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Isboxer, why is it allowed?

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#521 - 2014-03-25 16:49:11 UTC
What automation?

It wont do a thing without a human at a keyboard.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#522 - 2014-03-25 16:52:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
ImYourMom wrote:

Alt tabbing ?? are you absolutely mental? have you even tried it? doing it with 2 clients is a pain, try doing it with 10! jesus really.

You would also need a super computer to run 10 clients on one machine. I have to stop responding to our posts now because your thinking is just way off the scale

well, if your machine cant handle 10 clients or alt tabbing is too much of a hassle for you or you got only 1 screen - then you shouldnt be able to do that, rather than allowing input broadcasting tools in order to allow this kind of gameplay which itself is far beyond human capabilities.
Its like with aimbots too, you might complain that your aiming is slow and you want an aimbot or wallhack, you get banned once you're caught.
Noone asks you to play 10 chars in same time, does someone?
Federal Navy Academy
#523 - 2014-03-25 17:10:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
Robert Caldera wrote:
this is why I called it "form of bot" not just "bot".

You called it "form of bot" because you know that its not a bot, but are determined to call it such despite any and all reason.

Robert Caldera wrote:
Batelle wrote:

A helper bot is a bot controlling the client and makes decisions based on interpreting game data, an isboxered helper does not interpret game data, does not make decisions, and is directly controlled by the player.

does it neccessarily need to? A bot is a piece of software which performs tasks without direct user interaction. Like isboxed client is doing things with no direct human interaction, why I consider them bots.

YES it needs to. That's what makes it a bot! An isboxed client cannot and does not do anything without human interaction.

Robert Caldera wrote:

if it doesnt reduce any compexity why would someone use it? Your fallacy is obvious.
They in fact reduce complexity, namely to replicate the input across 20 clients manually and fcking up eventually or not even being able to manage it at all without automation tools.

Now you're attacking the definition of "complexity." Complexity is not the same as number of clicks. ISboxer reduces the number of clicks without reducing the complexity of managing the clients (because nothing is automated). The complexity reduction comes by using identical UIs and particular ship setups. You specifically said you want multiboxers to have to repeat their clicks. CCP disagrees with you, and in their justification uses words like "complexity," "bot," and "automation." The fact that you disagree with this reasoning does not give you license to hack apart the English language in a silly attempt to prove CCP wrong about their own opinion. Go buy a ******* dictionary.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#524 - 2014-03-25 17:29:01 UTC
As cleaning the thread will reduce its' page count drastically, and the same arguments are being made with no new content being brought up, I will be closing this thread. Thank you.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department