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Baning for bring stuff out of game.

First post
nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-03-29 03:37:32 UTC  |  Edited by: nat longshot
ive been gone along time come back and i read all this. Heres my take.

1. its a game leave it in game.
2. You bring it outside of the game CCP will get you for it now and good for them.
3. Bring it outside of the game in to the rw were i can reach you bad for you. Ccp will be the lest of your problems. Twisted

I have been away for over a year and now i read all this B.S. because jack%^&^ thinks he could not be touched i now laugh knowing ccp move and did the right thing.

I have had people say there were going to find me in the rw and teach me a thing or two. Well i gave them my home address and guess what they never showed.

Talking big in game is one thing but showing or calling the real person is awhole nother story 99.9999% dont have the balls for one and 2nd you never know whats going to happen when you tread after someone in the rw.

It a game leave it in game dont and you will pay a huge price with now loseing your account or worse if you bring it out of game and end up with jail time or worse.

i know alot of time in the last 8 years ccp had to act because people acted outside of the game. cuting people lines to lose power or the net is one i can think of off the top of my head.

Grow up. and if you think you can bring out of game there will be things that can happen outside and inside of the game.

Grow up.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#2 - 2014-03-29 03:42:01 UTC
Jim Era
#3 - 2014-03-29 03:42:35 UTC
You sir have infringed upon my trademark.


nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-03-29 03:43:55 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
You sir have infringed upon my trademark.

lol sue me.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Jim Era
#5 - 2014-03-29 03:45:36 UTC
Not you Nat n,n


Catherine Wolfisheim
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-03-29 03:46:51 UTC
Meanwhile you make a valid point, the issue is much deeper than what you comprehend at the current time. You must understand that real people are behind the other end, real people (mostly, besides the bots) are controlling those ships, and finally, real people are those posting on the forums.

The problem is where real people have their real-life disturbed by the game, either by players who do not understand the separation between the fictional world and the real, material world where we live. Not everyone has the same standards, and not everyone is willing to share their home address with others.

So, as you can understand it stops being "just a game" when your life becomes shaken by it, and in some cases the players themselves cause that shake to take place, and the dispute on whether CCP has to react, or not, has many ethical issues and wild interpretations by people who do not hold responsibility to directly judge the parties to punishment.
nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-03-29 03:52:30 UTC
Catherine Wolfisheim wrote:
Meanwhile you make a valid point, the issue is much deeper than what you comprehend at the current time. You must understand that real people are behind the other end, real people (mostly, besides the bots) are controlling those ships, and finally, real people are those posting on the forums.

The problem is where real people have their real-life disturbed by the game, either by players who do not understand the separation between the fictional world and the real, material world where we live. Not everyone has the same standards, and not everyone is willing to share their home address with others.

So, as you can understand it stops being "just a game" when your life becomes shaken by it, and in some cases the players themselves cause that shake to take place, and the dispute on whether CCP has to react, or not, has many ethical issues and wild interpretations by people who do not hold responsibility to directly judge the parties to punishment.

I my whole share my address was me not letting aholes get the better of me and calling them out.

I dont run and i dont hide. So people want to act tough i give them the shot online anyone can talk tough but in the rw most cant.

Human's are like that take away there fears the way the net does they can and will act like ahole but stand your ground and 99.9999% back down.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#8 - 2014-03-29 03:54:54 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
You sir have infringed upon my trademark.


Mr Epeen Cool
Catherine Wolfisheim
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-03-29 03:56:10 UTC
nat longshot wrote:
I my whole share my address was me not letting aholes get the better of me and calling them out.

I dont run and i dont hide. So people want to act tough i give them the shot online anyone can talk tough but in the rw most cant.

Human's are like that take away there fears the way the net does they can and will act like ahole but stand your ground and 99.9999% back down.

There are certain things in life you should hold close, and one of them is fear; fear is something that will make you reason in the proper ways when the hints of danger knock at your door. If you are person that welcomes danger then that suits fine by me, however your ethos isn't something you can copy and apply onto others as a set of ideal rules of how to approach their issues.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#10 - 2014-03-29 03:58:42 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Jim Era wrote:
You sir have infringed upon my trademark.



There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

MicDeath Titan
No Mans Corp
#11 - 2014-03-29 04:01:17 UTC
Truth be told, one of the best Diplo actions you can do is sending the people in question a "Hello" card that also expresses how you wish for things to end in a happy note in-game. In any game.

It isn't exactly hard to find people these days.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#12 - 2014-03-29 04:01:50 UTC
I ran it through google translate, but it came back in Russian....What?

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Jim Era
#13 - 2014-03-29 04:03:59 UTC
I expect payment within a fortnight or legal action will be brought against those trademark abusers.

In an attempt to re-rail this thread.



nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-03-29 06:47:57 UTC  |  Edited by: nat longshot
Jim Era wrote:
I expect payment within a fortnight or legal action will be brought against those trademark abusers.

In an attempt to re-rail this thread.



My point for posting this was to get people to think before they do something dumb like Erotica and many other's.

Ccp had ban people for it before and iam sure they will have to act again at some point and i say ccp did right by not letting things just go.

Yes i live in the states and yes there are laws here that will hold people for there actions like what happen with Erotica but as for the people jumping on the knock ccp ban wagon they know less then half of the story from what i have read. For ccp to act as they did theres more to this story then we know.

The only way to get the whole story is both sides come out and tell it. But i dont thnk that will happen.

Good case in point matti "or how ever you spell his name" HIs whole rant at fanfest got him in deep sh** as well as for me he got off with a slap on the hand. Were his ban should have been a permaban as well.

Funny thing about eve online more then any other mmo people think just because they are in a big corp or allince they big sh** but forget after they log out there just a normal human and some human's are out right dumb when come to loseing any power they think they have and forget in the real world they have none. Take me the only power i have is to defend myself and my faimly the best i can. Other then that iam powerless and i know it. Even if i have a weapon in my hand iam still powerless in some form for the fact that weapon can be taken away.

People really need to think about there action and the affect it has when dealing with the real world. Leave eve in eve. Be better then some of the morons that cant leave online online.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-03-29 06:59:12 UTC
nat longshot wrote:
Jim Era wrote:
I expect payment within a fortnight or legal action will be brought against those trademark abusers.

In an attempt to re-rail this thread.



My point for posting this was to get people to think before they do something dumb like Erotica and many other's.

Ccp had ban people for it before and iam sure they will have to act again at some point and i say ccp did right by not letting things just go.

Yes i live in the states and yes there are laws here that will hold people for there actions like what happen with Erotica but as for the people jumping on the knock ccp ban wagon they know less then half of the story from what i have read. For ccp to act as they did theres more to this story then we know.

The only way to get the whole story is both sides come out and tell it. But i dont thnk that will happen.

Good case in point matti "or how ever you spell his name" HIs whole rant at fanfest got him in deep sh** as well as for me he got off with a slap on the hand. Were his ban should have been a permaban as well.

Funny thing about eve online more then any other mmo people think just because they are in a big corp or allince they big sh** but forget after they log out there just a normal human and some human's are out right dumb when come to loseing any power they think they have and forget in the real world they have none. Take me the only power i have is to defend myself and my faimly the best i can. Other then that iam powerless and i know it. Even if i have a weapon in my hand iam still powerless in some form for the fact that weapon can be taken away.

People really need to think about there action and the affect it has when dealing with the real world. Leave eve in eve. Be better then some of the morons that cant leave online online.

So do you believe that people should be banned for game related incidences but death threats should be allowed to occur and nothing happen. Sound logic in my opinion.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#16 - 2014-03-29 06:59:19 UTC
A permanent ban is pretty rare in this game, Nat.

I've seen some real douchebags get banned over the years and fully expected it to be permanent. Most of them were back after 3 months. I expect it will be the same with Erotica 1.

CCP have a policy of teaching people a lesson, not killing their player base, for the most part.

Mr Epeen Cool
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#17 - 2014-03-29 07:03:08 UTC
16. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

Thread closed.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department