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EVE Online: Crucible Feedback thread

First post
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#181 - 2011-11-30 12:16:47 UTC
Excellent deployment with a rather forgiveable extra hour thrown in for good measure. Pure Win.

There are a few issues that need to be discussed but overall a job well done.

Props to your staff.

One last thing. A shout out to all the former staff who played a role in this expansion who are no longer employed at CCP. Your contribution is much appreciated.

Talaan Stardrifter
Bob's Burgers
#182 - 2011-11-30 12:20:58 UTC
Looks pretty =)

Yet to try my new guns out, but there's hope yet
#183 - 2011-11-30 12:34:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Vladio
There is a new feature in Crucible - display of jump bridges of my Alliance on the star map.
Usually, there are allied allianses such are Solar Fleet and Solar Wing. As far as I am the member of Solar Wing alliance I can see it´s bridges but don´t see bridges of Solar Fleet Alliance.
Without this ability the feature is quite useless for me as far as I can use (and usually use in fact) Solar Fleet bridges also but don´t see them on the star map.

I would suggest You to consider ability to include allied alliance bridges dislpay on the star map.

P.S. Separate "thanks" for drone hordes nerf.
but in common, this winter update is really great. Good work, guys. I like it.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#184 - 2011-11-30 12:39:42 UTC
I downloaded the patch, the patch installed itself, the patch failed, i ran the repairtool, it worked. Nice!

I turned on max details and undocked.

And i was like: OMG! I have spent like one hour idling in space watching my ship flying around in this lovely nebula.

btw: i like the new font. its new but easier to read.

Good work CCP. Welcome back to FIS!
Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#185 - 2011-11-30 12:51:08 UTC
Flawless patching in less than 15 minutes total, rearranging the UI, figuring out the changes in scanning and corporation bookmarks/locations, checking the towers to find everything working as intended, logging in a second account to check the load on my system, fiddling with the (new) graphic settings, etc., etc.

All in all, in less then one and a half hours everything was to my liking and I was admiring the new view.

Thanks CCP, for me this expansion delivers.

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Khali Nephtys
Nephtys Ventures inc
#186 - 2011-11-30 12:51:14 UTC
The UI is nice and clear, and seems a lot faster thanks!

The close button actually works now, which is fantastic!

New backgrounds are nice, but perhaps a little too busy, it can be hard to pick out the ships against some of the brighter star filled backgrounds.

I like the new warp to jump function, a lot of the changes in crucible seem to make the game much more intuitive, good job!

Love the Raven remodel, can we have the blackbirds done next please?

One small gripe, the Caldari Navy ships have a pretty awful new skin, what is that meant to be exactly it looks like it was done in MS Paint or Minecraft. Not a fan of this new look at all, sorry. Sad You know what'd be nice? Perhaps in the future give us a selection of skins to choose from on some hulls, especially the faction hulls.

Overall 8/10 for this expansion.
#187 - 2011-11-30 12:51:30 UTC
Astoreni wrote:
I downloaded the patch, the patch installed itself, the patch failed, i ran the repairtool, it worked. Nice!

I turned on max details and undocked.

And i was like: OMG! I have spent like one hour idling in space watching my ship flying around in this lovely nebula.

Exact same thing for me!

Good work CCP!

Vihura Cor
#188 - 2011-11-30 12:52:55 UTC
Pin window dont work... Please give it back.
Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#189 - 2011-11-30 12:54:18 UTC
I just want to say that I think Crucible is great!

Not because I am being forced out of low sec PI, of course, but a lot of good things have been added and I feel it will keep my interest (at least until the next expansion...)Smile

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Spacing Cowboy
Caldari State
#190 - 2011-11-30 12:54:47 UTC
1) love the eyecandy , engine trails.. cyno effect.. its win
- would love to see the trails a bit longer tho, maybe you could just implement a "slider" in the client
so numbnuts like me could do spaceship-acrobatics :)

2) UI rescale = win , not much love for the lettertype tho.. but guess thats getting used to

3) anomolies changes , needed.. and its good :) ( screw the drone boys )

4) the patch itself was a bit of a fail, had to run the repair tool to make clients work ( on both pc's )

5) probing ... errmm... wth ? mah probes!!!

6) new TII modules, niceeeee

7) Fuel blocks... Love you!!!! *kiss*

8) new Tier battlecruiser... yarrr!!!

9) corp bookmarks.. , as soon the WH bro's can actually probe again... they will love you for it.

all in all , its win.. you keep my subs for a while :)
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#191 - 2011-11-30 13:22:34 UTC
i will add that i love all the change made, but since im playing on my laptop and the UI scalling to 90% rly adds alot more stuff i can see on my 1280/800 screen, i would like to request if we could get an overview scalling as a separate scaled item please ^^
it's great as is but some stuff is just too tiny on my screen, if i could boost it by another 5% that would be just perfect.

At least think about it and share some love for us with less expensive toys to play Eve with :D
Disneys Empire
#192 - 2011-11-30 13:32:44 UTC
I'm not bilnd!
Give me smaller Font's and UI than the 90%

Jita is a very dangoures place - concord killed me like 15 times today!

Pandemonium Fortress
#193 - 2011-11-30 13:34:03 UTC
This. IS. Awesome!

It's the little things.. those beautiful little changes that make me love this expansion so far.
Wonderful balance between fixing old problems and adding new stuff.
I've almost forgiven the summer fiasco.. that's how much I enjoy this new version of my beloved eve.

Thanks CCP, you did good.
Maximus Aerelius
#194 - 2011-11-30 13:39:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
Well here's my two pennies worth:

1) From July this year my Graph in PI resource went AWOL and couldn't be fixed > Crucible fixed it so YAY for whatever whoever and whenever it was fixed > Thank you Big smile

2) The new font is awful! It's like some Amarrian let his Slaver Hound at a font book and this is the result. Please can we have a choice of fonts and styles e.g. extended or compact like we had before so we DO have a choice. Oops

3) The nebula and star fields are simply DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! First thing I did was whack my graphics up to max and undock...quickly followed by a loud "WOW!" in my Local System aka Home! LolLolLol

4) Loving the new warp tunnel effects > yeehaww watch out planets! Twisted

5) As with the highlighted in blue skill training in the Char Sheet would it be possible to add that to the Agent in the Destination Station you dock at for active missions so you can see who you shoul dbe clicking on when you auto-dock please?

The addition of setting a course to a Station is fantastic, thank you, but for those that run multiple missions at the same time it gets a bit of a drag going back through the Journal again. I know, all you haters will say just don't set course for the station and head for the system but the Station is what is given in the Mission Briefing. QuestionIdeaQuestion

This would be really really a fantastic addition or alternativily add the Station as a column to the Journal where it list Missions, Expires etc?

Overall though, fantastic work CCP and ex-CCP'ers, I'm falling in love with EVE all over again and I'm 8+ years in. PLolBig smile

All the very best to all.

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#195 - 2011-11-30 13:43:45 UTC
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but nice work to the audio team. The splash screen music is haunting to say the least, it's fantastic.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Gallente Federation
#196 - 2011-11-30 13:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: APC
What happened with the font? Why so large? It is really annoying... Shocked
OMG why are the windows transparent?
Maximus Aerelius
#197 - 2011-11-30 13:46:34 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but nice work to the audio team. The splash screen music is haunting to say the least, it's fantastic.

Personally I wished they wouldn't put motion and music on the Splash Screen, it's annoying as anything and when you are running multiple clients slows logon on down and deafens you at the same time with double haunting music...but it is a good tuneAttention

Maybe it could be a one time only thing like the EULA or an option to "downgrade" the Splash Screen in SettingsQuestion

Just my thoughts Blink
#198 - 2011-11-30 14:29:02 UTC
Dearest CCP,...
I have got to congratulate you on a job well done. This is probably one of the first expantions that ive witnessed that has gone well,...smooth and easy.

I like the Gallente BS,...nice.

Scence ive just got back in game about a week ago i really havent had time to mission any in my mega but im sure its all good and getter than it has ever been.
Before the patch though, i was experiencing one thng that was quite annoying and that was wieh mining, i was getting a noice like a T-1 miner and was very annoying to say the least. AFTER the patch, i get a bit of a rumble and a thud when the lasers are firing,...i like, very realistic,..although the rumble could be a bit louder to simulate the lasers firing while sitting in my pod.
Use the first person perspective when thinking these things thru,...."what would you here when sitting in the pod"
In the past it seems as if you all programmed the sounds as a "third person perspective", im not flaming, just pointing this out. The first person perspective would be much better IMO.

AS FOR THE UI,..I played with it a bit last night and the font is a bit odd, dont get me wrong its good but it is a bit hard to see, especially at 90%,..the 100% is just too damn big, ATTRUSIVE would be the discription. I like the 90%,...but the font could be changed up or even make a selection for the user,....again just a suggestion.

Thank you for all the great content, Ill get back to you later with further reports, and keep up the exelent work.

Clatu Verada Nicto
"Im PJRiddick and approve of this expantion"
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#199 - 2011-11-30 14:41:22 UTC
Really like most of the changes. (Not sure about the new font, looks cheap, but maybe I'll adjust with time.)
I am having a problem with the new font. at 100% it is much to large and full of jaggies (this might be my lousy computer requiring lowest settings). The bigger problem is that when i set the UI to 90%, which looks much better, the numbers do not seem to scale, and so when i'm bidding on expensive ships, i cannot see the entire price in the price box, the ISK cents get cut off.

Please fix, this isn't critical, but it is very annoying.
Lolsec Fockel
#200 - 2011-11-30 14:45:44 UTC
S'Way wrote:
A lot of good changes, but one bad undocumented stealth nerf:-

Very disappointed in the new limited amount of personal bookmarks players can have.

While the number now allowed is fine for people living in empire with npc stations everywhere, for 0.0 pvp'ers who roam hostile space and especially fleet commanders who need a lot of tactical bookmarks it's nowhere near enough.

Without the ability to have a large number of bookmarks then there will be less 0.0 roaming and less pvp there as a result.

Please tell me this is not true! Shocked PLEASE