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Kicking the dead horse: inactive players and corporations edition

RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2014-04-05 16:20:12 UTC
Give people a reason to log in.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2014-04-05 16:24:40 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
Sarah McKnobbo wrote:
So, is it a Star Trek or Babylon 5 name that you want to free up for your corp?

He's just having a sad because someone else already took Darth Vader Sad

Someone has Darth Sploder too.... also Darth Trocious... but I'm not mad about that because its me :)

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2014-04-05 16:35:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcolm Shinhwa
I think ccp should delete unsubbed accounts after 6mo. Think about all the unsubbed titans. Talk about a titanomachy. Death to supers indeed.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Stellar Production
#44 - 2014-04-05 17:17:17 UTC
Just to clarify the OP, trial accounts who never subbed ARE infact subject to deletion, I started one in 07 and upon coming back in 09 had to create a new account . May I remind you this is in fact simply a game and that given the amount of time it takes to accumulate anything, deletion of inactive players is not an option. I again took a two year stint from eve for uni, but by your logic my characters, their assets, and corp should be subject to deletion just so you can have a corp name. Be creative enough to create your own and stop ranting...which is after all against forum rules.
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2014-04-05 18:27:28 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
It's not a new idea anymore - this is the general discussion of something that's been around for years and years.

As you have stated this discussion has been around for years and years. You should read those other threads about this topic and see what CCP has said about this "issue". It would have stopped you from making another thread about a topic, which you describe as, "Kicking a dead horse".
Thorus Gallen
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-04-05 21:41:33 UTC
I came back after being out of game for 6 years and was pretty happy to see all my stuff was still all my stuff. If I had to start all over.... I dunno. Might not have.

The difference between being a carebear and a highsec industrialist is wearing cool eyewear and looking pissed off.

PlanetCorp InterStellar
#47 - 2014-04-05 22:53:54 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Val'Dore wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Sarah McKnobbo wrote:
Good time to suggest this. Just as CCP have an incentive program running to get people to resub.....

OP wants resubbers to lose their stored characters just because he cant think of an original Corp Name Roll

For me the problem has always been tickers... there are only so many to work with given the limits.

Including only alphanumeric characters there are 916,132,832 possible tickers available.

I like my ticker to be revenant to the full name and not some random stuff. But thanks for playing.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

DetKhord Saisio
Seniors Clan
#48 - 2014-04-06 06:09:00 UTC
Alastair Ormand wrote:
Finding a ticker that isn't taken is a b***h
Additional ticker length can fix that. License plates had a similar issue they solved by adding a digit to max length. ref:

“I wonder how many ways there are to create a unique license plate given an alphabet a and a format for the plate?” Let’s go through and figure this out.

First, define the alphabet. That is, the possibilities for each character that we can put on our license plate. For this example, let’s use 0-9 and A-Z. There are 10 digits and 26 letters so that gives us an alphabet of 36 characters. (a=36)

The next thing we will do is define the format for the plates in question. Assume that a license plate, for simplicity’s sake, can have 6 characters, either numbers or letters. Let’s first figure out how many possibilities for a license plate with only one character there are. There are 36 characters in our alphabet, so there are 36 possibilities for one “column”. Now there are also 36 choices for each of the remaining five spaces. So we have to do 36*36*36*36*36*36. That’s one time for each of the spaces. To write that simpler, we can generalize this to a^c, where a is the alphabet size and c is the number of characters on each “plate”.

Now, this problem was assuming that we could repeat characters on a license plate. For instance, this assumes that 333333 could be a valid license plate. What if we had a rule that we couldn’t repeat characters?

The first column remains at 36 possibilities, but when we get to the second column, we’ve already used one of our characters and we can’t repeat, so we only have 35. Then we have 34 for the next column. So for this we’ll need to use a factorial (!). However, since we have 36 characters and only 6 spots, we will still have 31 possibilities even in the last spot. We don’t need the whole factorial. Thus, we will use only a!/(a-c)! where a is the alphabet size and c is the number of “columns” on the license plate.

Hope this was a good simple combinatorics problem and displays a way that a mathematical principle can be used in a real life problem.
Thus, an extra character/digit increases 60,466,176 mil possible corp tickers to a possible 2,176,782,336 corp tickers. [using above example, multiiply 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 = 2.176 bil] So simple fix: add 1 extra character/digit to corp ticker... if in fact this is a problem.
Sarah McKnobbo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2014-04-06 07:59:12 UTC
DetKhord Saisio wrote:
... if in fact this is a problem.

It isn't, as there are nowhere near that many corps.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#50 - 2014-04-08 04:24:30 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Day 1: Spy alt created, infiltrates target company, AWOXes everything in sight. Tears collected, alt is biomassed, as per standard ritual.

Day 366: CCP resets name so that it can be used again. New player grabs the name. Gains ten billion bounty before ever undocking because that name has been on an Alliance executor's watch list the entire time, finds self hounded through all of low/null by "vengeance fleets" and has no idea why.


a lone newbie, hated by the entire game and hunted whereever he goes

sounds like the plot of several movies and other video games doesn't it. The mystery of finding out what his previous incarnation did could be worth his while.


Or he could just quit which he is statistically 92% inclined to do after all.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#51 - 2014-04-08 04:26:12 UTC
Joshua Foiritain wrote:

Caleb Seremshur wrote:
4. POS remain in space as they're actually attackable

How exactly do you attack a high-sec pos belonging to a deleted corp that cannot be wardecced? You thought this through real well... Roll

Wardecs are paid to CONCORD. In much the same way that POCOs in highsec were made free game, inactive corp towers become interbus property and can be decced/destroyed.

game set and match.
Arthur Aihaken
#52 - 2014-04-08 04:26:32 UTC
Inactive players aren't a huge issue, but they could certainly toast inactive corporations.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

DetKhord Saisio
Seniors Clan
#53 - 2014-05-09 13:55:15 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Inactive players aren't a huge issue, but they could certainly toast inactive corporations.
^This. If you ask me, a corporation with 12 months inactivity is enough time for removal from corporation rosters. Purge those inactive placeholders.
New Eden Trailer Park
#54 - 2014-05-09 17:20:56 UTC
Deletion of trial accounts after a certain amount of time I can agree to. This would be no loss for anyone as the accounts are in fact never customers, and they can just start a new trial if they ever want to try again.

Removing corps tho, is a much more complex question. I suggest a 2m fee per month for each corp (simliar to alliances). Any corp assets are transfered to CEO at corp termination (no money for the fee).
#55 - 2014-05-09 17:28:13 UTC
Instead of deleting the accounts outright, a better solution would be to move the inactive characters and corps to a different database, that when accessed by someone returning to the game, would check the names to see if they are currently in use.

If the names are not in use then the server would move the characters back over to the primary database.

If the names are now currently in use, the user would be prompted to change the name of their character. This would be the only practical solution. However being that people could then use this to recreate their character names without consequence, CCP would have to add a name history tab next to employment history.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

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