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God i hope this aint gonna be yet another boring terrible expansion!

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#141 - 2014-04-09 05:51:45 UTC
And there needs to be more ships added to the game, many more ships...

I don't think its good idea. More ships, more work to balance them. EvE will become Game of Balance.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

#142 - 2014-04-09 05:55:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Oh, look, Kyperion got unbanned. Welcome back.

LMAO, you thought I got banned? ... WoW dude, you really are bass ackwards.

Nope, been taking in some beautiful mountain vistas with the in-laws, while wating for a few longer skill ques to complete, branching out from just T2 drones.

Nailed it.

Roll MMHHMM, sure ya didLol
#143 - 2014-04-09 05:57:36 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
And there needs to be more ships added to the game, many more ships...

I don't think its good idea. More ships, more work to balance them. EvE will become Game of Balance.

Every MMO is game of balance.... and generally even the best of them fail in at least some areas.

More choices and skins to look at = always good, regardless of balancing impact.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#144 - 2014-04-09 06:41:17 UTC
More choices and skins to look at = always good, regardless of balancing impact.

Yep, now we have good looking ship - Nestor. Hulls must be build for certain roles otherwise it's waste of resources. I assume Nestor, will be not look at until black ops balancing. Which is in distant future. Where's the point of introducing it? Content?


you just want new skins of current ships? AF Harpy with same stats on different looking hulls?

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

#145 - 2014-04-09 07:19:53 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
And there needs to be more ships added to the game, many more ships...

I don't think its good idea. More ships, more work to balance them. EvE will become Game of Balance.

Every MMO is game of balance.... and generally even the best of them fail in at least some areas.

More choices and skins to look at = always good, regardless of balancing impact.

Every MMO indeed is a game of balance, but not every MMO disregard balance throught humongous injections of concretical content. I for one prefer CCP taking their time with balancing and repairing.

All posts and mails screencapped and time stamped, including out of EVE, you will not reverse on me.

Might come in handy!

Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#146 - 2014-04-09 07:41:35 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Improve FW Tweak and Balance
Overhaul 0.0 - people have been crying out for this for ages Tweak and Balance
Bring in new content Well that's nice and specific...
add more nullsec npc space Why?

So what was it you wanted again?
Frank Pannon
Emerald Swine Escavations
#147 - 2014-04-09 08:34:37 UTC
Op are you just whining or do you actually have a point.
Abigail Sagan
Skeleton Liberation Front
#148 - 2014-04-09 10:04:51 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Abigail Sagan wrote:
- Warp Changes: Bug fix (Tweak)

OK, so here's the thing about a sandbox: the apparent size of the feature doesn't correlate to either the amount of work that went into designing it or to its impact on game play. You can say, well they just changed this one formula. That's true. But they changed a forumla that impacts a part of the game that almost everyone does almost all the time. Before they made the change, they had to figure out what the intent of the change was. Then they had to go over every ship class and a bunch of modules and rigs and make sure that the change would have the intended effect, without any terribly broken side effects.

And sure enough, the warp speed change had the significant effect of catching the actual game up with the lore, which holds that cruisers are the ship class of choice. It also makes that part of the game more accessible to new players.

So yes, you can say it was a tweak, but it was a tweak to the New Eden equivalent of a physical law. If you tweak the equation for gravity just a little bit, what happens in RL?

I am not saying Warp Change was an easy thing to achieve or meaningless thing to have. In fact my opinion about it is quite the opposite; it appeared to be difficult to achieve and it is quite meaningful to boot. All I ment was, that it was a change to an existing mechanic and thus a "tweak" and therefore it was not "new content". I believe this discussion is about importance of content vs tweaks in expansions of EVE.

Imo tweaks are not expanding EVE, but they can have their important purpose (like rebalancing). Some tweaks on the other hand have no importance (paint jobs and new clothes), but on the other hand some content has no importance either (nestor being the easy example). Maybe "importance" is close approximation to "quality" here.
Dr Techenstein Techsalt
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#149 - 2014-04-09 11:27:11 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Dr Techenstein Techsalt wrote:
I have just started Eve, I come from dust.

You have ascended to a higher plane of existence my friend.

Thank you. Dust was released on a machine inhabited by cod scum, the types who have never even heard of ultima online and other decent games, therefore for every post that is good for dusts direction and integration into eve, there's 200 more of dust only types who want to be something more than what they are, a lowly clone scumbag. Naturally the same goes for players, most of the beta players are allied up, others like myself went a tried our own thing, new players have no clue, they are console only types mostly remember lol.

My corp, called Swamp Marines at the time had an experienced Eve pilots who is ex goon. We were building with the dust/eve link solely in mind, each new patch simply confirmed that this is a waste of time unless dropping orbitals and talking a lot is what one would consider immersion and integration. Also in dust, people like me who buy aurum constantly would destroy the market the moment it would be introduced.

Dust was great when the potential was believable but its obvious that CCP Reykjavik needs to work on dust, not shanghai, I'm positive that the guys in shanghai has no vision at all BUT they are good in the art department. I'll still play dust, I'll try to get my mercs to join eve. The big problem with dust is the end game, it really doesnt work in an fps on a machine with less RAM than my phone and again, its lowly merc scum playing empires when really it should be Eve players that control the surface infrastructure, clone transport and logistics. If you say that, you get 100 cod kid scum screaming how boring dust would be or they don't like it, so fk dusts potential, the majority idiot vote wins EVERYTIME. I am certain it will never be more than a lobby shooter.

I am a seibiestor winmatar scumbag and I definitely want to drop OBS in factional warfare on mercs I know lol. Anyway I hope that was as interesting to read as it was for me to semi rant.

*drinks quafe*

Dust merc- TechMechMeds, logistics

Eve legion ftw

Dust scum think they can dominate legion lol

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#150 - 2014-04-09 11:33:43 UTC
Its pretty easy to work out what the OP is saying, he is asking about something that catches the imagination and gets you keen to log in and play, something that makes the average player go wow, however what the OP has failed to work out is the the average Eve player goes wow when they have either scammed someone, culled some tears or made someone have a rage induced heart attack in some sort of debased bonus room on teamspeak, that is the average Eve players wow moment...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Dr Techenstein Techsalt
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#151 - 2014-04-09 11:47:22 UTC
I would just like to add that an eve pilot technically does run the end game and by force anyway lol, gg kain o7.

Dust merc- TechMechMeds, logistics

Eve legion ftw

Dust scum think they can dominate legion lol

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#152 - 2014-04-09 12:11:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Again you are a worthless NPC alt posting a whine thread.

The only thing more worthless than posting in a whine thread, is whining about NPC alts, and whine threads in a whine thread.

You be whining about whining about whining. Dare we go deeper?


Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2014-04-09 14:34:30 UTC
Dr Techenstein Techsalt wrote:
I would just like to add that an eve pilot technically does run the end game and by force anyway lol, gg kain o7.

So how about that offer then? Suicide gank a miner or other highsec scum for newbie isk.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Tiffany and Co.
#154 - 2014-04-09 14:40:15 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont jsut make this yet another tweak and balance expansation, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

I am willing to accept a one time transferring of now unneeded valuables that you may wish to be rid of.

CCp damn near died trying to give people "Jesus Features" that they would then go on to forget about (sure, CCPs gonna get around to finishing COSMOS one of these days, i just know it).

What we as a community told them is "fix the game, screw the big stuff" and that's what they've been doing. The game is soooo much better than it was in 2009 because of it. CCP should keep doing that. Oh how easily people forget the past.

Well if thats your opinion then fine. But 3 expansions in a row of it and nothing decent otherwise is not good. and im sorry but when you played for many years, just tweaks doesnt really make the game feel any different or better.

But... I dont want it to be different.

What would you change and add in the expansion if you were Mr Seeseepee?

Improve FW
Overhaul 0.0 - people have been crying out for this for ages
Bring in new content
add more nullsec npc space

improve sov sounds like tweaking as sov already exists
overhaul 0.0 sounds like tweaking as 0.0 already exists
bring in new content doesnt specify anything, do you want resto shammys and dragons? thats theoretically "content"
add more nullsec npc space, I havent heard much about nullsec npc but from what i have heard, nullsec is in general barren. But as i havent heard anything specific maybe that just means player conquerable null?

basically the only suggestion you have which might be adding something new may not even need it because i've never heard specifics between npc and non npc null in regards to "empty" or not status
Ascendant Operations
#155 - 2014-04-09 16:00:40 UTC
"Stop releasing useless features, CCP! Fix what is broken!" -2009
"Stop fixing broken things, CCP. We want more half-baked new features!" -2011 onwards

There is no pleasing some people. CCP is on the right track, EVE is in its best state in years.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#156 - 2014-04-09 18:04:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Well arguably if 21 million wasn't written off and DUST killed we might see more meaningful EvE releases.
Dragon Outlaw
Rogue Fleet
#157 - 2014-04-09 18:44:54 UTC
Meanwhile, Eve Offline's weekly average graph (at 2014-04-03) shows almost 5000 less connected accounts compared to the same date a year before.

Is Eve still growing?
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#158 - 2014-04-09 19:36:31 UTC
Oh noes, CCP is working on fixing horribly broken things! Must not let that happen, lets add Titan Supercarriers! Supercarriers with doomsdays, moar Jesus features!!!1!

Seriously, I'd rather they fix things rather than add more broken ****.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Mr R4nd0m
#159 - 2014-04-09 20:41:37 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Oh noes, CCP is working on fixing horribly broken things! Must not let that happen, lets add Titan Supercarriers! Supercarriers with doomsdays, moar Jesus features!!!1!

Seriously, I'd rather they fix things rather than add more broken ****.

i think you have missed my point completely. I never ever said dont do tweaks and fix things, i am all for that, however this will be the third expansion - so nearly 2 years that its just been mainly about rebalancing, tweaks and hardly any big features. Its about time we started doing both. Have some tweaks plus new features.

I wouldnt say overhauling 0.0 is a tweak by the way! thats a major change.

if you are happy with how CCP are tweaking stuff and thats it, then fine thats your choice, but not for me. For us long term players that have done everything, we need to see more new content coming out for us to play with to keep us interested. I dont think i am asking too much am i for the subs im paying.

Its all fine, i mean i have the option to unsub and come back , when things do get better, right?
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#160 - 2014-04-09 21:10:33 UTC
Berendas wrote:
"Stop releasing useless features, CCP! Fix what is broken!" -2009
"Stop fixing broken things, CCP. We want more half-baked new features!" -2011 onwards

There is no pleasing some people. CCP is on the right track, EVE is in its best state in years.

Don't think anyone is arguing about not releasing useless features lol

Also fixing things via patches is nice

But Expansion is not 90% fixes and 10% something.

Saying we don't need more than monocolor tv because it isn't broken(and we will fix it when it does) after 60years is ridiculous argument yes?


You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard