

Alright, BLOPS. I fly buzzards, and they're my preferred probe/scout when I'm a fleet scout or go looking for hacking-type sites. Do I absolutely have to have someone else to perform either of those functions? No. Do I have to have someone else in order to open a covert cyno? No (though again, opening a cyno nobody's going to use would be pretty lame). Let's take a couple steps up and consider the widow. What's its primary purpose? Blowing other people to smithereens. Does it require someone else's assistance to do so? No. Sure, you could make the argument that it's gimped up without being able to BLOPS-bridge, but having to slowboat through gates does not in any way affect its fighting ability, only the odds of it successfully sneaking up on someone.
Actually, if the primary purpose of a Black-ops is direct combat, the ship itself is handicapped compared to other ships with the same purpose. It's weaker, slower and more fragile than a raven. It's got superior jamming abilities but using them means reducing your offense and/or EHP further. Basically by using a blops over alternatives which are actually designed for direct engagement you are affecting your fighting ability.
Atum wrote:

So again, tell me why the hulk should be forced to rely on outside assistance to keep its yield up. It has no tank, but that's not its job. It has no cargo, but that's not its job. Its job is to be the best at turning asteroids into ore, except having to either rely on outside assistance in ways other ships do not, or flying back and forth to a can/yurt/pos/station/whatever to reload, knocks it off that throne. A skiff is not reliant on others to protect it (at least in high sec), and you can AFK in a mac for hours, but a hulk requires babysitting. Two cycles of space, three beams to juggle, and almost no spare crystal capacity. As if mining wasn't painful enough already, why would someone willingly subject themselves to the headache when they can give up just a little bit of yield (208m3/min), have a very chill/zen/hypnotizing time instead, then make up that difference in the time spent shuttling back and forth to the crystal shop?
And note how your complaints about the hulk tend to mirror the reality of the widow. It can be used outside of it's role as a Covert fleet support vessel, but it's not the best use of a pilot in a line fighting or solo role. Much like the hulk can be used in conjunction with can mining or frequent drops, but isn't really the best use for it. In both cases there are better tools for the job of the soloist. That's not a bad thing.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#343 - 2014-04-10 21:06:41 UTC
Atum wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Atum wrote:
So again, tell me why the hulk should be forced to rely on outside assistance to keep its yield up.?

Based on the logic used to dismiss the points being compared to other ships, there is no current or proposed reason for it not to be used solo.

Sure, it cannot carry ore as well as a mack, but that is not everything.
Perhaps it fights less capably than the proposed skiff too, but if you intend to be evasive and cautious, that is not an overwhelming detail either.

In short, if we are to be consistent with the thinking pattern here, the hulk has no issue, and should be used / enjoyed fully.

Except that in order to get max yield, you have to rely on someone to bring you crystals. You're ignoring my central argument that the other mining ships (and other ships in general) can get along with their core functions just fine solo, but the cov/hulk can't.

Oh, that, make the crystals either smaller, or give the exhumers a hold specific to them which has enough space.

I might be missing a detail here, but I see no reason for the crystals to be an issue.
Eclipse Industrials
Quantum Forge
#344 - 2014-04-10 21:12:40 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
And note how your complaints about the hulk tend to mirror the reality of the widow. It can be used outside of it's role as a Covert fleet support vessel, but it's not the best use of a pilot in a line fighting or solo role. Much like the hulk can be used in conjunction with can mining or frequent drops, but isn't really the best use for it. In both cases there are better tools for the job of the soloist. That's not a bad thing.

Go back up through my previous posts, and you'll see that I'm not advocating for a solo hulk, but rather a more specialized one. I'm completely in agreement with making them rely upon others for getting the results of their mining out of the belts, because moving stuff (ore) from point A to point B is another ship's job (hauler, orca, freighter). My problem is that other ships (except the Noctis, but that's a special snowflake) can take everything they need to perform their core function with them, and stay out in the field doing their thing for extended periods of time. Because of the gimped up cargo bay, cov/hulk pilots can't. They'll either burn through the crystals they have and go back to change (which takes them out of the field, letting the mack catch up), or they'll just sit where they are and accept reduced yield by having mismatched crystals (which negates the whole point of calling them yield kings).
Eclipse Industrials
Quantum Forge
#345 - 2014-04-10 21:15:41 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Oh, that, make the crystals either smaller, or give the exhumers a hold specific to them which has enough space.

I might be missing a detail here, but I see no reason for the crystals to be an issue.

Then it would seem we are in agreement.
#346 - 2014-04-10 21:20:49 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
I don't see a positive reason for this.

The Mack would be matched for yield by the skiff, and it's tank dropped to be equal to the hulks?

It sounds like you are trying to make people gamble about whether a hostile player or NPC is going to show up.
In many areas, the NPC's are quite effective with DPS, so the Mack would no longer be viable if those were anticipated.
Not really that effective (still looking @ highsec and passive tank only). With the right skillset, even a (current) Retriever can stand some time of NPCs pounding on its shields.
Also, for myself I'd also like to see the Mackinaw remain the same tankwise. It just feels a bit ... weird that this part of "give those ship only advantages in their own role" appears to be left out in this case.


Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#347 - 2014-04-10 21:24:58 UTC
Atum wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
And note how your complaints about the hulk tend to mirror the reality of the widow. It can be used outside of it's role as a Covert fleet support vessel, but it's not the best use of a pilot in a line fighting or solo role. Much like the hulk can be used in conjunction with can mining or frequent drops, but isn't really the best use for it. In both cases there are better tools for the job of the soloist. That's not a bad thing.

Go back up through my previous posts, and you'll see that I'm not advocating for a solo hulk, but rather a more specialized one. I'm completely in agreement with making them rely upon others for getting the results of their mining out of the belts, because moving stuff (ore) from point A to point B is another ship's job (hauler, orca, freighter). My problem is that other ships (except the Noctis, but that's a special snowflake) can take everything they need to perform their core function with them, and stay out in the field doing their thing for extended periods of time. Because of the gimped up cargo bay, cov/hulk pilots can't. They'll either burn through the crystals they have and go back to change (which takes them out of the field, letting the mack catch up), or they'll just sit where they are and accept reduced yield by having mismatched crystals (which negates the whole point of calling them yield kings).
The hulks core function is extracting ore, which can be accomplished without help. Storing it and having a full complement of all crystals is the only issue, but in that respect maybe I should ask for a domi with the capacity for a full set of each type of sentry. The hulk will pull the most with proper support and operate indefinitely with that support. With that support it doesn't need to have the crystals for every ore in it's hold, haulers can bring changes for different types or replacements, or the orca can have them on demand. The extended ranges actually help with allowing positioning around a central support vessel. The only thing the ships may need is a greater difference in yield from the others.
Eclipse Industrials
Quantum Forge
#348 - 2014-04-10 21:51:49 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
The hulks core function is extracting ore, which can be accomplished without help. Storing it and having a full complement of all crystals is the only issue, but in that respect maybe I should ask for a domi with the capacity for a full set of each type of sentry. The hulk will pull the most with proper support and operate indefinitely with that support. With that support it doesn't need to have the crystals for every ore in it's hold, haulers can bring changes for different types or replacements, or the orca can have them on demand. The extended ranges actually help with allowing positioning around a central support vessel. The only thing the ships may need is a greater difference in yield from the others.

You're almost on my page, but not quite... the hulk's core function is to be the absolute best at extracting ore, but right now it can't do that without outside help. Whatever gains it has on paper are lost because while it's busy going back to base for a crystal swap, the other ships stay in the field. The only time this isn't a concern is when attacking "The Spod." That sucker's so big it can eat multiple crystals and still just shrug you off like a mosquito. But regardless, I just don't see more than a handful of hulks huddling around a central ship. Not only do you have to deal with "Who's crystal is this, no, that's yours, this is mine, but i swear i let you borrow five hemo last week," but with the inty changes coming down the pipe, doing so is just asking for trouble. Buffing yield would be nice, but it still doesn't really address the issue of crystals.
Jagoff Haverford
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#349 - 2014-04-10 21:55:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagoff Haverford
Here's the thing about crystals and the Hulk, though. It's a pretty ham fisted mechanic in terms of encouraging group mining. It's basically just an added annoyance factor, and mining is already more than annoying as things stand. Crystals are a bit too costly and long lasting to be treated like communal property, and they get all muddled together when a hauler mixes multiple players' crystals in a cargo hold. You may start an op with an undamaged crystal but finish just an hour or so later with somebody else's 98% damaged one.

But most fundamental is the imbalance between high sec and low/null/WH mining. This mechanic has little impact on high sec. There are only four ore types in any high sec belt. Since the hulk can carry four crystal sets, there is no need for fleet crystal support there. The mechanic affects only some miners but not others.

Make the Hulk and Covetor reliant on support, by all means. But choose a smarter mechanic to make it happen, and not one that adds meaningless frustration. There simply has to be a better way.

One idea would be to gimp yield, but make the Hulk and Covetor more responsive to fleet boosts than the other mining ships. When working solo, they would get very low yields. When provided with mediocre mining boosts, they would do a bit better than the Mackinaw/Retreiver. When given the best possible boosts, however, they would have a huge advantage.

That's far more likely to promote fleet usage than endless frustrations with crystals.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#350 - 2014-04-10 22:10:08 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The Mack would be matched for yield by the skiff, and it's tank dropped to be equal to the hulks?
I may be wrong in my napkin math, but isn't this proposal unifying the Mack and Skiff yields already?
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#351 - 2014-04-10 22:12:11 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The Mack would be matched for yield by the skiff, and it's tank dropped to be equal to the hulks?
I may be wrong in my napkin math, but isn't this proposal unifying the Mack and Skiff yields already?

I was verifying the points of the modified change being suggested.

I think the Mack tank should be untouched.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#352 - 2014-04-10 22:13:53 UTC
Jagoff Haverford wrote:
Here's the thing about crystals and the Hulk, though. It's a pretty ham fisted mechanic in terms of encouraging group mining. It's basically just an added annoyance factor, and mining is already more than annoying as things stand. Crystals are a bit too costly and long lasting to be treated like communal property, and they get all muddled together when a hauler mixes multiple players' crystals in a cargo hold. You may start an op with an undamaged crystal but finish just an hour or so later with somebody else's 98% damaged one.

But most fundamental is the imbalance between high sec and low/null/WH mining. This mechanic has little impact on high sec. There are only four ore types in any high sec belt. Since the hulk can carry four crystal sets, there is no need for fleet crystal support there. The mechanic affects only some miners but not others.

Make the Hulk and Covetor reliant on support, by all means. But choose a smarter mechanic to make it happen, and not one that adds meaningless frustration. There simply has to be a better way.

One idea would be to gimp yield, but make the Hulk and Covetor more responsive to fleet boosts than the other mining ships. When working solo, they would get very low yields. When provided with mediocre mining boosts, they would do a bit better than the Mackinaw/Retreiver. When given the best possible boosts, however, they would have a huge advantage.

That's far more likely to promote fleet usage than endless frustrations with crystals.
Interesting proposal, though I'd question the difficulty implementing it. I don't think we have a single mechanic modifying boosts from the recipient of those boosts. Also this means that it's not incentivizing fleet work, but boosting, which misses the point.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#353 - 2014-04-10 22:15:13 UTC
Atum wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Atum wrote:
So again, tell me why the hulk should be forced to rely on outside assistance to keep its yield up.?

Based on the logic used to dismiss the points being compared to other ships, there is no current or proposed reason for it not to be used solo.

Sure, it cannot carry ore as well as a mack, but that is not everything.
Perhaps it fights less capably than the proposed skiff too, but if you intend to be evasive and cautious, that is not an overwhelming detail either.

In short, if we are to be consistent with the thinking pattern here, the hulk has no issue, and should be used / enjoyed fully.

Except that in order to get max yield, you have to rely on someone to bring you crystals. You're ignoring my central argument that the other mining ships (and other ships in general) can get along with their core functions just fine solo, but the cov/hulk can't.

If only the orca supporting your fleet could being crystals. Then all your problems would be solved...
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#354 - 2014-04-10 22:15:58 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The Mack would be matched for yield by the skiff, and it's tank dropped to be equal to the hulks?
I may be wrong in my napkin math, but isn't this proposal unifying the Mack and Skiff yields already?

I was verifying the points of the modified change being suggested.

I think the Mack tank should be untouched.

No, I get that, I'm just saying that looking at the numbers half of the suggestion has already been met unless I'm not doing something right.
Jagoff Haverford
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#355 - 2014-04-10 22:25:19 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If only the orca supporting your fleet could being crystals. Then all your problems would be solved...

1. Why should this step be needed only in null, low, and wormhole space, while being unnecessary in high sec?

2. Nobody in their right mind is going to have an orca sitting in the belt in null, low, or WH space.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#356 - 2014-04-10 22:36:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostys Virpio
Jagoff Haverford wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If only the orca supporting your fleet could being crystals. Then all your problems would be solved...

1. Why should this step be needed only in null, low, and wormhole space, while being unnecessary in high sec?

2. Nobody in their right mind is going to have an orca sitting in the belt in null, low, or WH space.

The guy doing the hauling can drop crystals in a can when he picks up whatever you mined already if you don't want the orca to sit there.

EDIT : As for the lasck of more than 4 type of ore in HS, then just make high sec always spawn all type of high sec ore in thier belts so the fleet ship require support in all security space. The ship is meant to be supported anyway.
Eclipse Industrials
Quantum Forge
#357 - 2014-04-10 23:15:54 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If only the orca supporting your fleet could being crystals. Then all your problems would be solved...

Jagoff Haverford wrote:
You may start an op with an undamaged crystal but finish just an hour or so later with somebody else's 98% damaged one.

No, they wouldn't, and Jagoff tells you exactly why four posts up.
DetKhord Saisio
Seniors Clan
#358 - 2014-04-10 23:15:54 UTC
When it comes to number one ore miner in highsec, it was never not the Hulk. Especially with training time required to use every t2 crystal, all the possible scenarios you had for refitting, such as getting lucky with scan probes and find a grav site. In my mind, flying a Hulk meant you are not a afk mining. That was years ago.

Now pvp players with a few gank ships to defeat your barge/exhumer tank (Hulk has the worst tank per isk) seem to think highsec players that mine are somehow their new content or more valuable targets.

CCP can fix the problem by changing mining anoms back to grav sites, giving players new content (so they are not bored to tears), move ore to sites that prevent macro/bot, and making it painfully obvious to everyone when a player is afk mining or using macro/bot or doing anything afk. That also means remove PI, moon mining, and afk ratting; the tax system is also broken.

Until then, I remain a fully-trained Hulk pilot that refuses to mine under these conditions. Extortion from The Order (James315) or similar groups just means I will stay docked and won't play the game. I have never and will never use macro/bot/whatever, have reported suspected users of that stuff, and still feel CCP broke mining for 1 and 2.

The yield needs to be enough to pay for a replacement Hulk in an hour or two, but currently mining enough to pay for a replacement exhumer takes way too long for the risk involved. Most of the replies will either say fly a procurer/skiff/other mining vessel or pay for protection or leave the game if you do not like it. Why have a hulk if you can not fly it? With changes to mining profit/yield, there is almost nothing to do except not play game.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#359 - 2014-04-10 23:31:10 UTC
Atum wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If only the orca supporting your fleet could being crystals. Then all your problems would be solved...

Jagoff Haverford wrote:
You may start an op with an undamaged crystal but finish just an hour or so later with somebody else's 98% damaged one.

No, they wouldn't, and Jagoff tells you exactly why four posts up.

Then specialise each miner. Miner 1 gets all the ore X, miner 2 the Y, miner 3 the Z, ... Bigger fleet could put different ratio of ship on different ore depending on how much there is on the field. At that point, you need less total set of crystals.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#360 - 2014-04-11 01:05:28 UTC
The covetor/hulk is designed as a fleet ship. They are intended to be flown in a mining fleet, presumably with Orca/multi-Orca support. It's not unreasonable that a ship intended for use in a group would have to rely on someone else in a group to do things like carrying around spare crystals.