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CCP i warned you about the font!

Amarr Empire
#41 - 2011-11-29 22:57:52 UTC
NickyYo wrote:
ucntkilme wrote:
I posted this elsewhere on one of the million other 'i hate the font' posts... located:

The font is fine... People forget the reason for the font change and that is to increase scalability of the game itself.

As a player who plays eve on a very large TV, the old font was unreadable at best. I would have to get 3 inches from the screen in order to vaguely make anything readable.

On my TV i set my UI scaling to 110% and it works perfect, while on my monitor I set it to 90% and it looks okay. Now I would however like to get the fonts even smaller on my monitors (non TV's) so having an 80 and 75% UI scale would be a good thing.

But in really the whole 'i hate this font!' is nothing new, we've hated the old font for years and now you hate the new font. CCP will never be able to cater to everyone, nor should they. With this patch the new font is all about UI scalability, and that functionality works surprisingly well. So great job on that CCP - much appreciated.

For all you whiners out there, scale your UI down to 90% and if the chat fonts are still too large click the a- button on your chat windows to reduce the size and it looks great. That is until CCP implements or decides if they implement different scalability options.

If that doesn't work for you and you still want to act like stupid insolent children feel free to visit the account management page and cancel your subscriptions and never play EVE again. Honestly, no one will miss you and your disappearance from the game will only make EVE a better world for the rest of us.

Thus far, great job on the patch CCP! Excited to see more of this new side from you, hope it continues in this positive way for many patches to come!!

Cool story bro,
Normal people don't use TV'S toplay EVE.
How many people use screens bigger than 21", i would love to know those statistics.

So change the font, for the small majority of whiners, whining the old font was to small..

I couldn't tell you how many people play on screens bigger than 21" but i'd be willing to bet that it's more than you think these days. But lets go to the other monitors on my other computer. That one has a 32 inch 720P and a 20 inch wide screen HP 2009m

When i first logged into eve on that computer on the 20 inch wide, yes windows were big. When i scaled the UI down to 90% that helped A LOT. would like like to see it smaller on that monitor? absolutely, but at 90% the fonts and windows aren't so utterly huge that the game is 'unplayable' like many of these whining babies are making it seem.

even IF the font was a huge mistake on CCP's part, the fact that the 'font' (read: users inability to understand UI scaling) is the only 'real issue' people are having. To me that says CCP has stepped up and knocked the ball out of the park.
#42 - 2011-11-29 23:00:47 UTC
new font is harder to read. It takes longer for me to quickly glean information from different windows and tabs. Plus it looks, again, like MS DOS. It's terrible.
Northern Coalition.
#43 - 2011-11-29 23:00:55 UTC
ucntkilme wrote:
NickyYo wrote:
ucntkilme wrote:
I posted this elsewhere on one of the million other 'i hate the font' posts... located:

The font is fine... People forget the reason for the font change and that is to increase scalability of the game itself.

As a player who plays eve on a very large TV, the old font was unreadable at best. I would have to get 3 inches from the screen in order to vaguely make anything readable.

On my TV i set my UI scaling to 110% and it works perfect, while on my monitor I set it to 90% and it looks okay. Now I would however like to get the fonts even smaller on my monitors (non TV's) so having an 80 and 75% UI scale would be a good thing.

But in really the whole 'i hate this font!' is nothing new, we've hated the old font for years and now you hate the new font. CCP will never be able to cater to everyone, nor should they. With this patch the new font is all about UI scalability, and that functionality works surprisingly well. So great job on that CCP - much appreciated.

For all you whiners out there, scale your UI down to 90% and if the chat fonts are still too large click the a- button on your chat windows to reduce the size and it looks great. That is until CCP implements or decides if they implement different scalability options.

If that doesn't work for you and you still want to act like stupid insolent children feel free to visit the account management page and cancel your subscriptions and never play EVE again. Honestly, no one will miss you and your disappearance from the game will only make EVE a better world for the rest of us.

Thus far, great job on the patch CCP! Excited to see more of this new side from you, hope it continues in this positive way for many patches to come!!

Cool story bro,
Normal people don't use TV'S toplay EVE.
How many people use screens bigger than 21", i would love to know those statistics.

So change the font, for the small majority of whiners, whining the old font was to small..

I couldn't tell you how many people play on screens bigger than 21" but i'd be willing to bet that it's more than you think these days. But lets go to the other monitors on my other computer. That one has a 32 inch 720P and a 20 inch wide screen HP 2009m

When i first logged into eve on that computer on the 20 inch wide, yes windows were big. When i scaled the UI down to 90% that helped A LOT. would like like to see it smaller on that monitor? absolutely, but at 90% the fonts and windows aren't so utterly huge that the game is 'unplayable' like many of these whining babies are making it seem.

even IF the font was a huge mistake on CCP's part, the fact that the 'font' (read: users inability to understand UI scaling) is the only 'real issue' people are having. To me that says CCP has stepped up and knocked the ball out of the park.

So what your saying is you have to botch all the settings up to actually read crap?
Not very good default settings, will scare all the new players off.
This is the beginning of the end for EVE if these FONTS stay.


Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2011-11-29 23:01:21 UTC
You all mad this font is awesome

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

Cindy Marco
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2011-11-29 23:03:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Cindy Marco
How does EVE decide which options you get to pick for the UI scale? I'm only getting the choice of 90 or 100. And both of those REALLY suck for me.

On my other computer which has a worse GPU I can do 90/100/110/125.
Nalia White
#46 - 2011-11-29 23:04:14 UTC
KFenn wrote:
Kietay Ayari wrote:
I do not believe anyone who claims to be able to read the old font but not the new one. I understand if you do not like how it looks but I call lies if you say you cant read this! Part of the reason the font is ugly is because it is so clear to read.

Not emptyquoting. We get a far, far easier to read font and people are throwing the dummy out of the pram simply because it's not 'SciFi' or 'Cool' enough? Sure, I'd like that too but first and foremost I should be able to read and parse the text easily. Function over Form.

and now tell me what number does stand there? and in inventory with stackable items it's even a bigger problem. you don't see dots. as someone who is a heavy trader it really hurts my eyes to go trough 50+ market orders... and we even get called liers now?

how polite of you dear internet sirs and madams...

Syndicate - K5-JRD

Home to few, graveyard for many

My biggest achievement

sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#47 - 2011-11-29 23:07:20 UTC
Atridies wrote:

I actually struggle to read this font, and had no problems whatsoever with reading the old font.

Too big and cluttered.

Overview, chat windows and items / ships are now off limits to my eyes.

UI scaling to 90% = win

Font is very readable, saying you can't would mean you're either lying or really need to get them tested cause you have an problem.

Courier New however is what I would have gone with. Awesome font

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Ms Twitch
Brittas Empire
Pandemic Horde
#48 - 2011-11-29 23:19:18 UTC
I have to say I really prefer the old font, the new one is probably ergonomic and all the other UI buzz words they use but it feels clunky and well unwelcoming.... What?
Northern Coalition.
#49 - 2011-11-29 23:20:55 UTC
Ms Twitch wrote:
I have to say I really prefer the old font, the new one is probably ergonomic and all the other UI buzz words they use but it feels clunky and well unwelcoming.... What?

It feels nonprofessional.


Jodis Talvanen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#50 - 2011-11-29 23:24:04 UTC
NickyYo wrote:
Ms Twitch wrote:
I have to say I really prefer the old font, the new one is probably ergonomic and all the other UI buzz words they use but it feels clunky and well unwelcoming.... What?

It feels nonprofessional.

It is because it IS unprofessionally done. It's done by someone who has never designed a font.

In fact it is not even DESIGNED.

because a good DESIGNED font will look like this.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2011-11-29 23:41:44 UTC
New font is terrible.
Space Olympics LLC
#52 - 2011-11-30 00:04:59 UTC
The new font makes my montior look like something is wrong with it.
Marrak Taron
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2011-11-30 00:13:37 UTC
Actually while the new fonts I could care less about personally, recently I got a friend to try and play EVE and her biggest problem was that she couldn't get a good font size for her poor eyesight, and now with the new changes she is able to read much better, and enjoys the game more than she did. So while it is not a important improvement to some, it is a Massive improvement to life for many people.

So once again, when making changes to MMOs they consider how they can benefit people who aren't all the same, so obviously not every change will be as important to you as to others.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2011-11-30 00:23:45 UTC
Are you all blind? The font spacing is HUGE. Just hold it next to this forum fonts which is very good to the eye. You see the letters here are closer to eachother.

T h e E v e c h a t n o w l o o k s l i k e t h i s . . .

How can you like that?
Jodis Talvanen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#55 - 2011-11-30 00:24:39 UTC
Confuzer wrote:
Are you all blind? The font spacing is HUGE. Just hold it next to this forum fonts which is very good to the eye. You see the letters here are closer to eachother.

T h e E v e c h a t n o w l o o k s l i k e t h i s . . .

How can you like that?

Are you sure?
Mymh Heretache
#56 - 2011-11-30 00:29:42 UTC
I can't play the game until this font issue is fixed. The overview is massive, market is massive, while other text (rightclick menu for example) is really small. Font has two major errors:

* It's not consistent, i.e. if you scale it up/down doesn't matter as some of it is too big/small in comparison to others, to begin with.
* It's too wide - which really hurts the overview and market

I could live with an ugly font, but the inconsistent sizes and the way too wide font makes it hard to scale, and breaks vital game elements (like overview and market). EVE just is unplayable right now, this doesn't work.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2011-11-30 00:30:00 UTC
Jodis Talvanen wrote:
Confuzer wrote:
Are you all blind? The font spacing is HUGE. Just hold it next to this forum fonts which is very good to the eye. You see the letters here are closer to eachother.

T h e E v e c h a t n o w l o o k s l i k e t h i s . . .

How can you like that?

Are you sure?

Wow, no spacing at all? argh!
Vega Farscape
#58 - 2011-11-30 00:41:58 UTC
Old font, ok on the 19" monitor, really fecking hard to read on the 24".

New font readable on both. real improvement on the 24" monitor.

Fuction over form.
Chaotic Dynamics
#59 - 2011-11-30 00:43:01 UTC

New font doesn't scale well at all. It's huge! If you turn on UI scaling then it gets all mushed up and looks horrible except now it's small and horrible instead of big and horrible.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2011-11-30 00:46:09 UTC
I noticed that when I hit A- at a certain point, the letter spacing increases and the words are wider then before. I figure this must be a bug...