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Mistype Buy order - here comes the tears

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-03-18 13:04:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Shuturfingfaceunclefer
Recently started trading and this morning made a very expensive error. Whilst editing my buying order added an additional zero therefore buying the item for x10 the value i had intended to even though there were valid sell prices at about 20% above buy. The max sell price of the item at the time was only 40% ish on buy prices. There was not even a warning message about being over value which surprised me as have been buying shidl boosters for 50% of buy price at 250k and having to click the OK button to the market price deviatation warning.

Am I the only one thinking this isn't cricket and in making the error should only have been charged the active buy price, even if only the highest sell price would have been fairer. Just that that on click have taken away a whole week of profits and left me rather demoralised :-(

Thanks you in advance for the contructive comments.
cpt Mark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-03-18 13:12:13 UTC
Ive maybe done it once, but i've also had people buy from me at a high price by accident too.

I always double check orders before clicking ok.

From the sounds of things, a 250k item x10 shouldn't have cost you too much (i wouldn't place buy orders for more than 10-20 in value anyway)

A lesson learned at a cheap price :)
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-03-18 13:17:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Shuturfingfaceunclefer
cpt Mark wrote:
Ive maybe done it once, but i've also had people buy from me at a high price by accident too.

I always double check orders before clicking ok.

From the sounds of things, a 250k item x10 shouldn't have cost you too much (i wouldn't place buy orders for more than 10-20 in value anyway)

A lesson learned at a cheap price :)

This particular item was 50m so paid 500m for it, was giving the shield booster as example of a transaction where I always get the deviation warning from.

I know you should not compare to real life but its a bit like wanted to buy a car for £20k and accidnetly offering £200k to saleman and him closing the deal there with no recourse for the higher amount, a bit harsh imo.
Dalden V
Yellow Lounge Industries
#4 - 2014-03-18 13:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalden V
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:

I know you should not compare to real life but its a bit like wanted to buy a car for £20k and accidnetly offering £200k to saleman and him closing the deal there with no recourse for the higher amount, a bit harsh imo.

I know it sucks, and I've made costly mistakes as well, but rather think of it as you placing an advertisement to buy a car for 200k, and someone accepting your offer.

That's how the market works, you place an order to pay X for an item and someone then accepts your offer. It just gives people that already have sell orders up the opportunity to accept your buy offer first.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-03-18 13:41:55 UTC
Dalden V wrote:
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:

I know you should not compare to real life but its a bit like wanted to buy a car for £20k and accidnetly offering £200k to saleman and him closing the deal there with no recourse for the higher amount, a bit harsh imo.

I know it sucks, and I've made costly mistakes as well, but rather think of it as you placing an advertisement to buy a car for 200k, and someone accepting your offer.

That's how the market works, you place an order to pay X for an item and someone then accepts your offer. It just gives people that already have sell orders up the opportunity to accept your buy offer first.

I understand your point and if there was a buy order that existed kinda would have been less miffed but under current rules if i place a big for 1x tritanium for 100Tillion ISK and have the wallet then that would be filled with no buy order existing, just seems a bit off to me thats all.
#6 - 2014-03-18 14:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:
Dalden V wrote:
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:

I know you should not compare to real life but its a bit like wanted to buy a car for £20k and accidnetly offering £200k to saleman and him closing the deal there with no recourse for the higher amount, a bit harsh imo.

I know it sucks, and I've made costly mistakes as well, but rather think of it as you placing an advertisement to buy a car for 200k, and someone accepting your offer.

That's how the market works, you place an order to pay X for an item and someone then accepts your offer. It just gives people that already have sell orders up the opportunity to accept your buy offer first.

I understand your point and if there was a buy order that existed kinda would have been less miffed but under current rules if i place a big for 1x tritanium for 100Tillion ISK and have the wallet then that would be filled with no buy order existing, just seems a bit off to me thats all.

The problem is that the system CCP have implemented to prevent this is, quite frankly, utter crap and has been since its introduction. About 99% of the warnings I get for over or under-priced goods are false positives while actual mistakes that do not get picked up seem to be as common as those that do. If the error is made with an overpriced sell order, CCP will tend to give you your broker fee back since they silently accept that the current system is just not fit for purpose. However, if the mistake goes in the favour of another player they have a policy of not correcting things, in much the same way they do with fleet fights.

I suspect that the broader problem could be fixed with a little thought but I can't remember the last time the market got much development love other than a few handy 'little things'.

Edit - Full disclosure: still slightly bitter about the PLEX I sold for 60mil last week Lol

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Daniel Plain
#7 - 2014-03-18 16:55:51 UTC
i recently sold a charon freighter for 130 million. **** happens.

I should buy an Ishtar.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-03-18 18:20:59 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
i recently sold a charon freighter for 130 million. **** happens.

bummer, just think when trading in bigger, better than buying one for 13b though I suppose....
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-03-18 19:07:00 UTC
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:

I understand your point and if there was a buy order that existed kinda would have been less miffed but under current rules if i place a big for 1x tritanium for 100Tillion ISK and have the wallet then that would be filled with no buy order existing, just seems a bit off to me thats all.

So your saying there were no sell orders for less than 500m? The way the market works is I place a sell order for x amount. If anyone places a buy order for x or >x that's in range it gets filled, not at x but at the price the buy was placed.

To make a more concrete example lets say I place a widget on the market for 75m isk. You come along and place a buy order for 50m isk, but mistype and actually place the buy order for 500m. The market will fill your order with my widget, but at the price you offered, not the 75m I was asking. Sell orders, in that sense, are really for x amount or best offer greater than x.

Everyone makes this mistake, whether it be scotch induced, or due to lack of sleep, proper lighting, or trying to multi-task when you should be paying attention.

You're young, you'll adjust. I'm old, I'll get used to it.

Dalden V
Yellow Lounge Industries
#10 - 2014-03-19 15:24:14 UTC
Here's one I spotted today:

One True Sansha Energ Neut sold for 5.8B instead of the usual 58M.
Rashnu Gorbani
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-03-19 15:31:38 UTC
It is an interesting part of the market.
I had it happen to me both ways.
Around Christmas I made maybe 500m off a guy because he made a mistake, gave half of it back so I guess we both got our gifts hmm? :)
Far Wanderer
The New Bank of Far
#12 - 2014-03-19 16:18:09 UTC
It happens to all of us at one point or another.

Consider it a learning that you should never have to pay twice if you learned your lesson. Blink

I really am wasting my breath though, when you can avoid questions from Hexxx and RAW23 like that you must have some seriously devoted investors. --Elizabeth Norn

Kansas City Industrial
#13 - 2014-03-19 17:03:30 UTC
One thing that irks me constantly is the inconsistent way that prices are highlighted in the buy/sell/modify dialogs. I also have issues with click and double click consistency - it seems to me if you double click next to a digit that the cursor should end up there - instead it seems to highlight the whole price most of the time.

It's almost as if these design decisions have been made on purpose to slow you down or help you trip up.

The TAB key is your friend.
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2014-03-19 17:25:21 UTC
Use the numpad and double-check your figures. Can get the error rate down to around 1 in 10 000 orders/order edits that way. Then you have to wait 5 minutes before you can correct the one mistake you make in every 10 000.
keeping market up at the same time as the wallet with the orders and the order edit window, is neat.
#15 - 2014-03-19 17:51:23 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
My best o-toomuch mistake costed me about 3 B i believe at the time but it was a sell order.So 3-ish B in pure taks cost .

Got it refunded though as nothing was pruchased.If your order exceeds the normal price and you bought someones stuff because of that then you're basically screwed .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

#16 - 2014-03-19 18:29:04 UTC  |  Edited by: enterprisePSI
About a year ago. Poor fellowLol

Edit, this also has happened to me.

The tears of the many, outweigh the tears of the few. Or the one. enterprise-psi©

Anders Madeveda
Usque Ad Mortem
#17 - 2014-03-19 18:55:20 UTC
Just thinking out loud as I've never tested this but would it make sense to utilize 1 corp wallet for placing buy orders and only seed it with "X" amount to cover the buys you plan on issuing? Then when you do a keystroke error you are limited to the amount in the wallet(ignoring margin trade skill atm). Obviously if you plan on issuing 10B in buy orders and screw up on the 1st to the tune of 10B it would not help. As I said just thinking out loud.
Hedge Fox
#18 - 2014-03-19 19:19:17 UTC
Agreed. It's quite a set back to fat finger.

The market should just adjust your payment to the lowest seller within your buy order constraints.. instead it just gives all the extra cash to the lowest seller. It doesn't really make sense.

Setting a buy order above the lowest sell order should result in a purchase of the item at its listed price.

"Working as intended."
Venerated Stars
#19 - 2014-03-19 20:25:18 UTC
Shuturfingfaceunclefer wrote:
Recently started trading and this morning made a very expensive error. Whilst editing my buying order added an additional zero therefore buying the item for x10 the value i had intended to even though there were valid sell prices at about 20% above buy. The max sell price of the item at the time was only 40% ish on buy prices. There was not even a warning message about being over value which surprised me as have been buying shidl boosters for 50% of buy price at 250k and having to click the OK button to the market price deviatation warning.

Am I the only one thinking this isn't cricket and in making the error should only have been charged the active buy price, even if only the highest sell price would have been fairer. Just that that on click have taken away a whole week of profits and left me rather demoralised :-(

Thanks you in advance for the contructive comments.

It is helpful to have an alt in this situation. Just fill the order with your other toon quickly and you will only be out the transaction costs.
Dalden V
Yellow Lounge Industries
#20 - 2014-03-20 07:52:54 UTC
Shizuken wrote:

It is helpful to have an alt in this situation. Just fill the order with your other toon quickly and you will only be out the transaction costs.

An alt won't help if you place a buy order that is higher than an existing sell order, or a sell order that is lower than a buy order. It will get filled instantly, provided enough volume is available.

If it's not, then the alt is useful to get rid of the order before your 5 minute timer runs out :)
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