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EVE General Discussion

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God i hope this aint gonna be yet another boring terrible expansion!

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#21 - 2014-04-07 18:53:03 UTC
You get what you pay for.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#22 - 2014-04-07 18:54:32 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

CCP is on a Five year plan to "Re-balance", So I wouldn't hope for a real expansion for another two years....

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Mr R4nd0m
#23 - 2014-04-07 18:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr R4nd0m
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I now see ships being used that never saw the light of day before. We used to use the same handful of ships all the time until they were either nerfed or something else was buffed to the point of being overpowered. Now I can pick damn near any ship and have success with it.

Not even the sub numbers agree with you.

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#24 - 2014-04-07 19:01:00 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Confirming that Assault Frigs, Marauders, Interdictors, Stealth Bombers, Interceptors and HACs have gone out of use and their price has nose-dived.....


"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Sunshine and Lollipops
#25 - 2014-04-07 19:03:10 UTC
Teyr Schmitt wrote:
To be fair, though, Wormholes were a damn good feature on launch. Arguably the most polished/have held up the best since their introduction feature in the game that I can remember in recent history.
Outwards, maybe, but internally, Apocrypha apparently created huge technological dept for CCP and it took them years to catch up on the backlog of issues it had generated.

As for new big content additions, I really have to ask if the people who want them have already tried everything the game has to offer? For all intents and purposes, trying something new is just the same as having it added to the game.
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#26 - 2014-04-07 19:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

Arent tweaks and suck in patches, not expansions? By definition, expansions should expand the game no?

Beekeeper Bob wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

CCP is on a Five year plan to "Re-balance", So I wouldn't hope for a real expansion for another two years....

To make up for the time spent on WiS?

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#27 - 2014-04-07 19:10:01 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I now see ships being used that never saw the light of day before. We used to use the same handful of ships all the time until they were either nerfed or something else was buffed to the point of being overpowered. Now I can pick damn near any ship and have success with it.

Not even the sub numbers agree with you.

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Yeah, youre right, 300k subs to 500k subs isnt growth, EVE IS DYING after all.

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2014-04-07 19:13:44 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Just had a holiday in FW with the rest of BATs and we saw plenty of t2 frigates as well as a lot of faction. Plenty of cruisers kicking about too with several big powers using them as a primary fleet doctrine. As for battleships, look at my sig.

Also no, sub numbers are rising and by a lot in the last few years. Do you honsetly think us vets have bought 150,000-200,000 alts in the last few years?
Free State Project
#29 - 2014-04-07 19:15:40 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont jsut make this yet another tweak and balance expansation, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

I am willing to accept a one time transferring of now unneeded valuables that you may wish to be rid of.

CCp damn near died trying to give people "Jesus Features" that they would then go on to forget about (sure, CCPs gonna get around to finishing COSMOS one of these days, i just know it).

What we as a community told them is "fix the game, screw the big stuff" and that's what they've been doing. The game is soooo much better than it was in 2009 because of it. CCP should keep doing that. Oh how easily people forget the past.

Well if thats your opinion then fine. But 3 expansions in a row of it and nothing decent otherwise is not good. and im sorry but when you played for many years, just tweaks doesnt really make the game feel any different or better.

When you say there was no added content to the game, what you really mean is there was no added content that applies to YOU, as someone who does basically nothing in the game.

If you actually play the game, then there have been many game-changing features and balances added over the last three expansions which have made the game far more interesting in many ways.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2014-04-07 19:16:45 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont jsut make this yet another tweak and balance expansation, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

I am willing to accept a one time transferring of now unneeded valuables that you may wish to be rid of.

CCp damn near died trying to give people "Jesus Features" that they would then go on to forget about (sure, CCPs gonna get around to finishing COSMOS one of these days, i just know it).

What we as a community told them is "fix the game, screw the big stuff" and that's what they've been doing. The game is soooo much better than it was in 2009 because of it. CCP should keep doing that. Oh how easily people forget the past.

Well if thats your opinion then fine. But 3 expansions in a row of it and nothing decent otherwise is not good. and im sorry but when you played for many years, just tweaks doesnt really make the game feel any different or better.

The ship rebalances have provided more content than most of the other "big expansions" put together. We collectively flipped our **** to get these fixes and are very thankful for them.

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

So we will have had almost 2 years of just tweaks and balances and you think that will keep and bring more people to the game? Why dont you stop thinking about what you want, and think about that the game needs?


You are telling people to stop talking about their personal interest in the game over the benefit of the entire game.

Yet, all you do is whine that CCP needs to address your own personal needs.

The last 3 expansions might not have been true expansions, i agree to that - an expansion should have added gameplay - but they were the 3 best ones in terms of making the game better. It fixed SO many broken things.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Sunshine and Lollipops
#31 - 2014-04-07 19:20:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Arent tweaks and suck in patches, not expansions? By definition, expansions should expand the game no?
The main problem with these discussions is that what expands a sandbox is vastly different from what expands a themepark. A sandbox expansion adds tools to create more content; a themepark adds more ready-made content to consume; and a lot of what counts for the former looks like “just tweaks” to people who are more familiar with the latter.

As mentioned, the ship tweaks that were tiercide created far more “content” for EVE by virtue of giving the players twice as many tools for destruction as before, than almost all of the consumable-content patches put together. Apocrypha earned its reputation by doing both: it provided not just new toys, but also new rules and new arenas to play with them, with the focus being more on the latter. But then again, it did also create a lot of problems.

I don't think we've ever been told exactly what those problems were, but I'm willing to bet that they were chiefly in the many new mechanics needed to provide the consumption-content additions. They potentially laid the groundwork for similar additions in the future (cf. incursions and mission AI), but it's a hell of a lot more costly and a harder fit than the tool additions and tweaks that the players then grow into something new and interesting.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-04-07 19:21:28 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I now see ships being used that never saw the light of day before. We used to use the same handful of ships all the time until they were either nerfed or something else was buffed to the point of being overpowered. Now I can pick damn near any ship and have success with it.

Not even the sub numbers agree with you.

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

As a regular new player helper... There are actually more and more new players coming into EVE then pre Incursion expansion.

And about no T2 ships used, you clearly never leave your highsec system. 80% of the roams you see in null are interceptors and last time I checked my Crow's picture it had a nice yellow II triangle on it.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Yarda Black
The Black Redemption
#33 - 2014-04-07 19:26:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Yarda Black
never mind.

Made a massive and very impressive post. Lost all of it trying to post it.
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#34 - 2014-04-07 19:29:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
Tippia wrote:
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Arent tweaks and suck in patches, not expansions? By definition, expansions should expand the game no?
The main problem with these discussions is that what expands a sandbox is vastly different from what expands a themepark. A sandbox expansion adds tools to create more content; a themepark adds more ready-made content to consume; and a lot of what counts for the former looks like “just tweaks” to people who are more familiar with the latter.

As mentioned, the ship tweaks that were tiercide created far more “content” for EVE by virtue of giving the players twice as many tools for destruction as before, than almost all of the consumable-content patches put together. Apocrypha earned its reputation by doing both: it provided not just new toys, but also new rules and new arenas to play with them, with the focus being more on the latter. But then again, it did also create a lot of problems.

I don't think we've ever been told exactly what those problems were, but I'm willing to bet that they were chiefly in the many new mechanics needed to provide the consumption-content additions. They potentially laid the groundwork for similar additions in the future (cf. incursions and mission AI), but it's a hell of a lot more costly and a harder fit than the tool additions and tweaks that the players then grow into something new and interesting.

meant to say "such" by the way

just a clarification

Also; youre arguing what would be knows as "patch content" in other games IS what is "expansion content" in this game?

Yes, Im being simplistic, no Im not arguing against what you said, Im just trying to TLDR it XD

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#35 - 2014-04-07 19:34:38 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Just had a holiday in FW with the rest of BATs and we saw plenty of t2 frigates as well as a lot of faction. Plenty of cruisers kicking about too with several big powers using them as a primary fleet doctrine. As for battleships, look at my sig.

Also no, sub numbers are rising and by a lot in the last few years. Do you honsetly think us vets have bought 150,000-200,000 alts in the last few years?

Really? Sub numbers continue to rise? While daily average is dropping to it's lowest level since September?
That says either people are dropping out at a high rate, or a huge number of alts are logged off due to lack of a major war....Lol

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-04-07 19:36:13 UTC
Teyr Schmitt wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

It's a tweak and balance expansion, but the changes are HUGE!

Oh, wait, you're not an Industrialist?

You're screwed.


You realize that it's because all CCP ever did was the big content expansions that were never revisited that their playerbase forced them to do all these tweak and balance expansions, right?

But we want stuff and things no matter how unbalanced and upside down it makes the game right?
Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2014-04-07 19:38:46 UTC
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
Arent tweaks and suck in patches, not expansions? By definition, expansions should expand the game no?
The main problem with these discussions is that what expands a sandbox is vastly different from what expands a themepark. A sandbox expansion adds tools to create more content; a themepark adds more ready-made content to consume; and a lot of what counts for the former looks like “just tweaks” to people who are more familiar with the latter.

As mentioned, the ship tweaks that were tiercide created far more “content” for EVE by virtue of giving the players twice as many tools for destruction as before, than almost all of the consumable-content patches put together. Apocrypha earned its reputation by doing both: it provided not just new toys, but also new rules and new arenas to play with them, with the focus being more on the latter. But then again, it did also create a lot of problems.

I don't think we've ever been told exactly what those problems were, but I'm willing to bet that they were chiefly in the many new mechanics needed to provide the consumption-content additions. They potentially laid the groundwork for similar additions in the future (cf. incursions and mission AI), but it's a hell of a lot more costly and a harder fit than the tool additions and tweaks that the players then grow into something new and interesting.

meant to say "such" by the way

just a clarification

Also; youre arguing what would be knows as "patch content" in other games IS what is "expansion content" in this game?

Yes, Im being simplistic, no Im not arguing against what you said, Im just trying to TLDR it XD

Player Vs Player is what makes the majority of the content in the game. But I'm sure the OP knew this already.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2014-04-07 19:39:31 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Truth hurts doesn't it buddy? I'm sure someone will be a long to post the graph of the sub numbers and rub it in your face. The only things you got right was death2allsupercaps and nerf highsec.

E: You are yet another in the encyclopedia of examples why npc alts shouldn't be allowed to post.

E2: V

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-04-07 19:39:50 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Just had a holiday in FW with the rest of BATs and we saw plenty of t2 frigates as well as a lot of faction. Plenty of cruisers kicking about too with several big powers using them as a primary fleet doctrine. As for battleships, look at my sig.

Also no, sub numbers are rising and by a lot in the last few years. Do you honsetly think us vets have bought 150,000-200,000 alts in the last few years?

Really? Sub numbers continue to rise? While daily average is dropping to it's lowest level since September?
That says either people are dropping out at a high rate, or a huge number of alts are logged off due to lack of a major war....Lol

Please, point out on the chart where you see significant drops in the last year?

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2014-04-07 19:40:10 UTC
Yarda Black wrote:
never mind.

Made a massive and very impressive post. Lost all of it trying to post it.

Select and copy is your friend.