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LP is OP

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-30 20:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: HELLBOUNDMAN
I don't know if this topic has been mentioned before, but I feel it needed to be mentioned.

Currently, items in the LP store require quite a bit of LP to purchase.

Take navy bs's for example.

Currenlty they're 600k LP, plus the standard ship and a nexus Chip.

While the need for a mega and a nexus chip aren't an Issue, the amount of required LP is.

A player running lvl 4 missions can actually gain enough isk for a Mega Navy long before they ever have the LP for a mega Navy.

Hell, most of the time they can earn the isk for a marauder or pirate bs before they have enough LP for a mega navy.

I myself was able to buy a golem, t2 rigs, gist x-type large shield booster, t2 fitted, with 10k of each t2 ammo type long before I had enough LP to get a Navy ship running lvl 4 missions.

For lvl 5 mission runners it may be a different story, or it may be the exact same story.

So players selling Navy ships are essentially charging less than the time implemented would suggest them to be worth.

Based on the time implemented in an isk over time ratio vs LP over time ratio, then a navy Raven would have to cost more than My entire golem fit plus 10k of each t2 torp. So we're talking that the Tier 2 navy ships are worth over 1.5 billion isk based on the time implemented to aquire them.(and that's not even factoring the several other things that I had bought in that time frame)(other ships, other skills, more ammo, more drones, etc. etc.) So esentially, based on their LP costs related to time taken to aquire the isk, tier 2 navy bs's should be worth probably 2 billion.(of course we all know they're not worth that amount of isk)

This doesn't seem right.

My proposal

Reduce the LP costs of items by x% in order for them to fall more in line with a balanced LP to isk ratio. Running lvl 4 missions, I should be able to buy a navy ship off the market at the same time I can buy it from the LP store. however, running missions I also have to buy ammo and drones, so technically, I should be able to buy the ship with LP before I can afford it with isk.

Essentially what I'm saying is that the LP costs of items is far too great based on their isk value.

I don't know what the % LP reduction would need to be, but with some math I'm sure CCP could figure it out.
Midori Tsu
Northern Coalition.
#2 - 2011-11-30 20:16:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Midori Tsu

I'm sorry to inform you, but the LP cost is actually much lower in a different corp, it's 250k.

It's a FW corp if your wondering.
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-11-30 20:56:41 UTC
Navy ships are bought from FW LP stores. As you have discovered, it's not profitable to buy them from non-FW stores.

And their ISK value is based on what people are willing to buy/sell them for. By definition their LP cost isn't too great based on their ISK value. If it was, people wouldn't be selling them for so little, lol.
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-30 21:03:11 UTC
Ya learn something new everyday I guess.

I thought they were the same costs in LP reguardless of where you bought them, but I guess that's my bad
Midori Tsu
Northern Coalition.
#5 - 2011-11-30 23:27:11 UTC
Ya learn something new everyday I guess.

I thought they were the same costs in LP reguardless of where you bought them, but I guess that's my bad

Fortunately ships are the only case of this, from my research atleast.