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CSM Vote Match - I'm looking for statements and translators!

Dierdra Vaal
Interstellar Stargate Syndicate
#1 - 2014-02-27 17:45:56 UTC
Hi everyone.

Every election since the CSM4 elections I've ran CSM Vote Match, a website where you can match your views and opinions about Eve with the views and opinions of the candidates. Last year I launched Vote Match 2.0 which featured greatly improved matching as well as much better candidate overviews. This year I've moved it to a new server and database backend that hopefully should prevent the website congestion we saw last year. Additionally I'll also be hosting a Vote Match for the Dust 514 CPM elections. The website is still being deployed so expect to see some errors or placeholder content.

But I need your help!

I need statements to present to the candidates (and the voters), and I like them to be as diverse and useful as possible. It's not easy coming up with 40-60 statements by myself so that is why I am asking you. The questions are mainly multiple choice questions, with a few open questions. I'd like suggestions for both, but please also include the possible answers if you suggest a multiple choice question.

Multiple choice question examples

Q: How should CCP balance development of new content vs improving old content
* More towards new content than currently
* More towards improving old content than currently
* CCP currently have the balance about right

Q: A market orders data-feed (read only) should be made available through the Eve Online API
* Yes, as real time as is technically possible
* Yes, but only with delayed (more than 24 hours) information
* No, only aggregate prices (low/median/high) of items should be available, not individual orders
* No, market data should not be exposed by the API

You get the idea. No eve-related topic, both game and meta-game, is taboo. Do make sure that it should be a question people can have different opinions on, so no "Should CCP fix the lag?" because nobody would answer "no" to that.

But wait, there's more!

Like last year I also hope to offer Vote Match in different languages, so I'm looking for translators. Primarily I am looking for German and Russian translators but Japanese would also be appreciated. If you speak one of these languages fluently and want to help, contact me! If you feel like translating Vote Match to your language is something that should happen but it's not German, Russian or Japanese, let me know and I'll see what I can do (last year we had Italian, for example). If you want to help me translate, please contact me through a PM here in Eve, or send me a message on twitter at @DierdraVaal or @EveVoteMatch.

Thanks in advance!

Dierdra Vaal
Vote Match administrator
@DierdraVaal / @EveVoteMatch

Veto #205

Director Emeritus at EVE University

CSM1 delegate, CSM3 chairman and CSM5 vice-chairman

Evesterdam organiser and CSM Vote Match founder

Co-Author of the Galactic Party Planning Guide

Jayne Fillon
#2 - 2014-02-27 18:42:46 UTC
The hot topics right now seem to be power projection, sovereignty mechanics, capital/supercapital proliferation, and the blue donut (or renters and power blocks, if you want to be more specific.) I'll see if I can't draft up a few questions that candidates will actually answer in different ways.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Dierdra Vaal
Interstellar Stargate Syndicate
#3 - 2014-03-01 13:52:49 UTC
Thanks, hopefully I get some more suggestions :)

Veto #205

Director Emeritus at EVE University

CSM1 delegate, CSM3 chairman and CSM5 vice-chairman

Evesterdam organiser and CSM Vote Match founder

Co-Author of the Galactic Party Planning Guide

Xander Phoena
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-03-01 23:44:07 UTC
Looking forward to taking part in this during the CSM9 campaign. Great work Dierdra.

Proclus Diadochu
Mar Sarrim
Red Coat Conspiracy
#5 - 2014-03-02 00:29:20 UTC
Dierdra, I've updated my comment in the wormhole subforum with questions specifically mentioned throughout many discussions and interactions I've had within the wormhole community. I'll continue to update that thread as applicable.

Hope they help! Thanks for running Vote Match!

Minister of High Society | Twitter: @autoritare


My Blog:

The Diogenes Club | Join W-Space | Down The Pipe

T'amber Demaleon
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-03-08 01:30:38 UTC
You know the questions I want to ask! :3
Dierdra Vaal
Interstellar Stargate Syndicate
#7 - 2014-03-11 14:15:13 UTC
T'amber Demaleon wrote:
You know the questions I want to ask! :3

but we're already getting ship skins! :P

Veto #205

Director Emeritus at EVE University

CSM1 delegate, CSM3 chairman and CSM5 vice-chairman

Evesterdam organiser and CSM Vote Match founder

Co-Author of the Galactic Party Planning Guide