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New Great Idea: Increase the costs of station services and costs of npc actions!

Elite War Squad
#1 - 2011-11-29 02:17:20 UTC
The station services costs are pathetic at the moment, they have no meaning whatsoever, its like they are so low that they become ignored which makes them obsolete.

Why are you charging 5k isks?? Better just go ahead and charge nothing.

For example as in the last post of mine in another thread, the character customization should be a privilege and considered an expensive service, my idea of price is AT LEAST 20 million. This way people would take it serious and care for it.

But thats just a small example.. theres MANY more services not on in stations that urgently need to be increased to significant values according to what they are really worth and not just a minor amount without any kind of meaning in these days economy.

Just like my other thread of paying per jump, paying for using (mining, missioning) a system, paying taxes, fines for cargo, fines for many other stuff, etc etc..

It all makes the game a lot more interesting and active, helping at the same time reducing the amount of isks in the market, which would make 1 isk be worth a lot more than it is atm, and helping decreasing the prices to something more realistic at the same time.

Universal PvP System Mode: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=38634 In Game Laws, Fines and Taxes: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=36124 Stations and NPC Services Costs: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=39038

Nestara Aldent
#2 - 2011-11-29 07:03:19 UTC
Maybe from a lore point of view it makes no sense service to be free? Perhaps you don't know you're as a pod pilot, in upper one percent in wealth being able to afford cloning and a personal spaceship?

Read the lore.
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-11-29 07:17:06 UTC
It turns out, the more a thread's title proclaims that there is a 'great idea' being presented, the worse the idea is. Just an interesting bit of trivia I've noticed.
Elite War Squad
#4 - 2011-11-29 08:11:20 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
mxzf wrote:
It turns out, the more a thread's title proclaims that there is a 'great idea' being presented, the worse the idea is. Just an interesting bit of trivia I've noticed.

No your wrong.

Nestara Aldent wrote:
Maybe from a lore point of view it makes no sense service to be free? Perhaps you don't know you're as a pod pilot, in upper one percent in wealth being able to afford cloning and a personal spaceship?

Read the lore.

What? English please.
It makes no sense to be free but if makes even less sense to have ANY kind of service costing 5k isks or anything with similar prices. Thats a joke and an obsolete charge without any kind of meaning affecting you in any possible way.

100% unreal.

Universal PvP System Mode: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=38634 In Game Laws, Fines and Taxes: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=36124 Stations and NPC Services Costs: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=39038

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-11-29 20:25:40 UTC
I could go along with it, so long as killmails make the guy recieving it cringe in anony like a kick to the nuts while passing a kidney stone. I mean, if you are causing some virtual dude to process the claims forms for KM then you should be paying him for his workRoll just as much as having the guy that will charge for a beauty makeover Lol.
Venus Rinah
Arcanum Industry
#6 - 2011-11-29 20:45:57 UTC
THXBYE wrote:
Just like my other thread of paying per jump, paying for using (mining, missioning) a system, paying taxes, fines for cargo, fines for many other stuff, etc etc..

It all makes the game a lot more interesting and active, helping at the same time reducing the amount of isks in the market, which would make 1 isk be worth a lot more than it is atm, and helping decreasing the prices to something more realistic at the same time.

From the other thread:

Venus Rinah wrote:
THXBYE wrote:
I could reply to all of you but just gonna let it roll for awhile :)

Im sure this is a GREAT idea, not only for the fact that will help the economy by giving it a new dynamic as well as it brings a bit of realism into the game and more..

So, bump.

Why is it helping the economy?

All your doing is taking ISK out of ths system and paying it to NPCs, reducing spending potential as you say. These kind of imposed effects can end up with an economic slowdown or reccession. Especially as its a direct discouragement to manufacturing and trade and increasing the costs associated with making things (likley to make thing cost more).

It also continues to fuel a "hypermarket" convinience mentality to reduce total associated travel costs. Sellers will want to encourage this for volumes anyhow, but it gives more power to those supplying not purchasing. This makes it less likely to have a more distributed supply of goods and more of an "oligopoly".

This also makes the game easier to play for the already rich as dependant on your operating margins you still have to pay the same fees making it more difficult for newer players to establish themselves due to the increased overheads.

Some ISK sinks are not always healthy, especially if there is no associated player benefit (I.e you get something tangeable for your money) just penalties.

And just like your other thread, where you havent even responded to these comments, your understanding and claims about the economy is extremely poor, almost infantile.

But go ahead, continue to cripple the economy with your "incredible" ideas. Roll
XS Tech
#7 - 2011-11-29 20:52:03 UTC
THXBYE wrote:
mxzf wrote:
It turns out, the more a thread's title proclaims that there is a 'great idea' being presented, the worse the idea is. Just an interesting bit of trivia I've noticed.

No your wrong.
Also, UR MOM!

Nestara Aldent wrote:
Maybe from a lore point of view it makes no sense service to be free? Perhaps you don't know you're as a pod pilot, in upper one percent in wealth being able to afford cloning and a personal spaceship?

Read the lore.

What? English please.
It makes no sense to be free but if makes even less sense to have ANY kind of service costing 5k isks or anything with similar prices. Thats a joke and an obsolete charge without any kind of meaning affecting you in any possible way.

100% unreal.

We have the wealth of EMPIRES at our personal disposal. Somewhere in the lore, one of the stories makes some reference to how vastly wealthy we are -- to the effect of the few thousand ISK that someone was getting paid to do something was more than he'd make in a lifetime staying planet-bound.

So, that 5,000 ISK is a stupidly large amount of profit for the likes of the corporations who are running the factory slots for us... sure, they could always go for "more profit" and charge us more per hour ... but you also have to realise that from a gameplay perspective, there are hordes of new manufacturers to whom that 5k ISK per hour cost is not trivial.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Elite War Squad
#8 - 2011-12-13 10:29:27 UTC  |  Edited by: THXBYE
Velicitia wrote:
THXBYE wrote:
mxzf wrote:
It turns out, the more a thread's title proclaims that there is a 'great idea' being presented, the worse the idea is. Just an interesting bit of trivia I've noticed.

No your wrong.
Also, UR MOM!

Nestara Aldent wrote:
Maybe from a lore point of view it makes no sense service to be free? Perhaps you don't know you're as a pod pilot, in upper one percent in wealth being able to afford cloning and a personal spaceship?

Read the lore.

What? English please.
It makes no sense to be free but if makes even less sense to have ANY kind of service costing 5k isks or anything with similar prices. Thats a joke and an obsolete charge without any kind of meaning affecting you in any possible way.

100% unreal.

We have the wealth of EMPIRES at our personal disposal. Somewhere in the lore, one of the stories makes some reference to how vastly wealthy we are -- to the effect of the few thousand ISK that someone was getting paid to do something was more than he'd make in a lifetime staying planet-bound.

So, that 5,000 ISK is a stupidly large amount of profit for the likes of the corporations who are running the factory slots for us... sure, they could always go for "more profit" and charge us more per hour ... but you also have to realise that from a gameplay perspective, there are hordes of new manufacturers to whom that 5k ISK per hour cost is not trivial.

5k isks is absolutely a joke. Especially after incursions.
If you think otherwise, you are illiterate.

Theres just too much isks in game, the more isks in game the less value 1isk has.
Thats why prices increase (not only demand/supply), everyone is rich, and a lost of interest from everyone in playing the game is born.

CCP MUST find a way to take isks out of the game, regaining the interest from people in playing the game and being good at it.
Cause right now anyone with a drake can make billions.

Paying per jump and increasing the various services prices to a significantly amount is a good start.
Im not even talking about creating fees for many other various activities.

Universal PvP System Mode: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=38634 In Game Laws, Fines and Taxes: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=36124 Stations and NPC Services Costs: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=39038

Alexander Renoir
Covenant Trading Agency
#9 - 2011-12-13 13:56:14 UTC
THXBYE wrote:

5k isks is absolutely a joke. Especially after incursions.

CCP MUST find a way to take isks out of the game ...

You want more ISK out of the game? End incursions or reduce the payout for incursions drastically. Problem solved. Lol
Make a analysis where this "too much ISK" comes from and correct the real issue of this, dude!
Elite War Squad
#10 - 2011-12-28 12:40:43 UTC

Still I trully believe the cost of npc "taxes" and "fees" is obsolete. To be this ridiculously low, better just take it off.
I seriously think you NEED to make it harder for everyone and give a meaning to these fees.

Bring that "dam its hard" feeling to the game please.

Universal PvP System Mode: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=38634 In Game Laws, Fines and Taxes: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=36124 Stations and NPC Services Costs: ..default.aspx?g=posts&t=39038

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-12-28 23:31:03 UTC
THXBYE wrote:

It all makes the game a lot more interesting and active

Explain to me EXACTLY how making people pay through the nose for literally everything makes the game 'more interesting' for anyone? Is having to spend even longer ratting to buy a new PVP ship really going to be more interesting than spending longer PVPing? You talk about increasing the value of isk, but are you accounting for the price spikes you'll also be causing? (Tax hikes are passed on to the consumer after all!)

Why should changing my shirt cost more than buying a new interceptor? Or taking off sunglasses cost more than a stealth bomber? How about dying my hair? More than the price of a battlecruiser? Why?