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Ships & Modules

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New module images? why... -.-

General Hanley
Phanlax Limited Co.
#1 - 2011-11-30 08:48:58 UTC
Someone please help me understand why they went from realistic space looking badass images for modules to cheesy "space looking" module images that look like they were drawn by kids... I mean wtf lol
I mean you can't argue the new (crucible) images look better than those in Incarna ....
Or is this just a temporary thing? ( I hope so)
Though I love the new additions! just puzzled why they went back to those images rather than what they had in incarna.
If one of you CCP and if I get enough support here, please please please with a cherry ontop change these god-awful images!
Keep It Simple Software Group
#2 - 2011-11-30 09:36:37 UTC
Where have you been? Shocked There's been endless topics and discussions on the icons.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Th3 Ladyship
Clogwork Orange
Rote Works
#3 - 2011-11-30 09:58:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Th3 Ladyship
Logo/Cartoon/Illustrated icons > actual model EVERY DAY of the week.

Like seriously, the actual models, I scan down my items and I cant even pick one specific gun out. The icons make it so much easier to see/get to and at the end of the day, thats what it needs to do. Its not like anyone sat there in the station just looking at the models.


#4 - 2011-11-30 10:13:31 UTC
General Hanley wrote:
Someone please help me understand why they went from realistic space looking badass images for modules to cheesy "space looking" module images that look like they were drawn by kids... I mean wtf lol
I mean you can't argue the new (crucible) images look better than those in Incarna ....
Or is this just a temporary thing? ( I hope so)
Though I love the new additions! just puzzled why they went back to those images rather than what they had in incarna.
If one of you CCP and if I get enough support here, please please please with a cherry ontop change these god-awful images!

Bascially the new(now old icons) were designed by Stephen Hawkings after a heavy night of charlie,booze and hookers.

They were like something Salvador Dali dreamed up, nobody could tell the difference.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Delphineas Fumimasa
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-11-30 11:33:04 UTC
Basiclly. Did I just loot an Autocannnon or a railgun? What size was it? Hell, what caliber? why can't i fit that blaster..Oh it's a artie!
#6 - 2011-11-30 11:53:20 UTC
Hrm...yeah, I'll give this troll a 4/10.
Shovel Bros
#7 - 2011-11-30 14:34:25 UTC
General Hanley wrote:
Someone please help me understand why they went from realistic space looking badass images for modules to cheesy "space looking" module images that look like they were drawn by kids... I mean wtf lol
I mean you can't argue the new (crucible) images look better than those in Incarna ....
Or is this just a temporary thing? ( I hope so)
Though I love the new additions! just puzzled why they went back to those images rather than what they had in incarna.
If one of you CCP and if I get enough support here, please please please with a cherry ontop change these god-awful images!

Except that these aren't 'new' icons. They reverted back to the pre-incarna icons that worked better because they were clearer. This is an instance where CCP is undoing a mistake they made and reverting to the more usable icons. No, they don't look as fancy, but they are much more useful, which is what matters.

Once again I can tell the difference between a salvager and a gun without ammo without stopping to look carefully, that's a good thing.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-12-01 14:53:52 UTC
mxzf wrote:
General Hanley wrote:
Someone please help me understand why they went from realistic space looking badass images for modules to cheesy "space looking" module images that look like they were drawn by kids... I mean wtf lol
I mean you can't argue the new (crucible) images look better than those in Incarna ....
Or is this just a temporary thing? ( I hope so)
Though I love the new additions! just puzzled why they went back to those images rather than what they had in incarna.
If one of you CCP and if I get enough support here, please please please with a cherry ontop change these god-awful images!

Except that these aren't 'new' icons. They reverted back to the pre-incarna icons that worked better because they were clearer. This is an instance where CCP is undoing a mistake they made and reverting to the more usable icons. No, they don't look as fancy, but they are much more useful, which is what matters.

Once again I can tell the difference between a salvager and a gun without ammo without stopping to look carefully, that's a good thing.

Amusingly, the salvager and tractor icons are what had me gonig Shocked The tractor one especially, I thought my modules were offline! Very nice to have the original turret images back on the hud, though, the new "picture" system really was a pain in a lot of cases.


I'm not sure I like that they also rolled the ITEM images back as well. Figuring out what's what was never an issue in my hanger or cargo, between the images being nice and big and also having the name right beneath it. I can *somewhat* understand an argument along the lines of, "we didn't want to confuse people with in-hanger representations that were different from what you see in the UI," I just wish that could have been sorted out a bit differently, perhaps with the UI icon in the corner of the picture next to the S/M/L. The inventory images just don't seem to fit in with everything else now.
Cold Moon Destruction.
#9 - 2011-12-01 15:02:40 UTC
General Hanley wrote:
Someone please help me understand why they went from realistic space looking badass images for modules to cheesy "space looking" module images that look like they were drawn by kids... I mean wtf lol
I mean you can't argue the new (crucible) images look better than those in Incarna ....
Or is this just a temporary thing? ( I hope so)
Though I love the new additions! just puzzled why they went back to those images rather than what they had in incarna.
If one of you CCP and if I get enough support here, please please please with a cherry ontop change these god-awful images!

The "new" cartoon ones are actually the old icons. The new ones sucked, you couldn't tell anything apart.
Lili Lu
#10 - 2011-12-01 15:34:09 UTC
Yeah, so, 1/10

or if the Sept '11 OP really is not an alt - Hey you are what, 3 months old? Ask anyone in your corp, or alliance about them. Read these forums and the dev blogs at least. Then you would not have posted this horrible thread.Roll