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Stories from Fanfest to convince the wife to take a trip to Iceland.

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POT Corp
#1 - 2014-04-09 20:53:00 UTC
I have contemplated attending fanfest for several years however other then the mineral hot springs, shopping and touring the historic sights the wife really would rather go anywhere else for a vacation.

I know there has to be some excellent stories from previous fanfests. Tell me some, that I might relay them to the wife with the hope of trying further to convince her to come with me to Iceland. Did you take an excellent tour? What was your most enjoyable moment? Would you do it again?

If you have any good ones about drunken parties, unknown tattoo appearences or sucker punching a ganker you met in real life tell those as well. I will just selectively omit those.
White Pauder
#2 - 2014-04-09 20:55:50 UTC  |  Edited by: White Pauder
just stream it from a bar in keywest while you chug some rum thats what i will be doing. Oh dont forget to bring papers. Or you can goto fanfest I will take your wife to keywest.....does she like to get freaky maybe some vegetables?????
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-04-09 20:57:32 UTC
Hey why dont you tell your wife about all the guys that get EVE related tattoos there!

Im sure she will go in a heartbeat then!

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

Net 7
#4 - 2014-04-09 21:25:27 UTC
I went with my wife in 2007, we happen to go when the Sisters of EvE program was just rolling out. So some of this will be a tad dated:

The wife and I arrived at the butt crack of dawn on Thursday. We crashed and slept till about 4. She went with me to the meet and greet before fan fest started, shes rather social so actually had a decent time just talking to random people.

We went back tot he hotel and chilled, went to bed and woke up at 2am Iceland time (i'm from cali, so we were both wide awake, it kinda sucked) We chilled, got breakfast, and I went on ahead to fan fest. She relaxed in the hotel and not sure what else she did TBH. Anyway, The sisters of eve was a two day event back then, so she arrived late (as I said I have no clue what she was doing) and missed the jeeps. One of the CCP devs was kind enough to give her a ride so she could catch up. They took a tour of the lava tubes, had some of the Icelandic fish my wife said was disgusting) and some other random things. She met back up with me about an hour before fan fest was mostly done. We then went and caught the QnA sesstion, and had left with a bunch of Goons and had dinner. We met the head of Fix alliance at dinner and had a nice chat (my alliance at the time was tryint to take there space.. tee hee) Saturday we walked to Fan Fest, she had a chat with another couple on the way there (as I said she is socialable) and then while we waited for the Jeeps to take them to.. I think it was the blue lagoon, I forget, we talke to another couple who she met the wife on the day before. She went off to do her thing, and I did mine. She met with me again mid day and watched the EvE and CCP presents Key notes. Then we had dinner, watched the slient auction, and some people making modles. She went back tot he hotel and took a nap while I puttered around the last part of the Tournament. She came back and we went to the party on top of the world. We left after a few hours and slept. left on sunday. All in all she had a good time.

The sisters of eve thing is WAY worth it. It will give your SO a chance to see and do Iceland stuff for a day, I think its sat. The Key notes are interesting even for non eve players (my wife wound up ooing during the trinity upgrades shown in the key note) They usually have events like the quiz bowl, qna and other stuff that's enjoyable. You can send her to the blue lagoon all day on the non sister day. And there are tons of other things she can do. Its pretty much a once in a lifetime experience (unless you go multiple times ofc) but well worth it

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Doireen Kaundur
#5 - 2014-04-10 01:38:26 UTC
Why not just bargain with her?

Go to iceland this year then next year she gets to decide where to go.

_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-04-10 03:29:44 UTC
KuroVolt wrote:
Hey why dont you tell your wife about all the guys that get EVE related tattoos there!

Im sure she will go in a heartbeat then!

If only to take his wallet to ruin any chances of him getting a Cult of Veldspar tattoo.
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#7 - 2014-04-10 04:07:35 UTC  |  Edited by: NightCrawler 85
I cant say anything about the SOE stuff but i have heard good things about it.

That being said my better half and I went there last year for our honeymoon and it was really worth it.
First off its not the kind of place that "everyone" goes to, so that alone makes it a more unique experience. Showing pictures to friends and family and having them go "ohh" and "aww" even a year later is a big + in my book at least Lol

Please note that im also assuming that your wife dont play EVE thus she will have no interest in the actual FF events.
Honestly, that wont be a problem.
While some of the FF events are interesting, chances are you will just pick a few and go to those and skip the rest, which leaves a lot of time where you and your wife can go and do other things.

We were lucky enough to have our own "local guide" in the corp that drove us around, and we saw everything from fields filled with Icelandic horses, volcanos, the hot springs, geysirs, beautiful waterfalls and the general country side.
I know that one couple that is going this year is also signing up to go diving, and i think there is also things like whale watching tours (we had already been on one, so dident go to that one).

The town is also very small, and while some areas might look more.. shabby and run down the main parts are very cozy and its nice for calm walks and window shopping.
If you drink (im a non drinker so cant say much about this) there is also plenty of regular bars and if i remember correctly there was also one place that was more specialized in wine.

There is also a lot of restaurants to choose from, varying in price and location and also what you are looking for.
For "romantic" i would highly recommend Argentina, which is sort of middle of the tree price wise, but very good food and very memorable together with great service.
If you want something more special (and more pricey) i would say stop by Perlan which is also an unique experience.
However, i will admit that out of a party of 5, 3 of us got food poisoning after eating there, but we suspect it can be related to the free appetizers Lol
But even with that, was worth going there just to see it, but it is more of a "dress up" place so bring a tie Smile

But all in all... Iceland strikes me as the kind of place that offers so many options, some less obvious then others, that you can go back over and over again and find something new every time.

So your best way to convince her...
Make it clear that while there is FF stuff you would like to attend, your time together is still priority, then sit down and look for things and events that you both could enjoy.
Personally i would have loved to take one of the tours that are done on horseback but trying to drag someone who has no interest in horses to something like that, especially since the one i looked at lasted for 3 days, was not an option Lol
Don Aubaris
#8 - 2014-04-10 04:40:18 UTC
Just tell her you've booked a secret romantic second honey-moon .... Big smile
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#9 - 2014-04-10 05:17:26 UTC
They have a penis museum.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-04-10 11:19:09 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
They have a ***** museum.

This is pretty much it. Also drinking anything alcoholic on site & having sex with everything, but in all honesty that last bit applies to exactly zero people.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#11 - 2014-04-10 11:32:14 UTC
Don Aubaris wrote:
Just tell her you've booked a secret romantic second honey-moon .... Big smile

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#12 - 2014-04-10 12:48:16 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Explorer
Here's a schedule you can copy , then there is the SoE tour, you get to meet me, what else...

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Doireen Kaundur
#13 - 2014-04-10 12:51:06 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Here's a schedule you can copy , then there is the SoE tour, you get to meet me, what else...

Umm..keep the wife away from CCP Explorer. Blink

_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]

GreasyCarl Semah
A Game as Old as Empire
#14 - 2014-04-10 14:39:21 UTC
To be honest I think Eve Vegas is the more wife friendly event. Send her to the spa at Caeser's for the day. Or better yet, one of the malls. Just make sure and give her a spending limit. Then go do your thing. Of course, if you are like most of the clowns who play this game and your job typically involves the phrase "do you want fries with that?" then there may be some heartburn with this plan.
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#15 - 2014-04-10 15:04:20 UTC
I went last year to Fanfest on my own and did enjoy it. Whether I would go again I don't know. Bit's n comments:

1) Iceland is pretty expensive especially if you are coming from somewhere like the UK where the currency value has literally fallen down the toilet. I guess/presume Icelandic people earn a lot more per hour than us. I may be wrong.

2) Don't know about the Sisters trip to see the sights but the other one for us capsuleers doesn't give you much time to see the sights. At the waterfall stop I recommend going to see the waterfall first - go right to the far end close to the waterfall. (Which I didn't do SadCry ). Probably a better idea to arrive a few days before in Iceland and pre-book or book trips there to see stuff.

3) It's worth looking around the museums and shops. I wouldn't go to the national gallery as the art there is a little strange. Personal taste probably. I didn't try any of the stranger local cuisine such as fermented shark or whale. I'm a veggie but I did try some of the more 'normal' fish meals which were very nice. I recommend the ice cream! nom nom. Smile

4) Better to stay in one of the hotels nearer to the Harpa up near the marina-ish sort of area. I stayed at the Natura near the airport. It was a nice hotel but I ended up walking a lot when I didn't catch the bus. If I can do something wrong I will. Roll

5) Breakfast in hotels is pretty expensive. I bought a lot of fruit from one of the supermarkets.

6) I've stopped drinking alcohol (I wasn't an alcoholic. Smile ) but I gather alcohol is pretty expensive as well. Up to you what you do on that front.

7) I recommend Fanfest for all extroverts. I'm a very shy introvert but I still enjoyed all the Fanfest related stuff.

8) Go to the workshops too and get involved. They are even more fun than the main talks. Smile

Think that's about it. Oh. Buy something traditional made out of wool to wear to keep you warm. Big smile

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-04-10 15:15:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Aivo Dresden
First and foremost, you need to go from Monday to Monday and do the fanfest in between. There's a lot of cool stuff in Iceland and Reykjavik you'll miss if you only go to the fanfest. List of things to do:

1) Swim in the lagoon
2) Rent a 4x4 and drive in to the country. Especially the volcano is nice. (Not sure if you're still allowed there, but was cool 6-7y ago).
3) Stay in the Hilton Reykjavik Nordica , or whatever it is called now. It's an amazing hotel and you get a great view over the town and bay. It's also very close to the venue.
4) Try some of the local restaurants. They have some cool fish jerky (just like the beef jerky, but with fish) as well as a crazy amount of really nice fish dishes. Worth trying.
5) Finish with the fanfest.

You should keep in mind that Reykjavik is expensive. If I remember right, I paid about 1300e for flights and hotel and then another 700e when I got there on various activities, food, entertainment, ... It should be noted that this was for 7 nights though and included my fanfest access as well. At the time there was no SoE tour or anything. I did have a really good time though. Make sure you have some people to go with as that makes all the difference. In your case your wife, for other people, some mates.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#17 - 2014-04-10 16:39:15 UTC
I too would waste thousands of $ to fly to Iceland and get drunk with mediocre programmers and eat rotten shark......

Oh wait, I can do that here for a bit less....

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Major 'Revolver' Ocelot
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-04-10 16:42:46 UTC
All in all there's not much going on in Iceland, I've been and don't get me wrong it's a nice place but I can think of many other places I'd prefer to go. Definitely worth going at least once though. I think Reykjavic has banned all strip clubs too if that's a deciding factor.
#19 - 2014-04-10 18:40:32 UTC
My wife went just as a nice thing to do for me. She really wasn't into it at all and she doesn't play Eve. When we got off the plane in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm (it looked like Hoth) she was miserable and actually crying. Over the next few days, we had the best time. Hanging out with friends, going out to bars (Pub Crawl is not to be missed) and enjoying Iceland. The food was great. I think she'd be happy to live at the Blue Lagoon. The local people were all super nice. She didn't enjoy the SOE tour very much, tbh, but otherwise had a fantastic time and she is dying to go back. She's been trying to convince non-Eve friends to go as well, she really loved it that much.

While we're not going back this year, I'm pretty sure we'll be back sometime in the future.

No good deed goes unpunished

GreasyCarl Semah
A Game as Old as Empire
#20 - 2014-04-10 18:46:11 UTC
Major 'Revolver' Ocelot wrote:
I think Reykjavic has banned all strip clubs too if that's a deciding factor.

My God, they truly are savages....
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