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Tournament ideas discussion

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Ali Aras
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#41 - 2014-02-14 00:42:27 UTC
Meant to reply to this earlier, got eaten by work.

I think a bracketing system for tournaments, either (or both) NEO and AT, would work well. Provide prizes for the victors of the lower brackets, prizes which will help them compete in the brackets above them. That gives non-top-tier teams some money, it gives players a sense of accomplishment and a taste of what's to come (SOUND's AT run was somewhat good for this; our first match in particular was winnable had we more experience).

I would tier tournaments by tournament performance or ship budget rather than player age. One could run a team that repeatedly performs poorly (GSF's team!) despite significant potential, or a team full of relative noobs who are nonetheless the hottest up and coming tournament pilots. You could run a series of tournaments made of constructed teams (a la NEO), then use the results from that to compute the seed for the AT-- alliances with experienced, skilled tournament pilots should be put up against similar alliances. Alliances for which there is insufficient data should play in qualifiers, perhaps on sisi (or perhaps not; I can see metagaming around this happening).

Re tools, one thing a former corpmate mentioned talking to you about was a Tournament Bubble deployable-- something that performs no other function than to define a radius so people can see it. That'd be a neat start, although graphics would be hard (yellow "warp disruptor"?) -- my blog

Boson Dubstep
Dixon Cox Butte Preservation Society
#42 - 2014-02-14 06:33:23 UTC
Make it similar to America's Cup, winner gets to chose the rules for next year.
Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#43 - 2014-04-04 23:44:16 UTC
Quite some time ago i posted a proposition for a sport in EVE

Only way to make a real sport for EVE is to make it apeal to the braoder number of players:
- T1 frigates
- 5 v 5 player matches (5 more for each team as substitues)
- Whole year long league (works like any soccer league)
- Final four tournament for a RL money prize
- Divisions (1,2 or more)
- Iskflow btw the league organizators, teams, players and spectators
- Arenas with different setups (asteroids, objects) settled all around highsec and lowsec

That is pretty much it. You can read about details in the link.

SCL and NEO are fine but they are nothing different from the main event which is the AT. All of those are just daunting fro most of the players, corps and even Alliances. Every year you see same people.

Frigates are fun and accessible by skill and isk and there are all kind of them, brawling, attack, kiting, e war, logi etc.

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#44 - 2014-04-05 05:06:42 UTC
The only thing that I wish to convey about Tournaments, is that CCP needs a Second twitch account for them, so that the automatic SMS/Email notification when it goes live doesn't wake up people that are not interested in tournaments, yet still allows them to be woken up with something actually worth watching starts.
Azami Nevinyrall
#45 - 2014-04-05 06:28:03 UTC
Lurking on forums...

Can't sleep, clown will eat me kinda night... (bonus points if you get the reference.)

Instead of having groups of people gather randomly. Why not have a "Space Stadium." In each trade hub, a new station is added. This is where players "meet up" form fleets and arrange fights. There's 2 undock buttons, one for regular space, one for tournament space. Which would be a separate new system. Setup system and station so cheating and anything game breaking isn't doable.

Make tools available to the players to make and sponsor their own leagues. CCP would have their own aswell. Make more types and variations of tournaments. Frigates/Cruisers/Destroyers...whatever only/or below. And, why not have more then PVP tournaments? What about PVE tournaments? What fleet can mine the fastest in X time? Or who can complete a lvl "X" mission in "Y" ship class the fastest/take the least damage?

I'm going to try to go back to sleep now...


State War Academy
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-04-06 10:20:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Grivan
The biggest problem to player run 'small' tournaments is the inability to ensure your participants safety and enforce some basic rules - alongside the issue of spectators.

Take any tournament that you want PVP in and you have a problem.
- High sec precludes consensual PVP (barring wars and duels (which can work for a 1v1 tournament))
- Low sec carries a big sec status penalty for the PVP and there is no way to ensure people won't pop in and blow you all up
- Null sec/WH have no sec status penalty but then you're in someone's space and again, no way to ensure safety.

The best solution is to allow group consensual PVP in high sec and I think the best way to do this is to implement a new type of fleet. This new fleet would allow consensual PVP by all members of that fleet, it would have no combat bonuses, it would not allow bridging etc, it may allow warp to member. Essentially, it would provide a way for a group of players to meet in high sec and shoot one another. But more importantly, it does not remove all risks, you can still be attacked if people fancy dying to CONCORD after.

This is important. The current method of using 'safe' systems does not fit within the ethos of EVE (the AT can be excused) and the idea of 'safe' arena's is a watered down version of that. Tournaments should occur in open space, but with the participants allowed to shoot one another and spectators not - but not prevented from doing so.

Spectating - do you want everyone to come and watch? How do you livestream when you have one camera view and need to watch what is going on (can't be everywhere at once).
Solution: Camera drones!
You can set these up in space, they record and can send their feed to a) streaming sites, b) CCP's new tournament viewer and c) which is now viewable in Captains quarters. Viewers can move between camera's at will. The feed will label ships and so on. Possibility of having commentary and camera control as well, so you can have an 'official' feed.

Similar deployables as others have mentioned (boundary marker/bubble, container with divisions (so people can only access one bit), beacons etc. All of these should be able to be audited.

What we need are some simple tools to allow us to be inventive with the current mechanics. People have posted a lot of ideas in this thread and I think most of them can work in high sec with the new fleet mechanic - you just have to be inventive how you police any other rules. This keeps tournaments within the sandbox and player driven and EVE will be better for it.

Edit: Another option is to make an 'event' corp which has some different powers (or ability to create an event within a corp), so you can have a formal signup and this takes money, delivers prizes, allows combat etc.
Daniel Plain
#47 - 2014-04-11 14:02:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniel Plain
i just held a short brainstorm session with me and a beer attending. here is the result:

how about we take some hisec systems and make them player owned? you can have a monthly auction for the rights to control the system. the 'owner' of the system can impose restrictions on pilots, ships, modules etc. via blacklists/whitelists applied to the gates and/or stations and access a set of advanced functions such as camera drones, damage graphs etc.

you could also add a tournament beacon, a warp disruption field with 100k radius which will bbq any ships that try to leave it while it's active.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Sp4ce T3ch
#48 - 2014-04-15 00:56:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Howen
Oh you wan't an fight system. ok here my 2 cents.
So eve is futuristic game so we can make an virtual realy sim on station
For capsuleer it's no diffeence it is in ship or in VR

we can simulate anything from mine colony defence , Gate assaults to camps even large scale fleet battles
Ships to this system however should be scanned from ships in your inventory
You can make que's 5 v 5 10 v 10 etc all is up to you .
But biggest problem i see that EVE hasn't collision or LOS so you can't outmanuver enemy
all you can is to play with it's tracking and spider tank
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