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New Eden is too damn small

Mario Putzo
#21 - 2014-03-24 15:30:27 UTC
Talia Prime wrote:
I've been roaming null and have easily done 10 jumps without seeing anyone. You need to leave hisec.

Its only this way because passive income in NS allows groups to project further then they would otherwise be capable of doing. If entities like CFC were forced to play to their realistic wallet size then you wouldn't be able to have this luxury as more pilots would have to be in space playing the game, instead of sitting docked up waiting on a jabber ping to blob timer, and have their ships replaced if they lose them.

Get rid of the passive income streams from moons and planets and you will see the nullbears come out of hibernation. Only reason null is empty is because the majority of players in null don't need to grind isk to replace lost ships.
Net 7
#22 - 2014-03-24 15:59:22 UTC
Hell I recently moved an alt from jita through 15 0.0 systems to get to my wh entrance. Besides the first system which was hed-gp and semi camped (had 5 people on the gate) the other 14 systems were completely empty. 0.0 has huge sections of space with not a soul in them. It makes me wonder why large alliances hold space they never use, but I digress. Eve is like the real world, you have your major cities full of people, then you have your rural areas that are empty or sparsely populated. Get out of HS, the further you get away from the hubs the less people are around

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Hal Morsh
#23 - 2014-03-24 16:40:07 UTC
Grunanca wrote:

That is if you count the RMT armies living out of Ingunn for a few years. Lived next door to them and once manged to get no less than 200 hauler kills in an hour which ended in 45 mission ravens all called sdfgasifk, iasghfjh, asdfkuh etc. warping in to kill my lonely sleipnir.

This is a story I am sure the forums would love to hear.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-03-24 16:53:55 UTC
No it's not.

New Eden isn't too small, players just prefer to congregate around certain areas. Even then, it's not that crowded. Go into deep null and you can go hours without seeing another ship or even another player in local. Even some places in highsec have fewer than ten people in the system.

Now with that said, is players congregating in just a handful of areas a problem in the game and can it be fixed?

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#25 - 2014-03-24 17:24:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Beekeeper Bob
"I've been playing for a few months now "

2/10, You seriously want people to believe that you've seen the entire game in a few months?

And clearly you've never been to most areas of 0.0, or low-sec for that matter.

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-03-24 17:39:32 UTC
Grunanca wrote:
To answer OP:

High sec and low sec is extremely populated compared to back when I started. Remember living out of Rens and not having to go more than 2 jumps to be in empty high sec systems.

Low sec is actually less populated than I remember it... That is if you count the RMT armies living out of Ingunn for a few years. Lived next door to them and once manged to get no less than 200 hauler kills in an hour which ended in 45 mission ravens all called sdfgasifk, iasghfjh, asdfkuh etc. warping in to kill my lonely sleipnir. If you dont count them, you were lucky to find a ship or 2 piloted by real players. Then FW hit, and since, low sec has been very populated.

I got almost no experience with 0.0, but remember having a pos somewhere once. Managed to keep it alive alone, using a wreathe to fuel it 11 jumps into 0.0. (yeah, we have all been nubs once with too much time). Anyway, back then I only lost 2 loads of fuel in 3 months og running a pos. Now (in my limited experience) you can barely enter 0.0 without running into a camp.

The common entry systems are camped.
Once in you can fly dozens of jumps and rarely see anyone in local and nothing on dscan.
I ran 2 pith penals in someone elses space at the weekend in 1 system. It was a station system and in all that time no one else entered local.
Much of null is empty and most of the people you do see are more scared of you than you are of them.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Venerated Stars
#27 - 2014-03-24 17:46:27 UTC
Gemma Wildfire wrote:
Before I played this game I read stories of vast empty systems, regions where you could jump 10's of systems without seeing anyone. This intrigued me and reminded me of the feeling I often got back in the day playing Elite when you really did feel all alone in a vast universe.

I've been playing for a few months now and found this not to be the case, except for a few days over xmas when I was able to make some iskies exploring and hacking but apart from that New Eden feels like Tokoyo. People everywhere, whether in high, low or null. WH's are not much better.

Anyway this noob would love to see huge expanses of space made available. Double or triple the size of New Eden as it stands now. To be able to feel adrift in a vast cosmos would be awesome.

Perhaps, when subs were lower, it previously felt like this? Does New Eden feel crowded now to the old players? Other than WH space have CCP ever expanded the galaxy?

Stop standing so close to me :/

As I said before, rumor is that much of Delve region is empty. Aside from that I would still prefer the number of systems to quadruple, at least.
Victoria Sin
#28 - 2014-03-24 17:49:53 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Like the guy above said.

Get out of highsec. Preferably, go find a wormhole. Have fun.

I can't remember the last time I saw a WH that was without an online tower inside it and POCOs over the planets. And I can't remember the last time I poked my head though a nullsec WH and there was nobody in local, or it wasn't "owned" by some alliance or other.

Every single system in Eve is populated in some respect or another.
Venerated Stars
#29 - 2014-03-24 18:05:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Shizuken
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Like the guy above said.

Get out of highsec. Preferably, go find a wormhole. Have fun.

I can't remember the last time I saw a WH that was without an online tower inside it and POCOs over the planets. And I can't remember the last time I poked my head though a nullsec WH and there was nobody in local, or it wasn't "owned" by some alliance or other.

Every single system in Eve is populated in some respect or another.

I agree with your WH assertion. Every time I poke into a WH just to look around I see online POSs inside or ships right on the hole I just came in. I have never seen an empty WH.
Serene Repose
#30 - 2014-03-24 19:24:59 UTC
If nobody wants to go into null sec, we can't stop them. - Yogi Berra(ish) -

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Natassia Krasnoo
#31 - 2014-03-24 19:33:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Natassia Krasnoo
You didn't! Oh yes you did! So all that big blue donut out there is because New Eden is too small and not because there is too much space available? Yes there are more players but there are large swaths of unused 0.0 out there. I know I've seen and used them. You need to get out and explore more.
Pok Nibin
#32 - 2014-03-24 19:38:04 UTC
The OP says all this in order to avoid returning to Amarr and his/her rightful position as a slave.

(The galaxy is too small. Ah me. What excuse will they find next?)

The right to free speech doesn't automatically carry with it the right to be taken seriously.

Toshiro Ozuwara
#33 - 2014-03-24 19:38:57 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
"I've been playing for a few months now "

2/10, You seriously want people to believe that you've seen the entire game in a few months?

And clearly you've never been to most areas of 0.0, or low-sec for that matter.

Relax Bob.

Victoria Sin wrote:
Every single system in Eve is populated in some respect or another.

If you want to call towering moons and setting up POCOs "populated" then sure. It would be torturing the definition of "activity" though.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2014-03-24 20:01:41 UTC
Go to 9 out of 10 lowsec systems. Chances are nobody has entered those systems all week.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#35 - 2014-03-24 20:55:19 UTC
I like the quiet and lonely places, you've just got to know where to look. If anything it's under utilised space that we see around us.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Rikii Rook
#36 - 2014-03-24 21:27:08 UTC
I've been playing for about four weeks now. Last week I got bored doing hisec missions. I jumped into a cheap fitted Merlin and just picked a direction.
I went out thirty jumps into low sec and only saw a few pilots and most of those we're single pilots in local. If you use the star map filters you can plan a route into low sec with relative security. And for the love of god leave auto pilot off.
Once I got out into deep 0.0 there was nobody around at all. Unfortunately I got stomped just one jump from high sec on my back to home base.

I for one plan on moving out into 0.0 once I complete training.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#37 - 2014-03-24 21:41:22 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Like the guy above said.

Get out of highsec. Preferably, go find a wormhole. Have fun.

I can't remember the last time I saw a WH that was without an online tower inside it and POCOs over the planets. And I can't remember the last time I poked my head though a nullsec WH and there was nobody in local, or it wasn't "owned" by some alliance or other.

Every single system in Eve is populated in some respect or another.

Hardly. I pop into supposedly "occupied" holes all the time, both on this character and on one of my explorers. 1 in 5 might actually have people in it.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#38 - 2014-03-24 21:54:07 UTC
Jumped today from wh to some fidelas constans station system and not a soul was in sight err in local.
Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#39 - 2014-03-24 21:55:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Slade Trillgon
Rikii Rook wrote:

I for one plan on moving out into 0.0 once I complete training.

Respect for the part of your post I deleted. The part I left I want to isolate in case no one else does. There is no point where you 'complete' training or that you are 'ready' to move to 0.0. You have already been there; find a group to move out with and go now. The more skills you learn the harsher the lessons can be that you will learn out there. You might as well go while the losses are guaranteed to hurt less than when you have 10 millions skill points and the 'ability' to 'fly' larger more expensive ships.
Kaydee Hope
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2014-03-24 22:01:14 UTC
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Gemma Wildfire wrote:
Before I played this game I read stories of vast empty systems, regions where you could jump 10's of systems without seeing anyone. This intrigued me and reminded me of the feeling I often got back in the day playing Elite when you really did feel all alone in a vast universe.

I've been playing for a few months now and found this not to be the case, except for a few days over xmas when I was able to make some iskies exploring and hacking but apart from that New Eden feels like Tokoyo. People everywhere, whether in high, low or null. WH's are not much better.

Anyway this noob would love to see huge expanses of space made available. Double or triple the size of New Eden as it stands now. To be able to feel adrift in a vast cosmos would be awesome.

Perhaps, when subs were lower, it previously felt like this? Does New Eden feel crowded now to the old players? Other than WH space have CCP ever expanded the galaxy?

Stop standing so close to me :/

Its actually vast. In fact if it was possible to put every player subscribed into one system, equally spaced, with the old duel mwd thing doing 50k mps they wouldn't find other players for years using subwarp speeds.

What removes that feeling of vastness are the limited areas of interaction, the pointlessness of going to them (whens the last time you flew to a moon to see what was there?), the speed of travel vs the size of space and the trivial speed of scanning.

EvE is a fine wine that for some reason is served in paper cups basically. It had / has the potential to be great, but its currently being used as a space versioned Quake or Call of Duty.

Our only hope is it caves when SC comes out fully and someone buys it up realising its potential.

I have explored the vastness of moons and planets before (but usually only when im bouncing from one celestial to the next trying to stay ahead of the gang chasing after me in null sec!!!!!
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