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Aram Kachaturian For CSM9

First post
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#121 - 2014-03-31 23:16:06 UTC
Aram looks majestic. Would vote for.

Concord Approved Trader

House Amamake
#122 - 2014-03-31 23:16:53 UTC
You have my vote !

Loyal servent to Mother Amamake. @EVE_Tetsel

Another Bittervet Please Ignore

Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#123 - 2014-04-01 13:36:50 UTC
Thanks guys for your support.

Some people are convinced that Im bumping the thread with my alts, thats totally rude Sad

Someone in a small alliance couldnt have support from another alliances / corps?

I hate this logic, its an insult to the EvE Community.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Blueprint Mania
#124 - 2014-04-01 14:22:37 UTC
Why did you decline the Cap Stable Podcast interview request?
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#125 - 2014-04-01 15:14:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Aram Kachaturian
Bayonnefrog wrote:
Why did you decline the Cap Stable Podcast interview request?

I didnt decline, i had an irl emergency call, I am working in an institute for kids with mental illness, sometimes you dont choose your planning.

I would like to make an interview with them tho.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Womyn Power
Broski Bad End
#126 - 2014-04-02 16:27:47 UTC
vive le france
Circumstantial Evidence
#127 - 2014-04-02 23:33:25 UTC
Despite my concern that some swag jokes and undying love expressed by some here seems over-the-top, and might be due to some alt-posting (A "suspicion" not as strong as "convinced") - even if true it doesn't bother me too much, "such is EVE." It's not the only kind of posting I see in this thread, there are thoughtful answers to thoughtful questions.

Back in 2011 Aram worked very hard to build a coalition in Great Wildlands, the most thankless task you can set for yourself, trying to get a bunch of random groups to work together. It didn't last, but not for lack of trying.

For that effort, and the fact Aram is the only candidate I've been in a fleet with, and understands the concerns of both NBSI and NRDS play styles - Aram will get my vote.
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#128 - 2014-04-03 06:02:24 UTC
Thanks man

No alts, not over the top, just love and friendship.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2014-04-03 06:04:59 UTC
If I vote for you, can I bring my drake?

Aram is a stand up dude who knows what's up.


Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#130 - 2014-04-03 15:19:43 UTC
Here is my profile on

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Tomas Marny
#131 - 2014-04-04 05:07:53 UTC
le pasta face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you have my vote sir
lil Zyphad
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2014-04-04 17:49:28 UTC
If you don't vote for Aram you might be a terrorist.
Typhon Dante
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2014-04-05 07:37:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Typhon Dante
You have my support sky marshal

Exploration Frontier inc
#134 - 2014-04-05 07:57:59 UTC
What I see in this thread looks promising so far!
Would definitely include you somewhere in my vote Big smile

I wish I knew you more, you seem to be a nice guy.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#135 - 2014-04-05 10:49:42 UTC
i have a question about the new regions, what are your plans with that? new null sec regions? or something like wh's? Would you like them to allow coalition game play or smaller gangs?
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#136 - 2014-04-05 11:15:46 UTC
Y010 wrote:
i have a question about the new regions, what are your plans with that? new null sec regions? or something like wh's? Would you like them to allow coalition game play or smaller gangs?

My idea for this new region is giving the opportunity to everyone to be like the great explorers, visite unique landscapes and find a corner to build colonies.

With mechanics to encourage small / med gang pvp and avoid big coalitions. By example, ship/fleet size limitations, or proportional rewards .

No local and random events to improve the immersion.

I love wormholes, but they are too smalls, the best ones are already taken and almost unassailable fortress. Impossible challenge for a large part of EvE pilots.

Have you seen Star Trek ? A bunch of pilots, flying around deep space to find cool stuffs. I'm sure CCP would like to give such new experience to their players, as they did 10 years ago when they launched EvE. Nowadays, everything in New Eden is too predictable and a bad inertia to immobilism.

This game needs fresh contents.

Maybe some people will laugh at me about this "new big region", but If i'm elected, I want to be the one refusing to work on actual lobbies and fixing the same old contents.

EvE needs inovations and freshness, for everyone.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2014-04-05 12:19:42 UTC
Aram Kachaturian wrote:

My idea for this new region is giving the opportunity to everyone to be like the great explorers, visite unique landscapes and find a corner to build colonies.

With mechanics to encourage small / med gang pvp and avoid big coalitions. By example, ship/fleet size limitations, or proportional rewards .

No local and random events to improve the immersion.

This sounds almost exactly like wormholes. Ok not sure what you consider small/med gangs but 20 to 40 man brawls are getting more common.

Aram Kachaturian wrote:

I love wormholes, but they are too smalls, the best ones are already taken and almost unassailable fortress. Impossible challenge for a large part of EvE pilots.

Not sure on what is considered the "best" wormhole as groups favour different things. Yes there are certainly systems that are much harder to take than others. But in C6 space is maybe 8 to 10 mayor groups, meaning over 100 wormholes that are fairly easy to take, and this number increases hugely when you look at C5 space, probably 400 plus.

There are even groups (Ragnarok.) who will help PvP groups find a wormhole in C6 space and get setup.
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#138 - 2014-04-05 13:24:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Aram Kachaturian
I understand your observations.

However, for a large part of players, wormholes are way too difficult to understand and reserved to an elite.

Probably another angle to look at it, its too help CCP to promote wormholes, improve some actual mechanics and above all implement more new WH contents. By example building structures, another than custom offices and POS and random events.

Something really appealing and fresh, for everyone.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Abla Tive
#139 - 2014-04-05 14:54:53 UTC
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#140 - 2014-04-05 15:17:02 UTC
I haven't.

No time, i prefer to buy, manufacture then trade.

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.