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EVE General Discussion

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Why is eve being full of scamers gankers bumpers and liars?

First post
Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#141 - 2014-03-14 00:40:19 UTC
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Baneken wrote:
To answer OP's question:

We do it because we can and without conflict this game would be boring and best way to create conflict is to shoot someone and even better is to do it with friends, so you can share the experience.

yes conflict is good and GAINING from conflict is fun and producive, but conflict with just losing for everyone dosent make sense!!! can u explain that for me pls? thats all im trying to get

Do scammmers lose when they hit their mark?
Do gankers lose when they strike a prime target?

There is definitely profit involved... you are just upset you are on the recieving end.
Salvos Rhoska
#142 - 2014-03-14 00:41:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Divine Entervention wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Presumes to judge, but will not accept judgement in return.

A sure sign of moral decrepitude, duplicity, insincerity and hypocrisy.

I've never stated you're not allowed to judge me however you wish. In fact I've stated quite the opposite. You think of me however you like, that's a right afforded to all of us.

Yes, it is.

Which invalidates all the pages and pages of posting you have made, as merely a personal opinion and your own personal judgement of others.

Not a universal truth. Just your own personal prejudice and bias.

Spaja Saist: You have literally hoped that someone gets harmed physically IRL here in these discussions.
What do you have to say for yourself on that?
Divine Entervention
#143 - 2014-03-14 00:41:21 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Actually according to the accessibility through skill points, it kind of is multiple smaller games within one big game.
Actually, according to the actual game mechanics and not some contrived and arbitrarily made-up separation into activities, they're they're all the same singular game: EVE.

You choose to play it or you don't. If you choose to play it, you've made the same choice as the gankers and scammers.

So, again, does playing the cop in a game of cops and robbers make the kid a good person?
Does bluffing in poker make you a bad person and a compulsive liar?

So camping a station is exactly the same as mining in high sec.

Divine Entervention
#144 - 2014-03-14 00:42:32 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Presumes to judge, but will not accept judgement in return.

A sure sign of moral decrepitude, duplicity, insincerity and hypocrisy.

I've never stated you're not allowed to judge me however you wish. In fact I've stated quite the opposite. You think of me however you like, that's a right afforded to all of us.

Yes, it is.

Which invalidates all the pages and pages of posting you have made, as merely a personal opinion and your own personal judgement of others.

Not a universal truth. Just your own personal prejudice and bias.

Sadly it's not my own, considering society looks down upon people who's objective is to cause misery in others.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#145 - 2014-03-14 00:42:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Divine Entervention wrote:
So camping a station is exactly the same as mining in high sec.

Does playing the cop in a game of cops and robbers make the kid a good person?
Does bluffing in poker make you a bad person and a compulsive liar?

Sadly it's not my own, considering society looks down upon people who's objective is to cause misery in others.
…a trait that you can't determine merely from playing a game. So the judgements you make are only your personal prejudice and bias.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#146 - 2014-03-14 00:44:08 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
In most cases they are just enjoying their own game and not being concerned about the consequences for others, as all the consequences are fictional anyway.

Every single person I have interacted with in game has been playing within the rules and with the tools provided. It is clear that they have applied ethical standards to themselves at a player level without any issue.

I have never met anyone in EvE that has deliberately cheated or used tools outside the game, though there are people playing the game that do make those choices (eg. running bot scripts, abusing an exploit, etc.).

The only possible conclusion I can make is that the article above is another ridiculous link designed to denigrate the community and is totally inappropriate.
Salvos Rhoska
#147 - 2014-03-14 00:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Divine Entervention wrote:
Sadly it's not my own, considering society looks down upon people who's objective is to cause misery in others.

And as has been demonstrated here, society looks down upon you as being a presumptuous, biased, prejudiced, insincere, dishonest and altogether hypocritical individual, both in action and intent. (as a result of having observed you behave as such)

Therefore, that must be what you are. Because we perceive you to be.

That is, after all, how you presume to claim that others are, what you perceive them to be, is it not?
Divine Entervention
#148 - 2014-03-14 00:45:14 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
In most cases they are just enjoying their own game and not being concerned about the consequences for others, as all the consequences are fictional anyway.

Every single person I have interacted with in game has been playing within the rules and with the tools provided. It is clear that they have applied ethical standards to themselves at a player level without any issue.

I have never met anyone in EvE that has deliberately cheated or used tools outside the game, though there are people playing the game that do make those choices (eg. running bot scripts, abusing an exploit, etc.).

The only possible conclusion I can make is that the article above is another ridiculous link designed to denigrate the community and is totally inappropriate.

It explains that people are willing to disconnect themselves from their own actions. The context being EVE.
Divine Entervention
#149 - 2014-03-14 00:47:34 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Sadly it's not my own, considering society looks down upon people who's objective is to cause misery in others.

And as has been demonstrated here, society looks down upon you as being a presumptuous, biased, prejudiced, insincere, dishonest and altogether hypocritical individual, both in action and intent.

Therefore, that must be what you are. Because we perceive you to be.

That is, after all, how you presume to claim that others are, what you perceive them to be, is it not?

You may think what you wish.

The other side of that coin means I get to think what I wish.

Luckily for me, I have alot more weight on my side. I understand you though, I use to be like you. But I got better.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#150 - 2014-03-14 00:47:40 UTC
How on earth has he not been banned yet? The last, like, 4 pages are just one long violation.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Salvos Rhoska
#151 - 2014-03-14 00:48:43 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
It explains that people are willing to disconnect themselves from their own actions. The context being EVE.

And, ironically, and as is so often the case with the most vocal of hypocrites, also how you are disconnecting yourself from the repercussions and logical consequences of your own behavior and posited perspective, by thinking that you are not subject to the same judgement you would apply onto others.

It cuts both ways. That is the nature of responsible morality. You are not acting as you preach. You are infact, yourself, demonstrating a gross disconnection between judging your own actions by the same standards you apply to others.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#152 - 2014-03-14 00:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Divine Entervention wrote:
It explains that people are willing to disconnect themselves from their own actions. The context being EVE.
It certainly has you down to a t.

“Another disengagement technique is advantageous comparison. Moral judgments of conduct can be influenced by structuring what the conduct is compared against. In social comparison the “morality” of acts depends more on the ideological allegiances of the labelers than on the acts themselves.” Put another way: personal prejudice.

Anyway, the term you're looking for is “magic circle”.

Luckily for me, I have alot more weight on my side. I understand you though, I use to be like you. But I got better.
Prejudice, bigotry, and unfounded assumption offers no weight, and that is all you have on your side. Nor is an increased reliance on them in any way a turn for the better…
Helia Tranquilis
Confused Bunnies Inc
#153 - 2014-03-14 00:50:14 UTC
Anonymity brings out the sociopath.

On more serious note the concentration of who you might see as "bad guys" in the game derives directly from natural selection.

As CCP has stated several times, scamming, ganking and other such emergent game play is encouraged. This leads to the golden rule where weak perish and strong flourish. Over time the balance of "bad guys" vs. "good guys" shifts to the "bad" side. And, as we know, alts give voices to our hidden personalities. Why not play the bad guy? One might find it relaxing.

Another idea might be that the group you are referring to tends to be one of the loudest around. That fact has kept their corner of the sandbox strong, which may be the cause of your concern.

If anything, take the game as a learning experience; everything is a scam, everyone will want to shoot at you, maybe something will rub on you like this:

reading the fine print
Divine Entervention
#154 - 2014-03-14 00:50:45 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
It explains that people are willing to disconnect themselves from their own actions. The context being EVE.
It certainly has you down to a t.

“Another disengagement technique is advantageous comparison. Moral judgments of conduct can be influenced by structuring what the conduct is compared against. In social comparison the “morality” of acts depends more on the ideological allegiances of the labelers than on the acts themselves.” Put another way: personal prejudice.

Anyway, the term you're looking for is “magic circle”.

You're the one who keeps trying to compare morality to poker.
Salvos Rhoska
#155 - 2014-03-14 00:51:43 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
You're the one who keeps trying to compare morality to poker.

And you are the one who keeps trying to judge others, without applying the same standards to himself.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#156 - 2014-03-14 00:53:05 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
You're the one who keeps trying to compare morality to poker.
No, that's just you being unable to distinguish what goes on in your head with what goes on in the real world. No such comparison has ever been made.

But since you bring it up, does bluffing in poker make you a bad person and a compulsive liar? Does playing the cop in a game of cops and robbers make the kid a good person?
Divine Entervention
#157 - 2014-03-14 00:53:38 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
It explains that people are willing to disconnect themselves from their own actions. The context being EVE.

And, ironically, and as is so often the case with the most vocal of hypocrites, also how you are disconnecting yourself from the repercussions and logical consequences of your own behavior and posited perspective, by thinking that you are not subject to the same judgement you would apply onto others.

It cuts both ways. That is the nature of responsible morality. You are not acting as you preach. You are infact, yourself, demonstrating a gross disconnection between judging your own actions by the same standards you apply to others.

Well whatever, all we can do is present our opinions. How it's perceived and judged is entirely out of our hands.

I've stated my case, you've stated yours. Yours revolves around attacking me personally, enforcing my point that bad people exist and be their true selves vicariously through EVE.

Mine revolves around the fact that people who make the choice to do bad things are bad people. Which for some reason influences you to wish to do bad things to me.
#158 - 2014-03-14 00:53:56 UTC
Eve is the libertarian ideal given wings.
Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#159 - 2014-03-14 00:54:18 UTC
I am late to the thread. But all I need to do is say to the OP that it is worse in the real world.

"Tan has also seen reports of caulk and petroleum jelly injected in black market cosmetic procedure rings."

I also saw a report this morning saying some cosmetic hackers are using fix a flat. Very not cool yet somewhat hilarious considering what it is being used for Ugh
Salvos Rhoska
#160 - 2014-03-14 00:54:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Divine Entervention wrote:
Mine revolves around the fact that people who make the choice to do bad things are bad people. Which for some reason influences you to wish to do bad things to me.

You are, from my perspective, a bad person. You are doing bad things to people.

Furthermore you are duplicitous and insincere in discourse.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you repeatedly break multiple rules of unilateral and objective communication.
You are not as smart as you think you are, you are not as educated as you think you are, your morality is not as honed as you think it is.

In all these things, you strike me as a dilettante. A hack. At worst, a demagog. Someone who has taken the first steps but is too cowardly to apply to themselves the morality they espouse and would apply to others.