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Character Bazaar

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Thank you GM Cid for your help! (CLOSED character sold and transfered!!)

Soran Arkah
#21 - 2011-11-28 02:06:41 UTC
happened to me once. I bought a character for 1.5b isk. I have to retract my offer because we are not able to finalize it.
Tacticz Pendragon
#22 - 2011-11-28 14:56:32 UTC
It is literally CCP's website that is messing this up, its not sending out the transaction is the problem.
Last Prey
#23 - 2011-11-28 19:31:19 UTC
Tacticz Pendragon wrote:
I am not sure what the issue is but I have filed a petition and I will continue to try and complete the transfer.
I have tried multiple times with Paypal, credit card, bank card and nothing is working. Companies are saying there is nothing wrong with my account so it is not me holding this up it is a service that lets the transaction go through not working right.
I have had friends with these problems before, it worked the next day so I hope this works soon.

28.11 20:30 gmt+1
NO CHAR transfer
Tacticz Pendragon
#24 - 2011-11-29 05:31:17 UTC
I am trying everything I possibly can. I have tried repeatedly credit cards, bank card, paypal which is verified and confirmed and everything else you can possibly have to say THIS IS GOOD!!!! Hell I can't even use a damn plex to pay for the transfer. I have even tried different browsers.
Today I called a third time to all of my services, they say CCP is not even trying to put the transaction through.
I tried calling CCP and only was able to leave a message, I sent in a petition.

If anyone else has an idea I am open to it but as it is right now,? CCP is stopping the character transfer despite my strong efforts.
Brass Tax
Dark Matter Inc
#25 - 2011-11-29 05:34:15 UTC
what error message are you getting when you start the transfer?

ANd has the buyer verified that there is an empty spot on his account? if there are no spots, no transfer can start
Tacticz Pendragon
#26 - 2011-11-29 05:38:31 UTC
The exact error message is

"We were unable to authorize your payment at this time. Please ensure you have sufficient funds and/or contact your bank/card issuer for further information."
Brass Tax
Dark Matter Inc
#27 - 2011-11-29 05:41:03 UTC
when you tried to pay for the transfer using plex, did you have 2 redeemed to your account? sounded like you only had 1
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2011-11-29 05:41:23 UTC
lol, out of money HUH
Tacticz Pendragon
#29 - 2011-11-29 05:45:55 UTC
I had 2 plex yes and as for money, I have easily enough........easily so that is by far not the issue. According to all of my services they say CCP is not even trying to make the transaction. Not even a single ping on any of my accounts.
Brass Tax
Dark Matter Inc
#30 - 2011-11-29 05:49:47 UTC
K my last question about the 2 plex, did you have them redeemed? or just sitting in your station item hangar. In order to use 2 plex as payment method you have you right click them and pick the redeem option, so they can be used as currency - just don't accidently hit add game time instead
Tacticz Pendragon
#31 - 2011-11-29 06:00:45 UTC
I had them sitting in my hanger in the station.

Honestly I don't really want to use that option unless I have no other choice as it is the equivalent of paying $40 instead of the $20 character transfer fee. I would rather just pay if I can.
Tacticz Pendragon
#32 - 2011-11-30 16:09:58 UTC
Yo CCP! Devs!

Why no response? Answer me here, my petition, somewhere?
I can't pay a thing through eve account management and why? I can't believe you guys are denying me the ability to give you some of my hard earned money.
Molly Molotov
#33 - 2011-11-30 16:16:27 UTC
Last Prey wrote:
Tacticz Pendragon wrote:
For some reason I am not able to transfer the character. I will try again later today. If that does not work I will petition CCP so this transfer can be completed.

its not completet under i have the char, sorry but isk was transfert but no char is in :)

Looks like you were scammed What?
Tacticz Pendragon
#34 - 2011-11-30 16:50:34 UTC
Molly Molotov wrote:
Last Prey wrote:
Tacticz Pendragon wrote:
For some reason I am not able to transfer the character. I will try again later today. If that does not work I will petition CCP so this transfer can be completed.

its not complete under i have the char, sorry but isk was transfers but no char is in :)

Looks like you were scammed What?

Scam my arse Molly Molotov, and if he does contact CCP saying its a scam, well lets just say they can see a paper trail a mile long of me calling CCP, emailing, petitioning, calling my account services if they wish it and the activity on my account management since all of that is tracked. To the eyes of CCP if they ever get to it, they can easily see this is by and far not a scam.

P.S I only write a rebuttle to you for the sole purpose of bumping this thread to the top in hopes CCP will see it and look into it because I want to deliver on my end of the deal. As I am an honest player.

PPS ty for the free bump earlier molly it is greatly appreciated and I hope CCP will get back to me so I can hold up my end of the deal sooner rather then later.
Proposition Thirteen
#35 - 2011-11-30 17:28:11 UTC
You look like you are in a player owned corp?

If you are you will not be able to transfer until you leave.


Molly Molotov
#36 - 2011-11-30 17:30:16 UTC
Last Prey
#37 - 2011-11-30 18:02:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Last Prey
Varnik wrote:
You look like you are in a player owned corp?

If you are you will not be able to transfer until you leave.

i give u 72H to clear this situation, transfer Char or send ISK BACK
Lynx Australis
Manu Factura
#38 - 2011-11-30 18:12:00 UTC
a) you need to reverse redeem the plex (can't be in your hanger, has to be on the website)

b) many debit and credit cards don't allow online transactions (except for direct withdrawl, like bills etc...)

one of those is almost certainly your issue. Hope this post helps.
Tacticz Pendragon
#39 - 2011-11-30 18:30:15 UTC
WOOT WOOT GM Cid came through and answered my petition. The character has been transferred.

GM Cid thank you for your help!!
Last Prey
#40 - 2011-11-30 19:26:52 UTC
Tacticz Pendragon wrote:
WOOT WOOT GM Cid came through and answered my petition. The character has been transferred.

GM Cid thank you for your help!!

nice to see you post but nothing is inside !?!? NO CHAR TRANSFER

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