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Your thoughts on the legalisation of cannabis in the UK

First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-10-25 19:10:22 UTC
Slade Trillgon wrote:
Taedrin wrote:


Are you out of your mind? 50% of Americans do NOT take prescription narcotics, pain killers, anti-depressants, or even prescription allergy medication.

You best be citing a source for that statistic, because it fails any sort of sanity test you apply to it.

If you go back and look, I said estimated and drivers. Not all Americans. If you do not think it is even possible then you are woefully unaware of the level of medication use in the US population. Just think about the number of senior citizens on the road and the potential for them to be on at least one medication that restricts driving. And that is only part of the iceburg. The point is that many people drive under the influence of a substance that contradicts doing activites that require fine motor control and do so without causing irreprable damage. Logic would say it is a waste of resources to try and prevent the act of taking said substances and to actually throw the book at those that cause damage while intoxicated. But that would diminish a large source of revenue for the localities and also force the judicial system to actually punish those that normally subvert thecurrent system due to their 'rank within the system'.


I'm sorry, I just cannot believe that if you picked 30 random drivers off of the road, that you have an 80+% chance that more than about 15 of them will be under the influence of a controlled substance. Yes, maybe I'm just incredibly naive about the prevalence of prescription drugs in today's society - I don't have any sort of regular prescription, nor do my parents nor my siblings, nor do any of my nieces or nephews.
Xuse Senna
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#62 - 2011-11-28 16:01:48 UTC
I work 6 days a Week 9 hours a Day. I see No problem with coming home and Smoking what I want. Its my Money I do what I want.

I don't Drink. I'd rather Smoke.

Miniature Giant Space Hamsters
#63 - 2011-11-28 16:25:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Florio
Smoking a lot of cannabis, whether it's a small amount over a long period of time or a large amount in a short space of time, destroys brain cells. It will blunt your mind. If you're becoming a professional, it will be those of your colleagues who have not smoked pot who will be more consistent in their success and go on to become partners, whilst the pot smokers will be stuck in the middle levels where any job basically sucks.

So if you want to get to the top, or are proud of your razor-sharp clarity of thought, don't smoke lots of pot.

That'll be my message to my kids when they're old enough to talk about it, taken from my own experiences (my only regret in life was going to Amsterdam that time way back....).

As a corollary, I don't know anyone successful who smokes pot. I know a few successful people who take though.

The legislation issue is more difficult. I'm a pragmatist first and foremost when it comes to government policy so I would go with whatever works. Isn't The Netherlands tightening up their drug legislation as their relaxed rules weren't working?
The Unwanted.
#64 - 2011-11-28 16:29:23 UTC
Florio wrote:
Smoking a lot of cannabis, whether it's a small amount over a long period of time or a large amount in a short space of time, destroys brain cells. It will blunt your mind. If you're becoming a professional, it will be those of your colleagues who have not smoked pot who will be more consistent in their success and go on to become partners, whilst the pot smokers will be stuck in the middle levels where any job basically sucks.

So if you want to get to the top, or are proud of your razor-sharp clarity of thought, don't smoke lots of pot.

That'll be my message to my kids when they're old enough to talk about it, taken from my own experiences (my only regret in life was going to Amsterdam that time way back....).

As a corollary, I don't know anyone successful who smokes pot. I know a few successful people who take though.

The legislation issue is more difficult. I'm a pragmatist first and foremost when it comes to government policy so I would go with whatever works. Isn't The Netherlands tightening up their drug legislation as their relaxed rules weren't working?

I don't think they would wish their tourism to go up in a puff of...

This space for rent.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#65 - 2011-11-28 16:31:53 UTC
Florio wrote:
Smoking a lot of cannabis, whether it's a small amount over a long period of time or a large amount in a short space of time, destroys brain cells. It will blunt your mind. If you're becoming a professional, it will be those of your colleagues who have not smoked pot who will be more consistent in their success and go on to become partners, whilst the pot smokers will be stuck in the middle levels where any job basically sucks.

So if you want to get to the top, or are proud of your razor-sharp clarity of thought, don't smoke lots of pot.

That'll be my message to my kids when they're old enough to talk about it, taken from my own experiences (my only regret in life was going to Amsterdam that time way back....).

As a corollary, I don't know anyone successful who smokes pot. I know a few successful people who take though.

The legislation issue is more difficult. I'm a pragmatist first and foremost when it comes to government policy so I would go with whatever works. Isn't The Netherlands tightening up their drug legislation as their relaxed rules weren't working?

Seth Rogan
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2011-11-28 17:23:21 UTC
Milla Lekarariba wrote:
Cannabis and tobacco should ideally be both illegal due to the health issues they cause.. however...


It is not that hard to not smoke if you really care about your health. Legal or not.

It is absurd that we have laws against cannabis in the first place.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#67 - 2011-11-28 18:06:29 UTC
Do it.

Then it can be taxedBig smile
#68 - 2011-11-28 18:30:11 UTC
Meh, there are two issues:
a) the substances are controlled because they cause harm,
b) controlling the substance causes harm.

If someone wants to screw themselves up with what is essentially a potentially addictive poison/toxic substance, then it's a good idea to regulate that substance.

However, if enforcement is harming people who aren't using the drug, (taxpayers, drug related crime, entire countries or societies being destabilized by drug lords, etc.) then just legalize the stuff. You will need to toughen up DUI laws, socialize "getting high safely" as being the right/cool thing to do (i.e. designated drivers, don't drive, etc.,) create education programs (especially in schools) so that people have a clear understanding of what they're getting in to, and shoot anyone caught giving the stuff to minors.

Personally, in this day and age, we know enough about the risks to let adults make their own health decisions. If anyone really wants to fry their brain, then go for it. Just don't expect your fellow citizens to pay for the consequences.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2011-11-28 18:33:32 UTC
Cannabis is less addictive than alcohol, It causes less deaths per year than any other legal drug. Why is it illegal?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#70 - 2011-11-28 22:37:13 UTC
adopt wrote:
Cannabis is less addictive than alcohol, It causes less deaths per year than any other legal drug. Why is it illegal?

It makes people go mad.
#71 - 2011-11-29 02:07:12 UTC  |  Edited by: BLACK-STAR
adopt wrote:
Cannabis is less addictive than alcohol, It causes less deaths per year than any other legal drug. Why is it illegal?
baltec1 wrote:
It makes people go mad.
It makes people think deep and become more aware of things. crazy Roll

well, Harry J. Anslinger stated irrationalities about cannabis in a campaign and got it illegal. U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs got a global reputation of anti-cannabis campaigns and laws that also got to the United Nations. That's a whole massive subject though, you will have to read into it.
Harry J. Anslinger Propaganda against Mari-juana wrote:
· Mari-juana is an evil drug for humanity.
· The effect is deadly.
· Some people want to fly into a delirious rage, and they are temporarily irresponsible and may commit violent crimes.
· It affects individuals differently. Some people lose all sense of time or for values. You have the feeling of physical power and strength. Others are violent, and ... may even commit crimes in this state. Some laugh uncontrollably.
· Extra dangerous for criminal-type citizens to be more violent.
I don't believe a word out of that list other than "laugh".

I definitely say good luck UK for getting it tolerated or legalized, even if it were regulated it wouldn't be bad. There isn't anything bad about it, unless you're smoking it while pregnant, or driving or operating something. handle it with respect as you should handle alcohol.

In Canada and Germany, smoking weed is a low tolerance, but growing, possessing (in public, driving etc.) and selling it is illegal. This strictly depends where you live. UK there's no or little tolerance. some US states have little tolerance or relaxed penalties, but majority of USA has no tolerance.

[ I found a really good site with great info for reading up arguments and answers here sorry it is not in english. it has cited sources and good reads. ]

sit back, recline, smoke some dank and gank! Cool .. pew!

or make some muffin munchies
Black Sky Hipsters
#72 - 2011-11-29 23:14:09 UTC
Let's see. people been smokin ganja since before they built the Pyramids. In the last 80 years its become a bad thing.

Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#73 - 2011-11-30 00:16:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Louis deGuerre
Xuse Senna wrote:
I work 6 days a Week 9 hours a Day. I see No problem with coming home and Smoking what I want. Its my Money I do what I want.

I don't Drink. I'd rather Smoke.

Holy necro batman !

Florio wrote:
The legislation issue is more difficult. I'm a pragmatist first and foremost when it comes to government policy so I would go with whatever works. Isn't The Netherlands tightening up their drug legislation as their relaxed rules weren't working?

Actually we're not. We're just trying to keep foreigners out that come here to enjoy our drug policy. Most of the trouble at the border is because of them. We do have problems with export to our neighbours.
What we should do is make our semi-official legislation official, but that freaks out our neighbours so we're stuck with this twilight zone situation (of course, everyone who wants to smoke cannabis can easily get it there at high prices anyway).
Meanwhile our kids are drinking themselves [to very low IQ values] on alcohol. But that's ok as it is perfectly legal What?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2011-11-30 05:33:10 UTC
If it's legally regulated, then not only is gang activity and violence decreased, but the government can make a decent profit from taxing it. After all, alcohol and tobacco are legal, so...
Dav Varan
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#75 - 2011-11-30 10:11:45 UTC
adopt wrote:
Recently there has been alot of attention towards the legalisation of cannabis in the UK

Not really dude.
Only if you live in stoner world where all thats important are stoner issues.
The rest of the world doesnt care and isnt talking about it anymore than normal as far as I can tell.

Its ok to legalise it as long as one of the following conditions is met.

1) It is taxed heavilly ( similar rate as alcohol or tobacco )


2) The NHS isnt expected to have to sort you out at tax payers expence if you **** yourself up on it.

Same for speed e's meths cocaine heroin glue whatever.

Vachir Khan
Rugged Ruff and Ready
#76 - 2011-11-30 10:45:52 UTC
I'm Dutch and that means I have easy access to weed, having said that I don't smoke at all or drink alcohol, not so much because I'm against it but more because I don't like it and don't need it.

Personally I'd rather deal with someone who smoked a few joints than a drunk so if they're allowing alcohol there's no technical reason (other than it being difficult to tax) to not allow weed. I'd much rather deal with folks who do neither tho.
simon pertwee
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#77 - 2011-12-01 00:39:59 UTC
Azn Empire
#78 - 2011-12-01 10:06:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
I have no issues with legalization, except for the really strong strains that have been cultivated.
I'm even of the opinion that MDMA should be legalized.

Hemp is quite wonderful in many ways, it's a shame that the PC crowd can't get past their ignorance.

Many lies are told in the press in regards to certain drugs, in order to push the anti drug line. Deaths that are linked to a drug, turn out to be due to a mixture of drugs rather than the single one mentioned.

The only thing that being illegal does, is create the chance of more deaths. Mostly due to the money making nature of the business. Weed less so, but it still has it's issues with strong strains.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#79 - 2011-12-01 11:13:27 UTC
As per our Out of Pod Experience forum rules:

3. Discussions about politics and religion not allowed, there are other websites with forums for these topics.

6. ... posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity ...

Thread locked, sorry folks.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer