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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Proposed game mechanic: Tax returns, audits, and concord penalties

First post
#1 - 2014-03-30 06:21:56 UTC
One of the most fun and exciting things in your life is doing your taxes, so why can't we experience the joy here? I propose a buff to hi sec gameplay designed to help out mission runners and miners who are paying enough attention to the game.

I propose an income and capital gains tax system that is totally comprehensive. Here's the short version.

Every fiscal period, all EVE players who have any property in hi sec will be required to pay a concord tax. This tax will be determined by filling out an in-game tax return where you must, to the nearest ISK, declare all of your income for the period.

Like in the real world, you'll have to keep all your own records. So you'll have to pay careful attention to any and all business conducted in hi sec that caused you to make ISK. If you don't include every last ISK you made accurately, CONCORD will come for you.

CONCORD will come for you by repossessing your ISK and assets until you have payed the fair fines which are determined simply by a randomly selected integer between 1 and 10 million, multiplied by the value of your undeclared income.

If you have insufficient assets, they will just drop your security status to -10.

The only way to avoid having to file a tax return is to have no property in hi sec, not even a civilian mining laser.

In addition, there will be different, but procedurally generated, tax laws every fiscal period. These tax laws will only be published in patch notes, and sometimes the laws will change during a fiscal period requiring players to re-file their taxes or face a penalty.

In-game, there would be a tax filing window like the market or fitting screen where players have to enter all their income, expenses, and a description of said income / expense, into a spreadsheet and carefully follow the instruction on what to add, subtract, and discount based on their financial situation.

This would then be checked against server side logs to detect tax cheaters and let CONCORD fine them.

Finally, some players might get a little money back after filing! However, since all capsuleers are by definition in the elite of society, most people will end up owing taxes to CONCORD that must be paid or else.

To make it more complex and interesting, there would be lots of special tax laws about international trade and investment. For example, if you move commodities between empire borders, you might have to pay a tarrif. In addition, if you buy something in Amarr but bring it into Caldari you'll have to pay an out-of-state use tax on the item.

This is a buff to hi sec and lo sec at the same time. It rewards the diligent non-AFK hi seccer who reads patch notes and keeps up with the game, and it properly balances the income distribution between hi and lo sec. I think gameplay should reward people who pay attention and are diligent.

This will benefit all hi seccers because it will reduce competition from the ones who can't be bothered to keep up to date with the tax code. It would also add innovative new gameplay such as players being able to do each other's returns for a profit, and community written tax filing programs.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Albrecht Patrouette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-03-30 06:25:44 UTC
You posted two days early. It's not April Fool's Day yet.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2014-03-30 06:51:04 UTC
ok, I'll admit I giggled.
Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-03-30 07:47:46 UTC
Why can't we just use PAYE ?
#5 - 2014-03-30 07:51:13 UTC
Hesod Adee wrote:
Why can't we just use PAYE ?

Because miners can avoid it, the automatic taxes are really only a penalty for mission runners and ratters.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-03-30 07:52:55 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Hesod Adee wrote:
Why can't we just use PAYE ?

Because miners can avoid it, the automatic taxes are really only a penalty for mission runners and ratters.

Mining is an untaxed income. We need to give miners tax breaks to produce the minerals the economy relies upon.
#7 - 2014-03-30 07:54:24 UTC  |  Edited by: masternerdguy
Hesod Adee wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:
Hesod Adee wrote:
Why can't we just use PAYE ?

Because miners can avoid it, the automatic taxes are really only a penalty for mission runners and ratters.

Mining is an untaxed income. We need to give miners tax breaks to produce the minerals the economy relies upon.

What if someone inherits a large amount of ISK? Gift income is typically taxed.

EDIT: In a more general sense, there are lot of situations that would be taxed in the real world but not here.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Damien White
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-03-30 08:00:32 UTC
Dafuq is this thread? O.o

97% of girls would die if Justin Bieber were about to jump off a cliff. Post this in your sig if you`re part of the 3% yelling,


A Big Enough Lever
#9 - 2014-03-30 16:18:58 UTC
very clever troll, I even chuckled, 8/10

also - concord should tax (to a lesser degree) all lo-sec assets, the only places that should be tax free should be WH's and Null)

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-03-30 18:45:34 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:

What if someone inherits a large amount of ISK? Gift income is typically taxed.

EDIT: In a more general sense, there are lot of situations that would be taxed in the real world but not here.

ISK gifts can be automatically taxed easily enough. It's just that Concord doesn't want to tax it.
If Concord isn't taxing ISK gifts, why should they tax asset gifts ?

Though they can also be taxed as their value is known.

Having to fill in forms when it could just be automated is just barbaric.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#11 - 2014-03-30 20:07:17 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
I will hereby ask a question that will have most space accountants and tax collectors look for the nearest airlock: I have exactly one asset of any value (that I do not wear on my body that is), a Polaris frigate. What's the going tax rate on that?

As that will keep the few surviving accountants and tax collectors busy sometime, I will close this thread in the meantime.

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5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)