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Ganking is PVP

First post
Bumsicle Wedgie
#241 - 2014-03-17 17:33:14 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

I really can not understand as to why you are still in this thread, have we not proven that we are elite pvpers of high security space?

Have you proven any of our points wrong? No you have not.

We are a small but formidable alliance, standing with the odds against us and still prevailing.

I really hope you take a look at this, and realize that we will never stop pvping in high sec and killing capital class vessels.

Thanks for taking the time.


The only thing you continually prove is your lack of vocabulary and delusions of grandeur.

I read your blog, and the amount of cool aid drinking and stupidity threatened to kill me by laughter.

So yeah, your pathetic excuses and rationalizations of weakness are worth responding too, because its almost as entertaining as watching Obama without a teleprompter.Lol


You forgot #republican
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#242 - 2014-03-17 18:00:46 UTC
RomeStar wrote:
OP I believe your are correct. If you engage another player no matter what they are flying that is person vs person. I had the opposite reaction from a group of gankers last night. They attempted to gank my hulk in a .5 system and failed miserably Shields never went below 50%. After I picked up all their loot they said in local we were just testing concord and that wasnt real pvp but I bet if they had succeded the smack talking in local wouldve been so thick you would have to cut it with a knife.

Depends on the group. If you out tanked them (plural?) in a hulk they're probably very new to ganking. I guess two guys in meta catalysts? There are some people that get really into smack talk though. I don't quite get it.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

#243 - 2014-03-17 20:48:17 UTC
Bumsicle Wedgie wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

I really can not understand as to why you are still in this thread, have we not proven that we are elite pvpers of high security space?

Have you proven any of our points wrong? No you have not.

We are a small but formidable alliance, standing with the odds against us and still prevailing.

I really hope you take a look at this, and realize that we will never stop pvping in high sec and killing capital class vessels.

Thanks for taking the time.


The only thing you continually prove is your lack of vocabulary and delusions of grandeur.

I read your blog, and the amount of cool aid drinking and stupidity threatened to kill me by laughter.

So yeah, your pathetic excuses and rationalizations of weakness are worth responding too, because its almost as entertaining as watching Obama without a teleprompter.Lol


You forgot #republican

If you are a liberal, you are gonna make my sides hurt with laughter at your stupidity
#244 - 2014-03-17 20:53:57 UTC
Tacomaco wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

Oh, yea, such courage on your part, the bravery.....

CONCORD is like a timer, a mini-game if you want, you get 20 sec finish the gank or fail with the DPS. How shall I put in in terms you can understand. Ah, WoW dungeons. If don't have enough dps to kill the boss in 20 sec, it will enrage and one-shot you. Except in Eve the miners don't fight back.

Ganking miners is like WoW PvE, gank in 20 sec or the big bad NPC kills you. Everyone that ganks knows that....

As far as the risk goes, what do you risk exactly? You get podded, get thrown in jail? No. What else, your ship? You risk your ship when there is a chance of escaping. When you loose your ships 100% of the time it's not a risk it's a certainty.

A miner you killed can get a combat ship and splash you but you'll never get that mining-barge out of the kill list as long as the character exists.

You win the internet for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that these 'gankers' are even more subhuman that World of Warcraft Raiders.

LMFAO, it hurtsLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLol
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#245 - 2014-03-17 21:11:46 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Tacomaco wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

Oh, yea, such courage on your part, the bravery.....

CONCORD is like a timer, a mini-game if you want, you get 20 sec finish the gank or fail with the DPS. How shall I put in in terms you can understand. Ah, WoW dungeons. If don't have enough dps to kill the boss in 20 sec, it will enrage and one-shot you. Except in Eve the miners don't fight back.

Ganking miners is like WoW PvE, gank in 20 sec or the big bad NPC kills you. Everyone that ganks knows that....

As far as the risk goes, what do you risk exactly? You get podded, get thrown in jail? No. What else, your ship? You risk your ship when there is a chance of escaping. When you loose your ships 100% of the time it's not a risk it's a certainty.

A miner you killed can get a combat ship and splash you but you'll never get that mining-barge out of the kill list as long as the character exists.

You win the internet for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that these 'gankers' are even more subhuman that World of Warcraft Raiders.

LMFAO, it hurtsLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLol

Sorry to rain on your parade but... What if I told you that quadruple checking your grammar and vocabulary when typing on forums does not make you to win internet.

Besides, despite me trying to avoid any internet prejudices most of the time, when I skip through your comments I came up with a conclusion that A, you are an ugly chick who requires attention by showing contrariety to a proven fact which 90 % of the community agrees on -- Just in case you misread, here you go again

Erotica 1 can help you to read this over and over again if you are having difficulties at understanding or simply if you are dyslexic.

Or B you fail at everything in life also --no surprise-- at EVE and you are trying to look smart on forums, acting like the auto-correct of my stupid I-Phone.

Either way it doesn't change the fact... The fact that the Code will never be stopped, the code must always have a follower..


#246 - 2014-03-17 21:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Tacomaco wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

Oh, yea, such courage on your part, the bravery.....

CONCORD is like a timer, a mini-game if you want, you get 20 sec finish the gank or fail with the DPS. How shall I put in in terms you can understand. Ah, WoW dungeons. If don't have enough dps to kill the boss in 20 sec, it will enrage and one-shot you. Except in Eve the miners don't fight back.

Ganking miners is like WoW PvE, gank in 20 sec or the big bad NPC kills you. Everyone that ganks knows that....

As far as the risk goes, what do you risk exactly? You get podded, get thrown in jail? No. What else, your ship? You risk your ship when there is a chance of escaping. When you loose your ships 100% of the time it's not a risk it's a certainty.

A miner you killed can get a combat ship and splash you but you'll never get that mining-barge out of the kill list as long as the character exists.

You win the internet for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that these 'gankers' are even more subhuman that World of Warcraft Raiders.

LMFAO, it hurtsLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLol

Sorry to rain on your parade but... What if I told you that quadruple checking your grammar and vocabulary when typing on forums does not make you to win internet.

Besides, despite me trying to avoid any internet prejudices most of the time, when I skip through your comments I came up with a conclusion that A, you are an ugly chick who requires attention by showing contrariety to a proven fact which 90 % of the community agrees on -- Just in case you misread, here you go again

Erotica 1 can help you to read this over and over again if you are having difficulties at understanding or simply if you are dyslexic.

Or B you fail at everything in life also --no surprise-- at EVE and you are trying to look smart on forums, acting like the auto-correct of my stupid I-Phone.

Either way it doesn't change the fact... The fact that the Code will never be stopped, the code must always have a follower..


Your impotent rage makes me smile Big smile

Keep drinking the cool aid.

P.S. if you ever want to stop being Risk averse but can't bring yourself to shoot dangerous prey, WoW is that way.... they even let you pay to get to 90 I hear, so you can go gank all the pretty little level 1 elfs if the 'hardcore' raids are too much for you.... ---------->

Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#247 - 2014-03-17 21:20:16 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Tacomaco wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

Oh, yea, such courage on your part, the bravery.....

CONCORD is like a timer, a mini-game if you want, you get 20 sec finish the gank or fail with the DPS. How shall I put in in terms you can understand. Ah, WoW dungeons. If don't have enough dps to kill the boss in 20 sec, it will enrage and one-shot you. Except in Eve the miners don't fight back.

Ganking miners is like WoW PvE, gank in 20 sec or the big bad NPC kills you. Everyone that ganks knows that....

As far as the risk goes, what do you risk exactly? You get podded, get thrown in jail? No. What else, your ship? You risk your ship when there is a chance of escaping. When you loose your ships 100% of the time it's not a risk it's a certainty.

A miner you killed can get a combat ship and splash you but you'll never get that mining-barge out of the kill list as long as the character exists.

You win the internet for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that these 'gankers' are even more subhuman that World of Warcraft Raiders.

LMFAO, it hurtsLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLol

Sorry to rain on your parade but... What if I told you that quadruple checking your grammar and vocabulary when typing on forums does not make you to win internet.

Besides, despite me trying to avoid any internet prejudices most of the time, when I skip through your comments I came up with a conclusion that A, you are an ugly chick who requires attention by showing contrariety to a proven fact which 90 % of the community agrees on -- Just in case you misread, here you go again

Erotica 1 can help you to read this over and over again if you are having difficulties at understanding or simply if you are dyslexic.

Or B you fail at everything in life also --no surprise-- at EVE and you are trying to look smart on forums, acting like the auto-correct of my stupid I-Phone.

Either way it doesn't change the fact... The fact that the Code will never be stopped, the code must always have a follower..


Your impotent rage makes me smile Big smile

Keep drinking the cool aid.

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

#248 - 2014-03-17 21:23:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#249 - 2014-03-17 21:31:04 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Well, unfortunately, the sad truth is that many ganks are not PVP. They are instead PVB. Or you could say PVZ.

We are the good guys, saving EVE from the zombie apocalypse. But we need your help. Join the New Order today.

While amusing, the fact is that all ganks ARE pvp. Claiming that it is not is a No True Scotsman Fallacy on the part of miners/missioners/gank targets in general.

That's pretty much it. "Ganking isn't PVP" is a fundamental error in reasoning, somewhat akin to the circular argument. The gank community COULD simply point this out every time someone makes the claim that it isn't and simply put the issue to rest, but they don't - pointing to a general lack of familiarity with logical principles, proper reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Gankers will stop getting short shrift from CCP when they are able to put forth cogent arguments based on actual game balance, rather than self-serving complaints about past nerfs, economic arguments that engage in Stolen Concept Fallacy (you can look that one up yourself) and ad hom whining about carebears and miners.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#250 - 2014-03-17 21:35:03 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

Spare my ignorance on WoW.. I'm not as experienced as you are but you look like someone who has a good experience on WOW.'s ALOD series might suit your taste. You might find like minded people

Is a good reading material for a former WOW player as yourself.

Sad to see your rage and disappointment about EVE which doesn't let you to power-level your character.
Your confusion about 100% risk-free environments is also pretty understandable to an extent,
But I suggest you to wake up Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

#251 - 2014-03-17 21:43:03 UTC
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

Spare my ignorance on WoW.. I'm not as experienced as you are but you look like someone who has a good experience on WOW.'s ALOD series might suit your taste. You might find like minded people

Is a good reading material for a former WOW player as yourself.

Sad to see your rage and disappointment about EVE which doesn't let you to power-level your character.
Your confusion about 100% risk-free environments is also pretty understandable to an extent,
But I suggest you to wake up Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

You will find I'm a very forgiving person, for example I forgive not just your ignorance about WoW, but your general overall stupidity. Big smile

I am perfectly happy with EVE at the moment, as talking to people with your level of psychosis is rather fun.

And actually, I may or may not be in Kansas on occasion.

P.S. I hope you are enjoying being a risk averse PVPer, but if you ever want to do something meaningful and courageous.... well never mind, you don't.Bear
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#252 - 2014-03-17 22:00:44 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

Spare my ignorance on WoW.. I'm not as experienced as you are but you look like someone who has a good experience on WOW.'s ALOD series might suit your taste. You might find like minded people

Is a good reading material for a former WOW player as yourself.

Sad to see your rage and disappointment about EVE which doesn't let you to power-level your character.
Your confusion about 100% risk-free environments is also pretty understandable to an extent,
But I suggest you to wake up Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

You will find I'm a very forgiving person, for example I forgive not just your ignorance about WoW, but your general overall stupidity. Big smile

I am perfectly happy with EVE at the moment, as talking to people with your level of psychosis is rather fun.

And actually, I may or may not be in Kansas on occasion.

P.S. I hope you are enjoying being a risk averse PVPer, but if you ever want to do something meaningful and courageous.... well never mind, you don't.Bear

You just moved beyond the perplexity level that I started to think I'm talking way too complex for you to understand. Oh well, bummer. If you ever want to learn the mechanics of Elite PvP... well never mind EVE needs idiots too. Keep it up champ !


#253 - 2014-03-17 22:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

Spare my ignorance on WoW.. I'm not as experienced as you are but you look like someone who has a good experience on WOW.'s ALOD series might suit your taste. You might find like minded people

Is a good reading material for a former WOW player as yourself.

Sad to see your rage and disappointment about EVE which doesn't let you to power-level your character.
Your confusion about 100% risk-free environments is also pretty understandable to an extent,
But I suggest you to wake up Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

You will find I'm a very forgiving person, for example I forgive not just your ignorance about WoW, but your general overall stupidity. Big smile

I am perfectly happy with EVE at the moment, as talking to people with your level of psychosis is rather fun.

And actually, I may or may not be in Kansas on occasion.

P.S. I hope you are enjoying being a risk averse PVPer, but if you ever want to do something meaningful and courageous.... well never mind, you don't.Bear

You just moved beyond the perplexity level that I started to think I'm talking way too complex for you to understand. Oh well, bummer. If you ever want to learn the mechanics of Elite PvP... well never mind EVE needs idiots too. Keep it up champ !


Its ok, we knew you were 'special' from the beginning, that's why you need to stay in your little security bubble. Just make sure you never go outside of your little bubble, you might get a booboo, and we wouldn't want you to risk getting hurt now would we shnookums? Bear
Subject 4927
Probably Up to No Good
#254 - 2014-03-17 22:22:53 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

So this is what being butthurt looks like in the forums.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#255 - 2014-03-17 22:50:50 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:

Sorry mate CODE does not provide treatment against dyslexia and/or illiteracy.

You know, I hear WoW even lets you pay to get to the max level, so you can go around ganking the newbies there too since max level raiding is clearly too scary for you Oops

i've played a fair share of wow, and done a lot of griefing in that game, and you sound like the kind of guy who write gm's when you repeatedly got graveyard ganked. I wow they would tell you there was nothing they could do, because you decided to play on a pvp enabled server... and it's pretty much the same in eve, so quit the whining or quit the game.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#256 - 2014-03-17 23:04:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Kyperion has not logged in for more than a minute since I threatened to wardec him last week.

I guess he is hoping I forget....

I never forget.

I am sure he is going to regurgitate something about how awesome he is and how much I suck. I will give him that since the forums is the only place he thinks he is winning. I guess 1 post is not going to convince him how much of a tosser he is, even when 50 others in here think and said as much.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#257 - 2014-03-17 23:12:54 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Kyperion has not logged in for more than a minute since I threatened to wardec him last week.

I guess he is hoping I forget....

I never forget.

I am sure he is going to regurgitate something about how awesome he is and how much I suck. I will give him that since the forums is the only place he thinks he is winning. I guess 1 post is not going to convince him how much of a tosser he is, even when 50 others in here think and said as much.

As he said, he might get some booboo when he leaves his little security bubble in a one man corp with a 4.0 sec status, yet claims to be an hardcore PvPer. Killboard speaks for himself. Sociopathy is way too common in this game.

#258 - 2014-03-17 23:15:36 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Kyperion has not logged in for more than a minute since I threatened to wardec him last week.

I guess he is hoping I forget....

I never forget.

I am sure he is going to regurgitate something about how awesome he is and how much I suck. I will give him that since the forums is the only place he thinks he is winning. I guess 1 post is not going to convince him how much of a tosser he is, even when 50 others in here think and said as much.

And you have still not WarDecced me, epic fail threat.
#259 - 2014-03-17 23:17:34 UTC
Jared Lennox wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Kyperion has not logged in for more than a minute since I threatened to wardec him last week.

I guess he is hoping I forget....

I never forget.

I am sure he is going to regurgitate something about how awesome he is and how much I suck. I will give him that since the forums is the only place he thinks he is winning. I guess 1 post is not going to convince him how much of a tosser he is, even when 50 others in here think and said as much.

As he said, he might get some booboo when he leaves his little security bubble in a one man corp with a 4.0 sec status, yet claims to be an hardcore PvPer. Killboard speaks for himself. Sociopathy is way too common in this game.

The only people claiming to be elite PVPers are the ones ganking weaponless ships..... Me, I just like to watch you "elite" PVP tryhards squirm under the microscope.
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#260 - 2014-03-17 23:18:07 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Kyperion has not logged in for more than a minute since I threatened to wardec him last week.

I guess he is hoping I forget....

I never forget.

I am sure he is going to regurgitate something about how awesome he is and how much I suck. I will give him that since the forums is the only place he thinks he is winning. I guess 1 post is not going to convince him how much of a tosser he is, even when 50 others in here think and said as much.

And you have still not WarDecced me, epic fail threat.

There is a fine line between brave and utterly stupid.. Calling Cannibal Kane "Epic Fail" is the latter unfortunately.