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Reasons for DDOSing!

Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#101 - 2014-03-07 01:52:43 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.

Moral of the story for CCP watch for people with trial accounts around Jita then ban their IP's.

Dynamic IP says hello. Let's say MR GANKEROUS THROWAWAYMAXIMUS gets an IP ban from good ole CCP for using throwaway alts. Now he just resets his router and gets a new IP. Now imagine me being a new player registering for the first time. The moment I download the game and patch it all up I suddenly receive a message saying my IP is banned. Let's say I'm computer illiterate and don't know how to change my IP. Suddenly CCP lost a potential customer because CCP banned an IP address.

Ban their PC's internal IP.
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#102 - 2014-03-07 02:48:22 UTC
I Riven I wrote:
1- Why do you think CCP is getting DDOSed?

Russians sending a message to Brave Newbies about their new home.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#103 - 2014-03-07 03:29:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Hasikan Miallok
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.

Moral of the story for CCP watch for people with trial accounts around Jita then ban their IP's.

Dynamic IP says hello. Let's say MR GANKEROUS THROWAWAYMAXIMUS gets an IP ban from good ole CCP for using throwaway alts. Now he just resets his router and gets a new IP. Now imagine me being a new player registering for the first time. The moment I download the game and patch it all up I suddenly receive a message saying my IP is banned. Let's say I'm computer illiterate and don't know how to change my IP. Suddenly CCP lost a potential customer because CCP banned an IP address.

Ban their PC's internal IP.

You can change that 3 times in 5 minutes if you want.

Regardless of any clever ways to prevent this, I do know people that do this on a regular basis all the time, its not a hypothetical "what if a ganker did this" scenario.

The same people make billions from clever scam/ganks like selling very pricey BPOs and modules at a very good price (pretty much no profit) on contract then watching with a suicide alt in a 'nado for the purchaser to undock and getting the goods back. So they do the "trial account" ganker thing to be funny basically.
Tanuki Kittybeta
Ripperoni in Pepperoni
#104 - 2014-03-07 07:12:02 UTC
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.

Moral of the story for CCP watch for people with trial accounts around Jita then ban their IP's.

Dynamic IP says hello. Let's say MR GANKEROUS THROWAWAYMAXIMUS gets an IP ban from good ole CCP for using throwaway alts. Now he just resets his router and gets a new IP. Now imagine me being a new player registering for the first time. The moment I download the game and patch it all up I suddenly receive a message saying my IP is banned. Let's say I'm computer illiterate and don't know how to change my IP. Suddenly CCP lost a potential customer because CCP banned an IP address.

Ban their PC's internal IP.

you mean their mac address?
Galaxy Pig
New Order Logistics
#105 - 2014-03-07 07:31:51 UTC
They lost their Michi's

Highsec is owned by players now. Systems 0.5-1.0 are New Order Territory. All miners and other residents of Highsec must obey The Code. Mining without a permit is dangerous and harmful to the EVE community. See

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2014-03-07 08:00:00 UTC
Tanuki Kittybeta wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:

Ban their PC's internal IP.

you mean their mac address?

That does not achieve anything useful either -->

No Taxes just fun
#107 - 2014-03-07 08:19:09 UTC
I Riven I wrote:

1- Why do you think CCP is getting DDOSed?

Somebody got mad at them and have control over some botnet?

Also criminal groups DDOS MMO servers and blackmail the gaming companies. You know like pirate corps that blackmail miners but in real live. If CCP catches them, they should definitely reduce their security status even send the CONCORD after them. Oh, wait that only works in the game.

F'n'F Inc
#108 - 2014-03-07 13:12:26 UTC
Zack Korth wrote:

why? their dad has thousands to throw away on vidya shinies

Just the fact that he'd want to worries me.
Erin Crawford
#109 - 2014-03-07 13:25:11 UTC
I Riven I wrote:
Reasons for DDOSing!

Lack of any kind of a social life.
And basement dwelling!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Tavin Aikisen
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#110 - 2014-03-07 14:05:39 UTC
I Riven I wrote:

3- What did CCP might have done wrong?

Nothing. You cannot pass blame from the criminal to the victim in this case.

"Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

-Cold Wind

Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#111 - 2014-03-08 05:53:52 UTC
Tavin Aikisen wrote:
I Riven I wrote:

3- What did CCP might have done wrong?

Nothing. You cannot pass blame from the criminal to the victim in this case.

Sure you can but the justice system will just ignore it.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2014-03-08 21:52:13 UTC
Mandarine wrote:

You mean, like using a video game out of context (that is, paying no heed to the ingame fictional narrative and having no interest im building it), and logging in with the express purpose of making random people mad IRL?

How is an immortal capsuleer losing their grip on reality, thinking it's all just a game because no-one really dies anymore not playing along with the fictional narrative?
Theodoric Darkwind
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2014-03-09 00:08:48 UTC
Script kiddies being script kiddies.