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That 1300 dollar raven kill and the 1330 dolalr scam.

Flaming Forum Spammer
#121 - 2014-03-13 21:44:38 UTC
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...

Dsparil Mal
Goonswarm Federation
#122 - 2014-03-14 02:41:51 UTC
Flaming Forum Spammer wrote:
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...


Heh no they dont. That'd kill the fun. Reading up on the rules of the game in regards to permissible activities is right up there with reading bonuses for ship fittings. In this game you have to R E A D!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erotica 1 for CSM 9!

Johan Lightstrider
Antwerpse Kerels
SLYCE Pirates
#123 - 2014-03-14 08:32:40 UTC
Flaming Forum Spammer wrote:
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...


Epic. Yes maybe it should.
Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#124 - 2014-03-14 15:17:51 UTC
Not just because I couldn't find the link:

... Searching from Bing default (not Bling):
ALOD: Thought You'd Get Away With It Eh?
linked to:
ALOD: Go Back To WOW
from the above linked The Mittani dot com article.

Perhaps consider it more as a covert test to analyze the subsequent responses after the fact.
(And resell all residual, LATWTTB.)
Like an action / reaction kind of thing (also a physics principle, useful for test results analysis.)
(Multiple Bootstrapping Wikipedia uses description page link)

\\ \\ \\ \\ + Spoiler Alert: // // // //
Acronym Definition; ALOD: Awful Link of the Day: ALOD

\\ \\ \\ \\ + Spoiler Alert 2: // // // //
LATWTTB is so good an acronym in this thread at this time, I won't post its defintion.
Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2014-03-14 16:36:08 UTC
Dsparil Mal wrote:
Flaming Forum Spammer wrote:
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...


Heh no they dont. That'd kill the fun. Reading up on the rules of the game in regards to permissible activities is right up there with reading bonuses for ship fittings. In this game you have to R E A D!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think it will matter one iota.

There is a class of people who are simply oblivious to this kind of message. They will never read it. If they read it they won't care/believe/accept it. No matter what way you use to specifically say DO NOT DO THIS!!!! YOU WILL REGRET DOING THIS!!!, some people simply don't care.

I got podded in my first hour. It was a violent encounter. To be sure, the box had popped up, I was duly warned. I thought it wouldn't be that bad.

It actually was that bad.

He got me on the far side of the stargate.

At first I was shocked about the shaking screen, the booming noises. Then I found myself in a station. I wondered: why would anyone do this to someone? And it dawned on me: I'm new here. I'm in -their world- now. It is not my reality that has to prevail. The next thought was: I am -so- doing this! I didn't even wait out the trial period. I subbed after three days because I wanted to fly industrials.

Now I can say it's my world too. Some people will never get it. Some will see through that first Wowsers!!! experience and think of strategies to avoid defeat.

Others think they should just buy their way to the big time, not understanding that it means they still don't know how and why it works. I have no sympathy for them. If you're a '6-year-old character' and you fly a blinged out boat, and you ask me how to make a jet can I know exactly who I'm talking to.

And you know something? The next time I find a clown like that in there, I'm going to try and beat Angry_Moustache's record.
Oiras Isimazu
State War Academy
Caldari State
#126 - 2014-03-14 19:35:25 UTC
ANGRY MUSTACHE (or yellow starched mustard color avatar...)
... Extremely proficient at losing ratting Tengus.

Or you could start flying a Fighter / Bomber right out of a Carrier capital or Super Cap without being in High-sec.

... Wait a second, aren't Carrier even more expensive than Tengus?
What about the fighter / (or bombers) in them (in SuperCarrier)?
Mr LaboratoryRat
Confederation of DuckTape Lovers
#127 - 2014-03-15 13:10:35 UTC
Winchester Steele
#128 - 2014-03-15 22:31:42 UTC
Johan Lightstrider wrote:
dear diary,

There was a loot piniata raven that thought he was playing wow and "fitted his purple gear".

He proceeded to lose it to a suicide gank.

Later he got scammed for a second raven after he bought plex worth 1300 dollars again.

1. Wow that someone would invest 2600 dollars in an internet spaceship game where "dead is dead"
2. Well done to the gankers
3. Does the disclaimer/game warn about the perma death situation in eve.
4. Is there a disclaimer that informs new players that eve is about as trustworth as a somali pirate hooker.
5. Are there really people that would trust a stranger with 1300 dollars in ingame goods?

Has eve changed how we see the world and look at things?
Yesterday I loled at the raven fit and the kill mail.
Today I read the artikel and was surprised by the naivitee of the individual and the lack of knowledge of critical game mechanics.
A few hours later i felt bad for the guy. My ingame character couldn;t care less ans is jealous of the scum and villany denizens that pulled of the gank and the scam.
But my rl self is troubled by this thing.

We are not talking about 100 bucks here but 2600 dollars total. The isk was not created ingame but bought.
Am I alone in having mixed feelings about this because of the large amount of RL cash involved?

Let the derp derp trolling begin :)

If I felt any less bad about it I would feel good about it. Oh wait, I do feel good about it. I felt even better about it after the guy started making IRL threats.

Thanks Goons for getting rid of another entitled whiny WoW gamer. God knows what nerfs this idiot would have proposed had he stuck around.

Think of all the innocent carebears that Feyd would have had to execute.


Winchester Steele
#129 - 2014-03-15 22:38:58 UTC
Hesod Adee wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I think this settles the question on whether or not PLEX makes EVE PTW. Clearly, that $3000 didn't let him win.

Question is if Eve is a pay to lose game or not.

Because all the stories I hear about someone buying a bunch of ISK through plexes end with it going badly for the buyer.

I like this lol. Eve is TOTALLY a Pay-to-Lose game.

God bless those sadistic bastards at CCP.


Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#130 - 2014-03-15 23:06:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Winchester Steele wrote:
Hesod Adee wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I think this settles the question on whether or not PLEX makes EVE PTW. Clearly, that $3000 didn't let him win.

Question is if Eve is a pay to lose game or not.

Because all the stories I hear about someone buying a bunch of ISK through plexes end with it going badly for the buyer.

I like this lol. Eve is TOTALLY a Pay-to-Lose game.

God bless those sadistic bastards at CCP.
lol you could almost say it's a "pay for someone else to win" game.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

cpt Mark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#131 - 2014-03-17 11:21:17 UTC
Johan Lightstrider wrote:
dear diary,

There was a loot piniata raven that thought he was playing wow and "fitted his purple gear".

He proceeded to lose it to a suicide gank.

Later he got scammed for a second raven after he bought plex worth 1300 dollars again.

1. Wow that someone would invest 2600 dollars in an internet spaceship game where "dead is dead"
2. Well done to the gankers
3. Does the disclaimer/game warn about the perma death situation in eve.
4. Is there a disclaimer that informs new players that eve is about as trustworth as a somali pirate hooker.
5. Are there really people that would trust a stranger with 1300 dollars in ingame goods?

Has eve changed how we see the world and look at things?
Yesterday I loled at the raven fit and the kill mail.
Today I read the artikel and was surprised by the naivitee of the individual and the lack of knowledge of critical game mechanics.
A few hours later i felt bad for the guy. My ingame character couldn;t care less ans is jealous of the scum and villany denizens that pulled of the gank and the scam.
But my rl self is troubled by this thing.

We are not talking about 100 bucks here but 2600 dollars total. The isk was not created ingame but bought.
Am I alone in having mixed feelings about this because of the large amount of RL cash involved?

Let the derp derp trolling begin :)

Well it certainly is bad for business for CCP.

That guy probably ****** off and probably wont spend another penny on EVE; whereas he could have spent a fortune over the months/ years to follow.

Well done for losing CCP some business guys.
cpt Mark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#132 - 2014-03-17 11:26:17 UTC
Flaming Forum Spammer wrote:
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...


You can trust a RL stranger with more you can in EVE..

The real world has rules and regulations, enforced by a police force and the public themselves. You have an identity and the cost of moving/ hiding this identity is high, resulting in a lower level of crime; except by hardened criminals.

If you asked a stranger to take a photo with your camera they probably would.

If you asked a stranger to take a photo with your camera in EVE, they probably would warp straight off with it in their cargo hold.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#133 - 2014-03-17 12:14:22 UTC
cpt Mark wrote:

Well it certainly is bad for business for CCP.

That guy probably ****** off and probably wont spend another penny on EVE; whereas he could have spent a fortune over the months/ years to follow.

Well done for losing CCP some business guys.

Pft, are you serious? He paid for slightly more than ten years worth of subscriptions in less than a month. CCP got their money's worth off this guy.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#134 - 2014-03-17 13:06:30 UTC
Johan Lightstrider wrote:
dear diary,

There was a loot piniata raven that thought he was playing wow and "fitted his purple gear".

He proceeded to lose it to a suicide gank.

Later he got scammed for a second raven after he bought plex worth 1300 dollars again.

1. Wow that someone would invest 2600 dollars in an internet spaceship game where "dead is dead"
2. Well done to the gankers
3. Does the disclaimer/game warn about the perma death situation in eve.
4. Is there a disclaimer that informs new players that eve is about as trustworth as a somali pirate hooker.
5. Are there really people that would trust a stranger with 1300 dollars in ingame goods?

Has eve changed how we see the world and look at things?
Yesterday I loled at the raven fit and the kill mail.
Today I read the artikel and was surprised by the naivitee of the individual and the lack of knowledge of critical game mechanics.
A few hours later i felt bad for the guy. My ingame character couldn;t care less ans is jealous of the scum and villany denizens that pulled of the gank and the scam.
But my rl self is troubled by this thing.

We are not talking about 100 bucks here but 2600 dollars total. The isk was not created ingame but bought.
Am I alone in having mixed feelings about this because of the large amount of RL cash involved?

Let the derp derp trolling begin :)

That CCP allows the purchase of enormous amounts of in game currency for real life cash, and then allows, and encourages a player base full of cyber crooks is starting to make me believe that CCP might actually be the best scammers in the game.

1.) They get all kinds of free marketing because of the 'huge' battles.... that are fought frame by agonizing frame

2.) This in turn creates a continual new player interest... at least some of whom can purchase in game currency by RMT

4.) And these New players or at least some of them will continually fall into traps laid by the scum and villainy that collects in EVE online.

Pretty genius when you think about it.

Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2014-03-17 19:46:21 UTC
cpt Mark wrote:
Flaming Forum Spammer wrote:
New players need to have a giant window come up after accepting the EULA which reads...


You can trust a RL stranger with more you can in EVE..

The real world has rules and regulations, enforced by a police force and the public themselves. You have an identity and the cost of moving/ hiding this identity is high, resulting in a lower level of crime; except by hardened criminals.

If you asked a stranger to take a photo with your camera they probably would.

If you asked a stranger to take a photo with your camera in EVE, they probably would warp straight off with it in their cargo hold.

Nope. We are far better off without this guy. This guy wants to play in a big bouncy castle where nothing can hurt him. He wants uber leet gear that he does not understand the context or the purpose of. He -only- bought it because it was the right colour and it cost the most amount of money.

As far as scams go he was had in a particularly brutal fashion. But it was entirely in line with his attitude to the place. He does not care for EVE, he does not want to know it. He bought the toon that could fly the bling boat. What was he going to do in EVE? Make lots of demands for 'content' that he would be happy to pay a premium for.

This is the kind of douchenozzle who will demand the NEX is stuffed full of 'golden ammo'. This guy wants to pay to win. He actually did that.

Are you honestly saying this is the kind of character you want in there? Obnoxious, intolerant, impatient, incompetent and unwilling to learn and everybody has to support his play style. It doesn't matter that you were there 6, 8, 10 years, what he wants goes.

If CCP swapped out us for this kind of gamer, they'd probably make more money, but New Eden as a model for how sandbox MMOs work is done.

A fool and his money are soon parted. There is no more apt way to describe the situation. PirateBearTwisted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#136 - 2014-03-17 22:08:05 UTC
i feel kinda bad for the guy, he lost a lot of cash, i seriously hope it was money he could afford to lose.

i love when people get ganked and scammed, to the point where they quit the game, because everyone playing this ****** game is a bunch of A-holes... but that is why not everyone is playing eve.

still at the end of the day i hope that people only lose their space pixels, and not the next months rent...

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Clio Fenatti
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#137 - 2014-03-18 04:43:02 UTC
dexington wrote:
i feel kinda bad for the guy, he lost a lot of cash, i seriously hope it was money he could afford to lose.

i love when people get ganked and scammed, to the point where they quit the game, because everyone playing this ****** game is a bunch of A-holes... but that is why not everyone is playing eve.

still at the end of the day i hope that people only lose their space pixels, and not the next months rent...

you're still here, doesn't that mean you're an A-hole too?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#138 - 2014-03-18 05:00:42 UTC
Clio Fenatti wrote:
dexington wrote:
i feel kinda bad for the guy, he lost a lot of cash, i seriously hope it was money he could afford to lose.

i love when people get ganked and scammed, to the point where they quit the game, because everyone playing this ****** game is a bunch of A-holes... but that is why not everyone is playing eve.

still at the end of the day i hope that people only lose their space pixels, and not the next months rent...

you're still here, doesn't that mean you're an A-hole too?

i never said i was not, or that the gankers and scammers did anything wrong...

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Johan Lightstrider
Antwerpse Kerels
SLYCE Pirates
#139 - 2014-03-18 09:04:23 UTC
Clio Fenatti wrote:
dexington wrote:
i feel kinda bad for the guy, he lost a lot of cash, i seriously hope it was money he could afford to lose.

i love when people get ganked and scammed, to the point where they quit the game, because everyone playing this ****** game is a bunch of A-holes... but that is why not everyone is playing eve.

still at the end of the day i hope that people only lose their space pixels, and not the next months rent...

you're still here, doesn't that mean you're an A-hole too?

I am not sure you describe all eve players correctly though. Not everyone is an A-hole.

I for example might be a thad megalomanic, self delusional and beautiful. But I do not screw guys over or scam.
Well unless you hate ecm pilots then you might consider I screw guys over.

Most noobs just need a mentor. I really started playing eve when I got involved with a can flipper years and years ago.
Sure I only lost a kestrel in those pvp engegements but i got invited to the corp...and the rest is history.

This dude clearly did not meet someone coudl be his mentor and lost cash and got biomassed.
Next time his friends talk of eve he will steer them clear.
But yeah I hope he has plenty of RL cash cause 3k in my world goes a long way.
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#140 - 2014-03-20 19:58:47 UTC
cpt Mark wrote:
Johan Lightstrider wrote:
dear diary,

There was a loot piniata raven that thought he was playing wow and "fitted his purple gear".

He proceeded to lose it to a suicide gank.

Later he got scammed for a second raven after he bought plex worth 1300 dollars again.

1. Wow that someone would invest 2600 dollars in an internet spaceship game where "dead is dead"
2. Well done to the gankers
3. Does the disclaimer/game warn about the perma death situation in eve.
4. Is there a disclaimer that informs new players that eve is about as trustworth as a somali pirate hooker.
5. Are there really people that would trust a stranger with 1300 dollars in ingame goods?

Has eve changed how we see the world and look at things?
Yesterday I loled at the raven fit and the kill mail.
Today I read the artikel and was surprised by the naivitee of the individual and the lack of knowledge of critical game mechanics.
A few hours later i felt bad for the guy. My ingame character couldn;t care less ans is jealous of the scum and villany denizens that pulled of the gank and the scam.
But my rl self is troubled by this thing.

We are not talking about 100 bucks here but 2600 dollars total. The isk was not created ingame but bought.
Am I alone in having mixed feelings about this because of the large amount of RL cash involved?

Let the derp derp trolling begin :)

Well it certainly is bad for business for CCP.

That guy probably ****** off and probably wont spend another penny on EVE; whereas he could have spent a fortune over the months/ years to follow.

Well done for losing CCP some business guys.

CCP made a pretty nice chunk of change off that guy vOv