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Norse'Storm Battle Group Recruiting! [0.0 SOV]

Colonel Tosh
The MorningStar. Syndicate
#1 - 2014-04-02 15:17:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Colonel Tosh
Recruiting closed. Mods please delete.
Xeris 7
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-04-03 19:45:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Xeris 7
Nine months ago I was an ignate Pve’er dude scraping the bucket in Motsu without a clue to PvP, hell I couldn’t even spell it. Then I joined the Norse’storm BG and they learn’t me in all kinds of that thar PvP stuff. Today…I are one. I like pew pew zap swosh pew all the time now. I even got me one of those new fangled mic dohikes so as people can hear me screaming for reps on comms. Boy I sure am glad the space people got a sense u humur!

All kidding aside,

If you want PvP at all levels of the spectrum, whether it is solo hunting or up to multi-thousand pilot cap battles with the most powerful alliance in EVE, NS-BG is where it is. You want to fly with pro’s that know their **** and punish those who don’t then NS-BG is for you. You want the crazy hard fights and the shiny **** that comes after then NS-BG is for you.

---but I am not going to bullshit you, NS-BG is not for everyone…hell it is not for most. Living on the frontline of the doughnut is not for the weak. We fight and I don’t mean occasionally. If you are the kind that enjoys a challenge then you are going to have a good time. If you are the kind that goes looking for answers, reads the forums, asks questions, gets involved, keeps an eye on Jabber, has no tolerance for reds in your space-hell, has no tolerance for reds in ANY space, loves showing other people that their fit is **** then you my friend are going to have a @#%$ good time. However, if you are the type that sits in station spinning a faction fit Tengu while bitching on comms about the military level, try to rat while red blopers are in local, try to sell stuff to alliance mates at 2000% over Jita, have no clue or never asks what a doctrine fit is and never open a jabber ping then you are going to have a very very very bad time.

So, sign up and start playing the real internet spaceship game as a core member of Norse’Storm Battlegroup.

P.S. Bring $2 for the damn DVD.
Colonel Tosh
The MorningStar. Syndicate
#3 - 2014-04-04 03:09:55 UTC
Bump for great spaceship justice
Xeris 7
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-04-06 05:59:53 UTC
Xeris 7
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-04-07 23:00:18 UTC
Back to the top for awesomeage.