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Lisara Khatam for CSM9

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Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-02-19 15:43:55 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Dolan
Hi there capsuleers,

Some people have said that I shouldn't throw my hat into the ring for CSM. People have claimed it's because I'm unknown amongst the massive amount of players. Others have claimed that it's because I truly dont have experience with the game and the mechanics.

I have been playing EVE for 4 years now, and have seen everything from Burn Jita, the Incarna riots, to the recent B-R5RB battle. I don't claim to know everything... There's no way everyone can know everything about this wonderful universe. My claim of knowledge is that I'm a "Carebear with Teeth", or so it's called.

The platform I will stand on, however, will deal with not only the Player Experience, but also a focus on the DUST 514 - EVE link.

Player Experience platform: We can all claim that we were once "new" to EVE. "How do I move my ship?" "How do I shoot things?" "When is CCP going to implement this or that?" I'm extending my hand out as a representative to that kind of player. Many improvements have been made over the years to the NPE, and I applaud not only CCP but the community for their support in our newest pilots. It was literally only a year ago that Brave Newbies, Inc. was founded, and look it it now: the second-largest alliance in the game. But the focus I would be bringing would not only be improvements to the NPE, but also legacy ideas, like the old logon screen and such. I would like to see CCP be more open about experience cosmetics than the way have recently moved with Odyssey and Rubicon.

DUST 514 - EVE Link: DUST has been a strange new addition to the New Eden universe. It has been despised among capsuleers and has been called "dead" on numerous occasions. I want to put a stop to that. My secondary platform to stand on will be more focus on what EVE players can do for DUST and vice versa. Recently, during EVE Vegas 2013, CCP devs have revealed a new feature that will "enhance" the crossover between the two: Warbarges. I think that this is the right step in development between the two games, and should be expounded on exponentially. Other questilns would be brought up as well, including "Where is the player market?" and "When will we be able to transfer ISK to our DUST players?" I personally want to see DUST become noticeable and relevant to our fine pilots in New Eden, to give DUST players a chance to give back to the EVE community.

I know it's not much to stand on, but it's the legs that I have. For anyone who wants to contact me, either catch me on Twitter @isfacat, or just send an EVEmail. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.

Lisara Khatam.
Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#2 - 2014-02-19 16:24:14 UTC
Uh, who are you? What specifically do you do in game? What does your corp/alliance do? Are you in nullsec (you say you saw B-R, does that just mean you were there, or just that you were playing EVE last month?)?

Why should someone vote for you over someone like Ali Aras or Matias Otero, who both have a little more "new player cred"?

I assume you play DUST as well? Who is your DUST character? What is your DUST experience?

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-02-19 16:45:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Lisara Khatam
Two step wrote:
Uh, who are you? What specifically do you do in game? What does your corp/alliance do? Are you in nullsec (you say you saw B-R, does that just mean you were there, or just that you were playing EVE last month?)?

Why should someone vote for you over someone like Ali Aras or Matias Otero, who both have a little more "new player cred"?

I assume you play DUST as well? Who is your DUST character? What is your DUST experience?

All excellent questions. I'll try and go by them one by one.

As to the answer of who I am, I am a 31-year-old male who makes his living off of managing a major restaurant chain. With 7 years of management under my belt, I bring the ability to sugar-coat ideas to where they're tasteful. At night, I'm a network administrator and PC builder, freelance. Between my GF's daughter, 2 cats, and a love of FÅ«tbol, I lead a busy life with many hours spent in front of my monitor.

Specifically, I do mining, small manufacturing, PI, trolling pirates in Aunenen, missions, and generally flying around in EVE.

Dead Six Initiative is a corp for DUST players and EVE players, as we have a combination of both. We do mining ops, PVP roams, Planetary Conquest, and DUST FW.

I used to fly in null at the start of my EVE Career as a newbie miner. After some falling outs between the corp leaders, I had to make the run back to high sec.

I was in B-R local in a cloaked Interceptor, watching the fight. Glorious.

People should vote for me to give "the little guy" a chance. Whereas Ali Aras and Matias Otero have done a lot more in their time on EVE, I happen to enjoy EVE for the mind-games presented, for the experience of seeing the in-game politics happen. EVE should not be for just those who live, breathe, eat, sleep it, but for everyone to have some kind of "experience" in EVE. Whether it's a GF after a gank, or a carebear getting the balls to fit theirself with a combat ship and get it blown up to learn, everyone should experience it.

I play DUST as well, as a self-proclaimed Assault Logi. Isfa Khatam is the character on DUST. I have been playing since Mordu's Private Trials, and still have a lot to learn against current proto-stompers.

Hopefully that enlightened things.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-02-19 20:03:52 UTC
Lisara, you seem to have a nice way of saying things, and although I agree with Two step that others may have more credibility than yourself, I admire your initiative to run for CSM, even with the load of real life obligations and such. On that, I must ask a couple of questions:

If you have such an active real life, job commitments, etc; how can we trust you'll have time to facilitate the community? This job isn't for everyone, especially if done correctly and in keeping with campaign promises.

As a wormhole community member, what can you offer, if anything, to our community? On that note, please describe in a paragraph or two the definition of the wormhole community, issues with the community, your vision for our community, and solutions to better the wormhole community.


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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-02-19 20:04:10 UTC
Edit: Double posting for good luck

Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16

Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16 Proc 4 CSM16

Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-02-19 20:53:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lisara Khatam
Edit: Double post failure. Stupid mobile phone.
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-02-19 20:54:51 UTC
Chalmecatecuchtlz wrote:
Lisara, you seem to have a nice way of saying things, and although I agree with Two step that others may have more credibility than yourself, I admire your initiative to run for CSM, even with the load of real life obligations and such. On that, I must ask a couple of questions:

Thanks for the kind words. I know I'm taking a risk in trying, but if I never tried, I'd never know if I was the right one for the job.

Chalmecatecuchtlz wrote:
If you have such an active real life, job commitments, etc; how can we trust you'll have time to facilitate the community? This job isn't for everyone, especially if done correctly and in keeping with campaign promises.

With my experience in management in the restautrant business, there are a lot of things that need to be done on a daily basis: Cleaning kitchen equipment, balancing the financials, managing employees, customer service, and so on and so on. Time management is the key idea... I can't spend two hours on writing the schedule and then spend 5 hours on ordering product. The same would apply with other issues. Present the issue, then await communication from CCP. My downtimes are usually spent reading the EVE Forums or even the EVE Subreddit. If elected to CSM9, I would most certainly find time to read what players reactions are or what CCP is doing. It's all about finding that balance... that Zen if you will... that you can give time to everybody.

Chalmecatecuchtlz wrote:
As a wormhole community member, what can you offer, if anything, to our community? On that note, please describe in a paragraph or two the definition of the wormhole community, issues with the community, your vision for our community, and solutions to better the wormhole community.


I have experienced a few wormholes, both by accident and by purpose. The one thing I can call wormhole dwellers are dangerous. They live on the edge more than null sec or low sec. Between Sleepers and ever-changing exits, no local to delayed spawns in belts... A wormhole dweller has guts that I don't have.

I have never had an issue with the wormhole community; I understand they have things they have to protect. Most of them that I have run into have actually been pretty nice, certainly with a few recent threads on "Whoops! I got stuck in a wormhole and don't know how to get out!" on the forums.

I know nothing of fueling POSes or anything advanced they have to do to make themselves feel "safe"... Those discussions might be better left to a different candidate who knows these things. However, as a low sec roamer, there needs to be some changes to D-Scan, whether it be an automatic tick that scans for you, an indicator that shows the direction you're scanning in, or something else... These things would not only benefit low sec pirates or null sec roamers, but wormhole dwellers too.

As for changing the wormhole community? I honestly wouldn't change a thing at this point. The new mobile depots that were released in Rubicon fixed the need for constantly needing POS fuel to fit their ships. Besides, I like hearing stories of newbies scanning down an entrance, hopping in, going "OMG A GOLD NEBULA", and then getting swiftly ejected from the hole by podding because they forgot to bookmark the entrance.
Tyrant Scorn
#8 - 2014-02-26 06:20:06 UTC
Hello everyone,

You can find Lisara Khatam's interview which he had with me at the following link:

Mp3 Download Link:

Watch It On YouTube At:

Hope you guys enjoy the interview and I hope you get to know Lisara Khatam a bit better.

Greetz & thanks,

Tyrant Scorn
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-02-28 13:04:23 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
Hello everyone,

You can find Lisara Khatam's interview which he had with me at the following link:

Mp3 Download Link:

Watch It On YouTube At:

Hope you guys enjoy the interview and I hope you get to know Lisara Khatam a bit better.

Greetz & thanks,

Tyrant Scorn

As of this interview, the mentioned changes to the D-Scan tool have been changed. Hurrah! It's a good change, but something that still can be tweaked from what has changed.

My stance will be changing after the changes brought on by Rubicon 1.3. I will be reinforcing my ideas on New Player Experience, and continue with my stance on the DUST-EVE link.

Thanks to everyone who listened to the interview! I apologize for having a bad microphone day, but I hope my ideas came through clearer than just text.
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#10 - 2014-02-28 14:17:11 UTC
Lisara Khatam wrote:
My downtimes are usually spent reading the EVE Forums or even the EVE Subreddit. If elected to CSM9, I would most certainly find time to read what players reactions are or what CCP is doing. It's all about finding that balance... that Zen if you will... that you can give time to everybody.
From what can gather, CSM work is more than "read[ing] what players reactions are or what CCP is doing".
There are regular (weekly?) meetings with dev teams, there is "homework" devs ask you to do, there are the summits in Iceland etc. The CSM over time has shown its usefulness to the Devs but as a consequence the workload has increased a lot.
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-02-28 14:30:38 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
From what can gather, CSM work is more than "read[ing] what players reactions are or what CCP is doing".
There are regular (weekly?) meetings with dev teams, there is "homework" devs ask you to do, there are the summits in Iceland etc. The CSM over time has shown its usefulness to the Devs but as a consequence the workload has increased a lot.

That is an understood and valid point that it is more than just reading. Believe me, I am willing and ready to undergo the task of interacting with the community and developers on a regular basis. I have the time and ability to do this.

As for an expanded workload, believe me, I have full confidence that CCP will find a way to utilize my "free" time for communications. There have been times in which I have had done triple shifts, and still found time (at work, mind you) to play a couple hands on EOH Poker.

Time and workload are not major issues for me.
Azami Nevinyrall
#12 - 2014-02-28 17:17:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
I'd like to welcome you to the "Snowballs chance in hell of getting a CSM position!" Club.

A general question is, do you have any PVP experience?

If so, can you share it with us?

On Dust 514.

Where can it be implemented in Nullsec Sov?

What ideas/suggestions do you have to make the game more enjoyable?

Should CCP branch it out to other platforms? (Xbox/Vita/PC.....notice how I'm leaving out WiiU here!)


Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-02-28 20:11:04 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
I'd like to welcome you to the "Snowballs chance in hell of getting a CSM position!" Club.

A general question is, do you have any PVP experience?

If so, can you share it with us?

On Dust 514.

Where can it be implemented in Nullsec Sov?

What ideas/suggestions do you have to make the game more enjoyable?

Should CCP branch it out to other platforms? (Xbox/Vita/PC.....notice how I'm leaving out WiiU here!)

Thanks for the welcome! I'll wear my badge with honor!

I have PVP experience with small gang roams in lowsec. I've also gone through a few Wardecs and learned to watch my surroundings at all times during a war. Once whelped a fleet as an FC against a solo Proteus because of inexperience. I'm still learning, and I've got the ideas behind fitting down, just not the full implementation.

Right now, DUST is primarily used in Faction Warfare, and that's... Really about it. There is planetary conquest, but it really doesn't do anything EVE-side. If at all possible, I'd like to see Planetary Conquest possibly affect PI rates for corporations or alliances, maybe extra output for moon goo. But I want it to be reliant on DUST mercs providing the extra materials. PC requires a lot of teamwork and skill, and I want EVE players more involved with the DUST side.

Even though my campaign is all about really unifying the communities of DUST 514 and EVE, that doesn't mean I can't offer the fun. I want to bring new ideas for deployable structures, as those have seen to be pretty popular after the release of Rubicon. I also want to be involved with the development behind Player-Created Stargates and see what kind of new content it can bring to players.

I am highly disappointed in CCP's response for a "Laser-focus" on the PS3 for DUST. DUST players have already been promised a PS Vita app that allows more control over their DUST identities than currently, but it will never be released until CREST is completed. That's a different platform: WHERE is CREST? Once we see that finally released to the public, then we can start to talk other consoles or apps.

Right now, with the new generation consoles, its way too early in their life to determine if EVE/DUST/Valkyrie is valid for CCP to develop for them. Unless you're talking about a shoddy port of the Unreal 3 engine to PS4, that's a whole different argument altogether.
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#14 - 2014-03-03 09:34:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
What is your idea on mining? Should it be more engaging, maybe include a minigame?

What is your opinion on making missions, rats etc. more similar to PvP, in terms of opponent variation and situational versatility?

What do you think about the current state of exploration, the hacking minigame and loot spew?

Whats is your stance on PI and POCOs? Are they fine they way they are?

You mentioned new players.. rookie miners often assume "minerals I mine are free". Do you think this issue should be included in the NPE and if so, how would you explain the concept and its issues to a newbie?
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-03-10 15:23:24 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
What is your idea on mining? Should it be more engaging, maybe include a minigame?

What is your opinion on making missions, rats etc. more similar to PvP, in terms of opponent variation and situational versatility?

What do you think about the current state of exploration, the hacking minigame and loot spew?

Whats is your stance on PI and POCOs? Are they fine they way they are?

You mentioned new players.. rookie miners often assume "minerals I mine are free". Do you think this issue should be included in the NPE and if so, how would you explain the concept and its issues to a newbie?

I truly apologize for the lateness on the reply. It's not becoming a CSM Candidate, and... also, it's not an easy question.

Mining has changed a lot from when I first was a dedicated miner. We didn't have the Venture, there were no Ore Holds on the ORE Barges... It was a much harder time. With the last year of adjustments and Tiercide, it's become a lot more prevalent for choosing between Tank, Ore Hold, or Mining Fleet Hulk. But... there's something missing, I agree. It's not as inviting as it used to be. But introducing a new minigame is NOT the way to go. There have been a lot of negative reviews about the Hacking minigame, and that's one thing that needs to be changed.

If you remembered City of Heroes/Villains, one of the hailed features was the Mission Creator. It was a grand idea, allowing the players and developers to create content at a whim. EVE, if it had the same kind of feature, would cause problems with the economy based on what ships would spawn... Imagine: A private Incursion mission that you could just farm for ISK, just for you and your corpmates/alliance members. Unless a lot of balances occur with bounties dropped by rats, the content creation process for missions would be difficult to implement.

Not to say that Missions need something else... they DO! They need something that makes even a PvP setup viable. I'm open to suggestions, but there definitely needs to be a change to keep missions from getting boring. I, personally, am starting to get tired of farming SoE LP lately.

Loot spew is about to be removed with Rubicon 1.3. Let's see the players' reactions before I jump to any conclusions with that.

Planetary Interaction is a jumbled up mess of a click-a-thon. There's no clear instructions on how to set up anything. PI NEEDS a tutorial... POCOs on the other hand, have a new mechanic with Rubicon concerning the lore of "The Empires are losing their grasp". Although I have hardly any experience with them, I see no need for an immediate change.

With as many Ventures that CCP gives away with the Starter Agents, it's safe for new players to assume that "minerals I mine are free", but for any experienced miner, we know this isn't true. Newbies don't know about refining taxes, about refining skills, and so on and so on. I think including a mission where minerals that are mined need to be refined into Tritanium or such should be included to show the new players that all their hard-earned work is null and void unless you spend time running missions to bring your standings up. Talk about a slap in the face to new players and their expectations. It also might give people a chance to try out other aspects of EVE, including distribution, PvE, and PvP for the standings increase. It opens up a world of possibilities for new players to understand that EVE PvE content is more than just boring old mining.

Again, sorry about the delay in response.
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#16 - 2014-03-10 16:01:27 UTC
Lisara Khatam wrote:
I truly apologize for the lateness on the reply. It's not becoming a CSM Candidate, and... also, it's not an easy question.

Apology accepted! ;)
I think shooting questions, especially at a new, unknown candidate, is the only way to make him known, so I hope you appreciate them :)
If you haven't btw, take a look at Mike's blog entry on running for CSM. In fact, you might even want to chat him up. Keep in mind, that since the STV system the elections aren't purely competitive but also quite cooperative.

Lisara Khatam wrote:
But introducing a new minigame is NOT the way to go. There have been a lot of negative reviews about the Hacking minigame, and that's one thing that needs to be changed.

While I agree w.r.t. mining, I kind of like the hacking minigame. It makes exploration a bit more intense outside hisec, as you try to beat the game quickly while also keeping an eye on local/dscan.
Why do you think it needs to be changed?

Lisara Khatam wrote:
Not to say that Missions need something else... they DO! They need something that makes even a PvP setup viable. I'm open to suggestions, but there definitely needs to be a change to keep missions from getting boring. I, personally, am starting to get tired of farming SoE LP lately.

Let's assume you're on the CSM and CCP asked you to make a suggestion, what would you answer? Keep in mind that you are under NDA, so asking the community doesn't work. :p

Lisara Khatam wrote:
Planetary Interaction is a jumbled up mess of a click-a-thon. There's no clear instructions on how to set up anything. PI NEEDS a tutorial... POCOs on the other hand, have a new mechanic with Rubicon concerning the lore of "The Empires are losing their grasp". Although I have hardly any experience with them, I see no need for an immediate change.

Agreed w.r.t. the PI tutorial.. I was extremly glad there's 3rd party tutorials.
Are you doing PI yourself now? If so, as a custom office "customer", did the introduction of POCOs affect you, were you aware of conflicts surrounding these? You think they are good content providers or just a new income source for large alliances?
Lanctharus Onzo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-03-14 20:37:37 UTC
Hello Lisara Khatam,

I am one of the co-hosts of the Cap Stable Podcast.

We would like to invite you to be on the show to be part of our CSM9 coverage.

Prospective CSM candidate who are interested in setting up a 30 minute interview, please use any of the methods detailed below to contact us. Interviews will be posted unedited, save clearing up any technical difficulties and they will be granted on a first confirmed, first served basis. Each CSM candidate will be paired with one of our hosts for an one-on-one interview. We will make ourselves available as possible, but we would prefer to record evenings US time, about 2:00-5:00 EVE time most days.

Email: podcast [at]

Please remember to provide us with a contact e-mail and your Skype ID.

We hope to hear from you soon and thank you for participating in the Council of Stellar Management elections.


Lanctharus Onzo
Co-host & Writer, The Cap Stable Podcast

Executive Editor, CSM Watch || Writer, Co-host of the Cap Stable Podcast || Twitter: @Lanctharus

Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-03-18 12:31:53 UTC
To all players of EVE,

I thank you all for asking me questions about my experiences and ideas for our wonderful game. You have given me insight into how other players think a representative should respond and the timeliness of the response. You have shown me that everyone who does read this forum really does their research on each and every candidate, and I was happy to be under the microscope for a brief time.

However, during my own research into the qualifications of becoming a member of the CSM, I noticed one glaring flaw in my campaign. I have discovered that my Passport has expired. In light of this information, by the time I would get my Passport renewed, the election process would be over. Rather than risk CCP stating my disqualification, I will go ahead and make this statement.

I am humbly withdrawing from the race for the Council of Stellar Management.

Thank you to everyone who spent time on me to get to know me and my ideals. I will take this experience into the next year of EVE Online and apply it to next year's campaign. It's been a ride.

-Lisara Khatam

(Mods, please lock and/or remove the thread please)
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#19 - 2014-03-18 12:36:13 UTC
Lisara Khatam wrote:
To all players of EVE,

I thank you all for asking me questions about my experiences and ideas for our wonderful game. You have given me insight into how other players think a representative should respond and the timeliness of the response. You have shown me that everyone who does read this forum really does their research on each and every candidate, and I was happy to be under the microscope for a brief time.

However, during my own research into the qualifications of becoming a member of the CSM, I noticed one glaring flaw in my campaign. I have discovered that my Passport has expired. In light of this information, by the time I would get my Passport renewed, the election process would be over. Rather than risk CCP stating my disqualification, I will go ahead and make this statement.

I am humbly withdrawing from the race for the Council of Stellar Management.

Thank you to everyone who spent time on me to get to know me and my ideals. I will take this experience into the next year of EVE Online and apply it to next year's campaign. It's been a ride.

-Lisara Khatam

(Mods, please lock and/or remove the thread please)


See you next year Smile

As a tip, once this campaign season is over, start your campaign. You want people to know your name. To know your opinions.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Tyrant Scorn
#20 - 2014-03-18 14:56:13 UTC
Hey Lisara,

Sad to see you had to pull out but I hope to see you next year.
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