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God i hope this aint gonna be yet another boring terrible expansion!

Federated Holdings
#41 - 2014-04-07 19:48:25 UTC
Teyr Schmitt wrote:

I disagree.

We need the fifth playable race that CCP announced last April.

New Eden will FINALLY have Aliens!

It be nice if CCP went back and delivered what was orginally promised when the released the game in 2003....... in early beta news they said there would be 5 playable races and Jovian was listed as one.

One of the reasons I started with this game was one day to be able to play as a jovian. After playing for over 11 yrs (including Beta) it would be nice if they finally made them a playable race. I think they could make the entrance to being a jovian something really high like you need to have a certain amount of SP to be able to even be one but the catch could be you need to give up all your sp and start from scratch just to become one.

I would give up my 200+ mil sp for the chance to become Jovian and have access to their tech.

p.s. yes anyone that looks back at my posts over the last 11 yrs will see I have harped about this for many many many yrs
Grape Juice
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2014-04-07 19:50:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I'm 99.9% certain you're referring to Red Moon Rising.

Worst. Patch day. Ever.

Server was bouncing up and down for literally a whole week. But hey, we got a whole bunch of new shiny, right?
Net 7
#43 - 2014-04-07 19:56:06 UTC
EvE is currently on an expantion arc. This arc will lead to new space, which will bring in 'new and dynamic game play' Instead of dumping this huge game changer on us, they are guiding us in slowly. While i will agree that the last 3 expantions have been lack luster in the expanding new gameplay dept, as a vet who has been here since Castor (or maybe Second genesis, i forget) there have been HUGE improvements on how the expantions are handled. I'll give you some exsamples of past WTF's.

1) The big feature of Exodus was PoS' and Alliances, as well as Dreads. The sov system was quickly to shown to suck, pos management sucked. CCP said 'oh we will fix things np..." Then they jumped onto the next expantion (either RMR or Cold War, i always mix them up) and ignored issues.

2) Titans came in i think RMR (or Cold War) They said 'oh we know xxx is over powered, don't worry we will fix it) it took them 2 years to make titans not move after DD'ing and then another 2 or so years to change the DD.

3) FW, this came out in Empeyan age... i think... yea that sounds right. It was buggy, and sucked. Hardly anyone played. It took CCP 3 years to even address ANY issues on it.

4) PI we were promised PI would be one way, and that it would tie into this new game ccp is developing in china called Dust (Dust was announced way before 2010 for thouse who don't know) But PI will let you do nice things, this is just the first set of interaction, trust us we will improve it. 5 years or so later... its still a click fest annoying hunk of crap. (i hate PI, i hate all the stupid clicking...)

5) Sov.... oh dear lord... We went from 1 pos gets you sov in 24 hours. To the most pos' get you sov in 7 days. To Each pos has a special weight, small = 1, med = 5 small, 1 large = 7 med (or some ****) To.. oh btw if you own 51% of the systems in a constalation with 3 outpost you can make a system invulernable to all attack! Don't worry we will add more tools to constalation sov, just you wait.. To.. yea scratch that constalation sov crap, here is Domion! with new upgrades! We will add more upgrades later just you see!!!!

6) Incursions... yea they promised to add more...

7) COSMOS... yea... see above.

8) WiS we were told one thing, and given a steaming pile of dog crap for another.

Patches used to be like this....

DT for expantion will be 4 hours... no wait 8.. no wait 12... crap sorry 24... ok up.. no down... no up... patch... down.. up... hotfix... down... up... unstable... reboot... hotfix...hotfix....hotfix... unstable...down...up..patch... stable... patch patch patch fix.

Compaired to:

DT 1 hour... opps 30 min... up... hotfix....reboot...up...stable...up.

I like the new ccp, finish your broken crap, give us new stuff that works from the get go. Big jesus feature will come, once you see what all the little stuff ties to, you will go 'oh snap!' is my guess

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#44 - 2014-04-07 20:00:17 UTC
Grape Juice wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I'm 99.9% certain you're referring to Red Moon Rising.

Worst. Patch day. Ever.

Server was bouncing up and down for literally a whole week. But hey, we got a whole bunch of new shiny, right?

I disagree, Exodus was the worse(unless i mixed it up with coldwar.. or rmr i really need to memorize what was kali...), the server was down for 24 freaking hours, it was so bad ccp gave everyone two free days of game time.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#45 - 2014-04-07 20:02:40 UTC
Doppleganger wrote:
Teyr Schmitt wrote:

I disagree.

We need the fifth playable race that CCP announced last April.

New Eden will FINALLY have Aliens!

It be nice if CCP went back and delivered what was orginally promised when the released the game in 2003....... in early beta news they said there would be 5 playable races and Jovian was listed as one.

One of the reasons I started with this game was one day to be able to play as a jovian. After playing for over 11 yrs (including Beta) it would be nice if they finally made them a playable race. I think they could make the entrance to being a jovian something really high like you need to have a certain amount of SP to be able to even be one but the catch could be you need to give up all your sp and start from scratch just to become one.

I would give up my 200+ mil sp for the chance to become Jovian and have access to their tech.

p.s. yes anyone that looks back at my posts over the last 11 yrs will see I have harped about this for many many many yrs

Yea, back when the jovenan ambassador came to new eden and promptly exploded due to a jump drive malfunction, i swore that was gonna be the start of us being able to interact with jove, but aside form the body parts... the jove went into hiding.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#46 - 2014-04-07 20:03:23 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

I'm sure you have all of CCP on pins and needles in anticipation of whether or not they can meet your vague demands and requirements.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#47 - 2014-04-07 20:23:27 UTC
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Also; youre arguing what would be knows as "patch content" in other games IS what is "expansion content" in this game?

Yes, Im being simplistic, no Im not arguing against what you said, Im just trying to TLDR it XD

In a sense, yes. More specifically, I'm saying that a lot of the “where's the ‘expansion’?” complaints against the EVE expansions seem to come from a position that only themepark-style consumable content counts, or at least that it is the expected form for expansion content. People are familiar with that style of expansion from games centred on content consumption.

So when they come to EVE, massive content additions like tiercide gets brushed off as mere tweaks and minute content additions like Incarna get hailed as proper expansions. They don't spot the revolution in gameplay that a few critical tweaks can generate, but then again, neither do the devs or the players — it's something that evolves over time so it's perhaps more accurate to see it as an inexperience on the theme-parker's side with the scope of changes that can come out of mere tweaks.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#48 - 2014-04-07 20:26:36 UTC
I'd be content with industry batch jobs and an interface that remembers at least a few of my last selections. But that's probably more a reflection of how bad the current industry interface is rather than how good such an expansion would be.

Or maybe I'm just shallow and have small dreams.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Grape Juice
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-04-07 20:27:39 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I disagree, Exodus was the worse(unless i mixed it up with coldwar.. or rmr i really need to memorize what was kali...), the server was down for 24 freaking hours, it was so bad ccp gave everyone two free days of game time.

I mean, when RMR came out the servers were technically up. Didn't know a single person that was actually able to log in and play.

In any case, CCP has gotten a LOT better at Patch Day. I don't feel like I'm opening an Xmas present from Robot Santa anymore.
Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2014-04-07 20:39:25 UTC
As a very casual player that is feeling might contrarily, I for one hope that it is. Those expansions lead to the best threadnaughts.

Be honest, most everyone here love the Threadnaughts more than logging in. Not me of course. I like everything the others don't like and don't like everything I do likeBlink

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Mr R4nd0m
#51 - 2014-04-07 20:42:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr R4nd0m
Tippia wrote:
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Also; youre arguing what would be knows as "patch content" in other games IS what is "expansion content" in this game?

Yes, Im being simplistic, no Im not arguing against what you said, Im just trying to TLDR it XD

In a sense, yes. More specifically, I'm saying that a lot of the “where's the ‘expansion’?” complaints against the EVE expansions seem to come from a position that only themepark-style consumable content counts, or at least that it is the expected form for expansion content. People are familiar with that style of expansion from games centred on content consumption.

So when they come to EVE, massive content additions like tiercide gets brushed off as mere tweaks and minute content additions like Incarna get hailed as proper expansions. They don't spot the revolution in gameplay that a few critical tweaks can generate, but then again, neither do the devs or the players — it's something that evolves over time so it's perhaps more accurate to see it as an inexperience on the theme-parker's side with the scope of changes that can come out of mere tweaks.

Now this is your opinion, and I have mine. My gamplay and expectations is not the same of yours. So please don't assume that what you want is not what everyone else wants.

Yes the tweaks are good, however you tweak one thing you hurt another. So in some cases the tweaks helped but in other they killed off things. So lets take a look at what these 'tweaks killed'

Incursions - not like they used to be at all, people hardly do them, just because people complained about the ISK. So what. It generated lots of content and lots of people got involved.

Stuff they rebalanced actually killed off a lot of ships. How much do you see BS gangs now? How much do you see command ships on the field after the CS change? How many T2 small/med gangs do you see? How many electronic warfare ships do you see in fleets? (kitsunes etc). You dont. So where they made T1 buffs they killed others. FW is just frig warfare now and some cruisers but that's it.

Solo pvp is pretty much dead now. Unless your willing to multibox 5 characters and hunt around forever. Or as above you have to just fight in frigs!

0.0 no longer have the 30-50 man roaming gangs anymore, its just completely blob warfare, and supers and caps now.

Please dont think that all the tweaks have actually made a huge difference they havent. People also want to see new stuff, new content, new features its been 2 years now and nothing major has been released. Sorry for me as a vet I need to see and have new content to play with, because everything else I have done. I want to do or try something different.

Even if they dont create complete new stuff then start making the current stuff more interesting, more interactive. For example missions are boring as hell, npcs are just pictures with text, why cant we have actual voice overs and interaction? That would make a huge difference to missions.

If you are happy with the tweaks then fine, happy for you. But I am also entitled to want something else also. Im sorry but 2 years of tweaks is imo pretty poor.
Mr R4nd0m
#52 - 2014-04-07 20:44:45 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Truth hurts doesn't it buddy? I'm sure someone will be a long to post the graph of the sub numbers and rub it in your face. The only things you got right was death2allsupercaps and nerf highsec.

E: You are yet another in the encyclopedia of examples why npc alts shouldn't be allowed to post.

E2: V

I am happy to be corrected. Please show me the stats, the graph looks pretty much the same if not less than 5 years ago. Please check my history numb nuts instead of trying that npc alt crap. Its boring.
Free State Project
#53 - 2014-04-07 20:46:49 UTC
Yarda Black wrote:
never mind.

Made a massive and very impressive post. Lost all of it trying to post it.

I feel you. I frequently spend an hour or longer on my posts on the forums, and I have made it a habit to always copy my entire post to notepad before pressing the "Post" button just in case CCP decided to end my session without saving the draft.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#54 - 2014-04-07 21:16:19 UTC
Caviar Liberta wrote:
Yarda Black wrote:
never mind.

Made a massive and very impressive post. Lost all of it trying to post it.

Select and copy is your friend.

Or, install the free Lazarus add on (Firefox) and forget to EVER lose any form in your life again. Including EvE posts.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#55 - 2014-04-07 21:21:51 UTC
I am still waiting that CCP implements a Market history interface worth of its name or a T2 invention / POS interface that actually deserves such a name.
They focus on tweaking ships that the rest of the game is slowly rotting around them.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-04-07 21:30:01 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
but it seems people don't think an expansion is 'big enough' without pandas in it?

**** the pandas
**** them with TNT

If ccp can actually manage to solve the POS, SOV, nul-sec industry & drone things, they WILL have basically created new content imho.
I'd much rather have fixed old stuff than broken new stuff.

Net 7
#57 - 2014-04-07 22:00:42 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I am still waiting that CCP implements a Market history interface worth of its name or a T2 invention / POS interface that actually deserves such a name.
They focus on tweaking ships that the rest of the game is slowly rotting around them.

They are overhauling mining, and refining (mostly refining) this time around, and kinda hinted that science and research could be there too. So you might actually get your wish on some of this.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#58 - 2014-04-07 22:27:54 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I now see ships being used that never saw the light of day before. We used to use the same handful of ships all the time until they were either nerfed or something else was buffed to the point of being overpowered. Now I can pick damn near any ship and have success with it.

Not even the sub numbers agree with you.

Some people will say that tiericide was a bad thing. I'm not sure. On one side, variety was good. On the other, we had too much "ship of the month". I remember a time when it was missile drakes as far as the eye (or the grid) could see.

But then they do something like make interceptors bubble-immune or create a mining ship with +2 warp core strength right out of the box. I'm thinking that the bigger the ship, the more tiericide we will see in the direction of generalization and core bonus. But the smaller the ship, we'll see more of these "White Ravens". The bubble-immune intie for one, a shuttle that does 22 AU stock for another.

Yes things could get interesting.

We'll see what happens. T3 nerfs, they say, are also coming.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Jacabon Mere
Capital Storm.
Out of the Blue.
#59 - 2014-04-07 23:24:15 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
but it seems people don't think an expansion is 'big enough' without pandas in it?

**** the pandas
**** them with TNT

If ccp can actually manage to solve the POS, SOV, nul-sec industry & drone things, they WILL have basically created new content imho.
I'd much rather have fixed old stuff than broken new stuff.

Yet after 5 years CCP still have no clue how to go about fixing either.

Capital Storm is recruiting Aussies for Lowsec pvp and money making. Join "Capital Storm Pub" channel ingame.

Tesco Ergo Sum
#60 - 2014-04-07 23:26:30 UTC
CCP might give us a bonus... room...