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Revelation: The Book of Bloodletting, Chapter 3

Hoi Andrapodistai
#41 - 2014-03-10 13:00:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Nauplius
Gosakumori Noh wrote:

However, I am perhaps more occult than literal in my pursuit of Life's essence (or the Matari, for that matter), particularly compared to the New Prophet Nauplius, though I do subscribe to his belief that Amarr has become accommodating and lost its way.

Looking back through the ancient roots of our tongue, I translate "Sani Sabik" as "Brilliant Origin;" and, from that, see Redemption in forcing out the secrets of Beginning. It is a terrible sin to lose sight of what matters most out of expedience.

Lady Noh —

In your search for knowledge, be ever on the lookout for Apocryphal Scriptures, for I would never presume upon a living God that He would re-reveal that which has been lost only to me; even dubious Scriptures or those whose liberalism marks them as obviously fake ought to be made known for a time (and then to be suppressed once the religion is Restored) in order that the history of our falling away from God be traced and made a warning unto future generations.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#42 - 2014-03-10 13:09:56 UTC
Leopold Caine wrote:
The only surprise I can admit here is Mr. Naupilus not defecting to the Equilibrium of Mankind instead.
Which made me lose a little bet I had with one of my Archangels. A pity.

The EoM believe that humanity is not to remain in this cluster. In that they are mistaken, for God has given over all the worlds of the heavens to be Reclaimed, and I seek not the overthrow the Scriptures, but only the Restoration of what has been lost (by generations of liberalism, among other things).
Hoi Andrapodistai
#43 - 2014-03-10 13:20:30 UTC
Anyanka Funk wrote:
Our RED GOD has Chosen Nauplius. Our GOD is that of redemption. You must truly fall into the pits of perdition to be Chosen, which Nauplius has. But in his faith and through sacrificial blood, Nauplius has risen to prophesize. Take head of his word. We are all heathens at one point, until we, like Nauplius, look within ourselves for the faith to do GODs will.

May your soul be blessed, Nauplius!

For my part, I have learned that the Blood Raiders have preserved more of God's Word than I had once thought, and I repent of much of my fighting against them as a Warrant Officer and Cyber-Knight in the Royal Khanid Navy (and perhaps I shall answer at the Judgement for undue zeal in this area) and in my early career as an Empyrean; henceforth, I shall forbid my associates from hacking and relic-hunting in the ruins of the Blood Raiders, and shall avoid contact with them unless necessary to uncover sacred Scriptures and relics from Amarr ruins, Amarr tombs, and similar things. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#44 - 2014-03-10 13:25:42 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Amarr God, Red God... it doesn't matter for me, while Mr. Nauplius does good work and eradicates enemies of the Empire and the State.
It is totally fine to me, if it is minmatar blood and not, for example, mine.

God has not ordered the destruction of the Caldari. It is the will of God that the Caldari someday join the Reclaiming voluntarily, as did the Khanid before them, and He sent the Prophet Tibus Heth to Reclaim the Gallente. However, Molok the Deceiver is a wily foe, and turned the Caldari people against their Prophet. However, our God is a patient God, and will not tire of guiding the Caldari toward their true destiny, the Destiny of Faith. May we live to see it done.
Astera Zandraki
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2014-03-10 13:43:15 UTC
Leopold Caine wrote:
The only surprise I can admit here is Mr. Naupilus not defecting to the Equilibrium of Mankind instead.
Which made me lose a little bet I had with one of my Archangels. A pity.

EoM? Him? No, he likes having people around too much, otherwise he'd have nobody to rant at.
Astera Zandraki
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2014-03-10 13:44:19 UTC
Nauplius wrote:

God has not ordered the destruction of the Caldari. It is the will of God that the Caldari someday join the Reclaiming voluntarily, as did the Khanid before them, and He sent the Prophet Tibus Heth to Reclaim the Gallente. However, Molok the Deceiver is a wily foe, and turned the Caldari people against their Prophet. However, our God is a patient God, and will not tire of guiding the Caldari toward their true destiny, the Destiny of Faith. May we live to see it done.

Dude, whatever you're taking... I'd advise you cut down a bit.
Erin Savonarola
#47 - 2014-03-10 13:47:28 UTC
Why only post once when you can post four times in a row!

Also, a Sani Sabik that says Amarr Victor. So, not just a heretic, but a confused heretic. As of present, I am sure that any of his land based assets (the ones not protected by CONCORD treaties) have been seized and a warrant issued for his arrest. Given the spectacle that he made on his conversion, he might also be stricken from the Kingdom's Book of Records.
I'm not sure why he's been allowed to remain in the 24th IC. Someone who knows better the convoluted regulations regarding the militias will hopefully weigh in.
Hoi Andrapodistai
#48 - 2014-03-10 13:50:57 UTC
There is another lesson to be learned from Chapter Three of the Book of Bloodletting. Note that when God rejects the Emperor Ashura-hash, He does not also reject the Amarr people as a whole, just as when Amash-Akura sinned against God for a time, God did not reject the entire Amarr people, who as in the time of Ashura-hash, remained and always will remain the Chosen of God, elected from the foundation of the world to Reclaim all the heavens, Paradise being their birthright.

I do not now reject my Amarr and Khanid heritage, even as I accept that I can no longer safely walk on Amarr and Khanid planets (even my home, Danera V) outside of CONCORD juristiction. I seek instead the Restoration of the Amarr Faith, apart from such innovations as the Theology Council (lately fallen into liberalism) and with the full fury and wrath of a holy and righteous God permitted its righteous expression — the God to whom Molok was sacrificed; the God who drowns sinners in their own blood. I pray that Her Majesty Jamyl Sarum free herself from the shackles of decaying, un-Scriptural institutions and as the Scriptures say, live the lives of her subjects and breath the air of authority.

Yes, were I a nubile female, my message would be better received. So be it — perhaps this is a Test of Faith unto the Empyreans, that they learn to evaluate prophecy apart from the appearance of the prophet. Amen. Amarr Victor.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#49 - 2014-03-10 13:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Diana Kim
Nauplius wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Amarr God, Red God... it doesn't matter for me, while Mr. Nauplius does good work and eradicates enemies of the Empire and the State.
It is totally fine to me, if it is minmatar blood and not, for example, mine.

God has not ordered the destruction of the Caldari. It is the will of God that the Caldari someday join the Reclaiming voluntarily, as did the Khanid before them, and He sent the Prophet Tibus Heth to Reclaim the Gallente. However, Molok the Deceiver is a wily foe, and turned the Caldari people against their Prophet. However, our God is a patient God, and will not tire of guiding the Caldari toward their true destiny, the Destiny of Faith. May we live to see it done.

I don't even...

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Erin Savonarola
#50 - 2014-03-10 14:19:47 UTC
Nauplius wrote:
Yes, were I a nubile female, my message would be better received. So be it — perhaps this is a Test of Faith unto the Empyreans, that they learn to evaluate prophecy apart from the appearance of the prophet. Amen. Amarr Victor.

Yes, you're quite right. It is definitely the messenger and not the message. I'm sure if you were a 'cute nosed, round bottomed' Sebiestor girl, it would all be different.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#51 - 2014-03-10 14:20:06 UTC
Cool story, brah.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Astera Zandraki
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2014-03-10 14:26:39 UTC
This is so crazy it's hilarious.
Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#53 - 2014-03-10 14:48:55 UTC
Erin Savonarola wrote:

I'm not sure why he's been allowed to remain in the 24th IC. Someone who knows better the convoluted regulations regarding the militias will hopefully weigh in.

Congratulations, you appear to now have a Khanid version of Diana Kim: Someone who spends their time forever seeking public attention by saying something for shock value on the IGS while thinking their employment in a militia organization grants their inane, trivial, and banal thoughts a degree of credence and legitimacy. When coming face to face with stupidity and mediocrity of their calibre it's far better to simply ignore their thoughts and opinions just as they are: of absolutely no value.

In the end, if the limits of their power is to post nonsensical rants on the IGS, empty threats, or ideological posturing why behave as if they actually count towards anything of consequence? If they wish to act the fool, then let them, it's not like they're the only ones in New Eden, just vocal ones.


Erin Savonarola
#54 - 2014-03-10 16:43:40 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Erin Savonarola wrote:

I'm not sure why he's been allowed to remain in the 24th IC. Someone who knows better the convoluted regulations regarding the militias will hopefully weigh in.

Congratulations, you appear to now have a Khanid version of Diana Kim: Someone who spends their time forever seeking public attention by saying something for shock value on the IGS while thinking their employment in a militia organization grants their inane, trivial, and banal thoughts a degree of credence and legitimacy. When coming face to face with stupidity and mediocrity of their calibre it's far better to simply ignore their thoughts and opinions just as they are: of absolutely no value.

In the end, if the limits of their power is to post nonsensical rants on the IGS, empty threats, or ideological posturing why behave as if they actually count towards anything of consequence? If they wish to act the fool, then let them, it's not like they're the only ones in New Eden, just vocal ones.

Ms. Gesakaarin,
I can understand your viewpoint. You've a very common misunderstanding with regards to the Amarr Empire. Unlike all the over major powers in the cluster, the Empire is not a secular institution. The Empire is mandated in Scripture and it's institutions and agents act with both temporal and spiritual power. We have two court systems. The secular courts, the Civic Courts, is considered lesser to the Theology Council courts. Put simply, there is no way to disentangle our religion with our way of life.
A very common analogy that I used when I was the cultural attache in the Federation is to imagine a cake. There's some flour, some sugar, eggs, butter, milk and so on. They are mixed thoroughly and then baked. Imagine the Empire as that cake, with religion as flour and temporal matters as sugar. There is no way to separate the two. They do not simply work closely, they are the same. The Empress is the head of state, but also our religious leader as well. As a holder, I have not just an obligation to administer my holding in a civic manner, but ensure the spiritual well being of my citizens. The Archbishop of Solfete has a seat in the Contea council, along with my ministers of finance, justice, security, education and so on.
Hopefully, I've explained it in such a way that you see now why a heretic in the 24th IC is troubling to the Amarr. It is not just a military organization, but a religious one as well. The Empire's wars are not for crass things such as resources or territory, but one of souls. We conquer peoples to save them, sometimes from themselves. The prisoners of war we take in this current conflict are enslaved and taught the Imperial Faith, so that, when this fighting is long past, the Minmatar will be faithful citizens of the Empire. (Of course, I would personally be happy if a peace treaty could be worked out and we could live in peace, but that seems unlikely to happen.) Having a heretic in the crusade disrupts and taints it's purpose and essence.
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#55 - 2014-03-10 16:57:36 UTC
Nauplius wrote:

Yes, were I a nubile female, my message would be better received. So be it — perhaps this is a Test of Faith unto the Empyreans, that they learn to evaluate prophecy apart from the appearance of the prophet. Amen. Amarr Victor.

You haven't been paying any attention to how we receive dear Kimmy's rants, have you? We would still condemn your actions.Straight

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-03-10 17:00:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Stitcher
A very common analogy that I used when I was the cultural attache in the Federation is to imagine a cake. There's some flour, some sugar, eggs, butter, milk and so on. They are mixed thoroughly and then baked. Imagine the Empire as that cake, with religion as flour and temporal matters as sugar. There is no way to separate the two.

Un-baking a cake is just an engineering challenge that nobody's bothered to tackle yet. Though I confess, I don't see why you would want to when eating it is a perfectly valid option.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Scope Works
#57 - 2014-03-10 17:08:58 UTC


[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#58 - 2014-03-10 19:05:22 UTC
Nauplius wrote:

Lady Noh —

In your search for knowledge, be ever on the lookout for Apocryphal Scriptures, for I would never presume upon a living God that He would re-reveal that which has been lost only to me; even dubious Scriptures or those whose liberalism marks them as obviously fake ought to be made known for a time (and then to be suppressed once the religion is Restored) in order that the history of our falling away from God be traced and made a warning unto future generations.

I thank you, Prophet Nauplius, for your guidance; and, commend you for splintering petrified growths which threaten Amarrian distinction.

The Sisterhood must have been very pleased with itself, indeed, for afflicting our Empire with prattling emasculations of Faith. But you have stirred the pot most enthusiastically, and freed its congealed surface of dry, homogenous crust. As the meats twirl within their broth, we see outlined the structure of relationships previously kept hidden.

In this way, Understanding Increases - and once again by both our visions, the Universe is Reclaimed.

Such is the Beauty of God!
Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#59 - 2014-03-10 19:16:28 UTC
Jandice Ymladris wrote:

Hold on to that bet, the way Naupilus is going, there's chance even the Blood Raiders denounce him, for being a false prophet. However his ramblings and 'the found lost scripture' does fit well with Equilibrim of Mankind philosphy of *Burn them all!*

I'd just like to point out that using common meanings of the words, there is no such thing as a "false prophet". It's a contradiction in terms.

A prophet tells of events that will come to pass in the future. That is a prophecy.

If those events do not come to pass as described, then what that person said is not a prophecy, and that person is not a prophet.

Using the common meanings of the word "false", that is.

When you use the term "False Prophet" correctly, it refers to something quite different.

It is all about intent.

Someone who has visions, which come to pass, is a prophet.

Someone who has visions, which do not come to pass, is not a false prophet.

Someone who intentionally makes untruthful predictions, is a false prophet.

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#60 - 2014-03-10 19:54:17 UTC
Crash is a hell of a drug.