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I am lost in the deep dark wood of Broker fee calculation. It is time to shout for help...

Jack Bevan
#1 - 2011-11-21 21:54:37 UTC
I knew about broker's fee dependence on the faction, corporation and station standings. My expectations were:
If I place an order and if all possible standings, implants, neuromapping do not change, then I will pay the same percent of broker fee every time when I have same amount of order change.

Now it seems for me like I was too optimistic. I did pace an order of a unit.

Price : 10,000.00 ISK
Broker fee: 111.73 ISK (1.12%)

Well, I decided that for this time it is OK, then after some time I changed my mind and doubled the price of the unit.
And then I was confused at first time. The broker fee is only 100 ISK!


It was 111.73 ISK when I placed the order!
I narrowed price changing to get broker's fee at 111.73
It was 23,966.00. Total Change 13,966.00 ISk

At this point I was confused second time. How could it be: The same amount of broker fee when order changing amount is different!?
No faction, corporation or station standings were change. No skills competed, no implants plugged in or out, so why it changed then?

I did modify order again. Broker fee - 111.73 ISK at order changing amount 13,966.00 ISK again..., and again, and again...
So no difference between f Broker's fees anymore.

Is there some kind of bug or it was intended by game mechanics? I mean maybe CCP considers order setup as more expensive in comparison with order modification (you know paper work and so on)?
If so, then what IS the calculation of difference between order setup and order modification?

And now "the fun part" of the story:

When I did cancel the order all discounts appeared and I became confused again...

WFT ???ShockedShockedShockedShockedShocked

As I mentioned before: I did narrow the changing amount of the price to reach Broker's fee at 111.73 ISK, but then why for each modification were discounted 156.04 ISK from my wallet???Ugh

(and It, actually, sucks, when wallet's transactions tab does not refresh every time when transaction made.)

Even if there are some hidden mechanics and/or formulas that makes it happen, then why it displayed 111.73 ISK in the window of modification and discounted 156.04 from my wallet?Straight

Does anybody can explain those strange and illogical things?

P.S. Sorry if my English is not perfect. It just isn't my native..., but I am more then able understand any of clear and friendly explanations

[u][center]Unfounded donations always appreciated [/center][/u]

Gatan Hahran
#2 - 2011-11-21 22:30:24 UTC
55 minutes were over, but i send you the 3m isk too.
Far Ranger
#3 - 2011-11-22 02:14:47 UTC
Not sure I understand the problem exactly, but a few thoughts that might help:

Let's start with the formula for the Market Order Broker Fee rate (see link). Note the calculation there is for the fee rate, The actual ISK amount charged matches that rate, with a minimum of 100 ISK.

Market Order Broker Fees are charged at the time the order is posted or modified, each time. If you post an order and then change it three times, you will pay four Market order commission to broker items, and each will appear as its own line item in your Wallet Journal.

A sequence of transactions, assuming a Market Order Broker Fee rate of 1.1173 per cent:
  • posting one order to try to sell at 10000 ISK leads to a broker fee of 111.73 ISK; i.e., it costs 111.73 ISK to post the order,
  • doubling the price for a sale at 20000 ISK, incurs a further 111.73 ISK broker fee (the rate is charged against the amount of the increase, 10000 ISK, and not against the new price),
  • increasing the price from 10000 ISK to 23966 incurs a broker fee of 156.04 (which is the amount of the increase, 13966 ISK times 1.1173 per cent), and
  • decreasing the price from 23966 (or from 20000) to 10000 incurs a broker fee of 100 ISK. By the formula, a decrease in price would incur a negative broker fee, but it does not because the minimum broker fee is 100 ISK.

P.S. "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode" ... but no indication of what the problem is, or the solution: what a pain! Hint: it turns out that the crappy new forum does not handle per cent character properly.
Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#4 - 2011-11-22 08:33:25 UTC
Thoraemond wrote:

P.S. "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode" ... but no indication of what the problem is, or the solution: what a pain! Hint: it turns out that the crappy new forum does not handle per cent character properly.


Edit: Seems to work for me.....

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2011-11-22 09:37:06 UTC
Nerath Naaris wrote:
Thoraemond wrote:

P.S. "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode" ... but no indication of what the problem is, or the solution: what a pain! Hint: it turns out that the crappy new forum does not handle per cent character properly.


Edit: Seems to work for me.....

try to combine % characters in text with links (in some other part of the post).
Jack Bevan
#6 - 2011-11-23 19:51:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Bevan
Thoraemond wrote:
Not sure I understand the problem exactly, but a few thoughts that might help:

Let's start with the formula for the Market Order Broker Fee rate (see link). Note the calculation there is for the fee rate, The actual ISK amount charged matches that rate, with a minimum of 100 ISK.

Market Order Broker Fees are charged at the time the order is posted or modified, each time. If you post an order and then change it three times, you will pay four Market order commission to broker items, and each will appear as its own line item in your Wallet Journal.

A sequence of transactions, assuming a Market Order Broker Fee rate of 1.1173 per cent:
  • posting one order to try to sell at 10000 ISK leads to a broker fee of 111.73 ISK; i.e., it costs 111.73 ISK to post the order,
  • doubling the price for a sale at 20000 ISK, incurs a further 111.73 ISK broker fee (the rate is charged against the amount of the increase, 10000 ISK, and not against the new price),
  • increasing the price from 10000 ISK to 23966 incurs a broker fee of 156.04 (which is the amount of the increase, 13966 ISK times 1.1173 per cent), and
  • decreasing the price from 23966 (or from 20000) to 10000 incurs a broker fee of 100 ISK. By the formula, a decrease in price would incur a negative broker fee, but it does not because the minimum broker fee is 100 ISK.

P.S. "There was an issue with parsing this post's BBCode" ... but no indication of what the problem is, or the solution: what a pain! Hint: it turns out that the crappy new forum does not handle per cent character properly.

Yeah that's exactly what I expected before setting of this order, but after that I became confused, because it went differently
Let's start from very beginning and I am going to use your bullet points to clarify this situation.

  • decreasing the price from 23966 (or from 20000) to 10000 incurs a broker fee of 100 ISK. By the formula, a decrease in price would incur a negative broker fee, but it does not because the minimum broker fee is 100 ISK.

  • That's correct. I agree with that. Next:

  • posting one order to try to sell at 10000 ISK leads to a broker fee of 111.73 ISK; i.e., it costs 111.73 ISK to post the order,

  • That's correct. I agree with that too. Next:

  • the rate is charged against the amount of the increase, and not against the new price

  • That's correct. I agree with that again. Next:

  • doubling the price for a sale at 20000 ISK, incurs a further 111.73 ISK broker fee

  • NO it does NOT! Attention

    It incurs only 100 ISK of broker fee only Attention and that confuses me. Why 100 ISK only? Why first time it was 111.73 ISK? Question
    To get better picture I manually increased order amount at 13966 ISK (total price 23699 ISK), because now NOT 10000, BUT 13966 ISK incurs 111.73 ISK of broker fee.

    Most killing thing was to analyze wallet records when order was cancelled. It shows 111.73 ISK discount from my wallet only once. Rest of modifications cost for me 156.04 ISK per each; when it wasn't even appear in the window of modification either What?

    Jack Bevan.

    P.S. I used caps for stressing a point of opinion, but not for shouting. Sorry if it was taken differently.

    [u][center]Unfounded donations always appreciated [/center][/u]

    Jack Bevan
    #7 - 2011-11-23 19:59:01 UTC
    Gatan Hahran wrote:
    55 minutes were over, but i send you the 3m isk too.

    Thank you for your reply to my signature Bear

    [u][center]Unfounded donations always appreciated [/center][/u]

    Amarr Empire
    #8 - 2011-11-23 22:48:42 UTC
    Something changed that's for sure :) - Though I'm too lazy to look at the patch notes to see if this was coming and I don't remember it this way beforehand.

    I have to say I had second thoughts about posting this because of the implications it has to the amount of ISK being sunk in EVE. The change in my opinion is welcoming and is one sweet sweet side effect that benefits those that know about it, and hurts those blissfully unaware..


    No Skills/No Standings:-
    Sell order:-
    -100,000 units of Trit for 4 ISK was 4,000.00 ISK.
    - Adjusting the order to 8 ISK was also 4,000.00 ISK.
    Buy order:-
    - 4,000 ISK Broker fee for both 4 ISK and 8 ISK adjustment asking price.

    Skills and Standings
    Sell order:-
    - 100,000 units for 4 ISK was 1,317.70 ISK.
    - Adjusting the order to 8 ISK was 3,400.00 ISK.
    Buy order:-
    - 1,317.70 ISK Initial asking price of 4 ISK.
    - 3,400.00 ISK Adjustment to 8 ISK a unit.

    It appears the "Standings" discount do not apply when it comes to order adjustments.... Just your Broker Fee skills.
    This is another "thing to consider" when it comes to adjusting your orders..

    However it's a bug because.....
    If I cancel the order and and re-enter it for double the price the fee is 2,635.40 ISK. Represents a 29% Broker Fee discount.
    I don't know if CCP want people canceling their orders to just relist them at different prices just to save some ISK, something which I'm sure people are doing right now.
    Pure Trade
    Wet Dreams Inc.
    #9 - 2011-11-30 15:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Pure Trade
    I did a petition on this subject and not a bug report. Having a hunche it was "as intended" from CCP. Isk syncs come in various forms. I gave some examples close that of SencneS.
    It has been a while since I posted it, but finally got a reply today:

    Hi there,

    Skills only apply when initially setting up the order. The rate to modify orders is not modified by your skills, thus for some people with highly trained skills, it is actually cheaper to remake the order.



    EVE Online Customer Support

    I'd guess that confirms how much they love to "steal" isk out of the game, and give us mousearms Shocked

    Pure Trade
    Amarr Empire
    #10 - 2011-11-30 17:50:18 UTC
    Pure Trade wrote:
    GM Notes

    Despite the oddity that it's cheaper for me to cancel the order and create a new order. I do like this particular change. The unsuspecting player/market bots will suffer at the hands of their 1000 times a day update rather than placing a new order.

    As for the trading I perform this has forced me to setup orders differently. It's now advantageous to simply not list your entire inventory in a single order. While there was other reasons to split orders up before, doing so now is actually required in order to compete with market pvp..

    Props to CCP for slipping this stealth update in :)
    Far Ranger
    #11 - 2011-12-03 23:39:42 UTC
    Unfortunately, the GM information in this case has two problems: (1) the testing seemed to suggest that skills were still included in the calculation and standings were not, which is the opposite of the feedback, and (2) in reality, both are applied on order modifications.

    When I posted above, I tested on a pilot with skills but no standings; I was a bit lazy, sorry, and I missed the true problem.

    Testing with a different pilot now, the nature of the bug is clear: it is a display bug in the Modify Order dialog box. In that dialog, the Broker Fee is shown calculated with the effect of skills only, but when the transaction is posted to your journal, you will see that the effects of both skills and standings have been taken into account.

    This is why the OP reported that a Broker of 111.73 showed up as only 100.00 in his wallet.

    P.S. on the "%" symbol. I don't know exactly what problem the forums were having, but I do know that removing that character from my earlier post is what allowed it to be posted. Main point being, of course, that forums made in 2011 should not have such problems in the first place.