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Changes to Dictor Warp Bubble Agression Mechanics.

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#1 - 2011-11-28 21:17:15 UTC
As announced in the path notes, Interdictors now get agression when the bubble is launched.

BAD BAD BAD Idea !!!!

This change means that dictors will no longer be able to defend themselves properly by jumping out of the system after dropping a bubble. The already paper thin dictor just became a flying coffin. This change substantially nerfs the role of a dictor.

Please revert to the existing aggression mechanics which have been working perfectly well ever since the ship class was introduced.

WTB : An image in my signature

Azn Empire
#2 - 2011-11-28 22:39:55 UTC
So you don't really mean anything aggressive when you drop one?
You're just helping out the enemy by stopping their ship earlier or from burning out their warp engine when trying to leave. How thoughtful.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#3 - 2011-11-28 22:51:41 UTC
Lets leave the flame wars for GD.

This isn't an issue of whether dropping a bubble is an "aggressive" act. (and arguing about aggression will get both of us nowhere) Its an issue of changing the balance of this ship's role and abilities. I'm suggesting that this change weakens an already weak ship and that the change is excessively bad for the ship class. I also suspect that its a change that has been made because it "seems" to be correct, when it actually has quite significant a negative effect on all interdictors.

WTB : An image in my signature

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-28 23:04:54 UTC
I love flying dictors.

I support this change, on the condition that once I deploy a bubble, that any ships killed in that bubble I am on the killmail.

I know that they are if they try to warp, however since i'll likely be alpha'd whenever I put a bubble up, I want credit for at least getting the victim stuck there before I went down in a blaze of glory.

I don't know, but will dics get the same sig drop? I want to have *some* kind of survivablity... either that or I'll always bring a HIC instead.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Kor'el Izia
#5 - 2011-11-28 23:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kor'el Izia
The interdictor class isn't meant to just be able to warp around systems dropping bubbles left and right thereby limiting other peoples game imo, with this change if you drop a bubble you actually have to fight - And from OP's reasoning it sounds as if he somehow has gotten the idea that a dictor is a solo ship stuck in his head, it's meant to a gang assister, use your gang to defend yourself!

Edit: And I agree with Vincent Gaines that since bubbles are now an aggressive act it should count as such in the killmails - its not dealing any damage but if it weren't for it, there may not have been one killmail to start with...
Mirei Jun
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-11-29 00:44:54 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
I love flying dictors.

I support this change, on the condition that once I deploy a bubble, that any ships killed in that bubble I am on the killmail.

I know that they are if they try to warp, however since i'll likely be alpha'd whenever I put a bubble up, I want credit for at least getting the victim stuck there before I went down in a blaze of glory.

I don't know, but will dics get the same sig drop? I want to have *some* kind of survivablity... either that or I'll always bring a HIC instead.

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#7 - 2011-11-29 01:07:46 UTC
Ko'rel. I think we both agree that a dictor is never going to be a solo ship. You're completely correct that a dictor is always meant to be a gang assist ship. It is very probable that this "minor" tweak to aggression mechanics means its more likely to be a dead gang assist ship at which point its not much use any more.

Since the T2 interdictors are not getting any of the love that their T1 base ships are getting (destroyers are getting a significant boost in Crucible), and are not getting any benefit from this change either, this change to the Dictor seems rather heavy handed.

Assuming that you spend significant time in null sec, did you think that before this change was announced, dictors were unbalanced in Null Sec PvP ?

WTB : An image in my signature

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#8 - 2011-11-29 01:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kossaw
Double post

Maybe I should bug report that too Lol

WTB : An image in my signature

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-11-29 01:11:54 UTC
Kor'el Izia wrote:
The interdictor class isn't meant to just be able to warp around systems dropping bubbles left and right thereby limiting other peoples game imo, with this change if you drop a bubble you actually have to fight - And from OP's reasoning it sounds as if he somehow has gotten the idea that a dictor is a solo ship stuck in his head, it's meant to a gang assister, use your gang to defend yourself!

Edit: And I agree with Vincent Gaines that since bubbles are now an aggressive act it should count as such in the killmails - its not dealing any damage but if it weren't for it, there may not have been one killmail to start with...

A dictor can engage some ships solo, but not much. It's paper thin and by far not a solo ship

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

JC Anderson
#10 - 2011-11-29 01:13:52 UTC
Bye bye double bubble.
Tarunik Raqalth'Qui
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-11-29 21:03:48 UTC
JC Anderson wrote:
Bye bye double bubble.

This. This will prevent a solo light 'dictor from bubbling both sides of a gate. On othe other hand, this change actually makes sense in off-gate fights.
Azn Empire
#12 - 2011-11-29 22:15:12 UTC
Kossaw wrote:
This isn't an issue of whether dropping a bubble is an "aggressive" act..
Obviously it is, hence the change. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#13 - 2011-11-30 06:43:19 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Kossaw wrote:
This isn't an issue of whether dropping a bubble is an "aggressive" act..
Obviously it is, hence the change. Blink

CCP giveth, and CCP taketh away Blink

At least after 4.5 years of being the worst(tm) race in the game, T2 blasters might finally be worth training Cool I still think its a pretty harsh dictor nerf tho.

WTB : An image in my signature

Azn Empire
#14 - 2011-11-30 10:33:57 UTC
Kossaw wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Kossaw wrote:
This isn't an issue of whether dropping a bubble is an "aggressive" act..
Obviously it is, hence the change. Blink

CCP giveth, and CCP taketh away Blink

At least after 4.5 years of being the worst(tm) race in the game, T2 blasters might finally be worth training Cool I still think its a pretty harsh dictor nerf tho.
I'd recommend everyone training all races, as I have. That way you can simply use the right ship for the fight.
But blasters still suck and they haven't even come close to fixing them.

They are simply not worth using, over other race weaponry.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2011-11-30 13:38:02 UTC
Mag's wrote:
So you don't really mean anything aggressive when you drop one?
You're just helping out the enemy by stopping their ship earlier or from burning out their warp engine when trying to leave. How thoughtful.

Sometimes it's used for defense.

So no, it's not always used to be aggressive.

Someone else explained it far better than I could:
Major Trant wrote:
There is a lot of emotion running in this thread. My post is an attempt to assess the impacts logically.

First - I'd like to say that comparing interdiction spheres with Smart Bombs or ECM bursts is just stupid and is fudging the arguments in this thread. Sure they are AOE wpns, but they are instant use, bubbles stay up after deployment. Completely different mindset and tactics for using.

Secondly - I've lived in null sec just over a month now and in that time have been on 89 Killmails, 3 of them were dictors and this is probably a higher ratio than I've met them. It doesn't strike me that dictors had a get out of jail free card before this change. They are extremely easy to kill and what is more, if you take one down it is common to pod the pilot too, because he is caught in his own bubble. I know this that there is real difficulty finding pilots that are prepared to fly dictors, because they are very expensive, die easy and the kill boards don't recognise their efforts most times.

Third - HIC bubbles should be classed identically to dictor bubbles, this change if it is valid should have been applied to them too, it doesn't appear to have been, that is just wrong. I'm also confused as to whether this change has replaced the old mechanic or added to it. ie does the aggression counter still keep getting refreshed by ppl trying to warp out? As for Mobile Warp bubbles giving aggression, that is just silly and the fact that anybody can deploy them coupled with the deployment delay perfectly 'balances' them IMHO.

So can we keep this thread to the merits of the changes to interdictor bubbles please.

I am not an experienced dictor pilot but that 'was' about to change (brought 3 Sabres just last week). There are 3 distinct tactics that this change affects and I'd like to understand them or confirm my current understanding better.

1. Dropping a bubble and jumping through a gate while fleeing a chasing enemy fleet.

This tactics seems great at first glance, but I don't really see how it really is that useful. My understanding is that bubbles do not affect ships that have already entered warp at the time the bubble was posted. That means the enemy fleet has to be at least a full warp (system) away. What is the danger that you are tying to guard against? If you are in a pipe and really expect to be caught eventually, you can warp to a safe and cloak or log. I don't understand why so many pro dictor pilots are complaining about this loss.

2. Letting someone aggress the dictor on the undock. Dictor posts the bubble and docks, friendly fleet undocks and kill the aggressor, who can't dock and can't warp off.

I don't see why this is considered a problem. The aggressor has to be stupid to get caught like this and there are so many other way an idiot on the undock can be caught. A far more common and irritating tactic is the use of the alt in a Carrier repping someone without getting aggression. I don't understand why anti - dictor pilots are saying this is a major problem.

Frankly, and I'm not trying to be a troll here, but the two points above just seem to be more fudge that people are sprouting to strengthen their point of view.

3. So that leaves the double bubble tactic. For those that don't know what that means - There is a base 2 minute RoF timer on the launcher, reduced to 1 minute with Level V Interdictor skill. So the Interdictor pilot fits two launchers sits on one side of the gate, post bubble when an enemy lands on one side, then immediately jumps through and posts bubble on the other side. Thus it no longer matters which side the enemy aggesses on or tries to jump through to escape. This tactic is most effective when you have a small gang that is large enough to be split into two groups without the worry that you are too thin on the ground to prevent warps outs.

I can only believe that it is this final tactic that is the cause of this change and at first glance it seemed to me to be a justifiable one. However, thinking about it deeper I'm not so sure. First, fitting a double bubble set up is difficult, you don't just lose another high slot, but you gimp your CPU and have to use 2 Co-Processors in the lows assuming you fit a cloak as well. Really all you can do after that is drop bubbles, you have no DPS to speak of and only a very limited tank. Secondly, with a bubble on either side of the gate, you can't escape and your victims are going to try and take the dictor with them, because his tank is so paper thin.


TLDR - This is a poorly thought out knee jerk change to prevent the double bubble tactic. However, there are already sever penalties to employing a double bubble setup and given the expensive of the ship and it's limited survivability, there is already a problem finding pilots willing to fly dictors. If CCP don't want dictors in the game they should remove them, not gimp them to the point that nobody will fly them. Finding willing dictor pilots was already a problem.

If people want to argue over the merits of that, go ahead, but please stop wading in with bullshit to fudge the real issue.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Azn Empire
#16 - 2011-11-30 20:13:06 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Mag's wrote:
So you don't really mean anything aggressive when you drop one?

Sometimes it's used for defense.

So no, it's not always used to be aggressive.
Much like when you web a freighter, in order to get them into warp quicker. Try doing that to someone you don't know in Empire, who's in a different corp. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.