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Crime & Punishment

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Ganking is PVP

First post
#221 - 2014-03-16 11:36:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

The measily 10 m is the most nefarious part of the scam.... it allows them to get their hands deep in the pockets of every newbie miner... and its affordable to everyone, so people pay it without thinking rather than making the New Order prove itself capable of impacting their game.

You should really ask the freighter pilots we pvped today if we proved ourselves capable of impacting there game.


So you agree that we are capable of affecting people's games.

Glad to see you are unable to match our logic


I cannot match that which does not exist Roll
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2014-03-16 13:59:02 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Jared Lennox wrote:
Today the high sec wasn't secure enough as it seems... Contrary to what whining bears believe. Concord was busy with eating donuts, well since the last gank happened before their eyes and some anti-ganking scrubs getting blown up by "CONCORD" when trying to "SMART"bomb us.. Well....ummm... Using a module which includes "SMART" doesn't make you smart. In fact it makes you go full ******.

So yeah.. We were up for a little "FREIGHTER PeeVeePee" Because we CAN..

Such a quality thread... So many tears... I couldn't do it better myself..

Congratulations, you must really like like big moist salty things.

Congratulations your tears have managed to fuel my tear jar. It's almost full now. And yeah I like salty tears coming from you.. Keep it coming !

The Carnifex Corp
#223 - 2014-03-16 14:30:20 UTC
Hats off to all the members in loyalanon's fleet yesterday! What a day Pirate


Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Winchester Steele
#224 - 2014-03-16 16:14:01 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

The Permit Fee is a scam, the only targets they can ever hope to go after are new eve players... therefore the whole post is referencing scamming and targeting of the newest members of our community

I disagree. The permit fee targets all groups of players associated with mining, not just one group of miners; or in this case "new eve players". All types of players purchase permits, old and new alike.

If it were a scam, then 10m/isk is a bad price. Personally, I would have gone with something more along the lines of at least 50m/isk.

Capt. Starfox... You should know better. The carebear definition of "new player" is any pilot born in 2006 or later. They are almost ALL new players in high-sec.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#225 - 2014-03-16 18:12:08 UTC
Hell yeah it's PVP! Glorious, delicious, instant satisfaction PVP! My only regret is that I do too little of it.
No Taxes just fun
#226 - 2014-03-17 09:14:55 UTC
Kazumi Amaterasu wrote:
killing that miner, is a form of PVP called griefing, which is a bannable offence.

No player has ever been banned for that. CCCP doesn't eve ban players even for breaking their code of conduct. Besides, I don't think miners abandon mining because they get ganked.

Gankers are the most profitable players for the CCCP. On one hand they destroy ISK, get their ship killed by CONCOD and except organized Jita gankers they make very little money with ganking.

Gankers are a vital part of the Eve ecosystem and keep in balance the ISK injected in the game game with the ISK destroyed. If nobody kills miners how are the ship builders going to make any money to recuperate their investment into the BPO. One mining barge BPO costs 2 billion!

I'm not even sure why this "Crime & Punishment" section exists. Nobody was ever banned for ganking, scamming or something like that.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#227 - 2014-03-17 09:27:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Tacomaco, watch out!

You aren't supposed to make sense here... It attracts the hoarderbears, they'll come and call you psychotic because you make sense.

(I support you but from the backline since I'm totally risk-averse)



Edit: Love the CCCP reference if it was meant to be what I think it was meant to be Lol

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

The Conference Elite
#228 - 2014-03-17 10:07:00 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

The measily 10 m is the most nefarious part of the scam.... it allows them to get their hands deep in the pockets of every newbie miner... and its affordable to everyone, so people pay it without thinking rather than making the New Order prove itself capable of impacting their game.

You should really ask the freighter pilots we pvped today if we proved ourselves capable of impacting there game.


So you agree that we are capable of affecting people's games.

Glad to see you are unable to match our logic


I cannot match that which does not exist Roll


I really can not understand as to why you are still in this thread, have we not proven that we are elite pvpers of high security space?

Have you proven any of our points wrong? No you have not.

We are a small but formidable alliance, standing with the odds against us and still prevailing.

I really hope you take a look at this, and realize that we will never stop pvping in high sec and killing capital class vessels.

Thanks for taking the time.


#229 - 2014-03-17 12:24:05 UTC
loyalanon wrote:

I really can not understand as to why you are still in this thread, have we not proven that we are elite pvpers of high security space?

Have you proven any of our points wrong? No you have not.

We are a small but formidable alliance, standing with the odds against us and still prevailing.

I really hope you take a look at this, and realize that we will never stop pvping in high sec and killing capital class vessels.

Thanks for taking the time.


The only thing you continually prove is your lack of vocabulary and delusions of grandeur.

I read your blog, and the amount of cool aid drinking and stupidity threatened to kill me by laughter.

So yeah, your pathetic excuses and rationalizations of weakness are worth responding too, because its almost as entertaining as watching Obama without a teleprompter.Lol
Lola Shaboopie
#230 - 2014-03-17 12:40:33 UTC
confirming ganking IS PVP@
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#231 - 2014-03-17 14:24:59 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
I read your blog, and the amount of cool aid drinking and stupidity threatened to kill me by laughter.

From the amount of tears you shed in this and countless other threads one could think you try to kill us all by drowning.

Maybe you should just stop being so bad at the game or move on to something less difficult, CCP will probably not fix it for you.
No Taxes just fun
#232 - 2014-03-17 14:37:50 UTC
Lola Shaboopie wrote:
confirming ganking IS PVP@

Oh, yes pvp, because nothing says "coward" like a kill-list full of miner or civilian ships. PvP..... shooting at ships that can't shoot back.

It's true Eve is a unique game, if you fail at other pvp games you can come to Eve, train for a month and you can gank players that can't fight back.

Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#233 - 2014-03-17 15:03:58 UTC
Tacomaco wrote:

Oh, yes pvp, because nothing says "coward" like a kill-list full of miner or civilian ships. PvP..... shooting at ships that can't shoot back.

It's true Eve is a unique game, if you fail at other pvp games you can come to Eve, train for a month and you can gank players that can't fight back.

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

The word "coward" is reserved for the people who are too afraid to engage in a battle where they lose their ship with 100% certainty.
No Taxes just fun
#234 - 2014-03-17 15:35:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tacomaco
Alyth Nerun wrote:

On the contrary. Nothing shows more (e)honor than an attack on a ship that is guarded by an omniscient, invulnerable, 100% deathly police force which can't be evaded.

Oh, yea, such courage on your part, the bravery.....

CONCORD is like a timer, a mini-game if you want, you get 20 sec finish the gank or fail with the DPS. How shall I put in in terms you can understand. Ah, WoW dungeons. If don't have enough dps to kill the boss in 20 sec, it will enrage and one-shot you. Except in Eve the miners don't fight back.

Ganking miners is like WoW PvE, gank in 20 sec or the big bad NPC kills you. Everyone that ganks knows that....

As far as the risk goes, what do you risk exactly? You get podded, get thrown in jail? No. What else, your ship? You risk your ship when there is a chance of escaping. When you loose your ships 100% of the time it's not a risk it's a certainty.

A miner you killed can get a combat ship and splash you but you'll never get that mining-barge out of the kill list as long as the character exists.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#235 - 2014-03-17 15:41:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Erotica 1
Well, unfortunately, the sad truth is that many ganks are not PVP. They are instead PVB. Or you could say PVZ.

We are the good guys, saving EVE from the zombie apocalypse. But we need your help. Join the New Order today.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

No Taxes just fun
#236 - 2014-03-17 16:09:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Tacomaco
Erotica 1 wrote:
saving EVE from the zombie apocalypse

How about this mechanic:

- mining barge when it activates lasers doesn't get protected by CONCORD for some time.

- when illegally attacked it it gets a large dps buff for their lasers and can use them on the ships with limited engagement. Like kill a destroyer in 1 shot.

- if the miner is AFK nobody can shoot back and the mining-barge gets killed without CONCORD interference.

Problem solved. No more wine from miner about been ganked and no more AFK miners

Well, not all problems are solved. Gankers might wine about it.

Forget what I just said. Miners need to be destroyed. It takes like a 100 mining barges to get the money for a BPO
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2014-03-17 16:43:48 UTC
Tacomaco wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
saving EVE from the zombie apocalypse

How about this mechanic:

- mining barge when it activates lasers doesn't get protected by CONCORD for some time.

- when illegally attacked it it gets a large dps buff for their lasers and can use them on the ships with limited engagement. Like kill a destroyer in 1 shot.

- if the miner is AFK nobody can shoot back and the mining-barge gets killed without CONCORD interference.

Problem solved. No more wine from miner about been ganked and no more AFK miners

Well, not all problems are solved. Gankers might wine about it.

Forget what I just said. Miners need to be destroyed. It takes like a 100 mining barges to get the money for a BPO

Eve community is glad that you aren't in the position of being a Dev.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#238 - 2014-03-17 17:20:29 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
The Permit Fee is a scam, the only targets they can ever hope to go after are new eve players... therefore the whole post is referencing scamming and targeting of the newest members of our community

Do be a favor for the sake of argument. Define "scam".

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

The Conference Elite
#239 - 2014-03-17 17:26:37 UTC
Tacomaco wrote:
Lola Shaboopie wrote:
confirming ganking IS PVP@

Oh, yes pvp, because nothing says "coward" like a kill-list full of miner or civilian ships. PvP..... shooting at ships that can't shoot back.

It's true Eve is a unique game, if you fail at other pvp games you can come to Eve, train for a month and you can gank players that can't fight back.

Greetings fellow community member,

I see that our pvp skills offend you to some degree. It must be worrying knowing that there is nothing you can do to stop us except maybe cry on the forums. Why do you cry about the way that others play the game instead of doing something about it.

We at least have the courage and balls to back it up instead of just crying and doing nothing about it. If you have bothered to check my elite killboard you'll see I've been pvping orcas and freighters the past few days. It's been some of the best fights I've had in a long time.

You should really try some good old fashioned pvp and stop being so butthurt about things.

Take care,

The Conference Elite
#240 - 2014-03-17 17:30:09 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
loyalanon wrote:

I really can not understand as to why you are still in this thread, have we not proven that we are elite pvpers of high security space?

Have you proven any of our points wrong? No you have not.

We are a small but formidable alliance, standing with the odds against us and still prevailing.

I really hope you take a look at this, and realize that we will never stop pvping in high sec and killing capital class vessels.

Thanks for taking the time.


The only thing you continually prove is your lack of vocabulary and delusions of grandeur.

I read your blog, and the amount of cool aid drinking and stupidity threatened to kill me by laughter.

So yeah, your pathetic excuses and rationalizations of weakness are worth responding too, because its almost as entertaining as watching Obama without a teleprompter.Lol
