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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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81m main + 52m alt seeking EU / UK timezone corp

Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2014-03-29 21:25:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Xenopathia
About me:

  • UK based, recently re-subbed after a looooong break
  • Looking for a dynamic, friendly, younger corporation with plans for the future
  • Happy to join a corp with newer players provided the corp leadership is solid and the corp is active, in my experience corporations at the start of a journey are much more fun than those who have done it all before
  • Open to empire, lowsec and 0.0 - prefer a corp with a mix of activities I can support
  • Used to FC quite a lot, I'm not amazing at it but happy to step up occasionally if needed
  • Self sufficient - I don't need to make ISK, but I am happy to help the corp to do so when needed

  • About the chars:

    I have two characters I'd like to place in corp, plus an industrial alt who could also join, or stay outside the corp. The character details are as follows;
  • Capital ship focused - perfect Amarr Carrier, T2 Triage etc
  • perfect Aeon pilot, although I sold it, didn't like being stuck in one ship
  • Amarr Dreadnought including T2 siege
  • plus jump freighter, black ops, etc
  • experienced logistics pilot, happy to fly guardian or triage carrier
  • a good all-rounder in Amarr sub-caps too
  • sec status means he can't go into highsec, but he spends most time in a capital ship so it doesn't matter
  • this char has loads of assets - carrier, dread, loads of faction ships with killer fittings, loads of faction/deadspace modules, high-grade slave set etc

  • all-round Minmatar PvP char
  • also has minmatar carrier for personal logistics
  • Also has plenty of assets, has own carrier, high grade slave set, loads of ships and modules, including faction ships, etc

  • I also have this not-very-amazing industrial character...
  • He basically flies around empire in a freighter doing logistics for the other two characters
  • can be used for some industrial activities if helpful to the corp

  • What I'm looking for:

  • Not interested in more remote 0.0 regions, huge alliances/coalitions, or members of a huge powerbloc
  • Not massively keen on WH living, mind you I've never done it, it's just a baseless prejudice I have Cool
  • Looking to get back into the game... Although I have lots of experience including loads of PvP, I'm a bit rusty around the edges, new mechanics since 2011 will be a mystery to me Cool
  • I work mainly from home so can be flexible playing Eve, but I also have an active social and family life so am not a 'hardcore' gamer, but can give sufficient time to make a decent contribution
  • My chars are self-sufficient with around 35bn ISK worth of ships and mods, although right now I have almost no liquid ISK, but that can easily be resolved by selling things when I need to, or I can get back into trading if I need more cash, but right now I have enough ships and modules to last me a very long time... i am not afraid to lose ships and enjoy taking risks which could pay off - i.e. jumping triage carrier into a fight

  • Anyway, thanks for reading and feel free to drop me a message with any questions.
    Minmatar Ironlung
    Wrong Hole.
    #2 - 2014-03-30 12:15:39 UTC
    Lazyboyz Band of Recreational Flyers (LBBRF) is seeking new and interested parties to join our null sec operations. Join channel: LBBRF if you would like to know more!

    Lazyboyz is a small group of trusted players who have been playing EvE for over 3 years. Our main focus is null sec alliance pvp, alliance ops and general null sec shenanigans. This comes with a full ship replacement program which includes any fleet doctrine ship. We also can be professional carebears when needed from running anomalies and mining ABC ores with full rorqal boosts..

    What is expected from a member

    Participation in alliance and corp ops
    Training for fleet doctrine ships
    Working Mic and able to communicate
    A sense of humour

    What we offer

    The full on null sec experience
    100+ man fleets
    Capital Warfare
    Access to labs in null or high sec
    praying mantis01
    Death by Design.
    #3 - 2014-03-30 13:42:12 UTC
    Check out biohazard. We are a Amarr FW corp but we shoot anything that's not blue.


    Join our pub channel


    killboard: <----------------------- Most recent vid----------------------------

    super active with 20+ on at most times
    Goonswarm Federation
    #4 - 2014-03-30 18:40:10 UTC
    Ransu Asanari
    Caldari State
    #5 - 2014-03-30 20:18:48 UTC
    Sounds like you might fit in well with us: The Powder and Ball Alchemists Union. We're a growing Nullsec 0.0 PvP corporation, part of a larger alliance. We are mainly USTZ but also active in the EUTZ (the alliance is mostly EUTZ), so there will be lots of content for you.

    We are "real life first", so while being active is great, we understand when pilots have other things to do. We'd love to have more members to FC small gang roams, and fleets, once you get caught up to the most recent changes. We are always talking new ship changes and fittings, so we can help you catch up with that as well.

    Take a look at the link above for some more information and videos.
    Gags Pevi
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #6 - 2014-03-31 10:33:03 UTC
    Stellar Implosions
    #7 - 2014-03-31 10:39:46 UTC
    Although you say you are not looking for big alliances or coalitions, how about a friendly easy going corp in a big alliance that also knows real lives comes first and having fun is key?! We are "returning player" friendly..

    Not many must do's in our corp, you can do more or less whatever you want in nullsec and there are a lot of opertunities in the best space the game has to offer.

    Just have a chat with us in our recruitment channel "voc pr" and if you don't like what you are hearing, we part ways as friends.

    But reading your post I can see we have a lot to offer and have a lot in common.

    I will link our redruitment post so you can read more about use. Give us a visit, I'm sure you'll like it. More of us have recently come back to the game, most of us have families and other activities.

    Hope to see you ingame! :)
    Grumpy Bastards
    #8 - 2014-03-31 10:49:20 UTC
    Hey there

    If you're intereste wh space let me know
    We're a eu tz pvp alliance with mostly uk guys
    We do go into lowsecs and null

    Join our public grumpy public. For more info
    Pirates With Wings
    #9 - 2014-03-31 10:59:35 UTC
    how about starting up from scratch with me ? all i got is a mumble channel! a website and some good friends to fleet with in the system i live in :
    Eugene Kerner
    Goonswarm Federation
    #10 - 2014-03-31 14:18:38 UTC
    I might just leave this here
    TunDraGon Recruitment is open.

    Hit our public channel and lets have a chat.

    TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

    Redwyne Vyruk
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #11 - 2014-03-31 14:28:57 UTC
    NullSec and Wormhole Industrial Corp - Now Recruiting!

    • New player friendly, if you've never been to null we have experienced players to help and advise.
    • Renting in 4 systems, 1 with ice belt, 1 with station
    • Alliance/Bloc wide Intel Channels
    • Corp Buyback for all Ore and PI products
    • Orca/Rorqual Boosts round the clock regular mining fleets
    • 0% tax on POCOs in nullsec plus our WH system (C3 with POS)
    • 7.5% tax on ratting - dedicated ratting system (dead-end) with daily fleets

    EU & UK TZ

    Join us in "DMANS Public" recruitment channel
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #12 - 2014-03-31 17:10:17 UTC

    Ordo Drakonis is a pvp corp part of Nulli Secunda null-sec sov holding alliance. We are mostly a EU tz corp with half of our player base from UK but also have members from AU. RL comes first as we are all mature players that understands the difference between a video game and reality. Ordo Drakonis is looking for pvppers, not the hard-core nuts but the relaxed ones that log in to pew pew to have a good time.
    Here is our recruitment advert:

    So if you find us interesting so far please drop in for a quick chat on our public channel "Ordo United"

    Have a nice day.

    In Ordo Drakonis we trust!

    Mira deVorsha
    Blue Republic
    RvB - BLUE Republic
    #13 - 2014-03-31 18:05:41 UTC
    --The Great Harmon Institute Of Technology--
    Recruting active PvPers

    GHIOT is a small organised corporation within Caldari factional warfare living within black rise

    We're here for good fights, we're not too serious business and everyone gets involved in the action.

    What We Do:
    We're enlisted with Caldari Factional Warfare. We have lots of access to small gang and solo opportunities in one of the bloodiest low sec regions in EvE. We also team up with the militia almost daily for some bigger gang combat. Most combat in faction warfare is destroyer down however militia fleets are often cruiser down or BC down. We pride ourselves in the fact that we're always up for a fight and lots of our members turn up to militia fleets.

    We are currently looking for pilots willing to join us in the fight against Gallente & Minmatar

    We Can Offer You>
    *>Caldari Faction Warfare
    *>Regular Corporation Roams
    *>Active TeamSpeak 3 Server
    *>Chilled, Laid-back Environment
    *>Daily Fleets
    *>Organised Alliance

    What we require from you>
    *>Basic English Skills (written and spoken)
    *>Active Subscription (no trial accounts)
    *>Interest in Corp Activities
    *>Being an Active Player
    *>Positive Caldari Standing (must have + standing within first week of joining)

    Recently joined Heiian Conglomerate Alliance.

    How To Get Involved:
    Join channel our in game channel


    Feel free to contact any of our recruiters
    Aladar Dangerface
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #14 - 2014-03-31 20:28:38 UTC
    Hey mate,

    If you fancy wh space check us out.

    We are currently looking for new players and have a good EU player-base.


    Al o7

    I don't need twitter. I'm already following you.

    Overload This
    #15 - 2014-04-01 07:22:08 UTC
    Please consider my corp, Senex Legio. We are a fully PVP focused corp living in NPC nullsec and would love to have a chat with you in our public channel, 'SENX Public'.

    We are well established in both NA and EU timezones with a mature (in age anyway) membership, active, friendly comms and plenty of opportunity for new members to get stuck in and have fun. We have a full ship replacement fund for PVP losses and many different programs to support our members in Capital and Strat Cruiser ownership.

    Please have a look at our recruitment thread here:

    And get in touch, either in 'SENX Public' or drop me a line. Good luck with your search.
    #16 - 2014-04-01 08:50:44 UTC
    Hey Dude

    my name is tuggers and I think I have found what you have been looking for, I'm part of a corp that lives in null sec (o.o) space. We are active from 17:00 to 01:00 GMT Monday - Friday & almost 23/7 during weekends, so this also suits your needs. We are mainly a PVP corp within a very well established 0.0 alliance and are looking for pilots with the right attitude & skills.

    As the title says we have a very nice amount of UK pilots as well as some EU guys to boot!

    what we offer:

    - PVP (lots of)
    - Daily roams, both corp and alliance!
    - Awesome 0.0 living with good isk making Opportunities
    - FULL SRP (ship replacement programme)
    - Active pilots
    - Attitude to get things done!
    - Experienced PVP pilots & FC's
    - Experienced pilots in all aspects of eve.

    so what would we require from yourselves?

    - 18+ YEARS OF AGE
    - Activity (we know RL comes first & always should)
    - Comms active when your online (we all like to talk crap also :).)
    - sense of humour (after all what is a game without a few laughs along the way)
    - pride in your KB (killboard)
    - 20MIL SP (can be changed depending on your situation)

    if you wish to join us or even just check us out you will find us on the above times and in the following in game channel:

    T.I PUB

    or just mail me back or convo me in game

    (please note we have a voice to voice recruitment policy and therefore you will be asked to chat to us via that process before being accepted or considered :), )

    All the best


    Tommy Killfiggure
    Universal Fleet Operations
    #17 - 2014-04-02 05:10:13 UTC
    UFO is now recruiting members.

    Our Info:
    Null sec corp
    PVP oriented
    Numerous members throughout all time zones
    Chance to be apart of a big alliance
    Large fleet fights
    Small gang warfare

    Skills are looked at on a pilot by pilot basis
    PVP is a must and is not optional
    Carebear actions are understandable yet not a priority
    Doctrine training is required

    For more information
    Join Universalis Publica
    then message Tommy Killfiggure or Luvs the Snatch
    Garden of Eden
    #18 - 2014-04-02 10:49:35 UTC
    We are a new null sec corp In [FAIL] alliance. Almost all of us in alliance have flying together for years. We are looking for PVP pilots who want to have a good time in a relaxed atmosphere with very little pressure and no monthly deployments or SOV grinding. We have Great FC's. Small gang warfare. Fleets go up around 20:00. Roams take place almost around the clock. We are US TZ based and half the alliance is EU based. TS3 is always active. Plenty of targets and almost no blues! If you love PVP we are the corp for you!

    -Full API
    -20mil SP
    -No drama!!!
    -TS3 and a working mic

    -Full market of ships and mods
    -Fitted ships on contract
    -Experienced FC's
    -Awesome isk making Opportunities
    -Corporate Logistics

    -Join our official channel " STUPID FACE PUB" and speak with a recruiter for more information!
    -Please mail me if I'm not on line and will check during my off times

    the world is yours

    Francine Diderot
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #19 - 2014-04-02 16:05:09 UTC
    Hey, yes it's baseless prejudice. :D Our hole is our castle, our island among the stars, from which we can explode to pew and that. Lowsec, nullsec, other wh-space systems. Then when we're done, we can go back to our home, our castle, and our island among the stars. :D

    Just kidding, but if you read our recruitment post, maybe I can jog your baseless prejudice out a little bit. :)