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God i hope this aint gonna be yet another boring terrible expansion!

Winchester Steele
#161 - 2014-04-09 21:16:31 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Berendas wrote:
"Stop releasing useless features, CCP! Fix what is broken!" -2009
"Stop fixing broken things, CCP. We want more half-baked new features!" -2011 onwards

There is no pleasing some people. CCP is on the right track, EVE is in its best state in years.

Don't think anyone is arguing about not releasing useless features lol

Also fixing things via patches is nice

But Expansion is not 90% fixes and 10% something.

Saying we don't need more than monocolor tv because it isn't broken(and we will fix it when it does) after 60years is ridiculous argument yes?


Yes. That is an absolutely ridiculous argument. Luckily it has no bearing on the topic at hand, and thus may be dismissed with a wave of the hand.

/waves hand.


Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#162 - 2014-04-09 21:18:56 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
monochrome tv


"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

#163 - 2014-04-10 04:51:40 UTC
Missioning, and Mining need complete overhauls... Period.

The new ship skin thing, is LONG overdue, and they need to go full speed ahead with it.

There needs to be new, as in completely new, never before seen space added to the game... they need to open the EVE gate or some such, open up the entire universe to the playerbase, so the map is big enough that exploration can literally be exploring, not just some half assed hacking dumbshit.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2014-04-10 05:09:47 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
There needs to be new, as in completely new, never before seen space added to the game... they need to open the EVE gate or some such, open up the entire universe to the playerbase, so the map is big enough that exploration can literally be exploring, not just some half assed hacking dumbshit.

this 'exploring' would last like fifteen minutes before it was mapped, documented, min-maxed and no longer exciting

consumable content is not good for eve
Cheng Musana
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#165 - 2014-04-10 05:29:33 UTC
Expansion? More like a collection of bug fixes and thats about it.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#166 - 2014-04-10 05:58:17 UTC
Cheng Musana wrote:
Expansion? More like a collection of bug fixes and thats about it.

Yet these last three updates have added more content than any of the other "big content addons".
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#167 - 2014-04-10 06:01:28 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
What's better, adding 3 shiny new ships or making 20 previously useless ship actually viable?

Recall that in 2011 huge swathes of T1 cruisers were pretty much total garbage.
#168 - 2014-04-10 06:02:24 UTC
Cheng Musana wrote:
Expansion? More like a collection of bug fixes and thats about it.

Yes, and? Do you honestly prefer smashing in forced content, when there is plenty enough already, majority of which is even player created? In-game assets aren't the only form of content you know.

CCP has been doing great job so far, and I think they've catched up quite well from the mistakes of Incarna, despite Incarna's goals were good willed. Like I said, that legacy code thingy should be the absolute priority for now, but then again, that's only my opinion.

All posts and mails screencapped and time stamped, including out of EVE, you will not reverse on me.

Might come in handy!

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#169 - 2014-04-10 13:10:53 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Missioning, and Mining need complete overhauls... Period.

The new ship skin thing, is LONG overdue, and they need to go full speed ahead with it.

There needs to be new, as in completely new, never before seen space added to the game... they need to open the EVE gate or some such, open up the entire universe to the playerbase, so the map is big enough that exploration can literally be exploring, not just some half assed hacking dumbshit.

Agreed and it is no brainer if we talk about expansion not patch .

but one thing is certain with no game mechanic change for how u manage and maintain null space blue doughnut would transform in blue pretzel pretty fast, and blocking null cartels doing that via another WH space isn't best solution.imo.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#170 - 2014-04-10 13:12:41 UTC
Cat emoticons for the chat client.
Prince Kobol
#171 - 2014-04-10 13:39:03 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
What's better, adding 3 shiny new ships or making 20 previously useless ship actually viable?

Recall that in 2011 huge swathes of T1 cruisers were pretty much total garbage.

The question is have they made 20 previously useless ship actually viable?

If at the end of the rebalancing we are still seeing a couple of each ship in class being used well above others then has been worth while?

JC Anderson
#172 - 2014-04-10 14:00:23 UTC
Been playing since 05 and IMHO the last 3 expansions have been some of the best updates EVE has seen.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#173 - 2014-04-10 14:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Fredfredbug4
After Incarna, we as a community told CCP that we would much rather see elements currently in the game be fixed rather than adding more broken elements. The game has been getting better and more popular since then.

We don't need a new race, 100 new star systems, some new ISK printer, or a goddamn dress maker. New ships and modules? Wonderful, keep them coming. As we have seen the last 4 years, properly developed small updates are much better than massive, work in progress updates.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Solecist Project
#174 - 2014-04-10 16:48:45 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
monochrome tv


I really miss the green and orange ones, tbh.

There were some awesome ascii games like, castle adventures, that looked perfect with orange hue.

When I tried it again in the more modern era........ grey. It was a downer.

Still love the game, though. It's hardcore.

"Castle Adventure".

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Formic Hive
#175 - 2014-04-10 17:55:05 UTC
These last few releases have done much more to improve my game experience than the much older and larger releases have. The current direction is far superior, in my opinion.
Victor Andall
#176 - 2014-04-10 18:02:16 UTC
God I hope this isn't going to be another boring terrible thread.

Oh wait.

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#177 - 2014-04-10 19:03:41 UTC
I would also like expansions that brought things like wormholes and incursions to New Eden on a regular basis.

Sadly its just not feasible so the next best thing on my list is fix broken sh!t, which is what they are trying to do.

On a semi-related note... does Iceland and/or CCP operate on the 40 hour work week?

Not today spaghetti.

Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#178 - 2014-04-10 19:17:44 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont jsut make this yet another tweak and balance expansation, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

I am willing to accept a one time transferring of now unneeded valuables that you may wish to be rid of.

CCp damn near died trying to give people "Jesus Features" that they would then go on to forget about (sure, CCPs gonna get around to finishing COSMOS one of these days, i just know it).

What we as a community told them is "fix the game, screw the big stuff" and that's what they've been doing. The game is soooo much better than it was in 2009 because of it. CCP should keep doing that. Oh how easily people forget the past.

Well if thats your opinion then fine. But 3 expansions in a row of it and nothing decent otherwise is not good. and im sorry but when you played for many years, just tweaks doesnt really make the game feel any different or better.

But... I dont want it to be different.

What would you change and add in the expansion if you were Mr Seeseepee?

Improve FW
Overhaul 0.0 - people have been crying out for this for ages
Bring in new content
add more nullsec npc space

You do realize that the top 2 things on your list are fixes and NOT new content.

#179 - 2014-04-11 11:17:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
After Incarna, we as a community told CCP that we would much rather see elements currently in the game be fixed rather than adding more broken elements. The game has been getting better and more popular since then.

We don't need a new race, 100 new star systems, some new ISK printer, or a goddamn dress maker. New ships and modules? Wonderful, keep them coming. As we have seen the last 4 years, properly developed small updates are much better than massive, work in progress updates.

No, we don't need 100 more systems.... we need TEN THOUSAND new systems...

This is a space game, space is supposed to be vast, and a expotential increase in nullsec systems would go a long way to curb the blue donut for a while, if not forever... you make it big enough and just like the empires of old, they just won't be able to project power far enough.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#180 - 2014-04-11 11:28:24 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
After Incarna, we as a community told CCP that we would much rather see elements currently in the game be fixed rather than adding more broken elements. The game has been getting better and more popular since then.

We don't need a new race, 100 new star systems, some new ISK printer, or a goddamn dress maker. New ships and modules? Wonderful, keep them coming. As we have seen the last 4 years, properly developed small updates are much better than massive, work in progress updates.

No, we don't need 100 more systems.... we need TEN THOUSAND new systems...

This is a space game, space is supposed to be vast, and a expotential increase in nullsec systems would go a long way to curb the blue donut for a while, if not forever... you make it big enough and just like the empires of old, they just won't be able to project power far enough.

You underestimate the lameness of the Goon. Add 10,000 systems the Goon will add 20 thousand more people to its already bloated coalition.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)