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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Kobi Sojan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-03-11 21:15:05 UTC

I am interested in scanning down sites and exploration, but is it because my skills maybe low or is scanning just so ridiculously fiddly and awkward that I don't think it could be any harder for a beginner to understand.

I am in an Imicus and have Astrometrics at level 3 along with grav capacitors and fittings from battleclinic and I cannot get anything to go above 70% scan and have spent literally hours and hours tonight get bored rigid and discovering nothing so much so it's put me off wanting to do it ever again.

I have looked at numerous YouTube vids and follow instructions but no matter what I do I cannot get scan down or discover anything at all.

Any suggestions on vids to watch (again) or guides would be great.


Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#2 - 2014-03-11 21:21:19 UTC

I don't know why you are having trouble.

Do you have gallente frigate skill trained up to 3 or 4??
Are you using all 8 probes?
Are you looking at moderately recent probing videos, rather than 4 year old scan tutorials?
Do you have your probes in a "pinpoint" position centered on your target?
Do you filters selected, perhaps filtering out your scanned targets before you get a 100% hit?
Are you in a WH or nullsec (where sites are harder to scan down until you get your skills up)?
Galaxy Pig
New Order Logistics
#3 - 2014-03-11 21:23:59 UTC
Of course it depends on what you're trying to scan, but I think the problem here may just be your skills. I know there are certain sites that just can't be scanned down without a certain level of skill and bonuses.

Hang in there, you'll get it!
Welcome to EVE!

Highsec is owned by players now. Systems 0.5-1.0 are New Order Territory. All miners and other residents of Highsec must obey The Code. Mining without a permit is dangerous and harmful to the EVE community. See

Kobi Sojan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-03-11 21:45:21 UTC
Thanks for the replies.

My Frigate skill is at 4, and I am using all 8 probes. Yes I have tried to find recent videos.

Have tried the pinpoint and moving and dragging etc...but no luck. Have been doing the scanning in 0.5 regions mainly.

Don't know what I'm doing wrong then! Guess I will keep trying.

Kronenbourg Strasbourg
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-03-11 21:59:20 UTC
Hey there... As somebody who made a similar type of post after his first day (well, first few hours!) in the game, I know your frustrations! I've been playing for under a week and also started off on the exploration side, which confused and frustrated the hell out of me, so you are not alone there! To be honest, I still haven't entirely figured it out and instead went and tried out some of the other training areas.

I've now completed the ten industry training missions and can safely say that I wish i'd started there instead. The missions were a lot clearer and easier to follow, and I was able to pick up quite a lot of the basics pretty fast. I'm not saying you should give up with what you're currently doing, but just that maybe it's worth going along another route until you have the basic skills locked down and then returning to exploration once you're a little more au fait with everything.

Good luck though - stick with it... After just a few extra days (and a lot of hours!), I can safely say I am glad I kept going.... I can already see what a great game it is.

Cheers :)
Nightingale Actault
Borderland Dynamics
#6 - 2014-03-11 23:14:58 UTC
Scanning is one of those things that gets much easier as you get experienced with it. First off, have you done the scanning tutorials? I would highly encourage you to complete those.

Regarding regular signatures, it is possible your skills may not be up to the level needed to scan down certain types of signatures. Even with very good skills there are certain signatures that can still be very difficult to pin down. I recommend level 3 in each of the scanning skills at the very least in addition to the equipment you use.

Besides the racial frigate skills and the scanning skills, you can also improve your scanning ability with grav capacitor rigs (you already mentioned), mid slot scanning upgrades, either T2 or Sisters of EVE probe launchers, as well as Sisters or RSS scanner probes.

For scanning signatures make sure you're using Core probes and not Combat probes!
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-03-11 23:54:32 UTC
Most of the important stuff has been said above, but double check that you are using core probes (not combat probes) when scanning signatures. Also, are we correct in assuming that you have the probes down to 0.25 AU radius when at 70%?

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

#8 - 2014-03-12 00:31:32 UTC
You mentioned that you have "tried to find recent videos". I don't know if that means you found them or you didn't, but here's a recent one.

I'm trying to think of other things you might be doing wrong, and all I can come up with is maybe going to a higher sec status system. The sites should be easier there.

Another thing, make sure you're paying attention to all three dimensions. If you're looking directly overheard at the solar system, the sites you're trying to scan may be higher or lower than where your probes actually are.
Kobi Sojan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-03-12 09:43:29 UTC
Thanks for the responses. Will take them all into consideration and won't give up!

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#10 - 2014-03-12 11:53:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Scanning isn't so much about skills or gear, it will of course help to get a target to 100% but it doesn't help smoothing out the process. Also, if you do exploration in high sec (combat exploration there is hilariously worthwhile) you don't need anything fancy. You can find all high sec combat sites with astrometrics lvl 1, no support skills, no ship bonuses, rigs, implants or modules.

To help you with scanning have a look here, one of the vids has some tips on it.
Silver Dagger Kondur
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2014-03-12 12:54:15 UTC
ChickenPox wrote:
Another thing, make sure you're paying attention to all three dimensions. If you're looking directly overheard at the solar system, the sites you're trying to scan may be higher or lower than where your probes actually are.

That. ^

My scanning attempts failed because:
- I did not rotate the view around each axis and drag each sensor individually toward my target.
- I did not subsequently reduce the scanning radius of each scanner (and again adjust their positions.)
- I did not select the targets I was not interested in and clicked the ignore button.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#12 - 2014-03-12 18:00:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
I have Astrometrics 2 (used to limit one to 5 probes) and Astrometric Rangefinding 2, and I lived in w-space for 2.75 years. I could scan down anything in a rigged T1 Heron with level 4 frigate skill, but must admit it is a LOT faster and easier with better skills and equipment.

I've also probed my way through w-space using level 4 skills in an Orca (no scanning bonus). Of course wormholes are easier to probe.

Technique and patience are the skills you need most.
Lemon Nado
The Circus Corp
#13 - 2014-03-12 18:16:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lemon Nado
Don't move the probes AND change the size of the probe array.

1. scan
2. center
3. scan
4. size smaller so target is still in the "sphere"
5. go to 1... till done.

If you can't get past 80something percent, then check problems with the ship equipment or skills.
For skill lack you can compensate a bit with modules.

Warp stabilizers for example totally ruin your scanning.....

I followed a youtube magnate setup and ended up with 4 Stabs and a pretty much un-catchable ship which is lightning fast and can scann NOTHING hahahaha. I am increasing my skills right now but dude...... that thing I have right now is BLIND ha.

It's really simple actually. Again, don't move and size.... one or the other and then rescan and NEXT.

good luck
Stu Pendisdick
#14 - 2014-03-12 18:43:34 UTC
Kobi Sojan wrote:

is scanning just so ridiculously fiddly and awkward that I don't think it could be any harder for a beginner to understand.


You think this is *HARD*?

You should have been here a few years ago when it took actual *SKILL* to scan down a site or a ship.

They've dumbed the process down so much a sea slug missing an eyestalk can do it while drunk on Boone's Farm for ****'s sake.

Damn near ruined the freakin profession.

Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#15 - 2014-03-12 23:40:56 UTC
Stu Pendisdick wrote:
Kobi Sojan wrote:

is scanning just so ridiculously fiddly and awkward that I don't think it could be any harder for a beginner to understand.


You think this is *HARD*?

You should have been here a few years ago when it took actual *SKILL* to scan down a site or a ship.

They've dumbed the process down so much a sea slug missing an eyestalk can do it while drunk on Boone's Farm for ****'s sake.

Damn near ruined the freakin profession.


In my time we had to drop probes mid warp and within 3AU of the target, we had no shoes either. You youngsters these days!!!

But yeah, you're right although for a true newbie it'll still be kinda confusing in the beginning.